Lucky Fishermen Who Caught Things That Made Them Rich

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it's estimated there's over 600 billion dollars worth of treasure hidden away under the world waters and the vast majority of this is from sunken ships from ages past whilst the rest is from things like floods washing items into the oceans and lakes or people hiding them and countless other methods so it comes to no surprise that some anglers find treasures that worth millions whilst doing their job and not even looking for them and this video is going to take a look at the very best of those finds that made them super wealthy and change their lives ranging from an extremely lucky find by a first-time magnet fisherman to a guy who unknowingly found an ancient lost statue of the Greek god Apollo which will net him a large amount of money so let's jump right in and take a look 3 yamani fishermen got super lucky after finding 80 kilograms of whale vomit floating on the shores of the curia province that is expected to net them 2.5 million you may be thinking whale vomit why would anyone want whale vomit but why is it worth so much well it's a very rare and costly wax because whales I guess don't vomit that much but it's a very prized ingredient to perfume manufacturers apparently the whale vomit known as ambergris has a foul feasel light smell when fresh but after its dried apparently it smells amazing and pleasant and very very sweet and it's for this reason perfume companies warn it's so bad the fisherman said they just saw it floating around in the sea and they could smell the nasty smell from a good distance away they reeled it in with a rope and rush back to shore knowing that basically one the seal of three and as they were incredibly poor they were overcome with joy and happiness and now they look to use the money to go into property management to create a better life a fisherman from porto Princesa in the philippines went to work fish in his local waters then when the day was over he tried to pull up anchor but it was stuck he was forced to swim down in this logic which is where he discovered he was wedged between a rock and a giant clamp so picked it up and took it home and when he got home he opened the clamor found a giant pearl measuring 30 centimeters wide and 67 centimeters long with a weights of 75 pounds unknowingly he didn't realize it was the biggest pearl ever discovered he assumed it was worthless and kept it as a good-luck charm and put it under his bed every time he went out fishing he would touch the pearl to bring him good luck little did he know he'd already had a massive stroke of luck and was sitting on a fortune now it wasn't until 10 years later that he showed his odd he realized the significance of this find she posted a picture to her Facebook group got some advice and got it valued and then she was told it was worth over 100 million u.s. dollars is estimated that throughout the course of human history over three million ships of sunk and a pretty good percentage of those were merchant ships carrying gold some of the best examples of this were a Spanish galleon that was sunk by British ships in 1708 and it was discovered 300 years later with around 17 billion dollars worth of gold and again in World War 1 and to over 700 British ships were sunk with gold bars on them and then there's Nazi u-boats that haven't been found carrying millions of dollars worth of treasure and the list goes on and on it's safe to say there's a lot of gold waiting to be discovered on the world civics one lucky Dutch fisherman managed to accidentally find some of this for himself he fished up to 12.5 kilogram gold bars with a total value of around 1 million dollars yes something tells me he just might not be a fisherman anymore now you may have heard of a new trend called magnet fishing well it's not actually that Munich's been around for a while but it's receiving a lot of attention as of late basically what you do you buy a very powerful magnet attach it to a line and chuck it in a river or lake and then you hope that the magnet latches onto metal items that people have been chucking in there using this method people have found the craziest of items things such as guns phones knives money boxes cannonballs world war ii planes old coins pretty much everything but one guy got very very lucky when he found an old safe full of expensive item 22 year-old Adam Hastings from the UK was magnet fishing for the first time after seeing on a TV program and he pulled up this old safe containing expensive watches necklaces jewelry and World War 2 medals and it's believed to be a safe from a bank heist that robbers dumped in a panic to come back and get it out later date the contents of the safe have yet to be valued and unfortunately he probably won't get to keep the treasure but he could stand to get a substantial reward drug smugglers around the world use many different methods to get drugs from one country into another and probably the most common one is via boat now sometimes they get spooked or they see the coastguard come in and they chuck the drug load overboard in a desperate attempt to get rid of it and most of the time it sinks or washes up on shore so when boat captain Thomas freedom was out in his boat in Florida USA he fished up six hundred and twenty thousand dollars of drugs but instead of doing what normal people would do and hand it in he decided to keep it and start selling it and living the highlife that's until he got figured out and arrested and now he is looking at life in jail and a five million dollar fine so yeah he was rich for a while but he isn't now and it definitely wasn't worth it one of the most significant and valuable finds from a fisherman happened in the Gaza Strip by a Palestinian man who put it straight on eBay for half a million dollars it was quickly taken down and seized the fisherman mr. Jude a crab and his friends were out on his boat one day when he recalls he saw what we thought to be a corpse in the water so he and his friends dived in to inspect it but they quickly discovered it wasn't a body but instead a statue this wasn't just any statue though it was a two thousand year old bronze statue of the Greek god Apollo that had been lost for centuries and even though they tried to sell it for half a million dollars it's estimated to be priceless and it made the world of archaeology get very excited but shortly after that the police turned up and taken away mr. crab has said he's in a very difficult financial position and he's very much looking forward to the handsome reward that he's been promised once the statue finds a home and is put on display and that brings this video to an end thank you so much for watching if you're new around here make sure to subscribe and hit that little Bell icon to turn notifications on that way you'll see all my new uploads but anyways take care I will see you in the next one goodbye [Music]
Channel: WOWsoAmaze
Views: 2,286,402
Rating: 4.6418047 out of 5
Keywords: Lucky Fishermen Who Caught Things That Made Them Rich, Lucky Fishermen, Lucky Fisherman Finds, Lucky Fishermen Who Caught Never-Before-Seen Creatures, 10 SUPER LUCKY FINDS THAT MADE PEOPLE RICH, Lucky People Who Found The Best Things, Fishing, That Made People Rich, Fishermen, Lucky Finds, Luckiest Finds, Rich People, Lucky People, Accidental Millionaires, Fortunate, Luck, Find, Accidental
Id: KMx9BCesF4c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 27sec (387 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 23 2018
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