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hey everybody and price here Ash and jazzz are still gone selling wonderful Arts we're going to check out backpack battles today which I have seen a lot of people get really obsessed with it's an auto battler and it's a management Sim so we're going to try it out I'm intrigued I'm intrigued it looks neat like you said a lot of people are all up about it we're playing the demo and uh I mean if we really like it play the whole game so yeah and it's PVP so you know if price and I get very obsessed with it we could just battle each other fight each other all the time all right so basically I chose the character that looks most like me which is a ranger which is awesome we start out with this Lucky Clover and it increases accuracy by 5% okay and then we have a sword that does damage so the idea is to buy as many items as possible and put them in our backpack and then we'll eventually battle someone else in their backpack so let's see what do we got look at the hammer is it I think it's too big for us to even fit actually okay no here's what you can do you put it in the middle and you rotate it down we can move so yeah like move the sword and then like if you want that hammer yeah you could put it there in the right column rot it we just how much money we got eight gold so we should just buy as much stuff as possible pocket sand yeah you can buy the pocket sand and you could buy the horn we do want the lump of coal because then we can attach that to something we can attach it to the Hammer we can put two in the hammer um this is on sale we should get anything that's on sale gain one spikes it looks like okay so grab that hammer okay so hammer come here right and then you right click to rotate so do it one more time no no yeah that'll work that'll work further over to the right further over to the right so it goes like make it so it just goes all the way into a slot so that yeah oh like that yeah yeah and then we can bring this oh God sorry it's all good okay there go and that and then right click it do the thing go okay and then this we'll just put there and then the coal you can Co do we can slot this coal into another item chance to deal plus one damage okay start a battle gain oh if it's in armor it does that in the backpack after 3 seconds gain a random buff so if you leave it in the backpack then it gives you a random buff but if we attach it to something well let's see what else we can buy we can buy the banana we have Oh I thought we were out of money okay we have four gold so we could either get the pocket sand or the the banana so I think we should get the banana heels okay but the pocket sand you can blind them the Hammer's already going to stun it says so I think maybe the banana banana you it's not bad so then right click it oh I guess you can put it there too or we can say you could put it there but yeah just might as well put it in that lower corner it's same same effect uh okay yeah it's fine oh and then we got yeah and then for the lump of coal we could essentially put it in its own spot which gets a random buff and inflict a I think that's more powerful yeah sure let's do it let's put it here yeah okay so all right full backpack look at that y'all so we're going to start our battle now now that we put everything in there let's let's go they will fear your shiny stuff great I'm still not sure exactly how the order of weapons is chosen okay so that was the beginning of battle okay so now it's just it's just okay it's not chaining it's just like okay I see okay we're going to let this one just go at normal speed for right now so okay it's the it's the the dueling bananas there we go was that an actual person I wonder or was that just I know this is oh maybe no I don't think so I can reserve items okay so how do we update our backpack I feel like we need the pig for you right how much money we got gold 10 gold but then we're being rid of you know I guess we could slot the coal and we could rotate the other things and then we would have enough maybe to fit yeah what does the pig do maybe not no cuz we only have one extra slot then so we gain gold at the start a battle we gain two Max maximum health for each start of battle item that's pretty good go down to him and see if like there's something where he click me for valuable tips rotate items rotate items we got that said like maybe click on the treasure chest or maybe hover over your backpack it here to sell them okay stamina usage is very high okay weapons have Associated stamina cost and we do have so maybe is this considered a weapon um like what's considered a weapon I guess the hammer and the sword are weapons does it say weapon melee weapon melee weapon okay accessory okay um what is this box of riches generate a lowquality gemstone when we enter the shop you probably have to have space I'd assume unless it drops into storage maybe it drop I don't know if it drops into storage oh yeah cuz you probably can literally store things I didn't even think about that you could come back going to be there I hm I'm really curious about how you get to upgrade your backpack also in chat uh epithet said it's the ghost of someone at the same level it's not real time so oh okay okay that makes sense it's just it's their backpack so this wooden sword is one to two with one stamina what about this one this is zero stamina cost and two to five so we're going to get that all right will you hover over the coal real quick yeah so it shows like a little a pointing to the luck right so it looks like it's doing something connected so I wonder if they buff each other and then that oh no no I think it's just showing that they're connected so maybe they can do like chains if there was like a chain reaction thing maybe gains 10% critical chance from the Clover yeah maybe because it's right next to it or interesting interesting yeah there something we got to learn something we got to learn I'm putting that there cool on stun oh oh on stun triggers what look at it again triggers extra attack triggers an attack cuz the hammer stuns yes so that's good Synergy so that's good that's good so I think I think we can sell this I'm fine selling this okay Dante says the Blue Line means that they can combine if you have the right combination of items cool oh okay okay so I'm going to sell this does that seem good yeah I mean yeah there's no reason I want to it and then hover over your backpack like your actual backpack like the the in between slots like can you Ranger bag oh yeah can you upgrade it or anything I don't or like maybe click on the smaller ones oh add six backpack slots it said hold on so how do I do that oh we can also wow okay so like we can oh no no those are added backpacks slots it says like so it's like having it does that so maybe then like they show up in the store the extra bag okay let's just we cuz we could that makes sense cuz now we can put it here we can move everything right okay we got to we got to start over we have do we it was it was pretty well put together it was but here we'll just all right you can do that there you can squeeze the banana in there yeah and then put this here oh actually no no move the spike up above the that guy because if you put the lucky thing between them maybe they'll both get the benefit ooh okay so we're we have a full backpack again what does the car do cleanse a random debuff if you have at least at least five luck okay weapon damage is increased by one per stack if we have in power okay gotta all right all right well we don't have the space for it I think what we've got is good you got the new dagger yeah I don't know if there's anything else we want to do right now I feel like we yeah we got the new dagger let's see what happens let's go start backpack battle by the power of capitalism I say in okay in chat Kess says you can buy more space but the base you start with has extra ability for the items in it so this first backpack is apparently better also wow I looked away for a second we kicked ass essentially awesome awesome all right what's in hey more backpack space look at that okay so we should get that it's only four AB so we're going to just we have 13 gold we could do a roll jump out at us items trigger 20% faster that's start the battle okay what's the what's the broom it's two to four stamina is a lot opponent misses attack cool down okay okay what about this oh on hit it blinds is that what it said yes on hit % chance to inflict blind got it okay neat I think we get these gloves though for sure okay we'll just put our little okay oh wait go go okay so it works on the ones it stars oh that's how that works okay hold on now no this you can do this you can totally do this so take the dagger and rotate it so that you can put it all the way to the side yep and then move the lucky clover okay and then now you can squeeze it in between them just like that there we gooo boom look at that Synergy awesome awesome do we want the broom no I don't think we want the now I don't think we can fit it very well we could have if we didn't get the gloves but I think the gloves like you said it's probably a better idea so then since the banana has all these Stars should we I'm guessing that the banana stars are for like maybe it combos with other food or something cuz the gloves showed yellow stars when it was like it'll work with these guys you know just like what if I do that and then we it doesn't matter I guess at that point cuz is that going to change now yeah I don't think that one matters I think it's only working by being in the thing do we want to do a roll only cost one gold we'd still have eight yeah let's [Music] try okay so we can get garlic what are those what are those little leaves and what's what's with the garlic oh the garlic we could maybe some somehow find a way to put next to the banana healing herbs regeneration you know I love health health is always good okay do have banana oh and banana heals and regenerates stamina so stamina is good oo yeah food triggers 10% faster for each food of a different type so yeah they definitely are good to combo we would just need to rearrange things yes Stone has no stamina so that's good and it can be thrown okay so that's good cuz we can always remove the lump of coal and like attach it to something attach Stone to something uh it doesn't look like it's a slot okay what is this one Wet Stone weapons gain one damage okay you would want to put that above one of the weapons yeah okay so I'm thinking wait wait if you go to the gloves will you quickly pick them up and then can you rotate them okay I was curious how the Stars would lay out okay mhm cuz technically then you could take the stone and like put it between them somehow and make that work as well I think so I'm I'm I'm I'm thinking garlic and healing herbs what about you I mean also stone stone is just a stone it's just I think I think let's let's do the garlic and the banana like situation let's try and fix that so let's let's hold on yeah we got to rearrange everything got whole we got do some things everyone get everyone get out get out get comfy yeah um okay so let's put in the gloves cuz the gloves are sort of going to determine where we want things NOP I didn't sometimes my mouse is bad cuz we can do that then you can put the dagger up there yeah right um okay take the banana put it there in that lower corner Y and then put the garlic above it yep there we can totally squeeze in the rest of the stuff cool there we go there you go y'all that's how you do it and if we want we could literally attach that and then also still get that regeneration or whatever the healing herbs yeah that's sort of what I'm thinking okay sure why not I say we put it on our that does the heal does that benefit from being near anything it doesn't look like it like it doesn't have stars like hover over it real quick just to read what it says heals one Health every sa common accessory yeah it doesn't have any combo thing cuz the food one say food triggers 10% faster right I think that looks good wait oh no hover over oh never mind never mind never mind no it's fine when you hovered over the banana it said not banana but I thought it was saying the garlic said not banana and I was like oh my gosh of course the one food we have but I read it wrong okay okay let's let's start let's do it power of capital the power of capitalism let's go oh look at this outfit I want these new I didn't realize there's new outfits yeah okay go ban crushing it crushing it go banana we did it this game is it's neat I like it I like it a lot it's very good it's very good okay the armor oh we got a new slot we got a new backpack we should get more more things so oh definitely get as much space as we can what's the frying pan about let's see frying pan deals one damage for each food that's another food combo it is but it also has two stamina we have we already are using a lot of stamina based on the hammer the hammer is a high stamina user so what's this Stone Skin Potion when you have at least 45 armor consume this and convert 15 Health to 30 okay interesting okay oh it's a consumable oh interesting oh I didn't even read that it was a consumable yeah and then we have leather armor which is just good I'm just wondering okay it takes up six it does take up six so we would have to get rid of two things we could also get double gloves like what would hold on hold on just you could make it work you can make it work for sure cuz you could just be like you need to what you need to do is yeah you do it like that I'm not you put the other okay yeah yeah cuz then you would put the other pair right next to it and then you put the dagger below it and then you're good but then you can't get the armor the question is if you really want the armor that's what it I feel like that is a that's for like tomorrow's battle you know okay okay I feel like we do double gloves of haste start a battle item Trier this affected slots marked with this okay I see we do double double this okay come out the gate Swang in yeah yeah yeah yeah so how did we want to do this no no put put that back where it was you can totally do it yeah yeah so then put both of those gloves let rotate them and have them pointing down yeah and then you put the the dagger down there right yep that's right okay okay so we can we got five gold you can do a reroll instead of four looks like a lot of things usually cost four yeah I'm definitely don't have space for that yeah I think we should stay where we are I almost think roll cuz we might get another slot right how much do the slots cost four so I mean I'd say do a re just in case okay all right we move on or grab the pig grab the pig we can grab the giv US money he comos with those guys Lucky Clover and the healing herbs okay Lu say go go back to the pig said gain two maximum health for each star at the start of battle so we'll gain four Max Health at the start of every battle neat okay yeah I think that and what if you hover over the luck and the herb do they say any uh benefit no okay okay cool let's let's go I'm ready neat I knock my thing over the power of capitalism okay okay here we go oh okay look they've got claws they've got like a little oh wow annihilated I think it's the stun combo honestly yeah the dagger stun combo we are just too good yeah okay I'm impressive we're impressive price that's what I always say oh my gosh a second Hammer just like Po what's with the little Satchel a fanny pack oh it it's it's slots it's it adds two we're getting it oh it says the items inside trigger faster so do we want any specific thing we could trigger faster because we could have like the dagger trigger faster yeah I'm like do we put it cuz you would just want to move everything down one I think or yeah yeah yeah you could do it like that okay okay yeah oh oh oh it's fine cuz then we'll just move everything up yeah yeah and then we'll just put put this here move move the the dagger one down first that one and then yeah and then and then you're going to have to move the banana the other thing we'll move it's fine I'll move the banana you'll make it work and then we'll put that there other way other way cuz it has to touch oh you're right you're right you're right you're right you can either have it pointed up or you could have it pointed to the side this way yeah yeah yeah and then banana on the top banana on the top classic banana on the top garlic garlic squeezed up next to that and now we got two more slots okay um oh what does the stone do again the what stone weapons gain one damage you could put that pointed at the hammer I mean it would work um what is this uh we could reroll or we could grab that little gem box cuz what does the gem box do generate a little qu I think we should do that sure but do we have to have it in our backpack is the thing think yes for sure so here yeah so then um yeah we'll we'll generate gemstones and we can slot that into our into our stuff H yeah okay I like that let's do this do we want to buy the other Hammer ahead of time or would we would we want a second hammer or just man I don't think so because we already have we only have five stamina so that's true we need more stamina we would have to find an item that lowers the stamina of the hammer right yeah so and it's based on what I've seen I feel like the hammer is going to show up again because we've seen four wooden sword no for sure for sure okay let's go let's go by the power of capitalism oh want this I want this outfit look at the pig look at the lucky Pig oh the lucky Pig I like how immediately price is looking at the actual items in the backpack and I'm looking at the characters look this one's close this one's close oh yeah it's the stun combo it's the stun combo we got we got it we got it look at that 100% when we stun them we suddenly do like 20 damage or something we got the combo that dagger oh we got a gemstone slim life steal 10% yeah that's one it's just in the backpack yeah there we go what does it do on this one what is the sword oh so on hit life steal 10% yeah what is oh cap of resilience start the battle okay so it's it's you know chance at chance at hungy blade DOD essentially okay start a battle gain a vampirism on hit use Health to gain a vampirism maximum damage increased by one per vampirism heals a health per stack when hitting with the melee weapon so we're going to have our health slowly going down I guess but it's going to keep regenerating no no no no you use a regeneration to do that okay it slowly regenerates regeneration and then that becomes vampirism got it but what isting scobert do heal for nine okay hover him over just to see if there's anything that it um star connects with so like just okay yeah it's got he's got yeah so everything will connect pretty much yeah okay there's more herbs I'm still I that sword it makes me happy but we don't for it I mean we could buy it we could okay so we could get rid of the wall wallrus Tusk deals one damage per stack when being hit with melee weapon oh so it's retaliatory damage yeah so it will well how much how much stamina does the sword use though I'm not thinking about stamina stamina it's only one so this does three okay this sword does zero zero which is nice so we might have to replace the Hammer with this yeah that'd be the thing is we would have to lose that and then we lose our stun combo I think the Hammer's better I think the Hammer's better for now too it is shiny though I will say it's shiny it is shiny it's shiny I don't think there I bet it's very good but you know we could do a reroll to see if we get more like backpack space it's true cuz we have 15 gold so true let's do it sorry goobert look at that good call what is the flute and does it work with rats flute uh Rat randomly gain 14 defense or two stamina or two luck every 5 Seconds wow or two luck yeah triggers 10% faster for each starred item wow what does this do Acorn collar items gain plus five critical hit for each uh each luck I mean that one combined with the flute is incredible right yeah cuz we're going to be generating luck oh man oh click to reserve it said click to reserve what does that mean where did it say that where did it say that where did it say that oh click to reserve so so do we get the flute we get the flute right how many how many's oh whoops okay well now it's reserved for next time so then can you also reserve the Little Acorn thing yeah but we can also get this we can get the flute now right well and here's my other thing should we throw it in the storage for now so we can we'll have to rearrange everything should we also get the other Lu the other little Clover if we're getting this all this luck stuff yeah I think so yeah let's do it and then if we get that lucky collar next time we can really stack that stuff somewhere and then it's like we have this huge luck like that will build our accuracy throughout the fight I'm going just like I think get rid of the Tusk for now like let's put that as lowest priority yeah uh or we could put it like here right and then true true and then it goes with all those items which I think is going to be our best bet I don't think it's connecting though what do you I think it's just showing oh oh can you put it h that's so interesting I guess maybe it does connect it's got that range it's got that range yeah so here yeah so hover over it real quick I think it shows the range somewhere anyway I'm not sure but okay so yeah throw the throw the luck up there throw the throw both of those up there I would think right yeah we can put oh they don't connect they don't connect yeah okay cool but now we have even more luck so no that's great that's great cuz it's gonna once we get the collar we're it's going to build so well yeah yeah this seems really good maybe we're going down the wrong track but this seems very good I don't know all it's highlighting all those things it's Synergy it's Synergy yeah yeah yeah so in affected Stars slots become marked with will become yeah when affected is applied so that means that luck is applied to all of those so if we hover over this one then it says 10% critical hit chance plus 3% for each luck yeah for each okay and then then what is this one though that 10% 10% faster for each star food of a different type see I'm not sure how it works for everything yeah all right well these are now 20% faster were they always 20% faster I thought they were 10% yeah that's because each of the hands is giving them 10% um it sounds good it looks good let's go yeah let's go ahead and do it let's go let's see we got more space okay oh look at her she got mushies boy oh this one I feel she's got a walk look at that little p walk shees walk and look at how look at our like survivability oh wow look at that flute go flute go flute go go flute go dude we're so good at this price killing it okay okay okay little choker thing okay we're getting this right yes cuz we can afford it beep yes oh and we got a little amethyst so let's put our little put our amethyst here okay so this guy it has stars all around it what do we want it next to we want it next to the flute right we want it next to the flute what if we do we want next to the luck oh it doesn't seem like it doesn't hold on do it doesn't do the flute all right hold on hover over it and see what it says again okay items gain critical hit chance for each luck increase accuracy okay so the weapon that is gaining it is going to be the hammer is the hammer maybe we could get the dagger to as well I'm thinking how let's okay okay okay I got it I got it uh put it back where it was okay grab the bag on the right the far right yeah it'll drop the the flute yeah but it's fine uh rotate oh rotate the bag no no no no don't rotate it just um put it under there and drop the flute under slot it in there yeah and then the flute will fall but then you swap the flute to there right oh it points yeah it's it's got that's that was the problem well okay um dang I didn't realize the direction that it was matter what if okay okay okay lucky piggy hold on we're doing some we're doing some things yeah yeah yeah all right does that reach them both there we go that's what we had before perfect we had it it was one too high I think no why what was it oh cuz we were trying I was trying to make it too and then we wanted here we wanted that there you go and then the only problem is the pig doesn't really get well no yeah you put him put him I mean you can at least connect him to one if you put him down underneath the choker and then put one luck above him right yeah yep hold on hold on hold on get take the choker out real quick take the choker out real quick put the other Clover above the pig well we put the we put that CL look look at it says lucky piggy okay hover over the lucky piggy how do we combine it I think this is the combining thing yeah I don't know gain to maximum health like someone in chat like talked about how you can combine things together how do we get so like cuz when it's on it yeah place the Clover on the pig no okay that's what what did I just do cuz then it's a bunch of coins cuz that that that it different does top and bottom matter it will combine after a fight oh okay oh okay so then let's so then we can just have the have on the one for now and then we'll swap it because then the pig is going to combine and it it'll take up less space yeah I think we keep the healing herbs though yeah I'm cool with it let's do it I'm so excited for the piggy it was the pig that we saw I know what is this bag of stones do we want to grab another dagger I mean it's cuz it's free it's free stamina it is free stamina yes might as well right yeah doesn't necessarily mean we're going to use it but should should we do a roll in case we have another bag sure what is this add three backpack slots and gain a stamina yeah boom okay so I guess uh where do we want to put it um you could rotate it and put it on the off well you could use it if you moved everything you could use that for the flute is like what I was thinking it's like exclusive flute B just just put it there for now hold on what if we put it there and then go yeah yeah boom that I think that works even better yeah yeah and then move the herbs and then you can put lucky swap the herb bag and the lucky Pig bag I'm going to move it down one to here okay because that will get it'll get more yeah that'll get more there we go okay all right so then we can have this and it'll be affected by the acorn collar swap the two no never mind never mind yeah yeah that's fine that's fine whoopsies cuz I wanted that thing to also eventually once we get the lucky Pig you'll swap that to where one of those Clover is and then it'll hit all three yes yeah exactly exactly cool okay okay okay awesome okay let's go I think that's good we can't we are in such a good spot we're we're overthinking all of this to the best degree this is the game for 88 right here this is this is the game that we need okay let's start it all right here we go oh they got a pig dude they got three pigs they got three p they're generating lots of money that way for sure okay okay look at up look we're doing great we're doing great we doing fantastic we won we won we did it subass unlocked it said there it is that's the lucky Pig this incredible okay so then we want to move this one here yes yes so lucky Pig oh okay lucky Pig if it's next to something what does it do cuz look it's showing that does it give the luck effect to them and then we can still put that right there and that'll be effective yeah oh man I'm curious okay okay yeah do it that way rotate that little the dagger that's below the pig so that it's touching the pig this one well the stars are only going it's only oh we'll rotate oh okay oh yeah swap the dagger with the no cuz you want that okay never mind there's probably a way we could make it work but we don't need to overthink this right now no no no okay so we are o okay so we can I guess this is what we get as our uh class thing or whatever cuz we can have piercing it so we could be a hunter we could be a life hunter life finder or Pathfinder Pathfinder on sale resist debuffs spikes deal one damage per stack when being hit poison deals one damage per stack every two seconds I L I do love a poison it's okay it says it's you're inflicting poison when you gain Thorns is what it sounds like okay when we gain Thorns or when we do Thorns when okay when yeah it says Thorn gained equals inflict to poison the hunter also has luck we have a lot of luck luck increases accuracy by 5% that's true weapons deal 30% critical damage and they remove five I mean that is pretty good that's pretty good too we also have lifebinder so we gain five is that stamina one stamina and one regeneration oh no no it's it's just it's a it's a resource it's Mana is what it says oh okay okay okay when you get five it'll heal for five and cleanse two okay I'm tempted for Hunter because it has I'm I'm on the hunter train for sure well we'll have to rearrange everything at some point right now I'd say we just pop it in there and figure it out so get rid of the The Thorn thing maybe fun cuz we need one extra slot right and then Pig oh it's only two I thought it was three I thought no and then Pig will have an effect on this one yeah yeah so yeah that looks good to me item activates 40% CH okay cool that mean this this is neat okay there's the thorn whip hover over the thorn whip oh oh that's a high stamina though spikes deal damage per stack on hit gain Spike see that combined with the Pathfinder is what you want yeah yeah that's true you're gaining Thorns throughout that's a combo all right cool so we get we have this oh we got a sapphire so let's just put that on something on perfect the other thing that we could get is we could get this Emerald which steals poison and we could take the lump of coal because all the lump of coal does is one extra damage but how much damage does it do on its own already cuz like the damage the damage levels are already they're pretty low right 8 to 12 so it' be 9 to 13 H I mean I guess yeah I mean I'm also fine just we can save the one what does the emerald do if it's in the thing poison yeah 25 okay never mind yeah swap swap it out let's do poison let's do poison I'm down I'll just we'll just keep that you never know yeah okay okay that's that's good that's good let's go let's do it let's go we could also roll because we have a oh we do have good money yeah do it we pack items trigger 10% faster very cool um let's put it here because then something can affect it over here I'm just seeing okay so no I mean that would work but I think that um we want the daggers where they are like we have that set up pretty good oh my gosh another set of those oh my gosh you know what you could do if we arrange okay okay okay okay if you move the critical Satchel one down this one look at that armor too here no no no uh yes and then put it below that one that one oh like this one yeah so you could rearrange this in some way so that again that the um the gloves would touch both the hammer and that guy couldn't you yeah because if we did if we moved like but we have to move that guy is the problem we could do that right that's what I was thinking but the critical thing won't be able to hit them all whoopsy Doodles that's the downside I'm like I'm going to figure out a way to make this work though I think that this is the only way it's going to work if you want it to also for the hammer to get the the three of them yeah you know and what does this thing do when it's touching up the choker again item gains 5% critical hit for each for each uh Lucky Clover oh maybe you're not going to be able to hit the hammer but you could hit both of those if you put a bag underneath the dagger right here I can't see your arrow but yes oh eyes okay hm I don't know if we have enough space though you need to use the Satchel I think but you get what I mean because you could then put it below that and it would touch both daggers but I don't think we're going to be able to physically yeah we would need another we would Bas yeah we need another fanny pack so so the question is which is better the having the extra hand or having the choker touch them well here's my thing we don't actually have any lucky clovers anymore because it got absorbed by the pig doesn't he still give us luck he gives us luck but I it says per okay it says for each Lucky Clover and we don't actually have a lucky clover right now I get what you mean I get what you mean right because we gain luck right start of battle gain two luck um but it doesn't generate that's true um didn't we have something that's generating crits I can't remember I think we're fine with this let's try this yeah let's just try I think weapons activating 10% faster theor also gives us luck right okay well it's doing its thing let's do it do it let's do it yeah let's go we're doing great let's do it we're doing a capitalism whoa look at that bag he's got a little dragon wow I want a dragon okay this guy's this guy's doing some things okay okay oh guy look at how much he survives look at that this guy knows his no yeah it's all the Shields and stuff we're do I think it's like Shields and maybe some Thorns yeah that was our first loss first loss okay so's the blade and what's the little card I wonder if that's like a uh that's one stamina oh the card customer card increases the Rarity of one item in the shop every time it refreshes oh if you keep that in every time we reroll the shop is going to have some rare stuff I mean that's pretty cool okay the Rapier um so it does take one stamina uses three gain to gain three damage gain on miss you gain three luck use three luck to gain three damage if you miss you gain three luck increases accuracy by 5 that's interesting so it consumes luck and then it it generates luck yeah but we don't have a slot for it how big is the the sword as well it's four what about the other sword though the I mean I know that one's probably four as well I'm just lightsaber okay regeneration do take more stamina and we don't we don't have generation for regeneration right now I don't think we have this plant that's our regeneration at the start of battle giv us two at the start of battle the other's going to consume um uh I mean the I really think the Rapier is really cool if it's like zero stamina but that's going to be tricky to fit in well the Rapier is one stamina nothing is zero that we have Oh I thought it was Zero no um and then or we can just roll and look for more space I think roll oh here we go potion belt potion belt can it only hold potions I don't know I bought it first potion adds four back slots first potion inside consume gains a random buff four potions inside consume cleanse four debuffs that's a legendary bag but can you move other stuff into it it's just saying that potions work really well in yeah let's see ooh we can put BL Ruby okay so so having the Ruby there look it's going to combo at the end of the next fight yeah uh the other thing the pineapple would combo with both of the other foods that we have right but we need more slots to make it work what's up with the spear that's what one stamina H I mean hold on is this another Ruby go with me on this journey yeah yeah okay oh oh okay look look look look look look it said flawed Ruby there yeah so that's going to be become a flawed Ruby and then maybe that one will also no no leave that there okay because that dagger and the next one I think those two rubies together are going to become a flawed one and after the next fight it'll become whatever the next yeah yeah maybe the two flaw rubies you're right you're right yeah okay okay okay okay I think we just try let's keep going yeah do we do you want to roll one more cuz we still have nine sure sure another choker huh what's that one do oh here's a potion though how many is this oh this is just I can't tell after being consumed also applies the effect of the star potion without consuming it oh oh if it were lamp every two seconds gain one luck one Thorns or Mana depending on what you have the least of oh whoa use Godly level it's god tier we don't have enough money for it we'd have to sell something I mean we can whoops the Doodles we reserved it we're res I mean then we then we can see it next time yeah yeah yeah okay let's that seems neat let's try that seems real good we reserve the god god tier nobody oh gosh all right all right okay this person has two bananas and two pigs seems a little even yeah yeah yeah oh but they have higher regen they seem to have a lot higher regen yeah yeah and a lot of St there stamina their stamina they also have a lot of vampirism it seems that way yeah okay okay it's all right it's all right buy that thing we're just whoops we're just going to buy that okay you're right you're right look at this a so so then with the with that guy where does it have to be what does it point at anything they just so what does it do to the thing in front of it what does it say with the star uh let me put it down so you can hover yeah um give the weapon in front of it 27 damage holy yes point that at a dagger yes point that at a dagger yeah well what if we point at the hammer though like my thing is the daggers are free right so even when we run low on stamina they'll still be going right um so I think having one of those attacking is going to be huge I think we just put maybe we just put the coal away right it gives us two slots but the thing is with this Ruby it's oh no yeah put it there oh no it looked like it was still connecting to no we have to connect it um below hold on we have 10 here we go hey perfect and then we can just be like heyy and it works 10% faster put the coal back we can have this chip topaz and and grab the grab the purple one as well in the shop because we have we have another amethyst up there that we could um so we'll that we'll just be like hey you can have this and then we'll put that there we'll put this here and then we'll turn into a better amethyst boom boom and we've got a bird dragon egg reserve the dragon egg it's Legend reflects toches after two rounds in your back uh yeah we're reserving the egg but there's get another dagger oh but no get it get it we'll save it for next time oh I see but the bird what's the bird do sorry bird we got the chinx torquil uh every 3 seconds starred items trigger 5% faster remove I mean that's pretty good if we put that in front of the hand then again we also have this item has three hasts on it I don't think we need the bird right and then here's the other thing yeah if we could put that dagger you know in a place where it could could also get faster anyway I think we get it we get the dagger we get the dagger if we could get a build with like eight daggers like yeah also it just seems like really good especially if we can combine it with other things that boost their damage you know uh oh good one we didn't we didn't even we just we just do that it's fine fine okay okay okay we're going incredible okay okay ossom like oome look at all the Buffs my goodness jeez okay look all the I like this man just has a salad this person has a salad in their in their backpack oh I can't I can't say nothing we're rolling with three daggers you know dude this is a close one we need some regeneration of the we do we won that one though that one was good ni nice okay we can buy oh what's the bag up there to oh it just adds another one back SL and gains seven armor okay heck yeah hold on we got to get this oh I guess we can reserve her for multiple rounds so that's cool yeah and then our Ruby is now up to that next tier yeah so throw that Amethyst in there um well we definitely get the back right hold on hold on hold on oo good one there we go that's what we wanted good one okay so then if we get I think buy the Clover no matter what yes only cost two we leave it in our chest or wherever and we we'll always want them I think it seems to me like they will combine with items so we could get this egg we could but we don't have any spots we don't have spots for it yeah I think get the little bag we reserve that we [Music] roll we'll still have 10 I mean that won't matter but let We Roll what what is this thing the Ripa blade on hit remove thorns and regen wow from your opponent that's pretty good that is a pretty good oh man like we could buy it and reserve it there's another uh uh hold on what do you call it there's another flute what does the flute do again the flute wait is this the same flute yeah randomly gains 14 Shields or two stamina or two luck would we want that another flute potentially but like it's again I'm just thinking about now at this point it's like oh we grab things and we just leave them yeah you know what we could also grab though we could grab that stone and battle weapons but we don't we'd have to we could put it down rotate it put it in the bag yeah exactly we could put it here yeah and it's only four yeah I think I think might as well that's good for future it might combine with other items it leaves us with five gold uh maybe one more reroll in case we get another four pack that's a good idea you called it boom baby okay all right there's also well it's too late now oh we unless we sell some stuff I guess what could we sell what could we sell well what is it that's one sell for one what about the Ruby sell for one you sell them both cuz we gen is we generate the gems right so it's like so we could selling two to get another slot to me seems like a good idea because it gives us armor as well yeah okay yeah yeah and that that for slot that we have now can that's that's the dragon bag that's that's yeah that's our Dragon bag you're so okay let's get let's listen we got to get to me it seems like bag space is the most important thing yeah o the golden pan see like these people have lots of combo items yeah and the voodoo doll o the the this is a close one this is no it was the Thorns the Thorns stacked up and got us okay okay it's all right it's all right what is this or crown what Crown oh Crown the cleanse and heal use 10 Mana to become invulnerable so if we had something thing that generates Mana what does the Mana orb do the top generates Mana it activates 50% chance to gain Mana use 30 Mana to gain 12 random by the Buffs oh my gosh I mean those two together I mean I think the dragon mustu another day giant dragon yeah you put that there and then you put that up from there yeah yeah yeah yeah there we go or or helps piggy incredible it just seems so good and it's god tier is the thing like yeah what was the other god tier thing we had the lamp yeah yeah cool like it's technically it's it's MoneyWise it's better than the dragon egg yeah I'm like what else I'm like what else do we got nothing okay we got this little just this little Chi that's fine we're just making this little baby wait wait we this little baby wait okay but wait the crown is considered armor because you can you can put a slot in there so what do we have so the topaz 15 chance to resist the stun healing is Amplified by 20% that's a pretty good one although we have your opponent's healing is reduced by 20 oo I like that one the reduced healing yeah because I like the the time that we have lost it's because they have a lot of vampir stuff that's true that's true what about the um the sapphire and the emerald up in the hammer oh yeah yeah yeah uh gain two armor yeah gain two armor and then 10 chance to resist poison okay I think it's fine where it is I think they're fine how they are yeah yeah yeah yeah I think that's oh do you want to buy the better Ruby is the question we got two gems this one yeah yeah I might as well so then replace the one that's in the other dagger right yeah cool cool okay let's do let's go let's go oh for friendship and money my goodness y'all oh wow look at this oh boy wow okay this is scary there's so many bananas in there I'm trying to watch the Buffs okay we are gaining Mana okay yeah this is fatigue damage we won so damage must be we take damage when we drain to zero stamina okay what what is this what in the carbuncle uh a wapple t it's also we're never getting a dragon y'all we are never getting a dragon we just want the goddamn Dragon so wait this increases Bas stamina yeah we're getting that if we need it okay let's oh we only have gosh we're going to have to make space okay yeah so we this thing needs at least okay so we can get rid of okay that we we get okay oh no here's what you do take both of those packs put them to the right of the crown move the the chipped we can't oh shoot we'd have to move everything over so um okay okay move it above um above the crowns put them both above the crown here um move the chip um yes that way and then rotate the crown to um fit uh like that uh uh move the uh move the orb with the um the leaves with the the herbs swap those oh okay cuz then that will hit the ground boom and it'll hit the animal and it hits the yep cool but this doesn't so we're down one gem we're down one gem but that's fine I think that it doesn't trigger anything oh cuz we don't have anything that could trigger maybe works with other pets oh it is with other pets right oh for each pet 15% faster for each pet around it um who was that smack Dave scam hello what up oh hey go all right okay so I put the the other chipped Emerald here so that we could combine those um nice yeah yeah yeah good call we have three gold I think we just move on I think yeah yeah I think I'm like is there anything else we can attach like a thing to right like I think we're good I think that's all we can attach to we could preemptively buy like no no we can't we can't even preemptively buy anything we're just reserving the Dragon for the dragon dragon forever but we have we have three god tier weapons or items which I to me says yeah says we're Godly in fact okay well we're going to the other thing that we could do is we could remove the lucky clover and we could do this that increases one or we just keep I'm you know I'm fine with the luck it hasn't led us astray we'll just keep yeah I think I think the lucky clover it affects a lot more so keep that for friendship and money okay all right Camy ooh okay Cammy let's see Camy has look at that like heart Shield I know what is that I love that okay Cam's got lots of Buffs camm's got lots of Buffs oh wow that was quicker 13 13 vampirism look at those vampire gloves I bet you those vampire gloves add like plus plus she has that vampire sword too so all right little Satchel dragon egg we can't keep the where we need four for the dragon true we can do one roll and maybe get a bag yeah let's do roll keep the dragon reserved all right we did not we get we get a Fanfare trumpet it's it's go it's three though whoopsie Doodles okay how do we make this work we just get one of well well well we get one of these and then we in there and then we're like hey here's my fan Fair resist is like we're never getting a dragon egg are we it's true sry don't sorry son we don't get to go to Disney this year stop son it'll be fine oh oh here real real quick real quick we'll move this up move move the potion belt uh um swap the potion belt to be closer to everything else oh you're right you're right you're right yeah and then put that there and then you could put the sharpening stone pointing at the hammer oh you're so smart just like this a little little my God there's two dragon eggs I didn't even notice ah there's two dragon and a buster sword bird it's a little late to get the dragon egg that's true we only have like one more fight and it takes two to hatch no no no it's fine it's fine that that dragon egg is always going to be reserved okay one day one day that's always everyone knows that everyone knows it I didn't even read what the I just read Godly I don't even know what this thing does randomly gain and Mana okay and remove two Mana from an opponent or remove that's awesome because we have we have things that benefit from Mana right yeah yeah I so perfect I think we did it I think I think this is good and it empowers the weapons in front of it so it's going to add damage to them oh I think this is going to be very good okay okay okay okay we're going to start this we're going to do our best oh my gosh what is happening with this backpack over here 44 armor look at this combination of these tarot cards and there's a coffin that is the uh that that bag in the middle yeah yeah the tarot cards are interesting yeah and they're all synergized with like yeah everything oh we won we won one HP Choose Wisely it says take the win or start survival mode surv I'll say this I'll say this it's two we reached the end of the stream yeah we take we take the win we take this is this is like the perfect time for us to take the wi yeah yeah heck yes y'all awesome and we had one HP left we literally just got that with one HP one HP one try look at that that's what they call us one HP one try the one HP one tries we did it that's amazing this game is great this game is so fun now my question is y'all if you like this and you like us playing it and want to see us have a backpack full of salad don't forget to follow and give us a like and tell us in the comments below what we should play next now I want to see price us do a versus with each other on this oh boy like how like can we make that happen like can I just versus you or is it all Rand I'm curious I'm curious because how would that work with like we would each have to we would have to like go into a shop yeah right work on our stuff then come and fight each other and then go back to the shop and like keep it going back and forth between the two of us yeah because then we would be building builds to counter our builds yeah I guess my question for people is is that how it works is it in real time or is it all ghosts yeah well I'm assuming the rank game is against real people real people ghosts is what I would assume well yeah we'll see so y'all let us know in the comments below if that is something that price and I can actively versus each other and if you want to see it and uh we'll see youall next time bye-bye how many people can we play with this uh there could only be one more player have right now so five oh oh what the heck hello Jasmine I I wasn't prepared for that okay
Channel: Stumpt
Views: 6,658
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: balatro, roguelike, balatro gameplay, balatro tips, balatro deckbuilder, deckbuilder, new roguelike, balatro poker, balatro jokers, balatro chips, poker, roguelike poker, jokers, tarot, balatro tarot, balatro celestial, balatro spectral, balatro buffoon, stumpt, stumptgamers, stumpt gaming, stumpt gamers, backpack battles, organizing, satisfying, puzzle, tetris, inventory, inventory management
Id: HTpaGG6Rv8M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 40sec (3580 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 08 2024
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