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hey guys Jordan Belfort and welcome to whiteboard Wednesday and the topic for today is the inverse relationship between someone's action threshold and their pain threshold the inverse relation accent threshold and pain threshold what does that mean well let me explain what each one of these is separately and show you how they interact with each other and you can use them to close anyone whose closeable action threshold represents the collective level of certainty that a prospect needs to be at before they say yes before they buy I'll repeat that a person's action threshold represents the collective level of certainty what level of certainty they need to be at before they're comfortable enough to say yeah let's do it in other words there's people like me who have a very low action threshold I'm a guy I'm easy to sell to you don't have to get me so what we certain and I'll still buy I love to buy stuff but my beliefs about buying separate issue but my believes about buying are such that if you get me only reasonably certain I'll buy that's called in straight line parlance having a low action threshold conversely you have people with very high a confections like my father who are very tough to sell to you know my father he buys anything he's gonna have to be absolutely certain and damn sure of it or he is not buying now remember we went through this is another time he I think it was a few weeks back I talk about the continuum of certainty with a 1 here and a 10 year one meaning they hate the product don't trust you don't trust your company and attend being it's the absolute best product since sliced bread helps them in every way they trust to get neck with you they trust your company those are your collective tends and those you're first with your collective ones right so the point is someone like myself you get me to a 7 here on this collective certain to scale meeting about my product about trusting me as a salesperson and the company I worked for it get into a seven I might buy I'm a very easy person to sell to my father has to be in a 10 10 10 and damn sure of it he is not buying anything his beliefs are such he's gonna be absolutely certain to make a decision right now watch what happens we have this other device we use called the pain threshold then basically what that means is that when you introduce pain to a situation or someone is in pain from having a lack or they're feeling discomfort in some way are out of control they tend to act very quickly to get out of pain into pleasure it'll back in control to have feel that me they have right so what happens is someone is in massive pain or if you could actually remind them of what's wrong and get them into that pain so to speak not a pain in the leg right just it's emotional pain or anguish or or in comfortability right the impact this has is it actually lowers someone's action fishel for example tell you a story about my father right we were growing up my dad you know he loves old possessions he keeps care it takes care of things like they're gonna last forever but nothing more than his car he had a car the Dodge thought the family guy loved this car right went crazy for this car right no one could touch this car no could fix this car except one mechanic game Jimmy the local Sunoco station that was his guy Jimmy right so you know I don't care could have been the Ferrari race team yeah oh no I Jamie's my guy I'm going with Jimmy okay that's my dad high action threshold right he's not gonna be pulling into any strange shops or seeing a sign saying special on fixing your car out not my dad maybe I was a low action threshold thing I'll make my decisions more randomly right not him he's gonna be absolutely certain of all three tens damn sure of them however we were 12 years old we were on a trip family trip to Washington DC from New York four hour drive we're about two and a half three hours away in the middle of the Delaware Maryland border and all of a sudden steam starts coming out of the hood the car is overheating this beloved Dodge thought is overheating right it's about five o'clock at night the Sun is thought to set we're in some strange area or on the side of the road his family now is at risk here because right what's getting dark out he's nervous what do you think he didn't he went to the first gas station he could sign he defined and said fix my car now what happened was because he was in pain and fear and pain and anguish and uncomfortable the what it did is it essentially it lowered his action threshold and temporarily turned him to someone like me it took someone that doesn't normally make decisions like that and said you know in this case I will that's why it's so crucial to identify to uncover where someone's pain is in a sales situation you're gonna ferret that pain out and sometimes amplify it when they're in denial if they're in denial in their pain which happens very often I'll explain that later on okay and the bottom was by doing that it then low is the action threshold temporarily and bam you take these really tough buyers like my father and turn them into people like myself away easy to sell to very powerful tactic so remember there's an inverse relationship between pain and action threshold which is why when you are prospecting when you're gathering intelligence you want to ask questions uncover where someone's pain is alright and then don't try to solve it then wait till the end when they're closed you got them very certain but their action thresholds as to why preventing them from buying and then you introduce that pain again and lowers the action threshold you step through that window and that's how you close everyone is closeable now this is gonna be the subject actually of our Saturday intensive this coming week we're going to be discussing the addition of pain into the sale solution how do you essentially how do you ferret out pain elegantly without pissing someone off how do you add that pain on and how it works with the action threshold to essentially allow you to close anyone whose closeable so the training on Saturday will be at 11:00 a.m. Saturday morning it's gonna be an hour 10 minutes awesome online live training you'll be able to ask questions it's not a webinar not a [ __ ] I'm gonna try to sell your [ __ ] none of that okay so it's a look at the information below you that all about I do these every Saturday and for me it's a paradigm shift in the online training model because right now this sort of [ __ ] going on with everyone trying to sell you every training they don't they don't train you anymore there are some people who still do very few of the old guard right but most of these people now it's all about you don't come to my free coaching thing on my free my free thing on how to become Rich's okay so it's all [ __ ] they just bait you and then switch you to try to buy a big product they teach you nothing so when I speak I'm teaching you and train you give you a real information you can act on so that's what Saturday morning is about you want to be there click on the link below you'll find that all about it ok and I will see you [Applause] [Music]
Channel: The Wolf of Wall Street
Views: 68,036
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Motivations, Jordan Belfort, Sales, Wolf of Wall Street, Whiteboard Wednesday, money, success, training, self-development
Id: LhzaYmI62qU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 32sec (452 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 19 2018
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