Indian Cuisine Masterclass | MasterChef New Zealand | MasterChef World

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i don't know if you've seen one of these before you probably have but every indian household has one of these it's called a masala box this is what you need to cook indian food and these these different things will vary i've got chili's which is merch in hindi jeera which is cumin seed haldi which is turmeric rai which is mustard seed which is where you get the word from and dalchini which is cinnamon elechi which is cardamom and paprika which i can't remember the name for but it's pretty good score so i'm going to use a little bit of the turmeric on the chicken before i start now turmeric's antibacterial it's really good for your digestion and it also tastes good it has a sort of earthy flavor that if you use too much of it's really nasty so you don't want to use too much and all i'm going to do is just turn this over until it's all sort of coated in turmeric it's also really good for staining your clothes you notice i'm using tongs otherwise you look like an incredibly heavy smoker you know which is not a good look these days okay so that's all mixed up ready to go and how you going stewie yeah look at that beautiful drain it we're going to cook this rice by the absorption method which is exactly the same way the rice cooker works and now i'm going to put enough water to cover this so that if i'm touching the surface of the rice it's about two centimeters now traditionally it goes up to that first crease which yeah you measure that you can do it it'll work for any amount of rice just about any size pot and it works on anyone's finger so this is how you cook the rice you wash the rice till the water runs clear you soak it you drain it you put it in a pot you add more water about two centimeters you put it onto a high heat and bring it to the boil that's used to it then we're going to put the lid on it we're going to put it on the smallest element and turn the heat down to the lowest you can we're going to time it for 20 minutes and we're not going to uncover it during that 20 minutes for any reason if you do you've got a big knife you cut the hand off okay yeah because if you do you're going to let the steam out and it's not going to cook because it needs all that water to be absorbed by that rice for it to cook the good thing about it is after it's cooked for 20 minutes you just turn off the heat leave it for five minutes everything lifts off the bottom nothing gets stuck to the bottom and it'll stay hot for about 40 minutes you're going to keep your eye on that absolutely and at the same time you're going to peel those potatoes that works all right see multitasking he's a good chef already yeah cameron are you supposed to season the water before you um yeah really good thing when that comes to the boil i'm going to put a big pinch of salt in it how's those potatoes going yeah coming along in the meantime i'm going to get going on this curry first thing i want to do is peel some ginger with a teaspoon all right i want a five centimeter piece of ginger so okay you know how you end up cutting all those bits of ginger off and you wondered why you wasted your money yeah throwing all that you know expensive ginger away we'll do it with a teaspoon you'll get into every little nook and cranny and you won't waste any much makes your life a lot easier and see how quick it is so there's a tip we're good all right so on the lid goes all right give it a shake put the lid on put it on there time it for 20 minutes we're in business and you've done the potatoes excellent because you're gonna get this mortar and pestle going because i've got five cloves of garlic but they can go in there because what i want to do is make a paste of the ginger and garlic just chop that up just very roughly and that's going to go in there so now you're going to give that a good smacking up but remember this is really heavy so you don't have to do anything it does it all for you you don't have to you know go see what's happening that's why those tiny little thai women can whack out a curry paste in no time at all see does it all for you maybe not quite so dainty but you know yeah although you know over to you i'm just showing it effortlessly it's effortless it is it's completely effortless yeah we're gonna toast some cumin seeds to go into the curry so about one and a half tablespoons of cumin seeds now you're going to toast those until they just start to change color and then you're going to tip them straight onto there so they don't burn all right i suppose i should do something next yeah hey by the way what's curry anybody know is it a leaf that's ground down a little it's ground down yeah no i think that's a little wild rumor that's going around that nadia might have been spreading you know no curry kari k-a-r-i it's a tamil word that means sauce it sort of means nothing and curry powder is an english thing and curry powder is a weird thing it's like taking a group of french herbs making it into a powder and calling it french powder so that you know if you want to cook french you just take a spoonful of this a lot of people think that if you want to cook indian you get a teaspoon of curry powder and whoa it's indian it's just not like that curries can be all sorts of things sometimes they'll have very few spices maybe one or two sometimes they'll have ten you know um right that'll do throw them on there we're gonna cook it in here start off with some oil using a vegetable oil because there's not a lot of olive trees in india stir you're going to throw that onion in there and you're going to throw those cumin seeds in there and you're going to scrape all of that stuff into there as well and we're going to fry that and this is going to be like the base for the curry it's going to that's what's going to give it some good flavor one thing we do want is some ground chillies anyone have to go to hospital if they put quite a lot in you're like you like a bit of heat real hot yeah all right what i want to do is i want a sweet spice in there as well so i'm going to put cinnamon stick broken in half that's going to go in there as well i don't want to add a whole lot of cinnamon powder to that or i just want to perfume that dish but we're going to cook these until the onions start to turn brown because it's going to give the the curry a good flavor and it's also going to give it a good look it's going to darken it a wee bit under five minutes for the rice to go which is extremely good news right and do we think yeah looking brown enough so we throw these in here right we need some potatoes let's get these hacked up these just need to go into three centimeter pieces which is sort of bite-sized cut that in half all right that's going in there now i've noticed that chicken soaked up all those all the spices as well you saw that why that because it has that powder on the outside yeah if you threw that turmeric into that onion you'd make it so dry it would start to burn before you you know put the chicken in we want one and a half cups of water and i've got a can of whole peeled tomatoes here give that a really good stir up the only other thing that's going to go in there is some fresh coriander at the last minute pop the lid on bring it to the boil we're going to boil it gently with the lid on for about 15 minutes till the potatoes are tender then we'll taste it season it and it'll be ready and here we've got 250mls of plain unsweetened yogurt would you like to peel that and a cucumber and this raita it's the cooling creamy rich thing that goes with the spicy thing and the blanton okay thanks stu right what we need to do is get rid of the seeds so grab a teaspoon drag it down there and there yep all right nice she takes direction really well he's going to be a chef good you know yeah you've messed up one thing you listen to exactly what i've said you know you're fast you're clean it's good going i'm picking up what you're putting down right good good good good i'm catching what you're throwing it's working okay okay calm down light touch light touch that's the story right before that stuff out it's basically water this is the business end of the cucumber that's what we want what you're going to do next because the water thing isn't over yet you're going to get this and you're going to grate it okay whoops try not to grate your knuckles yeah it can get a bit painful go like that pick it all up in your hand like this go over to the sink or somewhere and squeeze all that stuff out because you don't want it it's water all right there's still lots of flavor back here you're not going to hurt it by doing that you're doing it with scrupulously clean hands so there's just no problem and you're going to throw it into there and nadia why do i do that because water doesn't have any flavor yeah and if i put it into there what am i going to end up with nadia i'm going to end up with watery flavorless yogurt right right you're going to slice those up these are the matte leaves just slice them up really finely right stew stir this up and we're going to do some tasting for some seasoning yeah you're going to put some salt in this is what it needs i'm going to add one more thing to it which is some mustard seeds and you're going to fry them in a teaspoon of oil let's put a teaspoon of those in there you've got to actually sort of get moving once it happens because they'll pop and go all over the place so that's really quick yeah it's not happening yet but it is going to happen here we go now give it a shake give it a shot yeah got a good shake up see what's happening it's not popcorn yeah it's about that popcorn yeah yeah and they they jump around a bit in about 10 seconds you're going to go wang in there gotcha he's timing he's on to it yeah okay and it goes go on gotta stir it up all right let's taste it can you smell that the mustard seeds yeah beautiful nutty almost like sort of roasted peanuts almost so it's nothing right no it's got nothing going on needs some put some salt in there the magic ingredient you bit mean with the salt you know you can always add salt into things but it's really hard to take them out so i just want to go slowly with it taste adjust that's why that's the key thing you gotta remember with these things it it's yours now what we've got is we've got the character out of my kitchen all right so let's have a taste all right hmm now you're talking ah that's good i think you've made raita well done thank you very good pleasure i reckon it's time to look at the rice see how hot it is still still nice and hot beautiful lovely no moisture all that moisture's gone in through us and look at how long those yeah they've expanded lengthway so you've got these incredibly long this is where you need to be really careful of it because if you start just taking to it you're gonna mash it so don't be really nice to it and just just fluff it up with a show it's a love you know and see how it's completely lifted off the bottom i think this is actually the fact that it hasn't stuck is to do the brilliance of the two chefs working today i tend to growth you there you agree with me absolutely excellent excellent whip the lid off that almost there but not quite so you need to have taste so it needs yeah off you go you know what you're doing i hope okay buddy what do you think it's thickened up nicely yeah it has you're happy now singing the only other thing that's been sitting here very very patiently is coriander just put it all in stir it up big white platter here food always looks great on white yeah just just start sort of go for the chicken and put the chicken down the middle and then the rest can go over the top see the color that's the curry oh let's get this rice out onto a thing as well basmati rice raita with cucumber and mint and a rather vivid colored potato tomato and chicken curry thank you very much cheers very good [Applause] you
Channel: MasterChef World
Views: 4,404,949
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: masterchef, #masterchef, master chef world, best dishes on masterchef, master chef, how to cook, cooking show, cooking competition, masterchef world, masterchef best dishes, best masterchef dishes, masterchef new zealand, masterchef new zealand season 2, masterchef new zealand season 2 episode 14, masterchef new zealand masterclass, indian cuisine, indian cuisine masterchef, Masterclass, spices, Masala Box, curry, How To Cook basmati rice, Chicken Curry with Tomato and Potato
Id: I_MWvhjufKA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 45sec (765 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 10 2021
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