Episode 22: "In Laws on the Outs"

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well hi there facebook good morning how are you welcome to the weekend it's the way I heard it a very special edition why thank you so much there's a guest in the house as some of you may know several guests in fact hey it's my mom say hi y'all know Peggy or some of you do you know you're famous and stuff now what was all the commercials people ask people ask about you all the time what are we going to see your parents again what are your parents up to when you gonna put them in another commercial blah blah blah yeah well I don't know I'm working on it I'm working on a dad is still sound asleep upstairs somewhere is the dog with him yes it's not weird long they've tired each other out yesterday dog basically Freddie had attacked the parents when they showed up and I won't leave him alone so I got a new best friend speaking of that you know what happens here right I read a story that's the way I've heard it you're familiar I am many people by the way attract our conversation earlier about your your displeasure visa fee my my grooming my hair my wardrobe like that that's what mothers do yeah they do and that's that's fine with me this robe I'm gonna auction off this morning Oceana yep stole it from the oceanic hotel not long ago and I also have something else you might like what do you think of that oh it's adorable Lyndsey doll who's a fan of this page took a picture of my dog and through all kinds of color at it and this is what came out I think it's kind of amazing looks just like it it really does extraordinary so I got you one Oh actually Lindsay's Qian Lizzy sent three I'm gonna keep one and I'm gonna put in a frame and hang it up around here somewhere it matches my shirt well that's good this is Lindsay by the way check out her website wild feathers she can do the same for your pet she really focuses on animals so if I take a squirrel or a tiger an elephant yeah she'll throw all kinds of color at it and what comes out of something like that Oh dad will good if he wakes up yeah all right so I'm going to take the the autographed Freddy painting and the purloined robe from the Oceana I'm going to put it on eBay I haven't done it yet but I'll get to it this Monday just heads up it's coming those two things will be to be thrown out there oh I also got to thank Jerry guy named Jerry spanger been on my my personal neck knife what do you think he bid for this hundred dollars two thousand one hundred ninety some dollars maybe twenty two hundred but yes very generous Jerry thank you so much be very careful this thing is sharp like I don't even I mean it's just a sharp as it can be I'm going to ship that out along with a Freddy and the biped campaign t-shirt and a bobblehead yeah one of my bobbleheads I do you gave it to me a while ago I asked for it it alright so do you want to sit here while I read the story sure all right I don't know if you've heard this one before if you if you have and try not to give it away and as I read try not to slurp your tea but don't don't sit absolutely still that would be weird this is this going to take about five minutes but don't get so involved that it's disruptive to me normally I just would never I would wait but I'm trying to establish what they call them continuity I want people to know that every Saturday morning they can join me for a cup of coffee and sometimes they'll be an occasional guest that's Saturday see you're in good company okay then I'm gonna read this this is called the in-laws on the outs and don't read over my shoulder and don't flirt booty in no sudden movements but relax and be casual here it is the Millers knew that Lauren Johnson would be the perfect son-in-law bright handsome ambitious and best of all Methodist so when Loring proposed to their oldest daughter the Millers rejoiced because they knew they were getting more than a son-in-law they were getting a Johnson TC schneebly on the other hand was another story like Johnson schneebly had fallen for one of the Miller girls but unlike Johnson sneb Lee was not the kind of son-in-law that Phil and Amanda had in mind you simply can't marry Ashe Neb Lee said Amanda he's a presbyterian indeed said Philip what will the townspeople say turns out the townspeople said quite a bit and none of it was very nice Philip Miller is getting a hundred son in laws they said Loring is a one and schneebly a double zero good nowadays true love might be nondenominational but back in 1901 the Methodists of gore and Missouri found themselves surrounded by encroaching Lutheran's Baptist Episcopalians and Presbyterians so even though their daughter said I do the Miller said we don't and young mr. schneebly found himself at odds with his new in-laws for nearly four years he tried to win them over but nothing could have swayed their disappointment or temper their disdain ultimately Amanda Miller shunned her own daughter and the pain and strife became too much to bear with two small children the Schnee Blees yearned for a more peaceful existence they dreamed of a quiet place a place of solitude and beauty but where one day TC received a letter from his brother raving about a faraway place of unsurpassed tranquility Ellsworth schneebly was a frail man and required a climate that suited his weak condition apparently he'd found it a lush verdant Canyon in the high desert with clean air and a fast running mountain brook surrounded by breathtaking beauty and monoliths the schneid Lee's fled Goren with all due speed after connecting with Ellsworth TC homesteaded 80 pristine acres and quickly fell in love there was something magnetic about the place something magical about the way the canyon glowed in the Evening Sun the snidely's built a stone house nestled in a grove of cottonwoods tucked into the gentle bend of a winding creek but that's not all they built you see the schnide Lee's believed that others would be equally enchanted by the strange beauty of their new surroundings 2tc built a ten room weigh station in the middle of nowhere his neighbors might have called him crazy but TC didn't have any neighbors so he built a road that ran all the way to Flagstaff and sure enough the people started to come they came for dinner and stayed for the night luxuriating in the tranquility of the quiet Canyon and marveling at the serenity one day it occurred to TC that his guests might extend their stay if they could send and receive mail from his little bed-and-breakfast so TC applied for a post office permit after many weeks TC got a response from Washington DC dear mr. schneebly they read we are happy to set up a post office in your home but regret to inform you that schneebly station is too large to fit in the cancellation stamp please select a shorter name for consideration TC read the letter to Ellsworth his brother said why not name the post office after your wife TC turned to his wife and said how would you like a post office named after you mrs. Cheveley smiled as TC wrote her first name into the space provided and a few weeks later the tiny desert community in the middle of nowhere had its very own post office named after the wife of Theodore Carlton schneebly a young woman ostracized by her own mother and driven from her home by the kind of discord and strife that can only result from marrying a Presbyterian it's ironic because the town that eventually grew up around snidely's little bed-and-breakfast would adopt that very same name a name now synonymous with tranquility and peace and spiritual healing it's enough to make you wonder if the u.s. post office used a smaller font back in 1902 would people be traveling from all over the world to experience the strange and abiding peace of snuggly station or if the Millers had welcomed TC into their family all those years ago would people today be talking about the mystical wonders of magnetic vortexes that still surround the schneebly home we'll never know because today those who seek enlightenment and the metaphysical glow of those now famous red rocks do so in a town whose name was concocted by a mother who pulled six letters from thin air and gave them to a daughter she would ultimately disown a daughter named Sedona oh and one more thing on the subject of irony remember Loring Johnson the perfect son-in-law who pleased the Millers with his every word indeed yeah he went to Leavenworth the details of his incarceration are inconsequential but he died in custody bringing great shame to Miller's Methodist's and Johnson's everywhere anyway I'm Mike Rowe and that's the way I heard it and I've heard it before but a long time ago from me yeah that's because what I do is I post them over on the podcast at micro comm slash podcast and then weeks later here because people seem to like it I sit down with my coffee and I reread them again thus creating what many have said it is entirely new experience maybe I could come every Saturday and sit with you would you like that that sounds great of course you can stay as long as you want you'll be leaving with one of these an original Lindsey Dahl lovely parting gift and if you'd like one you'll be encouraged right now to overbid dramatically in the coming week for this as well as my purloined bathrobe from the whoops name of hotel again Oceana I was testing straight so a bathrobe and a piece of original art and I like this of my dog would you think it was fun it's gonna be great and I'm gonna I'm gonna read your book this weekend I'm on her in a book she just sent it to Miller read it I can't wait to see I hope it's good I swear I can't bring myself to to tell you it's not I know what I want you to be honest I know but I mean I know it's going to be good but if it's not what how do I handle it if it's not great just well just tell me that it's good but it could be even better if I spend a little more time on it but I think it's ready this is the kind of honesty my mom and I have always enjoyed it's gonna be great I can't wait and and then we'll get it published and that will auction it off again any final thoughts before I hit end no but this was fun thanks for inviting me you're welcome what are you leaving again not
Channel: Mike Rowe
Views: 138,248
Rating: 4.955574 out of 5
Keywords: mike rowe, The Way I Heard It with Mike Rowe, podcast, Peggy Rowe
Id: qAWaB4WweTM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 5sec (725 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 30 2016
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