Incarnon Strun Prime Build 2023 (Guide) - Blow Your Mind (Warframe Gameplay)

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with the introduction of the Incarnate adapters we're seeing a brand new wave of weapons that essentially replace all weapons in The Meta one such weapon is the Incarnate stron this thing hits like a bloody truck its area of effect and it annihilates whatever stands before it as always my name is Lazar and I got a couple of builds lined up something cheap nah not really you see these weapons are not exactly new player friendly since new players can't get their hands on the Incarnate adapters so we're gonna go straight for the end game setup that said I will still explain exactly what talents you need what is the rationale behind them and what kind of options you're looking at for the build so that are the way let's jump into the Incarnate stron let's begin by checking out how the weapon handles without any mods equipped and for that just a couple of our regular free shots the incurrence run will be handling the same as the regulars run this is a headscan shotgun what a bit of a kick to it as you can see the spread on the pellets is pretty large so the weapon normally is to be used rather up close and personal something like 10 meters till the Target now this being an incarnate weapon as soon as you install the adapter you get the little bar under the crosshairs and as soon as you get headshots that bar will start charging pretty quickly I might add three shots to fully charge it without any additional multi-shot by default the prime version of this run has 12 pellets which is pretty significant two more than the Rave when you go in car and form this one goes absolutely bloody nuclear no longer is it a shotgun no longer is it anything this one fires a rapid moving projectile that upon contact detonates in a 4 meter radius with only a 20 drop off this is it explosions Galore my friends and these explosions hit like a bloody truck more damage more crit chance more status chance essentially more everything this one is so unbelievably powerful that's the usability of the weapon is pretty solid by default you don't really need to change anything while it does retain its headshot multiplier so you should be gone for headshots this being a critical weapon you can go by shooting for the feet without any issue whatsoever especially considering that's only a 20 drop off but at this point we gotta visit what's his face to see about those talents at level 2 is the first real option you get between the following tenno targeting and blazing battle I'll make it very simple Tano targeting doesn't really work all that well while Channel ability active right now in Warframe this is a little bit on the buggy side some work some don't work it's a bit iffy and fuzzy so for the time being forget about this one to extra damage flat damage and 4 punch through for that one blazing battle is better anyway damage image by 2 and that is purple damage that is flat damage on fire five percent Multi Shot Stacks up five times and this one will be up all the time fantastic Talent at Evolution too when you go to Evolution 3 this tree uh this one is highly subjective first of all you got 60 reload and don't get me wrong this will make a big difference when the weapon Handles in its normal form but in its normal form you fired it twice and then it's full you go in car N4 that's it you don't really need the reload speed you're not really gonna be playing this weapon in its normal form so what's the point of reload speed galvanic reload on the other hand is a bit more interesting check this one out on hitting a target with electricity status 40 chance to restore one round in the magazine from the ammo pool like I said this one would wisp little flowers things and it works just fine but again for the normal mode and it's not even ammo regeneration or ammo skip essentially what this one is is just ammo shift it's not really all that worth except if you want to build a weapon for its primary fire mode so you can just keep on firing all the time it's semi-automatic you gotta bind your fire to your scroll wheel or make a macro and he's not all that happy about macros so you know what you're gonna end up with swift Deliverance because this one works both in its normal form and it's in in card and form 30 projectile speed this one together with the galvanized acceleration in the Excel slot of the weapon makes those explosive projectiles nion hit scan it's absolutely fantastic Go Fort Swift Deliverance but honestly when it comes to this three it's a bit subjective to say the least and finally the most powerful Talent right well yes and no at the same time what you choose here will be highly dependent on you as a player and I'll explain exactly why that is do you have a revenues or no if you have a Riven then you have a choice of two either you're going to be going with elemental balance or commodore's fortitude depending on the Riven what do I mean by this if it's a standard multi-shock critical Riven then you're gonna be going for commodore's fortune and increase that critical chance by 12 and go for the standard Hunter Munitions approach that 12 is modifying the base yes take a look at this 36 percent so essentially all of your mods are going to be bouncing off of this one and you know critical deceleration is going to be adding 200 on top of this so you're going over 100 which means what which means guaranteed crit which for Hunter Munitions is absolutely vital if you have a Riven a crazy Riven with minus 100 impact then you can go for Elemental balance and increase that status chance 11.3 might not seem like a lot but my friend it's per pellet your status chance will be going absolutely insane highly recommend this one but it is again Riven depend attendant so let's make things simple no Riven or a critical standard driven commodore's Fortune miners 100 impact and plus I don't know multi-shot status chance I think of the sword Riven go for Elemental balance as for brutal age well it's cool but it's the balance approach and honestly you don't really need this one these are the two best in slot first of all I'm gonna be showing you the weapon without a ribbon because I know most of you don't have one and then we're gonna switch to something a bit more cookie cutter so commodore's Fortune is up first as for the build itself it's gonna be looking something like this this is the riveness version now these weapons are not exactly new player friendly so if you're looking for something a bit more casual and how to build a Stern Prime it's run Prime look at the cards right now as for veterans this is kinda what you want to build of course when it comes to the faction mod this is a bit iffy depending on your circumstances especially if you're gonna be going steel path circuit in the video since the enemies there are sometimes a little bit of corrupted but you're gonna be getting a mix so faction mods are kind of falling from Grace at the current time you can replace this one with something like more multi-shot for example or even more status chance depending on the build galvanized Savvy is an obvious mistake we're not going to be going for this one because explosions do not get the benefit from the direct damage so bear that one in mind if the status chance is that important to you then simply go for the normal version of Savvy which will be getting you more status chance galvanized hell is a no-brainer and I must have of course Prime ravage on this one together with critical deceleration 108 crit chance with 4.6 X critical multi two 60 60 mods on this one it's gonna be forming viral damage and of course a little bit of flat damage with Point Blank and primary merciless and Hunter Munitions is mandatory as well best in slot Arcane shotgun Vendetta R5 If You're Gonna Be constantly using this one or at least some of the time using this one within 5 meters the bonus of that one it's insane it's 15 seconds so you don't really need to be close all the time it's a fantastic new Arcane and I'm gonna be doing a separate vid on shotgun Vendetta just so you can see how amazing it is 180 multi-shot and 75 reload speed for 15 seconds now of course most players haven't really gotten shotgun Vendetta just here so we're gonna be going for the classic primary merciless the reload speed the damage is gonna be all juicy in the Excel slot you got a best in slot which well it would mean I need to format one more time so I'm not gonna be using it just this time but galvanized acceleration is going to be making that fancy projectile seem borderline hit scan especially with the talent we already picked up from cavaliero so let's test out the weapon like so and see how she performs we're gonna be spawning in level 165 corrupted heavy goons and EXO gogs that remember my build I have a faction mod that only applies to the corrupted and it's gonna do nothing versus the EXO gogs that that's one of the issues of faction mods I already stacked a little bit of multi shot but let me show you what this weapon can do by itself without its incarnate form a single shot not even stack considering this a galvanized setup you need to get yourself a couple of stacks slashes over 200 000 Made Easy my friends no problem whatsoever take a look at that one shot made easy but more importantly than that since you're not gonna be using the weapon in its normal form what you gotta take away from this is that with the weapon being a little stacked a single shot is enough to fully charge it boom done which is why the reload is not really needed on this one now we're gonna be going for it's incarnate form aim for headshots but try to get yourself the biggest AOE Wallop that you can take a look at that absolutely annihilating a pack of corrupted heavy goons and you know what the weapon is gonna be having a field day with the EXO gogs that as well this is especially impressive considering that right now one of the mods on the build is completely worthless against them that of course being that Bane mod take a look beautiful fantastic what more do you want and you know what I'm not even at full power I'm not fully stacked just yet this is absolutely Insanity keep in mind that in my Excel slot right now I have nothing nothing my friends and I can still do this take a look at the speed of the projectile do you need more than this yeah do you oh they die do you need more than this you can go for the excellent slot as well it makes the weapon handle even better and more impressive but honestly you don't really need more than this what shotgun this is like a sniper rifle only without a scope upon contact it explodes dealing so much damage applying so many slashes to the Target take a look at that beautiful Carnage absolutely freaking fantastic standard build no ribbon nothing fancy just a weapon on its own power that's it my friends let's talk about build options when it comes to this one this is the standard approach but if you have a Riven man I have a ribbon I got myself a multi-show my crit chance I cannot wait to try this one then you're gonna be putting out Prime Point Blank especially if you're Riven already has the flat damage don't like corrupted mods put this one out and enter your Riven instead because the dyspo is four out of five granted the prices have exploded what exactly did you expect but their this bow is 4 out of five that means you can send this one into crazy territory and again a good investment would be shotgun Vendetta R5 now my friends let's assume that you got something like this damage slash critical damage minus impact oh mama that's so good you have no idea if I get something like this I'm gonna be dropping myself Hunter Munitions my slashes are gonna be coming from the weapon Elemental priority or proc priority or Elemental weight however you want to call it is gonna be heavily favored towards slash let me show you all build like this should work but of course we're not gonna have to change your talent over at cavaliero and galvanized acceleration foreign here's a bit of a veteran trick that you can do instead of the normal 6060 mods all maxed out what you can do is unranked 6060 mods but unfortunately you're going to be losing yourself some damage and more importantly some status chance overall it's not really worth it but you can do that if you oh if it makes you feel any better one more time the same targets as before we're looking at the corrupted heavy goons and the EXO goog 160 by first we're gonna stack the weapon all nice and plump my friends and then you're gonna see something really special as before if the weapon is stacked a little bit you're gonna be getting yourself a single shot on your target then it's fully charged like this the slashes are insane the weapon is not even fully stacked just yet when you are fully stacked throw in a couple of Buffs and slashing in the millions is not a rare occurrence take a look at this this mathematically is better than the standard Hunter Munitions approach but of course this is dependent on a raven and I can easily make this weapon look insane if I put on a Riven the point here is you have options depending on what you have available for the weapon if you got a ribbon like this one then definitely go for an approach such as this I mean look look at that and again the Bain mod against these corrupted heavy goons against these extra goog are not it's not it's not doing anything right it's completely worthless to them take a look I can keep showing you this over and over and over and over again it only gets more and more impressive oh but of course you know what you can do right hold on there laser I can get viral from some other place Spencerville Buffalo maybe a secondary Epitaph or whatever else well and that okay well it has more critical damage more critical damage with shrapnel shot my friends is a fantastic idea or more multi-shot if you want to just a little bit more multi-shot I know what you're gonna say dude we have so much multi-shot you can never get enough more multi-shot is definitely a good idea or you can plug into this one Whatever you want if you want more flat damage that's totally fine more status chance is totally fine essentially you can go with whatever you want in my case galvanized acceleration prevents me so we're going to be taking this puppy off there are a couple of more Niche options which will work really really well on this one let me show you motus setup Insanity Insanity incarnate 100 critical and Status chance for 4 seconds Landing from a double jump or bullet jump here's the thing we bullet jump all the time in Warframe but I just don't want to have to worry about doing it so the buff is up I constantly look at my buff bar it's only four seconds if it was a tad longer it's not a bad idea it's a great idea I'm just simply not comfortable with something like this so I'm gonna go so for the tried and true recipe of multi-shot and the chance to increase those critical hits for the sake of proper demonstration I'm gonna show you a clean run that is from the beginning no Stacks no anything so the weapon doesn't seem more powerful than it actually is so let's find some enemies to actually shoot headshot this guy what the hell why no charge because the enemies are not powerful enough to take on full multi-shots when the enemy is powerful enough like that you get yourself the full multi-shot now let's see what the weapon can do and this will carry on and on and on oh 400 000 bleed that not bad not bad we can do so much better however the problem is these targets are not Tough Enough I mean on that 200 crit the slash would have been glorious but I can just stay here and shoot things it's totally doable the little centuries are immune to status then so you can't really slash a little Centric which is a bit annoying I can show you this weapon all day all day long I can show you doing whatever and it's still gonna be as impressive as ever that was a one shot in the capture Target no matter that it went cloaked it's gonna come out of cloak any second this is it this is one of the weapons that you need to enjoy in Warframe how long will it be this powerful what exactly is the developer planning I do not 700 000 bleed over there I do not know what I do know my friends is that you should enjoy and have fun right now with this glorious weapon now what I am doing is stalling for time so an acolyte shows up because I want you to see how this one performs versus an actual acolyte if that is relevant anymore in Warframe the point here is that if you want to further optimize the weapon build if you have a ribbon like this one with minus 100 impact if you want to go that route in that case try to Incarnate The Wraith over the prime because that one has higher status and it's going to be even more crazy you see the whole choice between hey should I incarnate array for the prime is a bit more complicated than you might think I got a full guide on that one a full explanation like the cards right now I think I had a bit of an audio issue there but hopefully the video was pretty clear made pretty much mince meat out of angst I went shot by shot so you can see exactly what the weapon can do versus it now that was the weapon on its own two feet no Warframe Buffs nothing ridiculous it's time to get ridiculous with Lady Mirage Prime and Route standing a Buffs corrosive projection against heavily armored targets definitely a no-brainer but of course you're not forced into this one simply go for the aura of your choosing depending on what you need for your build arcane's Avenger a no-brainer on this weapon even if you go for the crit route or non-crit route that cavaliero going for Avenger is still definitely the way to go as for your secondary cane you can go for a little bit of fire rate but you go shot by shot anyway and the first Arcane should always be reserved for your Warframe something like your energize but shotguns do have this thing Arcane momentum which is super cheap critical hit 60 chance for 150 reload speed to sniper rifle no it was a momentum what was it what was it Tempo yes that's a temple oh Uncle you'll hit 50 chance for 90 fire rate to shotguns for 12 seconds and the usual plus one Arcane revive I would highly recommend you do the following forget about viral on the actual weapon yeah and just simply go for an Epitaph or depends that are full profile you can also use the little Sentinel to increase your critical tiers One More Time same targets as before we're going to be unpausing them so they can hit me and I can get my glorious Buffs and you're gonna see hell being rained down from above by Lady Mirage Ron death from above Beauty flag beautifully my friends what more can you ask of a weapon than this it's easy to use it gets a fast charge its area of effect it applies more slash than anything really it's honestly a weapon you need to get right now how long will it last if the evil Nerf it these are details at this point what I can't tell you is that I am having a whole lot of fun as always Madame has been laser thank you guys so much for watching like favorite share and subscribe if you enjoy the content if you got any feedback from me I would love to read that in the comment section down below also in the comment section down below if you guys want to suggest any particular type of content that said though that is one weapon one weapon that was just released with the video that can do even more than this one wanna see which it is look at the cards right now oh and if you enjoy the content and you want to help me keep making it consider supporting us via patreon there's gonna be another Link in the cards right about now or in the description down below I'll catch you fantastic people in the next one bye bye thank you [Music] [Music]
Channel: LeyzarGamingViews
Views: 146,645
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Incarnon, Strun, Prime, Build, Duviri, 2023, Best, Crit, Status, Riven, Guide, How to, Tutorial, Warframe, Gameplay, Incarnon Build, Incarnon Strun Build, Incarnon Strun Build 2023, Best Incarnon Strun, Incarnon Strun Prime, Steel Path, Steel Path Build, Warframe Gameplay, Warframe Guide, Warframe Build, Warframe Duviri, AOE, Circuit, Forma, Endgame, Talents, Evolutions, Shotgun, Shotgun Build, Incarnon Strun Shotgun, LeyzarGamingViews, LeyzarGaming, Leyzar
Id: FLZhctrg8D4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 5sec (1205 seconds)
Published: Wed May 03 2023
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