Mind Blowing Hidden Rooms and Secret Passageways

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let's face it everybody loves secret passageways there are staple in adventure movies like the revolving fireplace from Indiana Jones and in old creepy houses where every hidden room holds a different story they've been used throughout history to hide priests and possibly murder victims but more recently you might find them being used to hide a wine cellar or a playroom for the kids these hidden spaces generally require some pretty precise engineering to get right which is really what makes them such intriguing features in any house so let's take a look at some mind-blowing examples of hidden rooms and secret passageways the first off it just wouldn't be right to talk about secret passages without mentioning creative home engineering this company started by home automation engineer Steve Humble specializes in creating hidden rooms in your home and they've done some truly incredible work take the staircase for instance you wouldn't look twice at this seemingly normal set of stairs but when the homeowner presses a button on a remote the stairs slowly rise up to reveal a hidden playroom complete with a television and plenty of toys perfect for when those little rascals get out of hand and hit just need a bit of peace and quiet here's Steve working on what looks like a perfectly functional chest of drawers when Steve activates the mechanism this heavy looking piece of hardwood furniture slowly swings open to reveal a passageway that leads to well wherever you want the quality of the engineering here is astounding and only exact calculations will do if part of the facade is off by even 1/16 of an inch the secret door becomes obvious to see and may not even function properly most of the projects these guys take on involve a lot of wood which is actually not the best material for precision engineering because of how much it warps and bends depending on things like temperature and humidity the chief engineer at zhe uses a program that is able to simulate just how much a specific wooden structure might deform though this is a pretty big exaggeration this fireplace might well be my favorite ever example of an entrance to a hidden room it is not one but two ways it can be open the first requires you to flip the head off of ron's bust of shakespeare sorry William to reveal a fingerprint scanner that you swiped to activate the mechanism but the next method is even cooler see the chess set on the table that's not just a chess set it's also a key when you move certain pieces into the correct squares the fireplace slides open as if by magic just imagine if you were playing chess with an unsuspecting friend and you managed to get them to open the door by accident you'd have achieved Bond villain levels of trickery the fireplace is mounted on precision linear ball bearing tracks that can support over 6,000 pounds which just goes to show how impressive these constructions are with secret passageways it's not always fun and games sometimes the door is designed to protect people on the inside from whoever's on the outside this bulletproof panic room door is equipped with a pinhole video camera and an LCD monitor so you can see who's trying to get in on the other side the massive steel door looks like an ordinary bookcase all you need to do is tilt the right book and hey presto instant panic room here's another one of their creations being shown on Extreme Makeover Home Edition when ty pennington moves the hands on the wall clock to midnight the nearby chest of drawers instantly pops open to reveal a secret compartment filled with spy gear that's one lucky kid the final example from creative home engineering was shown on HGTV what looks like an ordinary display alcove decorated with a face of flowers is actually a disguised fingerprint activated opening to a secret compartment and no secret compartment is complete without a pair of cross swords am i right do you ever go to a party and think I need to find somewhere to hide my alcohol well party goers and hoes need to look no further introducing the cylindrical hidden wine cellar this epic feat of engineering is built by French company polychaete for the express purpose of keeping your wine safe and temperature controlled underground with prices starting at around nine thousand four hundred dollars just make sure nobody's standing on that piece of floor when you activate it or they might be crushed like it great not a fan of wine well how about beer this is beer lift and that's exactly what it does the beer lift is a motorized cooler controlled by an app on phone and you even can 3d print your own one with a free online C ad file classic engineering innovation from Germany here and I gotta say this takes Craig can open a cold room with the boys to a whole new level the last of the alcohol related examples involves a classic book activated revolving wall that to the horror of couch potatoes around the globe actually disappears the television drinkers however can rejoice as it turns out this revolving wall is actually hiding a very well equipped bar so what will it be Mr Bond television or tequila now there's one thing I really didn't think people would want to hide and that's there swimming pools take a look at this video the strange looking floor of this web room garage setup starts to descend and as it does water starts to flood the space it leaves behind in just a matter of minutes what was once floor space is transformed into an inviting blue lit swimming pool complete with steps all that's missing is a few sharks with lasers attached to their heads let's look at a few more examples of hidden pools this one starts off looking like a stone garden patio but once activated it becomes a pool with three variable depths splash pool paddling pool and full depth big-kid pool once you're done it becomes a patio once more complete with central space for a barbecue pretty pretty pretty neat do you really want a pool but don't want to compromise on lawn space have no fear this piece of retractable lawn is hiding a crystal-clear plunge pool just underneath sometimes I have no idea how they come up with this stuff and now for my personal favorite check out this stunning ballroom inside in a state home in Surrey England pretty nice right well it gets even nicer when the floor is lowered to reveal a pool of adjustable depth one suggestion is that the shower mode can be used to float tea lights which creates luxurious ambiance now that's fancy the wardrobes and closets can also be used to add some pretty large secret rooms this video shows a man casually entering his office but instead of going through the door like a normal person this guy pulls a Narnia and enters through the back of a large wardrobe he's even got a sling waiting on the other side magical while we're on the topic of wardrobes here's a hidden room that redefines the walk-in closet what looks like just a humble hat shelf actually pops open to allow entry to a really long hidden storage room behind the clothing rails finally somewhere I can store all my flagpoles stone is a great way to disguise a secret hidden room passageway or storage area like this the bricks themselves help to break up the defined lines of the door really effectively take a look at this amazing hidden room created by creative rock design workshop vertical artisans you may assume the only door is to the right but actually it's straight ahead simply push on the stone wall in the secret door opens inside lies an incredible by rock style basement area perfect for getting away from the wife just don't tell her I said that in many different parts of the world there are places that are famous or infamous for their secret passages and the stories behind them Brittania Manor for instance was the former residence of game designer Richard Garriott also known as Lord British Garry had created the ultimate game series and spent much of the money he earned from the series on building this incredible home in Austin Texas which is notorious for its secret passages and its status as the world's most famous haunted house attraction in this video Garriott himself shows us how he uses a weird tentacle sculpture in conjunction with magnetic sensors hidden inside a wooden cabinet to open a secret passageway the passage leads to a spiral staircase that runs through the heart of brittania Manor and offers hidden access to every floor of the house to build this Garriott had to rent a crane to first lift and then lower the staircase and its entirety through a large hole in the roof at the bottom of the staircase there's a dungeon three floors below the house this is where Richard displays his magical objects and artifacts down here Richard keeps his skeleton called Pedro in a coffin Pedro's grave niche can actually be opened with a magnetic key to reveal a wall safe which is technically a hidden compartment within a hidden room in my opinion this guy really needs to build his own escape room that's open to the public or is they just asking for trouble most of the time hidden rooms disguised within the interior of the house right think again take a look at this Victorian facade located in the Haight Ashbury neighborhood of San Francisco seems like a fairly standard shabby yet stylish piece of house frontage but why does it have a bright orange no parking sign above the window well folks that's because this facade is actually a transformer that becomes a four car garage parking space is very precious in San Francisco which is probably what inspired the architectural genius who came up with this motorized marvel as it turns out this isn't the only invisible garage on the market in Auckland Australia a house that was originally built in 1905 now belongs to an architect called John Smith watch is this white-picket-fence house literally unfolds to deposit a compact size Volkswagen Golf into the street ladies and gentlemen welcome to the future if you wanted to disguise a house how would you go about doing it well this couple from Leicester shire in the UK did the exact opposite of the examples we've just seen when they decided to hide a tiny secret home on their property by disguising it as a garage in this picture the hidden home doesn't look suspicious at all but in this next image the garage door has been taking down showing a ridiculously small excuse for a house the aim of the scheme was to avoid planning regulations but the couple responsible ended up having to pay more than two thousand pounds in fines for this false facade sure I've pardon my french now for a secret rave spot in a hidden nightclub bars and clubs have to do a lot these days to make themselves stand out and one of the ways they do this is to have a secret hidden entrance and what better way to enter a club then through a laundromat washing machine at Falls festival and Byron Bay Australia these partygoers had to crawl through a small circular door to find a club party in full swing on the other side thumping bass terrible dancing looks like my kind of place turns out this isn't the only example of a drinking establishment that's hidden inside a laundromat here's a New York City speakeasy that does the same thing except with a fully functioning laundromat if it means coming out of the club cleaner than you came in I fully support this gimmick which hidden room did you think was the coolest do you have an idea for a secret passageway you want to share with the world let me know in the comments down below and as always thanks for watching [Music]
Channel: BE AMAZED
Views: 268,169
Rating: 4.8328958 out of 5
Keywords: beamazed, be amazed, top 10, hidden rooms, mind blowing, mindblowing, secret rooms, secret room, secret passageway, secret passageways, mindblowing hidden rooms, hidden passageways, creative, home, engineering, amazing, incredible, safe, safe room, houses, homes
Id: lToRtDIgH_Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 18sec (678 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 10 2019
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