In His Own Blood by Dr Phil Kidd

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I'm in Revelation chapter number one and I'd like to begin reading please in verse number four John to the seven churches which are in Asia grace be unto you and peace from him which is and which was and which is to come and from the seven spirits which are before his throne and from Jesus Christ and here's what he says about Jesus he's the faithful witness he's the first begotten of the Dead he's the Prince of the kings on the earth and we're talking about Jesus by the way under him that loved us now watch what your Bible says and washed us from our sins in his own blood in his own blood I was thinking today everything we're doing on behalf of this meeting is because of one prepositional phrase found in Revelation chapter number one in his own blood you wouldn't even be here tonight if it wasn't for his blood they'd be no need for this tabernacle tonight if it wasn't for his blood there'd be no missionary call if it wasn't for his blood no revival effort no evangelism no Bible in your lap everything we believe hinges on one phrase in your Bible his precious blood so tonight I want to preach for just a few minutes on the subject of his own blood I never dreamed in my Christian life that I would see the fundamentals of our faith drug out on the stage of debate to be questioned diluted and even denied but ladies and gentlemen we are living in that day to day and the very fundamentals of everything we believe hinges on this one statement that we were washed from our sins in his own blood you could call it a slaughterhouse religion or a bloody Salvation I don't care what kind of terminology you try to tag on me I just know one thing if you're ever gonna make it inside the gates of pearl and live in that new city it'll be because you've been washed in the blood of Jesus Christ and I want to remind everybody Jesus is not a way to heaven he is the only way to heaven there is no other way he said I am the door by Me If any man enter in he shall be sane i brand it on Jesus tonight if I don't do something for you hey something bad wrong with you now let me tell you some things about his blog that you need to never forget number one it was special blood you see the blood of Jesus is different than the blood of any human being that has ever existed upon the face of the earth because the Bible said in Acts chapter 20 and verse number 28 that he had the blood of God in his veins did you know for that to take place Jesus had to step over the boundaries of DNA and all the limits of human conception for through DNA we have found out that the baby receives the blood the first three months of its life from its mother after that the last six months the marrow of the bone picks up and the baby makes its own blood but that is not true with the blood of Jesus Christ from the moment of his conception till he was born into this world every drop of blood that flowed through the veins of Jesus according to the Bible God purchased with his own blood if the blood Jesus had in his vein was no different than the blood that you and I have we're all a bunch of confused wickedly prayed sinners and will go to hell with no hope and no God but I'm glad when Jesus shed his blood on the cross it wasn't the blood of had on it was the blood of God it's special blood second of all I want you to know according the first Peter chapter 1 it was sinless blood we're not redeemed with the corruptible things such as silver and gold received by our vain conversation of Our Fathers but with the precious blood of Jesus without spa and without blemish who was fairly for Dean before the foundation of the world but was made manifest in these last days for you somebody asked me one time could Jesus have sinned may I say to you he couldn't sin because he wouldn't and he wouldn't sin because he couldn't he never has been able to and he never will because he had sinless blood he was God manifested in the flesh I saw something the other day that proved to be his blood was sinless did you know when Adam fell in the Garden of Eden think about this God cast him out of the garden and said you're gonna kill the land by the sweat of your face and your brow God said every time you break a sweat Adam and that salty solution runs down your face that's God reminding you that you're a sinner that's part of the curse and there's some big sinners in this place tonight I I smelled you before church at every time you sweat and every time that salty solution comes through your forehead that's God reminding you that you're a sinner did you know during the thirty three and a half years that Jesus walked on the earth there's only one time the Bible ever records that he broke a sweat when he was on the bow of that ship out of the Sea of Galilee teaching in that beaming hot Middle East Sun nowhere does it say he ever broke a sweat when he walked the shores of Galilee and healed the sick and raise the dead know where the Bible doesn't ever say he broke a sweat because Jesus wasn't a sinner but all over in the Garden of Gethsemane when he was pouring his heart out to his father about that bitter cup the Bible said he sweat it's the only time in all the Bible you find Jesus sweating but his sweat wasn't that white salty solution that comes out of your body and mine but the rider specifically said his sweat became even as it were Craig's Robson blood brother when I swept him through his body God was showing every imp of hell my son didn't come to be a sinner he came it was sinless blood it was special blood it was sacrificial blood Luke chapter 22 and verse 20 Jesus said this is my blood which is shed for you I'm not critical of a lot of songs but I Got News Jesus didn't spill his blood he shed his blood he didn't accidentally dump it out he willingly laid his life down and brother when that blood hit that cross that was exactly what God needed to satisfy his justice and his holiness when I read about the Tabernacle in the Old Testament I think about 4000 years every year that big wooden Jewish altar that was overlaid with brass that altar would begin to yell sacrifice sacrifice and every year for four thousand years those people had to bring a sacrifice and give it to the priests and the blood of that lamb was shed on that altar but another year demanded another lamb another year the land demanded another lamb because by the blood of blood of bulls and goats no sin was ever washed away according to the book of Hebrews and for four thousand years that altar would get up and yell sacrifice sacrifice with two thousand years ago on a bloody hillside with Jesus bowed his head on a lifeless chest and yielded up the ghost brother earthquake and the Sun refused to side and the reveal was ripped from top to bottom I can imagine the priests went running in that Tabernacle and barely that altar all flipped over to one side and he stood up on its legs again and that altar cleared his voice and instead of yelling sacrifice yelled satisfied satisfied and now for two thousand years the wrath of God has been decide that's enough to make a Presbyterian shout I want to give you three points and I'm gonna need some more chicken let me tell you three things about the blood of Jesus I don't ever want you to forget in his blood there is redemption the Bible said in Ephesians chapter one and verse number seven that we have redemption through his blood according to the riches of his grace that word redemption means releasing a payment that was due because somebody has provided a balance other than yourself fees in chapter 2 and verse 13 said we were once a far off but now we are made nigh by the blood of Jesus Christ we were separated from God and nothing we could do could span that great gulf but God brought us to himself through the blood of those only begotten son I don't know if that does anything for you or not but I know 37 years ago I was a wayward Center on my way to hell without God and without hope and I'm glad somebody lifted up Jesus on the cross and the Holy Ghost put me under conviction and drew mean I and the God and forgave me of my sin and washed me in his blood I'm a nobody telling everybody about us somebody that can show in his blood there's redemption I don't care where you've been in what you've done God's blood reaches deeper than the stains of your sin I was reading a book many years ago about dr. George W Truitt he was the pastor of the First Baptist Church of Dallas Fort Worth and dr. Truitt would get to the church four hours early on Sunday morning and would pray for solid hours in his office before mounting the pulpit on Sunday morning and they said dr. true it was so anointed with God that dignitaries and politicians would come from everywhere to hear him and when he would stand in his pulpit on Sunday mornings secular radio stations would have their microphones taped all around his pulpit and free of charge they translated his message all across the West such a powerful man of God one Sunday morning dr. Truitt came out of his study and coming down the center aisle of his church was a nurse in a uniform and she had a radio tucked under her arm she went to dr. Truett and said doctor through it I've got to leave I'm not gonna be here I'm going down to the slums side of Dallas there's a woman down there that's dying and I'm going to take care of her and dr. Truitt she's been a prostitute she's been a woman of ill repute she's been a drunkard she has said and done things that I wouldn't even mention to you she's one of the dirtiest nastiest sinners I've ever met in my life and I'm going down to her house today to care for her and I've got my radio and dr. Truitt the dirtiest woman in Dallas is going to be listening to you this morning he said I'm preaching on Isaiah chapter 1 verse 18 come let us reason together saith the Lord though your sins be as scarlet they shall be as white as snow though they be red like crimson they shall be as wool she said doctor true it a dirty woman's gonna be listening to you today when he got bug preaching that Sunday mornings somebody came running from the back with a note and went to give it to one of dr. Truett's associates for some reason dr. Truitt reached over there and grabbed a note and opened it and read it himself it was a letter from the nurse she had called the church and said I'm here at this woman's house she's nerdy but she's thirsty could somebody come doctor Truitt said boys I think I'll go to this one myself they said dr. Truitt you're tired you've been praying all morning you just got done preaching you're wore out like one of us go he said no fellas I think this one's for me he said I got my car drove down to the old shack where she lived outside of Dallas said the porch was leaning to one side the old spring door was hanging on by one hinge he said when I got up there I knocked on the door and somebody whispered come in he said immediately when I opened the door there was cobwebs hanging from the ceiling there was nothing on the on the floor but just the wooden floor no carpet no nothing he said I turned the corner and that was a hospital bed in the middle of the living room and the radio was sitting there beside it I walked up to the side of the bed and there laid an elderly woman with her hair so greasy it looked wet I stuck my hand out and said hello ma'am I'm George W Truitt and she took her dirty hands and put him under the sheet and she said I can't shake your head you're a man of God and if you do what I've done all of my life and where I've been you wouldn't have come here today look at me preacher my fingernails are dirty my sheets are gray my hair is nasty and greasy I can't shake your head you're a man of God he said when she said that I fell to my knees beside the gurney and begin to pray he said I don't know how long I prayed I felt somebody tapped me on the shoulder he said I looked up and she brought her hand out from under the sheet and said dr. Drew it I'll shake your hand now and he said I got up and said honey you fingernails are still dirty you know higher still greasy and the shapes are steel gray she said I know but I just had a blood bath and God told me everything's all right aren't you glad that the blood of Jesus Christ can read in his blood I love that old song there is a fountain filled with blood drawn from Emmanuel's veins and centaurs linesman needs that lose all their guilty stains I thought about in the Old Testament between the holiest and the holiest of Holies where the Ark of the Covenant was there was a veil that stretched from the top of the tabernacle to the bottom it was an estimated 16 inches thick it was hand-woven by the women of Israel when they got done hand weaving that veil tradition says they heard 32 oxen to that veil and had them pull against each other then the women held that veil up to the sunlight and if one ray of sunlight could be seen through that veil that whole section was taken apart and redone when that veil hung in the temple the strength of 32 oxen couldn't pull it apart on the front of that veil were two cherubims and they were facing each other first time you find a cherubim in the Bible's in the Garden of Eden casting Adam and Eve out God said it cherubim with a sword of fire so every time that you would look in that tabernacle he'd see those cherubims and he was reminded by God you're a sinner stay out of here you're excommunicated from God stay out of here you're not righteous stay out of here and brother them cherubims of that big veil that thirty two oxen couldn't pull apart separated God's people from God and it was that way for four thousand years but when Jesus died on the old rugged dr. Harrell b-site ler taught me something I'll never forget he said the veil wasn't ripped from bottom the top that would have been done by the hands of man but the Bible said by the scars it was ripped from top to bottom when Jesus shed his blood on the cross two hands much stronger than 32 Hudson reached down out of the glory world and got a hold of that veil and pulled it in half and one cherubim went that way and one cherubim with that way and now for the first time so ever we'll make Tom we don't need a priest we don't need another sacrifice it's all been paid on the cross and we can get the God in his blood there's redemption number two let me heard Lee say I've got to go in his blood watch this now there's righteousness Hebrews chapter 10 and verse number 4 said it was impossible for the blood of bulls and goats to take away sin you know the Old Testament believers they only experienced atonement atonement is not a New Testament word for believers atonement means their sins were not done away with just the judgment of God was postponed it was rolled back every year God's wrath had built up that was the bitter cup that Jesus drank in the garden and brother those Old Testament Saints only understood atonement but they never had a clear conscience toward God that they had been totally reconciled and forgiven but for those of us that are in the New Testament that had been born again were not under atonement were under Redemption which simply means the righteousness of God has been imputed unto me when God looks at me he doesn't look at the merit of my good works but he looks at the righteousness of his son that was given to us because we are washed in his blood I say to you we are righteous in the sight of God God doesn't see us as we were or as we are but he sees us through his son and because Jesus has give us his righteousness God sees us through the perfection of the Lord Jesus because some think about somebody came to me not long ago and I'm sure many of your listening by the internet you're a bunch of holding on endure and falling from grace errs but I want to tell you something once you get in that blood you are declared righteous let me give you something to think about hey don't turn that station that's your problem now somebody tell you the truth you always want to turn the station sit down shut up leave that station alone let me give you something think about God told Adam and Eve the day that you're saying you're gonna die either that fruit you're gonna die no one actually a question Eve per took of that fruit and after she product of the fruit there was a period of time between her and Adam coming to her and them communicating and Adam for taking of the fruit when I got a question Eve became a sinner the moment she protected that fruit why didn't God test her out of the garden that very moment that very moment why wasn't Eve excommunicated from the garden a moment she sinned because at that time she had a head over her that had not sinned Eva bride was never cast out of the presence of God until her head sinned when Adam sinned they were both expelled from the presence of God so here's what I'm saying in the New Testament we may not always be everything we ought to be but until the head of the church sins the bride will never be cut off from God and I've got news he never has sinned he's not sinning and the lovely Lord Jesus never will now I may not be everything and I'm not perfect but I can go to bed knowing one thing what I've got depend on me thank God it's a dependent on him the King of Kings the Lord of lords lily of the valley the bright and Morning Star he's got it all worried about it anymore so quit ignoring and start enjoying now let me give you something to think about well I'm having a time tonight you good folks are preaching me to death let's say tonight that my coat is red here's how righteous you are in Jesus did you know sin in the Bible is not black it's red though your sins be as scarlet they shall be as white as snow though they be red as crimson they shall be as wool so here's a guy that's trying to clean his life up and look righteous in the sight of God so he cleans up and quits cussing starts tweeting it treating his wife right quits kicking the dog becomes a mason moose goose chicken elk buzzer joins all the saints he's got baptized he's a member of the church I mean this guy's doing good stuff can't find no fault good guy in community politician Owen Tommy's lions when his lips are moving I mean this guy's upright there's a problem brother white I don't care how clean he lives he's still a crimson red in the sight of God he's a sinner and when he dies when God sees him red God has to excommunicate him from him because God's thrice holy he's a condemned sinner and God puts him in hell and alienates himself from him and it doesn't matter how hard honestly this guy tries he's still a sinner in the sight of God but if I read Revelation chapter 1 right didn't it use this terminology watched us from our sins in his own blood so if I'm standing here tonight and I'm gonna end a huge glass jar if I'm in the jar the only way you can see me is to look through Jarre first so here's a sinner he's condemned the best he can do he's doing the best he can but he scarlet red in the sight of God but he hears the gospel one day and by faith he plunges in that eternal flow now the only way God can see him is he's got to look through the blood first because he's in his blood did you know red is the only color in the world that works like I'm about to tell you if I had a piece of red cellophane here and that coat was red did you know when you look through red on the something else that's red that something else becomes white and that is the only color in the world that does that so here's what God says you're a sinner and I don't care what you do or don't do you're still gonna go to hell but one day you heard the truth you got washed in the blood of my son and the only way I could see you now is through the blood of my son and when I see you through the red crimson flow of Calvary here is white as snow you're as wide as I'm telling you in the sight of God it's as though we've never seen that's how I know I'm safe forever God sees me in the blood I'm justified I'm righteous I've seeded in heavenly places and I can't wait to jump high in his blood there's righteousness number three I gotta close in his blood there's rest the Bible said in Colossians chapter 1 of verse 20 having made peace through the blood of his cross that word peace means that you get together and sing in harmony did you notice this group that was singing tonight they had what we call a three-part harmony and they blend together to bring forth the sound of perfection when we get saved have we made peace harmony through the blood of his cross God the Father God the Son and God the Holy Ghost all joins together in sweet perfection and communion and declares us say by grace forever I've got peace tonight I don't think I'm going to heaven I'm not climbing up Jacob's Ladder and I'm not looking for the rough side of the mountain I am secure in what Jesus Christ did on the cross and it doesn't matter what comes our way as a child of God there's something about us that brings a peace that you can't even understand or explain just because we're saved friend doesn't mean we don't have problems it just means we don't have problems alone a preacher friend of mine that's watching this broadcast right now with the Vietnam as a teenage boy like many of you did teenagers young man he went over the Nam they dropped him off in a jungle and he spent 12 months over in the foggy jungles of Vietnam when he served his term he came back home state a month or so and to his amazement they sentenced him and wrote him another letter and seemed right back to Vietnam again so while in his teenage years he spent two of those years in the jungle fighting for this country and I'm not gonna lie to you while he was over there brother K the second two or something happened the foggy jungles the bombs going off the lightning in the air he came home different that second time it wore him down and mentally it just got to him and some of you that been to war you know what I'm speaking of and he come home and he got married but he told me he said that brother kid he said this may sound funny to you but every time it rained and that fog gets settle in and I'd look out and see the night light out in the parking lot of my home I'd go back to Nam he said when that lightning would crash it would sound like those bombs going off in them jungles blowing up our soldiers and our friends and he said when them storms had come in and that thunder would roll it sound like them helicopters going over our heads and he said before I knew it brother kid I'd be under my bed shaking like a little boy fearful in the night he said one night a bad storm came in I was even married he said I set up on the side of the bed and I was shaking so hard I was about the hyperventilate and he said my wife said honey we've we've got to do something you can't keep living like this he said honey I don't know what to do but I got to get through the night and it said dark and I'm scared she said well tell me what can I do for you he said I want you to load me up in the car and take me to daddy's house I just feel like if I can be around daddy this stuff will go away and so sure enough they got out in the middle of the night they knocked on his daddy's door and his mama come to the door and he said mama it's Vietnam again and I'm so scared and she said well son what do you want to do and he said mama I know this don't sound right I'm a marine and I'm a soldier but could I sleep with daddy I just feel like if I could get close to daddy all this fear go away and I could get some sleep through the night he said I went in there and he said my daddy was laying in bed here I was a grown man and I crawled up in bed and he said my daddy reached over and patted me in the night said Sam go to bed I'm here now and I don't care how much the lightning flashes and I'll try mr. thunder roll Sam nothing gonna happen to you when you're next to your father I got it all under control son you go to sleep I'll stay up he said I rolled over and started to doze off at about that time lightning came by that bedroom window crack and he said when it cracked Vietnam was in front of me all over again he said I sat up straight in that bed and he said when I did a big old hand reached over and grabbed my chest threw me back in that bed said son I told you to sleep I'll stay up ain't nothing gonna happen to you I'm here now and I'm gonna be here till the Sun shines again he said I pulled that blanket up and knew that my father was by my side and I didn't care how much the lightning flash and the thunder rolled I knew I felt the hand of my father on me I said is a child of God it doesn't matter what you're going through God will reach down out of the glory world and just let you know till morning time now one extra question in closing and that's the question how come the Old Testament Saints had to go to paradise in the heart of the earth when they died according to Luke chapter number 16 they didn't know to heaven they were separated from hell by a great gulf the rich man saw Abraham and Lazarus in his bosom why couldn't the Old Testament Saints go straight to heaven when they died and I wondered about that for a long time here's what the Lord showed me they couldn't go any further than the blood that was offered for their sin and the blood of those bulls and goats never left this earth so they couldn't either let me say that again I don't think you followed me they couldn't go any further than the blood that was shed for their sin and the blood of all those bulls and goats and lambs and turtle doves and pigeons never left this earth so they were in captivity and God prepared a place called paradise in the heart of the earth and when those Old Testament Saints that was under atonement died they went to the heart of the earth to the heart of the earth to the heart of the earth waiting for that one sacrifice that would go farther than the Milky Way and the third heaven and the atmosphere and the hemisphere and the stratosphere 2,000 years ago on an old rugged cross Jesus his blood on the cross caught up on Resurrection Gordon and the Bible said after his resurrection the Old Testament Saints got up and went the glory with him what happened when Jesus got up on Resurrection morning barri went to touch him and he said touch me not for I have not yet ascended on the father from earth to the third heaven is a hundred and eighty-nine thousand light years that's traveling at 189 thousand miles per second it went at travel at that speed it takes you three and a half years one way to get to the throne of God it's a hundred eighty thousand miles per second the speed of light to get from here to heaven will take you three and a half years he told Mary touch me not for I have not yet ascended under the Father but not long after that he walked through a wall and told Thomas put your finger in my hand and put your hand in my side Jesus made a tour that would take light six years Jesus did in less than an hour what what was that trip Jesus had to take he took that blood that He shed on the cross three days earlier and he took it through the Milky Way and up through the 2nd and 3rd heaven wave good morning to the Father listen to the angelic choir and went into the tabernacle of God because the one on earth was the shadow of the substance of the one in heaven and Jesus walked into that holy place and put his blood on the mercy seat of God and now the Apostle Paul said to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord you know why we get to go to heaven when we die we get to go as far as the BLA let's stand with our heads bowed and our eyes closed father right now I want to thank you for Jesus other pianos playing softly I know Thanksgivings around the corner but really every day's Thanksgiving for the child of God and I know when a tabernacle this size with hundreds and hundreds of people here tonight there's probably somebody here that's not saved never fully trusted the finished work of the cross speak to them with conviction I pray and then there's good people here that battle doubt and fear and that I say the right thing did I cry enough that I shouted was i under conviction helped him to realize Lord it's not in the righteous works they did or said but it's through faith in the blood of Jesus give them peace I pray and then I pray for those that are hurting that are going through the dark hours of life seemingly all alone and they're afraid would you minister to them through the presence of the Holy Ghost as only you can and lord with Thanksgiving around the corner I don't know of a better way to close the camp-meeting than to do this I just want to say thank you for saving me I couldn't imagine where I'd be tonight this is Friday night Lord some of us would be in a bar stool and old dirty joint somewhere tonight some of us would be waller and in our vomit in a back alley of a big city some of these ladies with these Street walkers and in places of your repute or jail some of us would have needles in our veins drugs in our body liquor on our breath and some of us would already been in hell a long long time ago but you save this it's all because of the blood and if nobody comes to the altar tonight that's fine with me but I just want to tell you that I love you and I've never got over what you did for me and I never want to thank you for what Jesus did on the cross in Jesus name
Channel: Fundamental Baptist Sermons
Views: 1,249
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: jesus, christian, fundamental, baptist, sermons, heaven, street, of, gold, hell, fire, eternal, damnation, for, god, so, loved, the, world, john, 3:16, how, to, be, born, again, saved, salvation, quickened, peace, love, joy, king, james, bible, kjv, 1611, 1769, phil, kidd, old, time, revival, preaching, kjv1611
Id: pAuFTQIgjoQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 24sec (2124 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 16 2019
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