Incredible Sunday Roast Beef | Big Night In

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hello I'm Mike this is ever in this increased camp if you like food you're gonna want to stick around because coming up in the fridge today I point a part of Jamie's and asked me in a demonstration of beef versions we talk first you know when you put on your favorite her jeans every Wednesday and Sunday at 4 p.m. and you find a 10 pound 9 that's kind of like to do because it is a fridge pad with a big night [Music] [Music] ah Kapow okay so we have nice roast beef topside polenta crusted urban rooster faces maple mustard tariffs of Yorkshire pudding and a phenomenal rate well well well hold it there just looking look at it and smell it and so will you don't want to pull back let's straighten the applause I think [Music] yes [Music] basically what they feces like they any be tasted beef was there are particular teca's that you guys use in order to get this best beef so straight up we're cooking it on a trivet so you're protecting it from the hot metal trays and then we generously season it oh my god I have not been affected by others that side in a long time Jenna Tamara no time get oculus visit so this is topside relatively lean but it has I kind of layer of fat on one side rub it in a little bit of oil and put it on top of our trivet and we base it we're going to look for about a medium in the middle high oven yeah 240 for about 20 minutes out of your nice color then turn the oven down to 200 and give it between 10 or 15 minutes per 1/2 kilo and we've the temperature probe we wanted the biggest bit of the beef about 50 degrees because then by default you have two more well done if people want match that the rest is perfect and it's got to rest a good 45 minutes this is the first time I've had a roast dinner where I've wanted to eat carrots a lodge that you've done for the full carrot rather than into having to go down that decision or fatty or fertile or what but we still did make a decision James is any carrots up in this you know once these parboil them take money on water a furnace in a client's house a shot of olive oil the starter phone yeah you want that kind of blackening charge that's where the flavor comes and then brush them English mustard maple syrup and it kind of glazes and goes shiny and glossy and you go that little bit of water mustard or the sweetness from carrot and maple that gravy is nice if you take the roasting tray out and while your beef is resting you got all that trivet and roasted veg you've got all these uses that have dripped out the beef that you put on the stove sprinkle over to the flour mix it all links and now just start to help sticking it good beef stock you're not going from the bone hany does it connect okay that's what I okay it's drinkable it is very good and the reason it's good beef stock and then right at the end like bubbling away strain off all the veg and then you have a little bit of mustard and literally like a tables little to a cream a tiny tiny bits and rich it literally a tablespoon or two thing is though you cannot have a roast dinner with our worst photos how do they write these are amazing we leave the best pieces I've ever had what's on the outside so it's better basically sitting room table wind and get back up kill them then basically column are just gonna pair with salt pepper oil and then then and then these are going to roast in the oven when the beef comes out about 45 minutes the first time ever I'm going to cook the polenta on my shopping listen how quickly those are - your polenta [Music] now we're going to use parsley rosemary sage tarragon and thyme little extra bit of olive oil exceeds it and largely I don't think you can have roast beef in England anyroad without that pudding from the Yorkshire Dales it's made from three ingredients flour egg and milk up for ingredients beef chili and that's where it gets good we're making a join one tear and share at the table back in the oven and that needs cures and 20 degrees Celsius for 25 minutes Mary Ann let's go friends not gonna lie in this episode might look like happening guyliner so once upon a time I asked my mom to go and get some jaffa cake watch this got inspired made my own got grounded wasted her time I made something I feel like the mum now Jamie tries so hard dot dot dot yes it is just me well that's anyone else miss skinny then my mirror does I'd like to know whether Barry with a hindrance or help a Long Point Justin's are weird the fella causes prison breaks we made you a shower no you made you hold me in front of the clock yeah no we would take grabbing it weird if it is normal yeah yes what's the point in having a sea cow holy when you got back pocket there's no way you can sorry final question Lana above what goals are the channel the real trick for this year and one personal going but authority if see the first take food in a different directory yes is there so much of a Lurie on a personal and I think this is a shared obviously very much though I wanna pass by most place okay I want to be 11th would you think I think I think that's pretty rare the author papers go right oh my vegan feeling so what do you think leave a like and a comment and let us know how you found the return a big night in you know what Mike I think that fridge cam has every day had the world's greatest roast potatoes and world's greatest gravy and beef in fact everything perfect for Sunday wrote start if you stick with us now and this is happening utterly ridiculous we're talking about the pops account sure I just I mean this is a new low J E right dude just kill with it okay we've talked about topside and how to roast that now let's look at other parts of an asset account what why [Music]
Channel: SORTEDfood
Views: 626,862
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sorted, cooking, cooking channel, cooking video, cookery channel, how to cook, how to, food, foodie, big night in, roast dinner, roast beef, how to cook beef, cook a roast, roast, roast potatoes, sunday lunch, sunday roast, learn to cook, roast ideas, best roast, amazing roast, perfect roast, dinner ideas, recipe, recipes, dinner recipe, weekend, british food, british roast, yorkshire pud, cooking at home, sunday roast at home, sunday roast ideas, dinner party ideas
Id: O9y5oUKJtrg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 5sec (425 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 15 2017
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