EP23 | GOLD NUGGETS Follow the gold STUDY the JUNK

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hey guys just luck to welcome his all back and we are at again on the hunt for some more good stuff [Music] [Applause] [Music] just up here to the left there so if they made it up if they made it to the left that's where we found the gold in the last video and this area I'll give you guys a bit of a look around we've got two big quartz we've got conglomerate we've got gravel alluvial flow and we've also got sons of alluvial as well so we will hopefully find a hard base see what depths we were working in because the gold that's been found has been in that top foot which generally most detectors are detecting in that range depending on the size of the gold if the grounds prove that they're deeper then definitely worth future possible opportunities of getting down deeper after we've found more gold as we get over that rise just here it dips down so there's like a slight going down in there it's really interesting to see if there's gold down in there very windy so unfortunately you guys will probably have to deal with the bit of wind coming into the microphone but there's nothing I can do about that and we'll just go around and that's my office right there very fortunate to be able to come out here and spend days detecting and just look at that view absolutely stunning and yeah like I said very fortunate to be able to do that so I take every day as it comes because we just don't know what the next day is going to bring and for those people that can't enjoy it any more because of health or disabilities all that it's just good to be able to get out here and and and film these things for those guys that can sit there and enjoy it as well because one day we won't be as fortunate and hopefully we can have people in future doing the same as what we do now so you go down as you can see we've got some quartz there more quartz more quartz they're very water one and we've got some edges sent in the last video we've got conglomerate very mineralized iron stone that's very high in iron concentration that one you can see it's very dark red so the duck we go usually with the more iron content that has so yeah let's get into it just to the left where we got that gold dips down in as we get deeper down this way bit thicker on the top layer with the top sellers and sedimentary but the gravels and that could potentially have washed gold down in that way based on that flow so we'll just RC here we go we'll have a bit of a bit of a gap through there up in the shallows come down this way and see what we can get I'll get this machine down and let's get into it okay we have a signal response down here I'll take you guys down and give you a listen to this one absolutely beautiful it sounds like a deep response so we'll go down and check it out okay that one's there [Applause] good day it could be hot grant let's crack this up and see what we got so I'm pretty sick pretty thick there on the topsoil okay that's about two inches there got more of that hot hot iron stone if that was gold in there you'd hear that straight away see how its broad sorry ood we just keep going up through here you can see what else we can get okay we have another signal down here I'll just plug this in give you guys a listen I think this would be a target because it's a bit more you know a bit more direct say not very far down probably almost use that here we go there we go beautiful piece of rusty in that one guards big brain quit coming what have to do duck under those bushes I think already we finally have a target 265 targets later finally got one that sends no us actually not 265 but a very lot so here we go very smooth absolutely beautiful nice and smooth response up huh I wouldn't say it's gonna be too deep definitely not surface play oh here we go come on pass box territory hot stuff [Music] hoping you go again [Applause] come on go why do you be gay this is the pump up [Applause] I'll pinpoint that again sorry guys [Applause] money she's really deeper [Music] or reckon Oh bringing you guys the animal check these here I reckon I'll say go very round there see that that bolt dirty wait for it right there that's gold guys you rip ah I'll just clean that up here we go that's what a bit of weight must be a song with the solid and you can see the sedimentary scuffed up to it almost like quiet when clay goes really hard and it turns the rock much like la Mer it very good and you can see that there is a bit that's caught sorry about that I'm looking for something it's bit almost like that okay focus yeah see that stuff there just like hard clay it's like a rock and there we go you Ripper Bharati under the next one do we have another target in here Oh give you guys a listen to this and we'll get there as quick as we can as well she's coming down a little bit little bit deeper sometimes we get rust on the surface to most to solid tube a rust we go let's go that's kind of a that's not liquid silver the end of the gravel road here yeah this could be a look at that noise chunky stuff that cuz I'm not how much you guys love the gravel yeah cool is that you can see where the water the rain that would having them we've got that draw a graboid oh you see you guys here well we think this one oh she's in bring these up closer to D section you be guy what are you wrecking junk let's say I bet if you need to junk tonight alright first guy I can say it I can say it right there I'm not even gonna say well a DS or let's go and take a look he be yeah yours the reveal somewhere in that scoop this is the best part isn't it let me get the end of this ready whoa there it is right in my hand take a guess bloody lad oh ho that's gold guys look at that oh that's a chunk that's a little chunk of gold hair cool that absolutely awesome let's give that a clean off very worn look give a wet gravel and sand and okay that's gold guys you Ripper oh it's got a bit of weight too if you want to gather your thoughts and see what you reckon that weighs I'll bring up those weights on screen from you guys right now very cool tasty stuff very tasty that's gold guys let's go next target rody we have another target Dan here and Neely's tray let's see what we got give you guys listen alrighty laugh lose me luck [Music] down in stay on target stay on target to date this trailer [Music] [Music] oh she's ant yeah can you go see come Randy she's on top there somewhere oh there it is oh there it is right there that's unreal he's not gonna believe it hail naw stick that sand that was just beautiful look at that what's that that's a bit poor into four inches damn 22 lead I got me that one but that's the joy of detecting you just never know most of the times been doing back there calls that half or I think it's a half 423 lead are you liking that ways guys all right no more stuff in there Ian let's go why do you have another target just here not near that that's a big chunky piece of quartz there just around here dear near this tree uphill that way so coming down behind the tree and we got some north chunky cords over through there very good and we have boomer of that same material waiting uphill that's just the stuff where that other piece of gold was found in as well so I'll give you guys a listen and get this one in let's say once we start getting closer to it you'll hear that response giant still going Dan still down all right Danny to that material now it's saying let's say get rid of that so we got a nice clean file and just in New York could probably scoot that ha just say get you thoughts in tell me what you reckon guy bring me he goes in how's that is that good is that close enough to the action all right so pinpointed it roughly in this area let's say I shouldn't say I did we thomas i ha ha yeah good one more in that god [Music] again once creeped up [Music] I'm gonna edit some of that out let's see poking through there what do you reckon guys a bit a less I had annoys didn't see em though he has another piece of gold that's gold guys you Ripper here we go that's another that's a solid little piece to get you get your thoughts in what you reckon that away it's a solid piece and I'll clean that up you go that's cool outside the way over again heads up I could do it yeah that's pretty solid well that's awesome that's cool what's out tree bit three bits and 265 pieces of junk and I will fill that back in and keep going up through here we're already well it's coming that time in the day sun's almost down what with these down so here we go 265 now it's not 265 pieces of junk but as you can see there goes a great mixture of stuff that we get from while we're out detecting red bullet shells it's a team shooting on top beautiful beautiful piece of lead a few nice pieces of wet in there - buck shots the old um those little things they come out of the old miners boots they'll have a little spiral on them brass get plenty of those out in the fields actually there's two two in that one here we go those people we didn't know what they were when you find them they're in the dirt they're out of the old miners boots and the gold there we go thought to just sit it on that rock and get a shot of it just there very cool and that is a good day I wasn't thinking I was getting gold today but we have our days more days without gold then when we get it but I've had a few donuts the last couple of days and that's just what we have to do we have days where we don't find gold and then we get these ones I would say there's a few grams there that that's got a bit away so I'll get that on the scales show you guys some pictures and I'll see you guys all through the week thanks very much for tuning in you're all awesome and hopefully I can get another video out through the week if not next Tuesday it's just been very hard with the weather so absolutely awesome thanks guys don't forget to give a thumbs up if you liked the lines and the video [Music] [Music]
Channel: Minelab Gold
Views: 5,056
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minelab, gold, nugget, detecting, prospecting, victoria, Australia, golden, triangle, adventure, fossicking, metal, coin, relic, hunting, searching, for, alluvial, reef, primary, host, rock, geology, sdc2300, gpx4000, gpx4500, gpx5000, gpz7000, gp3000, gp3500, gpx, 4000, 4500, 5000, sdc, 2300, gpz, 7000, detector, settings, how, to, find, nuggets, grounds, ground, reading, deposits, coiltek, elite, mine, miner, miner’s, mining, mineral, minerals, balance, balancing, hot, rocks
Id: bxPj4A_A348
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 23sec (1223 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 20 2019
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