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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/AutoModerator 📅︎︎ Jul 14 2020 🗫︎ replies
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hello and welcome to animal watch and this week we're meeting the canine Super Soldier the Belgian Malinois have you ever wondered that if there was a super soldier of all dogs who it would be the Ultimate Warrior light agile muscular super fast with ninja-like abilities and a bite which it loves to use from the moment it can walk from appearing to defy gravity by running up vertical walls to abseiling and jumping out of helicopters to running down criminals with such power and force that you would not believe considering they're often light frame that it was possible forget the Navy SEALs the Marine Corps we have a dog here who could claim the title for being the toughest most athletic a most fearless and driven dog in the world meet the Belgian Malinois the ultimate super soldier the Belgian Malinois was developed in the belgian city of Moline and was originally bred for herding however over the last century the Malinois has expanded his resume far beyond herding and has proven himself to be extremely versatile Malinois are incredibly important members of the US military most of the dogs that now work with the elite Navy SEALs are Malinois including Cairo the brave canine that helped SEAL Team six take down a summit bin Laden in 2011 seal dogs like Cairo are given their own special body armor and get their own protective eye goggles and ear muffs one of the reasons Belgian Malinois are favored over German Shepherd dogs for many military operations is that Malinois are lighter than German Shepherds so it's easy for military parachutist to do tandem jumps with their dogs strapped to them Malinois can even be trained to jump on their own which is safer for the dogs when they land in water these dogs look like they fear nothing and nobody with a d-plus to hang on and bite from the moment they open their eyes as puppies these lightweight ninjas amaze people worldwide with their athletic abilities from running up vertical surfaces to air dropping from planes but what about pets do these unbelievable athletes make for good pets or are they simply overactive working dogs today I am meeting James wasn't Croft of Woolston kennels he is one of the UK's top Malinois dog trainers and suppliers for law enforcement agencies worldwide his dogs have become top anti-poaching dogs in Africa as well as being used by the police and special forces in GP search and detection specialists tracking tactical deployments and firearms he has promised to show me some of the amazing skills the working Malinois possess and I'm to get in on the action I can't wait hey Chanukah Sameach hi good thanks for coming over today we want to show you some of our our dogs some of our protection dogs that we've got here and in training this is Luna here Lunas a one of our Dutch Malinois we've got this is real real good girl real ly is also three years old and a purebred Belgian Malinois and this is nikkah this is our senior senior dog to keep them all in check so yeah I mean we've got quite something installed for you today what we're going to do is take you down to our vertical access training facility it's only down the road and what we want to do is get you in a harness and we'll show you some exciting stuff for being like one of the most athletic dogs on the planet how better to see their skills and to get in at the deep end absolutely we're excited to have young will that's well I'm sure they'll show you what we've got we arrived at the wall and started to kit up for the day's adventures Rio was fitted with a special plated harness to both protect her and keep her comfortable during an AB cell descent she then had the classic protective goggles which stop dust harsh UV lights and any type of brush sticks or objects from scratching her eyes during her work put on her face she has been trained to be used to how these goggles feel James mentioned that often earmuffs are used to protect the dog's ears from gunfire explosions so what what are you about to show us now with the wall that we've got here well what we're going to do is going to demonstrate a nice simple vertical descent for you we're going to come from the from the top of our our wall and what we're going to do is we're going to do bait entrancing at height for you and we're going to try and do an extraction as well so you'll see us entering yeah yeah I'm very excited to watch this scenario so yeah should we go and get the dogs ready and yeah do it that's good yep first up we were to be shown how dogs are used in a raid on a terrorist cell in a tower block we watched the guys disappear up the wall with the Malinois strapped over their bodies like lightweight bags you can see why the weight and frame of the Malinois is so important in military operations the boys abseiled quickly down the wall ready with their smoke grenades the dogs were extremely keen to get going and without any fear entered the building and apprehended the target [Music] look but slow [Music] we set up GoPros on both the wall and inside the building in order to catch the full operation now these boys made it all look super easy so action Annika was on standby to have a go with some of the abseiling and a sleeve bite through the window of the building I'm not too keen on Heights so having a Malinois strapped on between my legs was the least of my problems but I got there eventually and we guided the dog down to take that vital sleeve grab through the window [Applause] [Music] now to finish up we were shown some spectacular takedowns by our impressive team first we saw an app sail release and takedown we also got to see two dogs take down two separate targets [Music] so this is an a what we call a IPO sleeve nice thick hard sleeve here I was strong sleeve for the dog to get the full grip round and you can see there I was full grip look won't gripping that dog's mouth it just give me a finger through there look good girl what we want is a nice presentation from there in the decoy middle of the sleeve just like that would be somebody's forearm good girl and we want the dog know some confidence crunching down good girl and then as the handler then just comes down and calms the dog moves around the the but the bad guy our helper so when were training dogs if we call the bad guy the criminal in service work or they can be called the decoy in sports on the sports field or the helper work so it's important that the dogs the handler can come away from the dog step back in go girls we always give a nice and praise good girl oh God any sort of sounds that the dog my sort of here went when they're engaged during a bite with a criminal so give a bit of a shout Olivia she's just holding on they're just driving in good girl girl then they demonstrated a double dog takedown on one person [Music] [Music] then we got to see an apprehension of a kidnapper while he was still holding his victim [Music] [Applause] [Music] old dame get on the floor now one thing was clear was these dogs love to work they were high-energy courageous clearly keen on bite work and extremely athletic so of course we needed to find out if a working line Malinois would make a suitable house companion or was the advice to avoid and go for a show line Malinois instead quite randomly I had bumped into a show Malinois female the night before filming and she had proven to be a very different character far more delicate and easier to handle it's my guess that a lot of people are not aware that there are two different lines of Malinois so I was keen to speak to James about the breed and to find out the truth and dispel most of the myths or James we've had an amazing day today and I've thoroughly enjoyed my activities with this dog who is now so calm and quiet and lovely but it's also showing herself to be such an ambassador for the breed so the Belgian Malinois super soldier super athlete yep but beautiful companion too would you agree with that absolutely yeah I'm a big believer in how you bring them up in the training they have especially from an early age on and that's sort of key really with any any dog any breed we have two different lines of Belgian Malinois we have a show line and then you have a working line I've met a show line recently and the lady said to me that she felt that they were much calmer than the working line and that it would be harder to have a working line Belgian Malinois rose as a pet and when I say pet I don't mean one that you just have in the house and you don't exercise I mean one that you would walk and you would take out and do activities but a lot of people seem to be under the impression that working Belgian Malinois would be too hyper and too difficult for the average family to you to look after would you agree with that yeah I mean I definitely say the fact I'd even say sort of show along working on far too much foot for the average family yeah I do have a lot of sort of see a lot of pet people and I'm working working dog owners as well and like there can be too much for even the working dog owner as well the main problems that you would have in the house there and say for instance we hadn't worked her today and we can clearly see that she's very satisfied and she's very very happy and she's giving him the impression that this is what they would do every day just sit down and you know relax I'm guessing if she didn't have all that work today she might be a little bit more yes perhaps absolutely yeah anxious and a little bit more so should be pacing roundly around the room should be up should be wanting to go out and just be wanting to get involved jump up jump down blown ball they'll start to sort of nibble different things take their anxiety in their frustration out on whatever is closest axis so if you were to go out and you had an exercise improperly you could come back and find a lot of destruction back sure yeah and also destructive but it's a important thing is the frustration is coming out of that dog so not necessarily would they be destructive at home but that you may take them on a short walk and the frustration would be lashed out on maybe a non comer or barking at another dog somebody yeah so the handler especially handling these type especially when they've all pent up in the high drive takes a lot of sort of handler skill especially for the trained the trained dogs as well somebody it has a puppy out of the litter and they don't encourage it to bite and they don't encourage it to do what you're doing with your dogs for the skills that are needed in the working you know working world with that dog what sort of things would that person need to give their dog to keep it balanced every day so I've got one of these in my house it's a pet obviously it's come from working line so parents perhaps have been bred to have as you said confidence the the like is the enjoyment to bites yeah so now I want it just as a pet what do I do to keep that dog happy what must I do to keep that dog challenged P Krantz a cracking question I mean it's always keeping busier so I say physical and mental stimulation so for instance bite one yes you could steer totally away from the from the biting don't get me wrong I mean you love out of a litter you may have all ten dogs may not Malinois specifically do want to naturally bite hence why the so sort of trainable and moldable phalanx and military applications they want to get on all the tug toys and everything yeah and I just six weeks old that you'll they'll stop ragging and that's that's a natural sort of genetic trait in that dog but you can get them to start searching using their nose get them on different sort of odors and that's another way to exercise the dogs as well as using their noses a fantastic way to exercise them so it's it's not it's not just physical stimulation that they need to be challenged mentally so just so a little bit like a border collie because sometimes people have a border collie and it runs riot because not only are they not being exercised but they're not getting the mental stimulation so I could take her out perhaps for a run in the morning for an hour but that still might not be enough for her because I've not given her something do yeah so if if you could give your advice to people out there about who would be the best person if they were absolutely adamant I really really want one of these dogs what sort of person must they be what sort of lifestyle must they happen and how much time must they spend with this dog yeah so I think your lifestyle has got to be around built around the dogs you've got to have a lifestyle that sort of fits in with this type of dog else otherwise you're like you'll just end up moving house will redecorate in your house because they are just not good with being been keeping locked up for large amounts of time thank you but really you should take them around with you they like to be with you they like your company and that gives you a chance to to stimu you know give them stimulation and I remember seeing online one person that basically posted a video of a Malinois guessing a ball and they said if you don't want to do this all day yeah then this is not the dog for you absolutely yeah it was clear from what I had witnessed today and from James's advice that if you are after a pets Malinois that it was sensible to go for a show line rather than a working line even though the working line was indeed impressive the breeding of these dogs was geared towards the police and military and if you are unable to provide the physical and mental stimulation and extreme exercise needed to keep these dogs content in your home then you would most probably have an unhappy and destructive dog one thing is certain these dogs had proven themselves to be the super-soldier dogs of the world and really excelled at all physical and mental abilities impressive would be an understatement to the amazing strength of both character and body these dogs possess and as humans we should be proud to have these dogs work alongside us I've got to say this is one of my favorite breeds that I've met and I haven't had so much fun today and if people want to find out more about will stand kennels and of course you've got a facebook an Instagram account and yes I hope to see far more exciting stuff coming out and now your puppies and their adventures all over the world yeah absolutely I'm sure we although you'll hear all about them all right fantastic and thanks for coming over and taking the time to come and see us and yeah we've enjoyed it I have immensely and yeah she's absolutely beautiful and you wouldn't have guessed that this little dog earlier on today was pulling down men for grown men and abseiling down a wall and biting and charging and doing all sorts of crazy stuff and look at her now she's absolutely beautiful thank you thank you well I hope you enjoyed this amazing episode on the incredible super soldier the Belgian Malinois and as you can see not only are they tough but they are oh so sweet and if you enjoyed this episode then please give us a big thumbs up and subscribe to the channel by clicking the button in the bottom hand corner and if you'd like to find out more about the working line Belgian Malinois at Wolfgang kennels I will put two links in the description below to their Facebook page and their Instagram page and be sure to tune in every single week where I will be bringing you more amazing episodes on dogs wolves wildlife and conservation bye for me bye from her you [Music]
Channel: Animal Watch
Views: 1,106,970
Rating: 4.8830843 out of 5
Keywords: Belgian Malinois Dog, The Belgian Malinois, The Belgium Malinois, Belgium Malinois, Dutch Malinois, Dutch Shepherd, Maligator, Malinois jumps, dog abseiling, malinois abseiling, malinois parachute, army dog, military dog, anti poaching dog, police dog, Malinois tricks, Belgian Malinois jumps, man training, guard dog, bite work, malinois protection dog, protection dog, malinois guard dog, malinois attack dog, Chien De Berger Belge, Mechelaar, Mechelse Herder
Id: _ZrbAmp0tlM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 48sec (1308 seconds)
Published: Fri May 22 2020
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