Incredible Islands No One Wants To Buy For Any Price - Part 2

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you may remember I've already made a video like this but you guys seem to really enjoy it so I decided to make a part two and just dig a little deeper and find even more interesting islands that no one is willing to buy and here it is now at some point in our lives many of us have probably dreamt about getting away from the struggles of work and society in the rat race and dreamt about living on a beautiful paradise secluded Ireland but then we've realised that cause millions and millions so that dream remains a dream well there is still hope you don't have to be super rich to buy your very own tropical island there are many out there that are affordable as long as you don't mind putting up with a few drawbacks and to be fair in some cases their massive drawbacks these range from an island that's so cheap is basically free but it was used as an anthrax test site so another that's so far out to sea storms have killed every inhabitant instead of a hat so let's jump right in and take a look at five islands no one wants to buy for any price green-eyed island is a small scenic Scottish island that's two kilometers in length and naught point six kilometers wide on 1.1 kilometers from the coast and it was sold in 1990 for 500 British pounds and placed up for sale more recently but no one wanted to buy it so it's taken off the market you may be thinking 500 pounds is a super low price I'd buy it for that price just to say I own it and never stepped foot on it but trust me you really really don't want this it's absolutely useless no really there's a reason it's been uninhabited for nearly a hundred years that reason is because the British Army used this place for biological warfare testing and on one occasion they took eight sheep to the island and set off a load of anthrax bombs that were designed to pollute German cities and render them uninhabitable the test was successful the Sheep died and the island was indeed rendered uninhabitable now in 1986 the government decided it was time to clean up their mess and they started operation dark harvest a large-scale operation set up to decontaminate the island they spray two hundred and eighty tons of formaldehyde solution diluted in seawater all over the island and then they declared it fit for habitation by man can be and it seemed like it worked they placed a new flock of sheep there and they didn't die and since then there hasn't been a single trace of anthrax found there but still that reassurance just wasn't enough it's still seen in the eyes of many as a risk that's absolutely not worth taking and I honestly think that struggled to give this island away for free I mean who would want to live on an egg's anthrax infested island okay if you wanted to you just have to offer the current owners a little bit over 500 pounds and I'm quite sure they'd be very eager to sell it yet as Island Pennsylvania the huge six acre island is located in the Delaware River it has no infrastructure and it's just the short canoe ride to local shops and services and is priced at a ridiculously cheap 150 thousand dollars but so far not a single person has been willing to buy it 150 K is an insanely low price for a private island of this size he'd be isolated peaceful and alone with your thoughts but there is a downside your friends and family would probably be too terrified to come visit you that's because it's widely known as one of the most haunted places in Pennsylvania and I know from my last video a lot of you said things like imagine not buying a place because of ghosts or ghosts aren't real now I see your point but I guess it just boils down to preference whilst it may seem silly some people do believe in ghosts and due respect curses and a lot of people don't want to bring up a family in a home surrounded by death and death is exactly what happened on this island it gets its name yet as Ireland from a convicted murderer Charles Guetta who was hanged here for strangling a woman in 1833 and over 20,000 locals gathered on this island to watch him die since then there has been countless reports of supernatural phenomena on this island people claimed to have seen the ghost of geta and his victim dressed in a long dark gown on many occasions but it's not clear if this is the ultimate reason why not a single person has been interested in buying this island maybe there's something else that developers see that we don't that renders the land useless and unusable and not worth the money linger is a 64 acre Scottish Island northeast of Scotland are surrounded by the rugged beauty of the North Sea and an abundance of wildlife and is up for sale for 200,000 pounds but in four years not a single person has shown any interest in buying it now that to me seems absolutely unbelievable just look at the size of this island it takes half an hour to walk from one side to the other and it comes with three properties granted they are rundown but this is still an insane bargain 200k would barely buy you a one-bedroom flat in some parts of Britain it could be because no one has lived there for over 80 years and it has no running water or electricity but it is close to a local village that does have some services which makes living on this island quite possible it would be very very basic but its durable the island does come with building permission to install septic tanks and a rainwater capture system for drinking water but still maybe even that's too basic I guess people do buy private islands to get away from it all and lead a simple quiet life but I guess this island is just a little bit too simple and too basic if you remember in my last video I added a bonus paradise island called Pitkin that would give you a plot of land to live there absolutely free to boost its population you can't buy it they'll just give you a piece for free it's true you wouldn't have to spend a single penny well this next one is a bit like that mat-su Kea is a four hundred and sixty acre island in Tasmania Australia and it's surrounded with jaw-dropping natural beauty and the government will let you live here for half a year for free in a four-bedroom house with a vegetable garden but it comes with a few conditions firstly you can only apply if you have a partner and you're both willing to go secondly you have to maintain the island and the wildlife and third you'd be responsible for daily weather observations and finally you are not allowed to leave the island to be honest that sounds like a pretty sweet deal to me however if you're thinking about doing it you should bear in mind that there's no TV no internet and no means of contacting the outside world but I'm sure that wouldn't be a problem for anyone looking to escape the stresses of everyday life and if you're interested you can sign up through tasmania's Park and Wildlife Services website Tillamook rock also known as terrible Tilly it's a small island with a lighthouse just off the coast of Oregon that was originally bought for fifty thousand dollars but it's since been on the market countless times but each time it fails to sell and has since been abandoned and forgotten one of the reasons why no one wants to buy this is the price they're asking 1.2 million dollars which is a hell of a lot for a place that would need special permission to do any maintenance on the lighthouse as there are restrictions in place because it's now a bird sanctuary so that immediately puts off developers another reason is because the weather is so bad out there he's killed numerous lightkeepers hence the name terrible Tilly on one occasion the waves came so high they washed over the whole lighthouse and swept the keeper out to sea then a replacement was sent but he didn't even manage to step a single foot on the island a wave knocked him off his boat whilst he was mooring and he disappeared into the sea never to be seen again so yeah that deters anyone wanted to buy this place as a private holiday retreat so all of this along with access to the island be pretty much non-existent this makes it incredibly overpriced with no one willing to buy it and I imagine not many people would buy it even for the original sale price of $50,000 [Music] you
Channel: WOWsoAmaze
Views: 2,524,424
Rating: 4.6134195 out of 5
Keywords: Incredible Islands No One Wants To Buy For Any Price, Islands, Island, Private Island, Incredible Islands, No One Wants To Buy For Any Price, Scottish Islands, Islands For Sale, island in the sun, Buy Island, Luxurious Island, Island Getaway, Cheap Islands, MaatSuyker, No One Wants To Buy
Id: ao3arYjeoeQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 58sec (478 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 09 2018
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