A Chef Reviews Crowd Funded Kitchen Gadgets Vol.3 | Sorted Food

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hello and welcome back to sorted food today we're putting our mate and chef ben in the hot seat because he's going to review some crowdfunded kitchen gadgets that we've individually backed at the end of the video he's got to personally bag one of these items so no pressure boys easy i'm up first i've got to put my money where my mouth might be but it's not there yet all right ebbers number one give it a lift my dutch bean plus m550 oh that's the best one yeah this is the bean plus cold drip brewer this brewer's cold drip tech makes cold brew coffee up to three times faster with less grounds so this is in comparison to the absorption or infusion method where you would take coffee grounds and you would essentially infuse them in cold water over about 15 hours so the founders here fell in love with cold brew coffee back in 2014 and couldn't find an affordable cold drip cold brew method so put this together it's like filtered coffee absolutely but cold and icy interesting so this claims to yield 500 mils of cold brew in four hours still quite a long time if you want a cup of coffee isn't it do you want to give it a go i would love to coffee in shaking it gently put a circular filter paper on the top additionally turn the drip valve to make water one drop at a time so you can control how quickly the water drips through but they recommend for optimal brewing time and taste one drop per second this is science ebbers one one two two three e support is here pretty damn pretty good i'm gonna put that on there so 1800 people paying over 110 000 pounds so it clearly is interesting to a section of the community i'm going to cover it with a water tank lid what i quite like about it and the reason i think it would appeal is good coffee shouldn't be rushed what should we come back to it we haven't got a choice have we really no so ebbers you've got some cold brew we haven't made a full batch for the sake of time but we've got some now the question is does it taste like cold brew you're gonna have to go for this on my behalf because i can't drink caffeine after three that's a lie you live off espresso so much no i have to stop otherwise i can't sleep [Music] cheers does that taste like cold brew to you i think it does i think it's what i like about cobra which is quite smooth it's not harsh acidic or astringent which black coffee that's made hot and then cool down can sometimes be it feels like i can taste more coffee as well i mean you saw how much we used half a bag to get us three that's a lot of coffee but super simple i'm guessing all dishwasher proof and stuff like that i i like the simplest of it i like the end result we know how much people in the audience love their coffee people do take time to make coffee through drip methods v60s aeropresses there's so many different ways of doing it this feels like another method and this feels like a really easy way of doing cold brew so let's talk price bearing in mind it's patented technology it's also on a crowdfunded website and i think it's fair to say that these people have to get these designs off the ground and they're made so they're normally a little bit more expensive 69 pounds 99 this set was would you have backed it it works it gives you great coffee i don't know if i need one because i'd rather just fill that with cold water and coffee grounds and drain it tomorrow morning everyone's got a jug at home eighteen hundred people say you're wrong okay my turn before you lift it uh can you uh have any guesses what i've got yeah i always feel like a cloche needs an extra handle lift the clutch kapow big pan this is the prepped skillet it's a cast iron skillet and it's their ultimate pan they being prepped without the e no the other e so here you have it the convenience of non-stick combined with versatility quality and performance of cast iron so the middle of that pan has been machined to make it completely smooth and more non-stick what's different about here is they're obviously very proud of the design of it it's a beautiful looking pan um did you pick it base based on the leather sheath that it comes with that did have that did that did jump out to me no goliath yeah i like it it's heavy it's bulky it's it's forever pan it's one that you aspire to we've talked about other pans that are similar i don't understand why it's a crowdfunded pan because normally crowdfunding is something that's so unique and different that you you see it you go i want that before it's even made i'm going to be honest with you buzz this isn't going so well so far you might want to pick it up a little bit okay cool should we cook with it yes i would love to to test it um we're going to fry off a couple of eggs and to see how non-stick it is oh initial thoughts sticky so it's probably important to point out that this came uh pre-seasoned with grape seed oil um but then in instructions it also says that you have to break it in so it's been used a few times by the food team and then re-prepped ready for you now it's been re-seasoned so should be good to go um interesting they've stuck really stuck i'm going to lift this up so you can see i don't have a problem with the idea of cooking on a pan and then having to clean it afterwards and then dry it and then one quick oil and and season it that's that's the sign of a good pan if you're going to look after it that's cool but then it doesn't stick if you've done several layers of seasoning with oil then that is the point of being good to go we bought a wok wasn't that good things did stick to it i've taken it home sorry and i've seasoned it nearly a dozen times and now nothing will stick to it and it's great okay to test this a little bit further and we're going to ask you to render off some chicken thighs with no fat to see how they render and how they stick and then you'll be making the rest of the dish which is a moroccan tagine from our meal packs app lovely so here's how our meal packs app works each week there's a choice of multiple meal packs each containing between three and five recipes you pick one that looks good to you and they are your meals for the week copy the week's ingredients to your usual shopping list check you've got all of the equipment and start cooking as we your personal audio guides take you through everything there are built-in timers you'll wash up as you go you'll cook dishes that will make you feel like a chef and you'll have used up all the fresh ingredients you bought at the beginning of the week so there's no food nor money wasted you can try out for free for a month all the info is in the description box below cool all done just plate it up and taste it well we know it's gonna taste good the question is did it stick it's just a bit confusing for me is it seasoned do you have to season it that's okay but tell me i need to season it right at the beginning here's the thing when i started to use it i thought what a great pan because i actually quite like the depth of it the size of it i think it is one of those things you can cook big dishes in and serve it in those dishes and the joy of a cast-iron pan is it stays warm for ages i think it's another one of those forever pans once you get it to the place because that is not gonna dent or damage it's gonna last forever once you've seasoned it this isn't there yet i wanna keep playing with it so on indiegogo um they've had nearly 17 000 backers and raised over 2 million quid on other platforms another 10 000 backers raising an over another million pounds so three million quid has been raised on a cast iron pan so they might have raised millions but how much for a single pan so we paid uh 70 quid for this and they came with the leather sheath um but it's actually priced higher now on the website around 119 it's a lot for a pan but if you are buying premium high-end something as weighty as that you might expect to pay that you can definitely buy damn good pans for half that and look after them as you'd have to look after this my biggest issue is the dream they sell you on a crowdfunding site because i think they charge a premium for that dream and the dream is the fact that it's prepped and i don't think it is mike can you hold this a set okay evers are you ready yes lift the clutch we are a food channel sous vide gun this is the sous vide gun which enables you to sear your meat cooked sous vide flame your creme brulee or start your smaller charcoal grill more quickly than you could be if you are cooking on a gas grill like i get i get it like i mean that's that's what i would expect of it but i don't think i've ever thought oh i need to brew lay this creme brulee a little quicker so evers this is a propane fueled torch if you look down beneath you there should be a propane tank i'm not gonna lie that was the clue that i had to why it might be gas related talk me through it so it's worth saying this is the little brother or sister of the grill gum which is a actually much bigger version of this torch that is used for lighting big charcoal grills can also be used for searing meats creme brulees it's incredibly powerful and this was an issue that bob healy who is the founder of grill gun had he basically said i'm an engineer and i decided enough is enough if i was ever going to have my dream torch i was going to have to design it and build it myself i actually think he's done it like it looks rock awesome well played sir well played bob it's 400 000 btus british thermal units yes little sister 280 000 still hot enough to blow your nuts off but you only need 280 000 if you're gonna use it inside which this is safe to do also for safety there's a stand as well so you can stand it up you've got that there we go that does look really cool so we've got two experiments for you first up let's talk about a brewery salmon shall we it's lightly cured sliced into one centimeter pieces and it's cooked from raw with a blow torch or a gun to give that char flavor and appearance are you timing or we're just gonna put benny hill music over the top this is handily here it would be a shame not to use it wouldn't it very difficult to do under the grill but if it's fridge cold and right next direct flame you can do it i've always used a bow torch before in three two one go now while i do this what is the marinade jamie it's mirin miso sugar and soy i don't have a problem with this method it's the way i've always done it before i think we're pretty much there last bit of color on these edge pieces stop the clock two minutes 22 seconds lifetime smells amazing though so i'll try this one then whoa maddie whoa that was 14 and a half seconds i missed a bit mate you got it 14 and a half seconds you missed a little bit you went back for it should we call it around 15 sure that's fair what i can guarantee because i can hear it is the fats in the salmon have started to sizzle where here they didn't quite get there you've got some caramelization but you didn't start to actually cook the fats of the salmon so i think it's actually going to be different both look delicious that's going to get more of a reaction so this is the first one [Music] in a fraction of the time that also warmed the samsung not cooked it through you can still see that wonderful sort of fleshy pink inside but that has warmed the salmon through that even though it took two and a bit minutes actually still cold in the bottom okay everest let's talk steak we have ribeye that's been in butter and in thyme for about about eight hours in a sous-vide over there at 53 degrees water temperature that is now perfectly cooked however it needs some good searing where's your shaved orange it's it [Music] no pretty damn good foaming butter nicely seared and where the steak is cooked perfectly what you haven't got is that color the caramelization the dextranisation that's going on with the proteins and the sugars out the pan minute 20 seconds to sear it that's now going to rest [Music] go it looks black and the other side [Music] back in the safety holder 26 seconds what i'm going to do is i'm going to serve the traditional cast iron buttered richness on this one that's the fresh jalapeno topped poutine [Music] with a bourbon gravy what are you doing and we'll top it off with the fried eggs we cooked earlier because nothing goes to waste and then a sticky egg a couple of sticky eggs [Music] oh and then on the other hand we got bob's version and i thought you know what he'd love frise salad with some sliced beetroot pine nuts all tossed together in a wonderful dressing well something has ruined it interestingly because it hasn't got the butter and therefore that kind of unctuous rich drizzle ooze that we poured all over what you get instead is oh nice texture almost like a little bit of a char from that but it's still cooked the same it charred so quickly that it's obviously not changed the inside temperature so it's still 53 degrees all the way through i've tested the gauge we're all tested you want to come and have a taste guess yeah that is a segue in there oh my goodness is it any better it's quicker it's more theater it's a better experience it's something fun does it give you a better result possibly side by side without putting on top of a salad and a thing maybe but once it's in any dish i'm not sure you'd know i'm losing control guys we gotta wrap this up so across platforms it's had about nine thousand backers and they've raised about seven hundred thousand pounds so i paid eighty dollars for our cv gun um it's worth pointing out i think that a welding gun is about the same price fifty sixty pounds okay within a food context of that rapid sear whether it's sous-vide or something like the salmon i think that is brilliant and gives you great foodie results and it's a lot of fun and i think it could be the centerpiece of a barbecue no different to a big open fire that you might grill or do some marshmallows or something like that i kind of like it so if we had to pick one today oh which one would you be backing honestly given how warm it is in here right now i think i want a cold brew oh but i also think this final one is on part two it's literally a toss-up and if i had to pick one i'd take the sous vide gun i don't quite picture ever which one would you back we'd love to hear from you which gadgets should we be reviewing next comment down below and if you'd like to join in the conversation you can do so over on twitter using the sorted gadgets so evers it's getting to the summer it's getting hot in here it's the time of year in the uk for cold brew isn't it why are you shaking your head you idiots you can't drink it he was doing something never mind
Channel: Sorted Food
Views: 1,277,700
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kitchen gadgets, chefs review kitchen gadgets, gadget review, useful kitchen gadgets, reviewing kitchen gadgets, kitchen gadgets review, best kitchen gadgets on amazon, gadget reviews, kickstarter, meal prep review, testing kitchen gadgets, cool gadgets, best kitchen gadgets, useless kitchen gadgets, A Chef Reviews Crowd Funded Kitchen Gadgets, Sortedfood, sortedfood gadgets, the fridgecam show, kitchen gadgets test, crowd funded, crowdfunding, Skillet, Su-VGun
Id: h3jFfiLh5bg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 46sec (1066 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 07 2021
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