Pro Chef Reacts.. To How A REAL Chicken Biryani is MADE!

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well since we've seen any videos from your food lab and today we're going to be seeing how YFL makes his chicken biryani if you guys are new welcome to the channel my name is James makinson I've been cooking for many many years in the United States and over here in Europe and I love Indian cuisine as well if you haven't seen any of our other reviews of either Chef Ranveer or your food lab then be sure to check those videos out after seeing this one and if you do happen to enjoy this one then don't forget to give it a like maybe you share some more people can see it as well and don't forget to subscribe because it means a lot to me now let's get started um he's using another Japanese knife today in the last video that we saw with him he was using a different style Japanese knife and I have a few myself I like him a lot as well but when you're buying or searching for a Japanese style knife there are a lot of different styles but a lot they're very specialized and there are also a lot of different makers some that are a little more expensive than others and while one of these days I'll have to make a knife video one on say European knives and maybe one on Japanese knives as well so when I was working in France we used to have a lot of apprentices but like a lot and a few of those apprentices were from a few different countries in Asia a few from Japan a few from the Philippines and a few other countries and one day I remember this one Apprentice was asked to cut some onions julienne he had like kilos like kilos of them to cut and he was cutting them like this across the grain for one of the other Chef De Partie came up to them and said no no no all France we do not cut around your julienne like this we do not cut across the grain we cut them lengthways the opposite of what we're doing here if any of you have ever worked in different types of Cuisine especially they say French cuisine or Spanish cuisine or a few others that are quite different from each other you'll notice that there are many different sets of rules that they go by that in one Cuisine they do it this way and then another they do it the opposite way kind of like here with the onions julienne it's just one of those little things that you notice and it's interesting also one quick tip is that if you're cutting these by hand this is fine but if you have a mandolin at home you'll get more consistent sized pieces and if all the pieces are the same size theoretically they should cook at the same time now there are a few different ways I'm making some crispy onions this way is perfectly fine but there's another method that also works so instead of adding the onions to the oil as it's already hot which is fine to do you can add the onions to the oil when it's cold and then slowly bring that up to Temp onions contain a lot of water as I said and it's easier to get better consistency with the fried onions if you bring up the temperature slowly but regardless of which method you use at the very end when you start to notice that the onions are starting to turn like golden brown there's a very very short window that you have to be very quick and you have to pay attention because if not they can go from being perfectly golden brown to burnt in literally a few seconds even if you get them a little close to this as good but if you can get them like this it's perfect and when you remove the onions from the oil it is very but I mean like very important that you separate them as quickly as possible to allow them to dry if you leave a clump of onions and you don't separate them as they dry they won't crisp up so after a few minutes instead of having some nice crispy onions they'll be a little soggy and you can fix that by putting them back into the oven on low heat and separating them on another tray and then allow the residual moisture to evaporate but one thing I would recommend is to have a tray with paper already ready before you add the onions to the fryer that way you're not running around and everything's organized and set that way you're not running around like basically a headless chicken in the kitchen this is one of those recipes where it does take like a lot of ingredients if I were to make this recipe right now I would have to make a special order because even though that I do have a lot of spices in my house a lot of dry spices I still don't have every single spice that he's using you can if you want pound all these ingredients into powder using a pastel and mortar it's a very laborious method on doing it but if you do have a little mixer at home with our momix or a little spice Grinder like this or even a coffee grinder won't work it saves a lot of time hmm now if you do want a very fine powder and you don't want all these little bits that are not ground then a good method is to take another bowl or a container take a sieve and while just pass the powder through that and you'll collect all the little particles that didn't grind and if you want you can put them back in grind them up and mix everything together for everybody that needs to buy spices to make this recipe or a few other recipes I would recommend buying those spices in Bolt because if you're going to be making a lot of these spice mixes and a lot of Indian Cuisine it would be good to buy in bulk that way you can make a lot it's also cheaper also one thing to remember when cooking at home or at least when cooking at work or anything professionally it is a good idea to remove the Rings so you don't have any cross-contamination or any little issues if you don't care that's fine but it's just one less thing to clean if you remember to take it off before you mix everything okay now if you can't get curd you could substitute with yogurt but if there are any Indian chefs watching then please explain down below what curd is in India because sometimes what we have over here in Europe obviously the ingredients are not quite the same of the explanations are not the same as they are in the actual country of origin I think just about every video that we've reviewed of your food lab he has infused smoke in all of the dishes now the reason for this is to add more Aroma to it more flavor if you don't have the little bell like what he has here you can use a bigger pot to put the charcoal in a little bit of ghee or oil and then to use the lid to cover it but it would be a good idea to maybe do this in a well ventilated area so your house doesn't smell like smoke as he's saying it is important to have a thick bottom part and the reason why is because if you have a thicker bottom part the heat will be more evenly distributed if you're using a thin bottom pot especially with gas what can happen is that the heat will transfer too quickly to one spot and it can burn your food the other benefit is that a thicker bottom pot will actually retain a lot of the heat after you take it off direct heat so if you don't have a copper bowl like this you can also use a dutch oven that's another option now this is interesting we have seen several different recipes of Biryani from a few different chefs and if you haven't seen any of those video guys then you need to go see those videos after watching this one I'll leave the links in the description down below for you guys to check those videos out but in Joshua's video he did a good job but what he did is he added the chicken raw to the Dutch oven first and then added the rice on top of that if there are any India just watching then let me know if Joshua's method on adding the raw chicken with the rice cooked rice is accepted or if your food lab about cooking the chicken first is a more common or then again depending on what region because India is a very big country very big and even with smaller countries like Italy the cuisine is vastly different from north to south mm-hmm lots of spices can help speed up the cooking process and it can also help to get rid of the excessive amount of starch but in some dishes and I know I've mentioned this before but if I this is the first time you're seeing it then I'll mention it again in dishes such as paella and risotto that starch is actually needed to make the dish creamier especially in risotto so we don't boil the rice before we actually cook the rice as we're making the dish we add a little bit of stock at a time and we make it now rice is one of the most consumed I believe items in the entire world I think Pizza is the favorite but rice is the most consumed and even in Europe rice is quite popular which is a very old book this is actually a book from my father but a bouquet garni is parsley thyme bay leaf and celery now bouquet itself is a word that we use in English to mean like a bouquet of flowers and gani is garnish and in English we have a lot but I mean like a lot of words that have French origin Cuisine I would highly recommend for any up-and-coming chef or if you just want to know a little more of the basics of the French kitchen so I'll leave a little link down below if you want to check it out the one bad thing about reviewing videos is that you can't smell anything when you review the videos and I would really like to smell these spices right now like now again by putting a pot on this one it helps to distribute more of that heat even if you do this and if you cook for a long enough time you can start to burn some of the ingredients the more videos I see of your food lab the more I like your style of cooking and I think this is going to be delicious I do have to admit though his videography is outstanding the amount of cameras that he uses and the lighting is perfect and this looks delicious thank you out of all the chicken biryani videos that we've seen besides stuff for envies I think this is one of the best although Chef Ranveer's version is very good yeah it is simpler it is easier to make at home so guys be sure to check out our other review videos that we have done of Joshua's version of this Chef for Ranveer's as well as Epicurious that one was actually a little difficult to watch but funny so guys if you have any recommendations on reviews let me know down below and if you have any questions or comments don't forget to like share and don't forget to subscribe because the more we grow the more recipes not only can we review but we can also start making and trying for ourselves so until next time take care
Channel: Chef James Makinson
Views: 990,184
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Chef James, your food lab chicken biryani, your food lab recipes, how to make chicken biryani at home, how to make chicken biryani in cooker, biryani, biryani recipe, briyani, biriyani, pro chef reacts to your food lab, pro chef reacts, chef james reacts, chef james makinson uncle roger, cooking video, indian, indian food reaction, indian fried rice, indian biryani, indian food, indian food recipes, indian food cooking, Indian food reaction by foreigners, Chef Sanjyot Keer
Id: e9AZjM0K3CU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 52sec (1492 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 09 2023
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