Lamb of God (LIVE) Full Set | Prayer Room Legacy Nashville

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[Music] you were my strength when i am weak you are the treasure that i see you are my only one seeking you as a precious [Music] jesus [Music] jesus lamb of god worthy's [Music] rising again i bless your name you are my all in all [Music] when i fall down you pick me up when i am dry you fill my cup you are my all [Music] rising again i bless your name you [Music] when i am dry you feel [Music] yes you are jesus jesus [Music] worthy's your name jesus [Music] oh jesus jesus [Music] your name jesus of god worthy's your name [Music] [Laughter] [Music] oh jesus [Music] jesus [Music] she [Music] jesus [Music] is jesus [Music] oh god worthy [Music] psalm 103. bless the lord o my soul and all that is within me bless his holy name bless the lord o my soul and forget not not all of his benefits who forgives all your iniquity who heals all of your diseases who redeems your life from the pit who crowns you with steadfast love and mercy who satisfies you with good so that your youth is renewed like the eagles the lord works righteousness and justice for all who are oppressed worthy is your name jesus we discipline our souls to say bless the lord we discipline our bodies to kneel and honor our king for you are great god for you are worthy for you are good you deliver us from oppression you heal our diseases [Music] you forgive our iniquities father we bless you today we put our bodies our souls our minds into submission to bless your holy name for our circumstances will not steal our blessing to you father our circumstances will not take away our praise oh god we put ourselves into submission to bless your holy name we say bless the lord o my soul we worship you king of kings and lord of lords trust you against all odds we trust in your goodness and your power and your might and your love for us god you're worthy you're worthy of our sacrifice of praise jesus you're worthy of us bowing our knee in submission to lift up a praise to heaven to say glory is your name father you have good plans for us plans to prosper us to give us a hope and a future so we praise you we praise you jesus and we will walk like the greats in scripture by faith we walk by faith and we bow our knees today in submission to your greatness and your worthiness your holiness your goodness [Music] jesus [Music] jesus [Music] oh jesus [Music] your name is [Music] [Music] [Laughter] the world is your name jesus you deserve the praise worthy [Music] jesus you deserve the praise worthy is your name worthy is your name jesus you deserve the praise worth is your name worthy is your name jesus you deserve the praise worthy is your name worthy is your name jesus you deserve the praise worthy is your name worthy is your name jesus is your name jesus you deserve the praise worthy is your name oh worthy is your name jesus you deserve praise is is is oh they were [Music] worthy is your name jesus you deserve the praise [Music] worthy is your name jesus you deserve the praise for these i'm so in love with you you're beautiful so beautiful i'm so in love [Music] i'll fix my eyes on you it's your beauty for so beautiful [Music] [Music] i'll fix my eyes i'll fix my eyes on you your beauty for all your beautiful your beautiful [Music] your beautiful [Music] your beautiful [Music] [Music] your beauty [Music] your beauty [Music] lord you wrote the greatest love story of all time you gave the biggest sacrifice for those whom you loved the lamb of god slain the beautiful lamb of god spotless perfect slain for us surely he was born our griefs and carried our sorrows yet we esteemed him stricken smitten by god and afflicted but he was pierced for our transgressions he was crushed for our iniquities upon him was the chastisement that brought us peace and with his wounds we are healed all we like sheep have gone astray we have turned everyone to his own way and the lord has laid on him the iniquity of us all he was oppressed and he was afflicted yet he opened not his mouth like a lamb that has led to the slaughter and like a sheep that before it shears is silent so he opened not his mouth by oppression and judgment he was taken away you died for his god and the holy spirit raised you up to defeat death and you are now sitting at the right hand of the father [Music] because your sacrifice was one we could never have given oh we worship you god in spirit and truth and in the revelation of you jesus we honor the great lamb of god [Music] for the greatest love story that ever happened this is a love story you're worthy jesus and you're worthy of the remembrance of what you did for your church every time we come into your presence you're worth beautiful your beautiful [Music] so beautiful your beautiful [Music] your beautiful [Music] is any fascinating come and behold [Music] is [Music] isn't he fascinating coming behold [Music] is [Music] for all of eternity come and behold isn't he captivating coming [Music] we'll is [Music] we'll is on singing for [Music] your beauty [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] jesus you inspired the word of god to paint beautiful pictures being the groom to the bride of christ that we as your church are your bride and you are our groom lord i pray that you would take your bride [Music] into intimacy with you the kind of intimacy that only a marriage can hold a covenant can protect your word says to seek your face to knock in the door be open for us that as we seek we will find and as we knock the door will be open to us lord we seek your face as our groom we seek the intimacy that comes with looking to the eyes of our beloved we seek the intimacy that comes in the confidence of a spouse we seek the intimacy of what a groom only wants to share with his bride we seek your heart jesus we want you to have ours in these times we need a deeper intimacy with you god [Music] we have to know your voice we have to know your will [Music] we have to know your touch we have to be able to sense your presence we have to have the intimacy you paid for by your blood for everything tempts your bride away from her beloved groom we long for the intimacy that will keep us connected so god we seek your face we knock on the door [Music] and we know that you will turn to us we know that you will open the door [Music] thank you jesus [Music] is [Music] things [Music] to you [Music] you are [Music] and i know to worship [Music] you are my friend and you are my brother even oh you are [Music] so much [Music] [Music] he [Music] to worship [Music] i long to worship you i love to worship you i want to worship i long to worship long to worship long to worship [Music] more than gold or silver only you can satisfy your my lord i want you more than gold or silver only you kids [Music] you [Music] i said you [Music] i long to worship you i long to worship you my soldiers free [Music] my shoulders for you [Music] i long to worship you i long to worship you and my soul thirsts for you [Music] my soul thirsts for you [Music] [Applause] [Music] i long to worship you [Music] and my son thirsty [Music] i long to worship you [Music] [Music] after the [Music] desire and i love [Music] worship [Music] father i echo the prayer of apostle paul that we would know the depth of your love how high how wide how deep your love is for us god and not just us as a community as a church but us as individuals for your love is the only way fear will be cast out your word says love covers a multitude of sin your word says love conquers all your word says that it's because of your love that you sent your son to die to save the world we need to know and experience the love of christ holy spirit revealed to us the depth the height the width of the love of our father of our savior and the spirit that lives within us for you are only hope jesus you should be our first hope but you're gracious to those who even come to you as their last hope but you are our only hope your only hope for true peace in this world your only hope for protection [Music] for the washing and cleansing and the renewal of our minds our bodies our souls your only hope for redemption and dead things your only hope when we need a miracle when there is no way oh father as fear has taken its seat in our world we need your love to be our governance [Music] in this world filled with fear your love your spirit you jesus are our only hope you're the hope of the world jesus and if we're ever gonna find this great love we have to have intimacy with you jesus i content for great intimacy what if this generation was known for the intimacy they had with the lord not the exploits of power not the things the lord can do for us but what if we were known for the intimacy we had with the lord father i pray that over our lives right now that we put intimacy with you as our top priority because your only hope you're our only hope [Music] jesus you're our only one [Music] [Music] you're our only [Music] [Music] jesus [Music] jesus us hold us [Music] to the hope that we profess for he who has brought home [Music] that we profess for he who has promoted [Music] his [Music] you're the hope of the nations you're the hope of the nations you're the hope of the nations you're the hope of the nations you're the hope of the nation you're the hope of the nations you're the hope of the nation [Music] let us hold unswerving thee to the hope that we profess for he who has prose is faithful [Music] god you're faithful lord you're faithful [Applause] about your faithful [Music] even when i don't understand you're faithful when i don't understand you're still fair when i don't understand you're still faithful even when i don't understand you're still faithful you're faithful so i won't give up hope i won't give up [Music] [Music] even [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] let us hold us [Music] to the hope that we profess [Music] is faithful lord you are faithful to adam you are faithful to noah you are faithful to abraham isaac and jacob you were faithful to joseph you were faithful to deborah you were faithful to isaiah [Music] you are faithful to john the baptist you are faithful god you're faithful you've been faithful through the ages [Music] you've been faithful through the ages faithful through the ages and i declare in jesus name that your faithfulness will not stop in this generation your faithfulness is not going to stop it your faithfulness will continue [Music] and we declare your faithfulness we pick ourselves back up and we declare that you are faithful you are you are faithful you are faithful even to job you're faithful god we declare your faithfulness we speak out your faithfulness faithful faith into the atmosphere up to the heavens faithfulness of the earth to our families to ourselves we declare your faithfulness in jesus you cannot be anything but faithful [Music] you actually can't be unfaithful it's impossible faithfulness is on the horizon because the lord is in our future and he's in our present and he's working all things out for the good of those who love him your faithful god romans 8 28 is our flag of victory [Music] stained with the blood of jesus all things fall it flows in the wind showing your blood stained on the promises of your word that will be fulfilled you are jehovah neesee our banner of victory for your promises are true your word is alive your spirit is here and your character remains the same through the ages you are faithful god we cling to the hope of your faithfulness we will see your faithfulness even still we have to wait for 5 years 10 years 20 years 100 years we will see your faithfulness [Music] we will see your faithfulness god in our bodies in our minds and our hearts in our lives in our city in our world we will see your faithfulness in america we will see your faithfulness around the world for yourself for a spotless bride for you are coming back to bind the enemy and take back what is yours jesus we will see your faithfulness god we worship you because of your faithfulness god [Music] you're working you're working you're working you're working all things out for my good [Music] all things out for my good [Music] all things all for my good you're working you're working you're working you work all things out for market you're working you're working you're working good work all things out for my good you're working you're working you're working you're working all things you're a faithful god [Music] you're a faithful god faithful to the ages [Music] faithful to the ages faithful to the age hateful through the ages faithful to the ages you've been faithful to the ages faithful to the ages and you won't stop now no you won't stop now or you've been faithful to the ages you've been faithful to the ages [Music] you've been faithful to the ages you've been faithful to the ages you've been faithful through the ages and you won't stop now you've been faithful to the ages and you won't stop now [Music] even faithful through the ages [Music] faithful to the ages faithful through the ages and you won't stop now you've been faithful through the ages you've been faithful to these ages you've been faithful through the ages cause when we look back over our lives we see the fingerprints of mercy and there's only one thing to conclude you've been faithful [Music] once again bless the lord bless the lord oh my soul [Music] and forget not all his benefits don't who forgives all iniquity he forgives them all who heals all your diseases who redeems your life from the pits who crowds you with steadfast love and mercy which is love who satisfies you so that your youth is renewed like the eagles the lord works righteousness and justice for all you're faithful [Music] thank you lord for the hope that is in your word painted in the pages of the stories of old of your faithfulness time after time generation after generation there's hope in you we're reminded [Music] of what you revealed to us today in the intimacy of the secret place you showed us in your eyes and in your heart your faithfulness you look upon us you look upon our situations and all you see is hope [Music] because in you there's always hope when you touch something there's always hope when you're in something there's always hope thank you jesus for revealing to us an important part of who you are one you're reminding us of today your faithfulness you're the hope of this world and you're our hope because you are faithful hope is the promise and your faithfulness is when you come through we need both [Music] do it all it all i've learned to trust in jesus i've learned to trust in god [Music] through it all through it all [Music] i've learned to depend upon his word he's a faithful god threw it on [Music] through it all i've learned to trust in jesus i've learned to trust in god through it all through it all i've learned to depend upon his word i've learned to depend upon his word [Music] yes i've learned to depend upon his word [Music] you
Channel: Legacy Nashville
Views: 12,682
Rating: 4.9328861 out of 5
Id: QUseJb0G3O0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 41sec (3641 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 16 2021
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