Flower Particle effect in Houdini || Marvel Eternals ||

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hello and welcome back to another tutorial today we are going to make an effect which is shown in marvel's new trailer which is eternals and as you have seen this there is a shot in that trailer in which the bus is converted into flower petals so we are going to make that effect so it's a simple effect if you know some particle another basic stuff you can easily make that stuff so let's get started so let me just create one model node which is bus and just let me just call another file node and this read my first symmetry it's a simple mesh and it's like this i have not animated this it's only in that position you can animate this from coming from this direction and going some rotational values also and let me just add some null okay next we need to like add a character which is going to stop or uh you can use any object so let me just add another geometry node just name this character and i have this alembic mesh so let me just [Music] import this mesh okay now you can see here it's a simple character and it's basically like stopping this something like this and it's a simple animation you can find it on mixamo.com just search for block animation you will find something like this okay so for this i think we need to just add a simple null object this is for just our reference purpose [Music] okay now we have like two objects which we are going to make so first we need to generate something to grow from this area which is like stopping this area this part you can easily grow that effect basically in that movie trailer shot the short or the flowers petals start from this part and keeps on growing up to the whole bus so we can grow that easily first we need to like create some growing animation in this so we can use one of the pyro node which you can use it okay so if you go here in this pyro section or sparse section there is this node called spreading fire you can use this we're not going to use spreading fire but we are going to use some solver nodes in there it has some growing nodes which we can use in our scene so if like if you go here just click this object and just press enter it will create a bunch of different nodes and we will delete all the dyn drop operator and pyro import operators we only go for link that purpose okay and now you can see it is calculating some values because i am at the frame number 29 so now you can see its link already spreading this fire but we don't want that so we need to delete some values so you can delete these two nodes we don't need that we don't need this node and in here you can see um bus source and bus we don't need this one no need this one we need this one okay so this is our like solver note which is going to create this growing kind of animation so if you come to this uh simulation spread and just enable its visualize like total burn you can actually see it's spreading like this okay and we are going to use this in our advantage so as you can see there is this uh hot object which is the source for the growing part we are going to place at this area which is where it is its hand so let me just select this hot object you can choose any geometry you can use sphere or any other particle or anything just creating group and then solving for that so for that let me just put this somewhere in this region and make sure it intersects with your surface otherwise it doesn't starts spreading okay like make sure it has some values in here and we are going to simulate this from 17th frame which is the stopping frame in which this character's animation starts to like pushing like this so in simulation spread just use 17th frame here you will get your animation from here okay and you can see it's going from here it's not quite fast in that shot it's actually growing very fast it's like almost instantaneously almost in couple of frames it grows from this two whole limiting so we can do that we can increase some values here so let me just adjust some settings here and come to this section which is simulation section and adjust some value just like this diffuse rate just increase this to 10 and this to i think 50 and in simulation just increase the sub step to like two it will calculate much more faster see it's like growing and if you want like more faster growing exploding pattern you can increase this sub step or you can increase that rate [Music] so let me just make here 90 frames and make sure to save your file because sometime it caches so let's save this file okay so that we both have safe hand and when you save this it actually loses its location so just recall these values [Music] and again in character okay now you can see it's like spreading you can increase or decrease this value it's depends upon how you want to look if you want that kind of effect you can increase rate as fast or you can just speed this up this only spreading part just in post or in here also so let me just go for other settings watch which we want to use we are actually going to use this attribute which is total burn attribute if you look here in geometry spreadsheet you can find this total one this attribute and there is one more which is burn attribute this one we are going to use those two attributes because we don't want every part of this mesh or is points because in our scenario we want to spread from this area to grow over the bus then deleting that part okay so what we can do we can just use delete operator and in here just changes to points and by expression just use button now you can see it's like [Music] deleting that area and we want like opposite of this so we can just choose delete non-selected so now you can see it's like spreading this or you want to like change its pattern or some noise you can go here and it has some settings which you can adjust like in here it has like noise element size and all that things you can easily adjust if you want more complex pattern you can just change this or you have different but in my case i am using like simple scenarios okay now we have this total burn attribute next we need to like make delete one more time just use delete operator and just connect here and we are going to again delete points based on expression and again even to use burn attribute which is greater than zero point okay now you can see it's like deleting values or if i connect this to here you can see it's like making this kind of pattern and we are going to using only this so these particles will be sourced for our pop network these ones and let me save this and add this null object [Music] this is our pop source and this value this this growing pattern we are going to use to transfer some color attributes to glow on that a part so we can use you can use outburn or you can use any other terms so let me save this and come back and let me just add pop network [Music] and just connect this and go here and here again use this points and in birth i am going to use impulse and in my scenario i have used higher numbers so for the sake of tutorial we just put here 5000 life we don't want that much higher values we can use 4 [Music] and in attributes inherit velocity is one is enough and we can add to inherited and in my case i used like point one point one and point one so it will like add some variations to the velocities of particles okay now if we see here you can see like these particles are like coming now we are going to like add some gravity and all that it these are particles are like slights very smoothly moving to towards the ground because these are like flower petals and flowers petal that like not very heavy they move very slowly and like in slow motion so for that let me just add a couple of values here so it needs to pop force just put here pop force and in my case i have used like 10 and four value sorry four value and pulse length i think i use 0.5 so if you look here something like this [Music] see something like this and i have used like little bit of upward forces up so that it doesn't fall easily have some values and then it will fall and now let me just add here this gravity so that they come towards this area now you can see they are going to fall like this [Music] see something like this [Music] next we need some drag force to stop this so let me just add some pop drag here and in my scenario i use like two value and in gravity i think i used a little lower values like getting minus five and pop time scale i think i used to [Music] i think we need to slow down this movement see like this [Music] and we need one more like sub steps so let me just go for two and two and let me just add one more pop pose for like lower frequency [Music] your noises so you just add like two and i think one and pulse length is 25 so it will add some little more variations to these motions and one more thing is that our particle is like keeps on growing if i look here they does not die out see i look here it does not die out we need to [Music] delete these otherwise they will keeps on growing and it will affect our values so if i put here [Music] something like this delete non-selected now if we see [Music] i think i've used this one you can choose any one which you want some have like higher value some has lower values here now you can see its length [Music] falling towards ground and just add ground here collision ground so that it doesn't fall and in here now you can see it's like falling like this [Music] see like this if it's moving too much too fast you can decrease its values or if because they are moving very slowly so now you can see [Music] see now they are like moving very slowly you can see and if you want to like make much more dispersed you can always increase this value and just add some upper value also [Music] do something like this now we need to like uh so almost there you can do it these values these are like basic settings and next we are going to use our pop object you can cache this out [Music] so that it's only let's move fast [Music] okay this will be our like particle which we are going to change this we are not going to use like this and we are going to add some values here some terms so that we can control this so let me add null object and this is your particle out okay now next what we need to do we need to [Music] put some flower petals and these positions which are like this particles so for that what we are going to use we are going to use instance node which is like if you right click and search for instance you can use this instance node and it can actually help you to create particles so go inside and just delete this node and just use object merge and just call these particles inside this so if i go to bus and particle out and just use null object we are not going to do we are going to only import these values and in here in instance if you go to this instance you can find this instance object no parameter just make a simple [Music] petal just use grid you can model this as complex as you can or you can use very simple technique i think in my case okay something like this four is enough for this okay in here let me just uh select some points and adjust this like these points just move this to like this and select this scale like this [Music] and for these points [Music] you can choose or however you want you can do this okay so it's just a simple example something like this you can like smooth it out or anything whatever you want just smooth this and you can like increase this parameter or you can subdivide also if you want to make smoother [Music] and just use transform node one transform node and this will be using as for [Music] controlling the size of the instance and steers null just put here there's a server out and in instance in this section just select that object which is our this grid which is this one this is our petal and you can put here color also in my scenario i used a simple color then you can add some parameters okay so just disable this and in instance let's enable this and in instance you can just call this just here point in sensing just use fast point instancing be careful with this otherwise if your particle is too high it will be like this see now they have every particle has these petals but now you can see they are like oriented in almost a certain way we want to randomize this orientation to randomize this you need to go to the original particle which is in the bus here and in here you need to add some attribute first attribute you need to add to like randomize this angle or rotation you need to add [Music] an orient property or orient attribute so just use attribute randomize okay let's put here and we need to use orient and it's a four dimension attitude which is quantitative so just four and i think just use 10 10 10 and if you go here offset you can find this these are like [Music] randomly oriented okay now second we need to like scale these or randomize the scaling of each petals so we can do that also just go to again the source and add attribute randomize for scale node okay just come here and use [Music] p scale it's a one dimension value and i think point zero one two point zero four i think will be enough [Music] if it you feel like it it's not like that big you can always adjust now you can see its [Music] petals so this is our instance which is flower petals you can generate these for cash out then next we need to [Music] go for this bus section and we need to like delete this bus based on that attributes so first we need to do is import that attribute which we are going to use for deleting these parameters so for that let me just use again object merge and let me just call that attribute which is our out burn or this one so this is our activity which are going to use to delete the bus now to delete this we need to convert this to mesh somehow so we can use that vdb from particles [Music] see this node this is used for converting your mesh to this and it's not coming so let's put one here you can lower this value but be careful with this value because it's a very time consuming node so depending upon your detail you can always go for to [Music] your liking okay so in my case i think i have gone below 0.01 for the sake of this let me just use 0.01 and again i am using very lower values so it will be a little bit low quality then we need to like vdb reshape this so just introduce some offset values so i think 0.5 will be enough then convert this to mesh [Music] okay now you can see it has some values and you can use this adaptivity node and it will reduce now we have this uh mesh which we are going to use to cut this symmetry let me just use boolean and just select this this [Music] and it will take time so be patient okay now you can see it's almost tilting or otherwise you can do this as a surface so it will properly deal this see now it's like heating away your bus so so this is our like out of the bus and if you look here combined you can see we have like this flower bottles and this and in between these two particles we are going to use a color attribute from [Music] our these points or you can use our pop source to copy this so let me just come here and in the bus source let me disable this [Music] visualizer so that we can see what kind of what color we are going to use okay in here if i go here and [Music] put point warp this one [Music] and [Music] if i use this total burn attribute inside here like if i use point and just use total burn and just use ram [Music] and put this in color attribute see now you can see and in this ramp you can adjust its value how it's like coming you can like adjust this value or we can use burn attribute it has some noise built in so we can use burn attribute like this is our like output which we are going to use okay now what we are going to do we are going to transfer this color value to our bus so if i use color transfer attribute or attribute transfer to know this one we need to select this and select this see like something like this and we need to do transfer only color see that's transferring and in condition here just lower this distance threshold and just add some values here so it will add these color attributes and make sure this bus has like color attribute otherwise it will not work properly see now you can see it has like color attribute you can blur this value or if you want like high quality you can you need to increase this mesh so that it shows proper colors so you can just subdivide this bus a little bit time and in my case i use this one and i think i use depth two or maybe three be careful with this number it will increase very drastically see like this so this is our color which are going to use to glow that edge area only so just put null object here okay so almost we are at the end of this so we have made bus and this instance again be careful with this because it takes very long time to simulate and very intense and sometimes you ran out of memory or anything so careful with these values you can if you have like higher values we cache out all these numbers otherwise it will be very difficult okay now what we need to do we need to just add some lights and just put on these color values okay so let me just add a simple material node [Music] and i am going to make a simple material for this like with a material and we need to use that color which we have made for this so we are going to use v-ray and which is user color this one if you are using mantra or anything it has same similar kind of properties which has user attribute or color attribute something like this you can use that and in here just plug this into this self animation channel which is your colors attribute so if i put three here and if i apply this material to our bus so if i go here like this and again you save this and so some render settings [Music] and just go for my graphic card so it will render this a little bit faster and just create one camera if we come here and enter this [Music] so be patient with this because it will take time so in my case i have used very higher values for the particles so that the mesh deleting part will be much more smoother and i have used also some [Music] different values also [Music] okay and we just adjust some values here because it's not rendering properly [Music] and we need to apply some material to these also [Music] please add this to [Music] our character [Music] and one for our petal which is red color [Music] and we you can apply directly to this [Music] it will keep this color or you can apply in this instance section it has also render material you can apply here also it's up to you where you want to buy and if i again [Music] enter this [Music] [Music] so now you can see it's like coming its color which is white color and if you want like yellow orange anything a different color you can always mix this color to whichever color you want you can use v-ray [Music] color choose for color and you can find gray color it's a simple color that you just put here whichever color you want and just multiply these two numbers so if you go to vj utility and there is like comp this one can these two just combine these two and in here operator just use multiply now it will multiply this color do this so if i use a simple grid [Music] means supply is this character material okay now you can see [Music] it will have that yellow color [Music] and in that shot you can find that there is some pattern over this glowing part some designs or some markings like an eternal movie so you can also do that for that what you need to do you need to add some attributes here first of all you need to add a uv attribute okay so this doesn't have uv attribute right now so we need to add like uv attribute [Music] we i think i have used um [Music] i used unwrapped version and spacing i think is zero [Music] and in material i have mixed some material here so i think in my scenario i have used [Music] a pattern which is you can find anything any pattern you want in my case i think i have used [Music] this pattern [Music] and in colors i have inverted this and i have multiplied this to this whatever it's coming here so again if i use again this and i like it is [Music] this now if i correct will have some pattern on that this area [Music] or maybe we have like a very different result [Music] so again if your object is unwrapped it will not be an issue if it's not untapped then it will be an issue so make sure yeah like something like this pattern now it's coming like all all over the places so we need to change some order here so we need to find these glow pattern only in this region so for that one need to do we need to okay this is for color and this is our user color so i think we need to multiply this to here and this section we need to apply this to here nothing here i think will come right [Music] so you can adjust this [Music] yeah something like this now it's seeing like all over the place it's multiplied with the color now we need to just do this in right order so we are somewhat close to that just a little steps which is needed so first of all this is [Music] this mix is like not working so again it has like one more uh setting here which is called in v-day utility section you can find this is blend or combine color you can use this also this is v-ray comp you can use this also okay not just by using multiply you can use different also i think i used mix here [Music] v-ray mix i think i use this one to mix this okay so [Music] this one and this one and this one now if you look here it has like mixed amount and if i lower this [Music] [Music] okay let me just check my network one more time i think i have using misplaced results so just [Music] one by one [Music] [Music] [Music] so if you are checking for this you can always disable this particles these flower particles so it will be much more faster okay there is some issue here you can see there is like these are like working but it's coming as i want okay this is on add mode we need to do this for multiply so always check your notes [Music] that's why it's not coming in first [Music] multiply will do like multiply white with white and black with black so in black area it will cancel out all these white values [Music] okay now you can see it's coming only specific area which is have used now we need to put color here so just use this mix or you can use like again same which i have used earlier which is um this one okay so it's like [Music] color one and again this [Music] and just multiply here and just go to this for multiply now i think it will come properly [Music] now that yellow or orange color will multiply to only this white area [Music] so that you can find yours you can choose any colors [Music] okay now you can see you can find your colors so it will have some patterns and glow and some petals so i think it's complete you can do it according to your settings according to your file i think i have included all the necessary steps which is i have used so i hope you have enjoyed this tutorial and the previous tutorial which i wanted to release it's getting very long time to render so it will be out in some days it's still in the entering process so keep on watching this goodbye and we will see you in next time
Channel: Zeus VFX
Views: 1,710
Rating: 4.9636364 out of 5
Keywords: houdini tutorial, houdini tutorial basics, houdini beginner tutorial, houdini tutorial beginner, houdini tutorial particles, special effects tutorial, learn houdini, houdini tips, houdini fracturing, sidefx tutorial, :sidefx houdini, houdini rbd fracturing, houdini rbd, cg tutorial, vfx tutorial, houdini rbd boolean, houdini nodes, houdini sidefx, tutorial, houdini fx, houdini 3d, houdini, vray, chaosgroup, render, flash, reverse time, dc, justice league, marvels, eternals, flower
Id: Kcf4myf5Z4g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 17sec (3077 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 27 2021
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