Jordan Belfort Teaches His Team "The Pitch"

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one thing about the straight line is that it's ground Evelien ethics and integrity is crucial join me on Lisbon right and number two not only is grounded ethics incumbent some people I'll just not right to the probe you wanna read those out of the system is simply as possible but what you will up which is crucial for you is the owner and especially for that mindset of your Salesforce is that when you get a qualified buyer on the phone and they don't buy mmm it's not because you screw it up and once your salesmen have that that feel they know that I get someone they become strong they feel great a show up there at the highest level every day and the results are even further that make sense awesome great now let's get specific in total there are 12 or learning module 12 learning modules right and four of those are actually on the inner game successfully mindset things like managing your state belief system vision and the right vision for the future they're loyal to the company right yeah and the standards and that lastly touching that for a second standards meaning that because the straight line is so effective what happens if the salespeople you're still mostly they'll stop making so much extra money slow down so to prevent against that the system actually works on raising your sales forces standards so they thought you know getting that says that I need more in life and they grow as individuals and salespeople and when that whole company is operating like that that collective force that works with a straight line system you end up very quickly having the most effective sales force in your industry so Thomas ago I stumbled you those were six I'm making it up as I go along me up that's up so I was pulling together a few that's a thought right okay great now those are the you know now the outer world that's when the rubber really meets the road especially the straight line cliff that's what Jordans know important that is literally from the first word out of your sales people's mouths to the time where they closed the uneven past that to when they're actually getting upsells and cross-sells and referrals every single word at that mountain what they say when they save and most importantly in your case fellow how they say though is you sell in person or are you settle over the phone that may cellphone great well he sold the phone right yokas look at the tonality is so crucial this is not just words exactly what you say when you say and how you say okay and you know again then what every other the results of course that are literally you know you see them skyrocket will smell like some looks playing as we're going to walk with you follow me boom boom boom boom okay now go back to work it's just food for thought right now okay just remember what's going on but remember what you're doing you have to like wait you start really cranking it's that yet you're reading through script that's what you should be doing and you understand where you are and why you're saying what you're saying I'm inside the mind of a business owner or sales manager you know what that pain points our mind up as an owner and as a manager you guys don't you're young right but I'm telling you what these are this is what they're thinking they want to know that people would it be loyal they're gonna show up feeling good they're gonna close they're gonna be ethical and yet it you can have massive referrals so when I say there's you know these three things that are put someone you get to track measure and model that's crucial tool manager number two okay the actual closing range from ridiculous its robustly in the literally in depth you know I mean the the depth of this training leaves no stone unturned and then we'll see if we one of losing what you say we could always bump around with the the order but I don't want to front-load too much here what I'm trying to say is that like right out of the gate this is like just [ __ ] ridiculous it's designed strictly for the corporate market and as a result of that yeah you already know that I'm in the says but watch my tonality is like you know you already know it's great but like the results are literally I mean even better than me then they normally arms when individuals go through it you follow me so far I wouldn't say that that's my thoughts nice is great I said okay great now he knows the name of the system that was that frame what we're selling okay and when I explained what it was I said so in there and you have this written out for you guys I'm also said now this is an online okay it's a turnkey online it's a turnkey online training solution designed strictly for the corporate market that comes as I say the 4c means design christopher walken this is it online you see telling them write up an online interactive trip turnkey it seems words we use right turnkey training solution designed strictly for the corporate market and just let me tell you what that new so designed specifically for the goal part there are certain key features here that just gonna blow you away number one okay the plaque pool in the training rests on is you know robust and come to its ability when people look back to you the owner and your managers what's not track the measuring never gets improved I'm singing I thought was said you can instead of saying here that's a see right now what if I have has an open loop so once I say that that's an open loop I have there so I've mentioned the platform but if I really told them what the been I said you can track that your mom's job or does that really mean not much yet right open loop so in my mind I'm gonna have that closed though when I close up you're gonna close it in the main body or I'll close it when I actually move doesn't find the first go around everything you're gonna see here in this pitch is perfectly structured nothing is there by accident mmm-hmm you get it so I've been working on this for living my own and four weeks of writing it down i don't like conversion fifty right now right and that's what it takes to make them great script alright you sounds good by the way you something good thank you one point is you did really really well never be minor things when you you did very very good we'd reason we said Monday Tuesday you always do the either-or right you stop by the good and then you said um you said I'm morning or afternoon no here's what you do you say listen um I'm free but I can update the morning between 10:00 and 11:00 and two and four which works best for you make yourself that you're not wanna have to do it I'm free any comments look that's what the Bulls deal just never allow your ear don't show your hand like that okay always maintain control ow I'm through doing stuff which works best for you but there's always a barometer of time you did a very good job there all right that sound good you sound like an authority remember Authority power and what we'll probably consider doing is a so um is it evil going out with a demo right that's great yeah how many days have you skipped with the callback in me good next day so probably what we're gonna do is we'll probably send them some more free stuff from you so we're gonna really hit with lots of amazing stuff free trainings and stuff like that so right good good keep going guys thank you Kevin come on ten leagues ECU come on I know it was right understand the dead and super shapes of pain just power through it become a [ __ ] dialing machine let me ask you a question how often when you get when the coal goes through how often are you hitting the decision maker on the pickup were these you transfer no no my question will you get someone on the phone is it usually cuz you they picked up themselves what's so entrace me to them you what see what seven we just a task of those seven emails right how many of them picked up the phone themselves and how many would that you spoke to their sectors of le both seven don't use that means they would use a predictive dot reason is to support you can do you can avoid answering machines by getting what's called a predictive dialer meaning it dials for you and when it gets a live human on the phone it transfers the call to you palm of that is that you know the person goes yep sucks so I never seen it work I've never it will be amazing okay and bother just you know when you guys get good at this when you guys talk closing you prove to me you can close I'm not gonna have you dialing like that I'm gonna have [ __ ] monkeys down on the phone for you great right right love it yeah man you waste your day found it let's grind it come on them dial for you we'll get new people India boys you guys gonna show me you can close these deals all right okay I'll have you guys on the phone alone never have you done something stupid okay I'll never have you doing that alright oh he just building the hotel process yet alright fair enough things are about to get exciting - I'm a little massive up with a mess and outgoing or incoming weed campaign started on LinkedIn Facebook I start this it's a prank tomorrow I'm guessing but you know but you've proven this is how you do it the hawk the old-fashioned [ __ ] gun right yeah this is how it's [ __ ] you become a real [ __ ] salesperson right never forget these days
Channel: The Wolf of Wall Street
Views: 75,312
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sales training, training, wolf of wallstreet, leonardo dicaprio, sales pitch, masterclass
Id: -RX3XFYk_go
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 25sec (565 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 13 2019
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