India’s elite K9 squad | How the CRPF trains its combat dogs

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our dogs are not trained like show dogs our dogs are combat dogs he listens and he obeys only the master's voice and nobody else [Music] this is Rado he is a one-year-old Belgian Malinois Rado and his Handler are training in the crpf's dog breeding and training school in Bengaluru the 40 week long training pushes both Rado and his Handler hitesh to their limits Rado is on his way to becoming a highly skilled combat dog [Music] if not consulted only on the Pedigree or just about the breed we should concentrate more on the temperament or press inner qualities that is drives that's the most important thing temperament of the dog matters a lot when it comes to training and performance in the field so we should consider that thing in the first step only according to his trainers Rado is already showing the traits of a good combat dog once given the command to attack he can charge at the target at a speed of 48 kilometers an hour not just that this Belgian Malinois can jump past obstacles that are even six feet tall ER can clear a distance of 15 feet in a single leap once he comes close to the Target Rado can strike with a whopping bite force of 250 psi BSI is a measurement that is used to calculate pressure that is made in pounds per square inch this bite can break the strongest bone in the human body like the femur once Rado and hitesh successfully complete their training they will be part of the crpf's elite K9 unit [Music] there are about 900 working dogs under the crpf that are serving in multiple roles in different parts of India the school came into existence when the CRP was hard pressed for the challenges that are coming from left-wing extremist area so we have started this school in 2011 and from there we trained about 1000 dogs and which have done a tremendous marvelous work in left-wing extremist area we do dog breeding then the puppy Foundation then training the adult dogs and also taking care of the geriatric dogs which are retired from service [Music] the crpf selected Bengaluru due to its pleasant weather which suits the dogs the presence of world-class private dog breeders is an added advantage the 200 acre training facility can accommodate more than 200 dogs in different Kennels the dogs are trained for at least three hours in the morning and three in the evening [Music] they are served multi-nutrient food twice a day Sunday is a rest day for the canines leave is rare for these four-legged soldiers who are always on standby for action as you all know this erpf has got the multitasking force in Jammu Kashmir in naxal affected areas or the Northeast when it comes to Lion order or in election Disaster Response everywhere it is the crpf which has been tasked with the interim security or fighting muscles and terrorists [Music] thank you so everywhere along with our two leg soldiers we need these four leg soldiers to in fact in two sense to lead us affected areas it is the dog which leaves the troops without dogs we lack some confidence that is the greatest thing that the reliability we have on dogs foreign [Music] but before transforming into an elite canine Squad they all start here [Music] this is the dog breeding wing of the school here Belgian Malinois and Dutch Shepherd dogs are bred The Sire and the Dame are carefully selected [Music] oh my God the phenotypic traits and trainability traits are monitored thoroughly the basic foundation training for the puppies starts once they are 45 days old this is the time when the pubs are introduced to their handlers for the first time one of the very specialized aspects of dbda crpf is that is something called the puppy foundation training what we do is that when the pups turn about 45 days we take them out for socialization we take them out in the town we take them out to the Jungle area the pups get to know what does the jungle look like what does a inhabited area look like so that slowly they get socialized with the surroundings so before we put them on actual organized institutional training we try to get them familiarized with all the surroundings okay [Music] [Music] [Music] in the course of the next 40 weeks the trainers in the school use various techniques that help both the Dog and Its Handler to become combat ready the dogs are trained to be multitaskers [Music] good boy easy boy [Music] this five-month-old Belgian Malinois is being trained to sniff out explosives from this row of bags [Music] and here this adolescent Dutch Shepherd is being trained on the finer points of engaging with an armed enemy [Music] he will only disengage and hearing the command from his Handler oh in the last one decade these dogs have been instrumental in recovering more than 5500 kgs of explosives even a half kilo of explosive can kill 10 15 people and then you can imagine what could have been a disaster if this explosive or got exploded so all the credit goes to these dogs because they saved the so there's so many precious lives of our Jawan and future of their families the bond between the Handler and the dog is the stuff of Legends and it all starts here at the training school we ensure that our dogs are not trained like show dogs mostly if you go to uh you know dog shows you will find that the dogs come the dogs come they salute they offer a bouquet to the chief guest and all we just do not follow that our dogs are combat dogs we do not produce show dogs at all for example look at my predicament I am the chief training officer at this institution and I do not have the luxury of petting the dogs because right from day one we train the dogs to be loyal to only their handlers they just don't get friendly with any of the strangers because once you give that leeway then the the bonding between the Handler gets diluted foreign the process of burning stars when they come here when the puppy is 45 days old only then it ends till the dog is retired or even its last breath so your entire age the Handler accomplish the dog [Music] once commissioned these dogs serve for 10 to 13 years each dog has two handlers so that in the event of a Handler's retirement the dog can bond with the second Handler the Indian armed forces are among the largest and the strongest in the world but when it comes to the active canine units the country is still far behind other superpowers in India the dogs were in early days they were not being used for police duties so therefore we we are far far behind the global standards hence there is a lot of research and development to do in this field so as to get the best out of the Contemporary techniques wherein the dogs can be used there is also a need to collaborate with International bodies international schools or universities friendly foreign countries where we can share ideas and to learn from the best practices of each other because we are all doing Innovations in dog training in canine training in isolation so there is a need to our capabilities to other sister agencies learn from them so that we can take this forward to a much higher level so that we can at least come up with the global standards in as far as you know use of canines in security is concerned [Music] the school recently conducted a two-day K-9 seminar with the theme petrol K9 Vigilant combat the seminar was attended by over 100 domain experts and eminent speakers from various Central armed police forces State Police Armed Forces law enforcement agencies and Veterinary Specialists of the country foreign dogs are the oldest companions the this friendship or companionship dates back to maybe forty thousand fifty thousand years back and that companionship still rocks [Music] dogs can never be replaced by the technology in spite of the you know tremendous technological advancements that the security forces have undertaken worldwide the dogs certain capabilities that the machines cannot replace because sniffing out the sense of smell the sense of hearing you know it's all it's all innate in a dog in a canine and here that's what we train the dogs bring out [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Deccan Herald
Views: 3,044,167
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Deccan Herald, Prajavani, dog training, k9 squad, dog squad, military dogs, attack dogs, dog as weapon, Belgian Malinois, Dutch shepherd, Which dog is best for home protection, best dog for family, best dog for apartments, combat dog, military traing, CRPF selection, CRPF jobs, CRPF entrance test, CRPF physical test, Indian army, Indian para commandos, Indian border, Naxal
Id: AIVvdQfDsyE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 49sec (829 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 19 2023
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