Full Christmas Dinner Cookalong… SORTED!

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it's Christmas we've teamed up with Tesco to bring you some delicious and simple festive food ideas from seasonal party food to how to cook a full-blown Christmas dinner desserts and even what to do with your leftovers all of which will get your Christmas sorted welcome to our Christmas dinner cook along we're going to take you step by step for the entire process making it really simple so you can cook along with us now whenever we near the end of a step we're going to stick this icon up to prompt you to pause the video so that you're able to finish the step that you're on in your own time so that we can all move on together before you start though a few things to do one get all your ingredients to hand include the turkey which you'll need to take out of the fridge a couple of hours before you need it just keep it covered in cling film in the kitchen and secondly pre-heat your oven to 180 degrees Celsius otherwise we're good to go so we're four hours away from the best Christmas lunch ever which means we need to start with the turkey number one get the best turkey you can we've got a finest British bronze free-range turkey it's about four kilos and what we need to do first is take everything out from the inside mmm so when you buy it it often has a bag of giblets or a turkey neck still in it yeah okay so without untrusting the whole thing I've taken rubber band off you can want to take those out and instead put in flavor so we're going with the Christmas flavor of a Clementine two of them and we're going to stub those in the clothes and put them back into the cavity along with fresh herbs thyme sage and rosemary with those flavors inside as it rose it will kind of infuse loads of flavor but now we're going to rub the whole bird with softened well-seasoned butter so salt pepper softened butter just do it in the microwave for a few seconds rub it all over the breasts legs and the wings then chop up leek carrot and onion really chunky place it in the base of a large roasting tin with a splash of water you can see the veg is really chunky that sometimes called a trivet and what it's going to do is form a bed for our turkey there's a couple of things it keeps the turkey off of the direct heat the drain yep with all the water it helped steam it because we're gonna cook it in a tent of tinfoil and it's all flavor which you can use later on in the base of a gravy for making it and that's the turkey yeah this bit I think is fantastic if I had one criticism over Turkey it was mean it would be that sometimes the breast is a little bit dry however flip it upside down and therefore thought juices from the turkey as it cooked trickle down into the breast keeping it really juicy so it's sort of self based amazing tip didn't know about that before today but it's well worth doing current in tin foil and then it needs 90 minutes for Turkey this size in the oven at 180 degrees but we will take it out half an hour before it's finished cooking and then turn it back over baste it so it looks golden and perfect too the great thing about this cook along is the whole thing can be done in a single oven in just four hours and on your own obviously today and fortunate enough to have the help of these three so while the turkeys in there for an hour and a half you're done to the moment and we can move on to stuffing there correct me if I'm wrong Ben but stopping is called stuffing because you stuff it inside the bird and cook it usually however with the turkey at Christmas it's such a big bird if you put so much stuffing in especially if it's meat in order to cook all the way through the middle you're likely to overcook the turkey aha so we're gonna do the stuffing separately make it into little balls to keep them really perfectly cooked the turkey we find making it very simple just add minced pork a couple of rashes of smoky bacon chopped up into a bowl and then add diced onion the zest of an orange some dried cranberries fresh thyme and egg yolk and then mix the whole thing together with dried breadcrumbs okay sounds good mix it all together and we're gonna roll it into kind of golf ball sized pieces so that once they cook later on they shrink a bit you end up the size of a walnut very relevant for Christmas as well tell Falls because it's what your always by your uncle yeah and that's now we've lined the stuffing up on a baking tray with a sheet of baking paper don't stick they can't go in the oven just yet cuz the turkeys in there so we put them in the fridge until later on but now we can move on to some [ __ ] can we ask a question oh yeah you've got a pot of cranberry sauce there we're gonna do with it that is gonna become our collegues oh then later on once they're cooked we'll let this down with some hot water brush it over the stuffing balls it give them that brilliant gloss and sweetness just finish you thought we'd bucked up right that's it all mounted now longer light you been that turkey smells and looks amazing how these vans are gonna contain well the three different colored very seasonal veg and we're going to spice them up with some cumin and some honey as we roast them okay the great thing is if you're juggling ovens and hub space then these beds you can prep way ahead and they don't spoil so I'm a bad juggler good peel carrots parsnips and be true cut the carrots and parsnips into fingerling pieces and cut the feet troop into segments about eighteen Petrie can we cook these on the same tray you could put the parsnips and the carrots together if you want to keep the feet root separate because raw beets are it will take about ten minutes more to cook humming color might leak out but for now we can put it on the side and cook them later on when the oven is free and they'll need a squeeze of honey just before they finish they're too early it will caramelize it and burn okay but now this and go on the side and we can move on to our twist on pigs in blanket huh mr. figgy here up I'm guessing berry met Miss Piggy not Miss Piggy because Miss Piggy's not my thing no well that's the thing this is our twist I figured since we've got enough pork going on in a house stuffing that we'd use dried figs which is nice and sweet so half for one of those wrapped up in a rasher of unsmoked sweetly bacon which is salty lay them on a tray and then later on just before we sit down to eat we'll cook them under the grill brush with a little bit of finest maple syrup and butter and they are amazing to go with our stuffing balls turkey and all the other terms I'm not gonna lie I'm intrigued and I'm willing to give it a go good and now it's time for the best part of it enough it's the roast potatoes and I'm not gonna fluff this up well we kind of are because that's what makes an amazing potato oh so we're going to peel these and place them into cold salted water then heat the pan up to a boil let it simmer for eight or ten minutes so they're just cooked and then drain into a colander and then we're going to shake them and that's what make some fluffy and it's those fluffy bits they'll go crispy in the oven and now it's time to add some flavor so we're going to crispy because of the beef dripping but we've also added in rosemary thyme and garlic we had the potatoes into that season it well with salt and pepper and like everything else it's another tray all prepped ready to go in the oven when the checker comes out time check chef well we've been in the kitchen for about an hour and 50 minutes the turkeys been in the oven for 90 of those pretty much cooked there's a little bit anemic so at this point we're gonna flip it back up the right way and we're going to brush it with a sticky maple glaze that's half maple syrup and half melted butter then it goes back into the oven at 200 degrees Celsius for another 30 minutes keep returning back and brushing it every 10 minutes or so and in between the brushing and basting you've got time to shred some sprouts so get some sort honors walnuts really your shredded sprouts and we use that for vegetation later on nomads that that is the burn not only does it look great but it smells amazing - you have to trust us on that and that's what the maple glaze does it looks its taste its smell it's everything we've been basting it about half an hour we've also now shredded all of our sprouts but I think we're winning because that's the bit everyone's girdle absolutely that's dart done all we need to do tint it over to keep it warm mr. sim boil and then insulate it with a couple of tea towels and you can keep that in the kitchen for 90 minutes just on the sideboard it will stay plenty hot enough and they'll be perfect to carve later on well that also means is you've now got an oven free for 90 minutes or so to cook all of that so first up potatoes and beet true they're going into the oven which is now 200 degrees Celsius for 40 minutes you've got time to kill now get a waft of those and beetroot are now cooked and finished they're pretty Hardy veg so we're gonna take them out we're gonna let them cool down it's not a problem with reheat them later on next upload the same oven the same temperature we're going in with parsnips and carrots they need 20 minutes after 20 minutes we're going to squeeze some honey over them toss them again and put them back in for another 10 and that's same 10 minutes we also add in the stuffing balls synthesized at this point what we've done is transferred all the roast potatoes into a serving dish with mixed all three roasted roots together and put those into a second serving dish and our stuffing balls they're now cooked but now for that glaze bit the cranberry glaze we just dab onto the balls like that then all three of those go into the oven which we're now gonna switch right down to about ninety or a hundred degrees Celsius that's enough to keep everything warm without overcooking them and that will give us 15 minutes to concentrate on the rest very simple our figs in blankets go under a grill with a bit of maple glaze and we can concentrate on the green veg doing it last minute needs to stay super vibrant and fresh I am NOT a sprout fan then not everybody is personally I love them but what I told you this was more like cabbage you could live by shredding up the Brussels sprouts they can't take on more of a cabbage flavor people don't like the intense flavor of the inside of a sprout this way we saute them in butter that come really rich salt and pepper toss them together for three or four minutes and then add in salt arnaz and walnuts you get a bit of sweetness give it a bit of crunch plenty of black pepper it's a bit different it'll be talking about a table and they are panel issues and at the same time on the same hob in different pans we're going to cook the peas so melt the butter and chicken stock in a pan with lemon juice rosemary and a clove of garlic then add in the peas because they defrosted they only need a couple of minutes just to warm through and then we finish them with freshly shredded minutes because it's Christmas it's critical need a sprig of mint but this is replacing everything up it's worth remembering that every good Christmas dinner needs some good sources now you can make your own using the turkey neck the giblets and veg or we're using finest turkey gravy and traditionally made and resource and there we go if you've been following along it should be super simple one oven for hours let's get the stuff plated first the big reveal of the turkey look that Dino is a bad come on to the table what do you see you back but we did it say how easy was that if you want the full written recipe and time plan and click on the link below and do subscribe if you aren't because look what you're missing out on but most of all Merry Christmas Merry Christmas Merry Christmas you
Channel: SORTEDfood
Views: 650,182
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Keywords: xmas dinner, how to make xmas dinner, how to make christmas dinner, christmas dinner cookalong, sortedfood, turkey dinner, turkey dinner cookalong, how to make christamas dinner, how to make a roast dinner, how to cook a roast dinner, perfect roast dinner, roast dinner recipe, roast dinner ideas, christams dinner ideas, christmas dinner recipe
Id: bpFsebeKAcc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 29sec (749 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 09 2014
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