In God We Trust - Part One - The Government Can't Save You

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[Music] all right welcome everybody to part one of this brand new series called in god we trust want to take just a moment to welcome all of our campuses all of our streaming sites those watching live online and all the correctional facilities across the state to the most rested 10 o'clock service all year long come on everybody let's give a hand to one another today welcome welcome welcome grab something to take some notes with as we jump into god's word together today with all the things that are happening in the world around us and all the chaos in our nation we thought it'd be a good idea to talk about this concept that's printed on our money called in god we trust it's amazing how far we have wandered from the foundations of this nation and i actually started to do a little bit of research on it this week and i was honestly even blown away as a believer i want to read a couple things to you that i got off of the treasury's website this is or i didn't make this up from some uh crazy right wing christian website that people would discredit okay this is november 13th 1861 there was a letter written from the reverend watkinson to sam and chase who is at at the time the secretary of the treasury is what he writes dear sir you are about to submit your annual report to congress respecting the affairs of the national finances one fact touching our currency has hitherto been seriously overlooked i mean the recognition of the almighty god in some form on our coins and then he says you're probably a christian you imagine writing that to somebody in government today i'm just assuming of course that you are a believer what if our republic were not shattered beyond reconstruction would not those succeeding centuries rightly reason from our past that we were a heathen nation what he is worried about is if this whole thing falls apart and our money doesn't happen god we trust stamped on it people are not going to believe that this was a nation founded on the principles of god's word i'm not making this stuff up this is actually like history your country's history just in case you want to know not a rewritten version of it but actual history here's a pastor what i propose is that instead of the goddess of liberty we shall have next inside the thirteen stars a ring inscribed with the words perpetual union and within that ring an all-seeing eye crowned with a halo and beneath that he had a whole vision beneath the eye the american flag bearing in its field stars equal to the number of the states united and in the folds of the bars the words god liberty and law this would make a beautiful coin to which no possible citizen could object this would relieve for us the position of heathenism this would place us openly under the divine protection that we have all personally claimed from my heart i have felt our national shame in disowning god as not as the least of our present national disasters to you first i addressed this subject that must be agitated and so uh in ninth in in that year 1861 november 20th just a few days later sam and chase the secretary of the treasury wrote to james pollock who is the director of the mint at philadelphia dear sir no nation can be strong except for the strength of god no nation can be strong except for in the strength of god or safe except for his defense the trust of our people and god should be declared on our national coins you will cause the device to be prepared without unnecessary delay with a motto expressing in the fewest and tertius words possible this national recognition the way our entire country feels we need to get this we need to expedite this put it on our money and so there was an act of congress dated january 18th 1837 that prescribed these models and the devices that should be placed on the coins and so they began to go through the process of it and then they proposed that they would have these designs that would say our country our god or god our trust should appear somewhere on the coins in 1863 december 9th chase writes back to pollock and says again i approve your models only suggesting that on the on the coin we should change the model and add the word our so it say our god our country and then on the shield it should be changed to right in god we trust and in 1956 not that long ago the 84th congress unanimously passed in god we trust as the motto of america the motto of our entire nation and eisenhower signed it 1956. how far have we come from this ideology as a nation what a tragedy that we get to the place that now we are in this school of thought that we have graduated beyond the need for the spiritual crutch in fact even as we watch things that are unfolding if you watch what's happening in the news and we just had the confirmation of amy coney barrett and somebody actually made the statement of it'd be better to have atheists sitting on the bench because they don't have trouble delineating between rational thought and the jewish book of fairy tales that's the nation that you and i live in today and we just need to be aware of what's happening in the world around us we need to be aware of how far we've come since we placed this statement in our money of in god we trust here's the theme verse for our series kate would love this psalm 20. some trust in chariots and summon horses but we trust in the name of the lord our god she's got this song that they sang at her church growing up some will trust in chariots and so i've never heard it before she always wants me to sing it with her but i can't because i don't know how it goes it's the only part i know but the principle is that we are growing closer to the trust in the chariots and trusts in the horses but i'm just telling you this whole nation was founded upon the trust in the name of the lord our god and if there's any hope for america we have to get back to that in god we trust so we're going to spend the next couple weeks talking about things that we falsely place our trust in and as we head into the election on tuesday i just want to make it clear to you and this is actually the title of the message the government cannot save you the government cannot save you there is no hope for america if you place your trust in the government and that's not because government is inherently evil or that they're wrong i just want you to know that they don't carry the function that will change fundamentally what has to change in our nation to change the course of our country and so i know that there's a lot being made about tuesday and i have my own thoughts about it and i'll share them with you but the reality is you're getting all kinds of bombarded ads where you're just i'm just trying to watch football here everybody i'm tired of hearing how bad everybody is just let me watch football please i already voted last week i'm can i opt out somehow but the truth of it is as much as they want you to believe if you vote for one candidate or the other the entire country will just simultaneously combust on wednesday like we're all just gonna cease breathing air the death and destruction of all humanity waste on this one vote i just want you to know the problems will still be the problems that we face on wednesday and i want to show you why we're going to go to romans chapter 7 and verse 5 in a principle that i haven't taught a lot in the 10 years that i've pastored i town it says when we were controlled by our old nature sinful desires were at work within us and the law aroused these evil desires that produce sinful deeds resulting in death this is the picture of what happens in humans and i want to outline it for you today to help you understand even as a christian why you struggle with sin and what's happening in the world around us and why government doesn't really have the power to change people because the bible's pretty clear about this in this one simple passage the first thing you have to jot down is that everyone is sinful everyone every single person on the planet if you're breathing air you are a sinful person and for all of you who are religiously self-righteous thinking well that doesn't apply to me because i'm a good person that's a sin sin you are sinning now because you are self-righteous and you are lying to yourself in fact the bible says in first john chapter 1 and verse 8 if we claim to be without sin we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us that was written to christians because what it's speaking about is not if you claim to have never made a mistake it's saying if you claim to be without this thing that romans calls the sinful nature and so it's a little bit of a mistranslation there in first john what it really means is if you claim to be without a sinful nature because let me teach you theologically what happened adam made a mistake in the garden of eden we were flawless humans that had the ability to choose right and wrong because that's what love is defined by is a choice to do what's right and so god had to give them the choice well adam chose to sin and inherently experienced a spiritual death that gave birth to what we now call the sinful nature that's the flesh part of you that will always torment you your entire life and tempt you to do what's wrong and so now all of us are born inherently evil and that's what that's talking about is the sinful nature if we claim to be without a sinful nature that you're deceiving yourself and there's no truth in you because all of us have this propensity to sin and that's what's fascinating about this idea of freedom especially when it comes to our young people and the world because teenagers that don't follow the lord if you're a teenager that lives for jesus here and your friends are telling you man that stinks you got all those rules wouldn't it be nice to truly be free so you can drink what you want and sleep with whom you want and do what you want the answer is you're not free because you have to drink smoke and sleep around to do all those things because your sinful nature is dominating your life and you don't have a choice to stop the only people who can truly say no to sin and yes to god are those who have experienced this miracle called salvation that unplugs the sinful nature and actually for the first time in your life gives you a choice let me show it to you in galatians 5. it says it this way the sinful nature wants to do evil that's on the inside of all of us which is just opposite of what the spirit wants and the spirit gives us desires that are opposite of what the sinful nature desires and so even as a believer that sinful nature is cut away romans says or unplugged it's kind of like that refrigerator that you all have sitting in your garage that's not plugged in it's not drawing power from the house but it's still there lord knows your wife is getting on you because you haven't gotten rid of it and it's been like 20 years it's been sitting in the garage it's still there the sinful nature is always still there but it's no longer plugged in but every day in every thought and every action and every reaction you have this tension in your life where the holy spirit is saying you need to go this way and the sinful nature is going no let's go over here and do this and now you have to choose in fact he goes on to say these two choices are constantly fighting each other so many times you're not free to carry out your good intentions why because you have to learn how to submit to the holy spirit and discipline what the bible calls the flesh or the sinful nature in order to live right so if you're a christian and you're still tempted to sin it doesn't mean you didn't have a real salvation it just means you're still breathing because there's sin on the inside of all of us and that's why paul prayed who will rescue me from this body of death we'll get there in just a minute so we all have this sin nature the whole world and think now about fallen humanity those that are not following god they have no choice but to give themselves over to what the sin nature desires because they don't have god's power to say no to it so of course never get i learned this from my pastor years ago never get mad at the world for acting like the world because that's their only choice they don't have power to change god is the only one who gives us power to change so paul references this back to our text we were all used to be controlled by the sinful nature because if you don't have god sin nature is running your life you have no choice so sinful desires are our org within us and the law it arouses those evil desires so jot this down second thing i want you to see is that law activates sin that's why the government fundamentally doesn't have the ability to save our culture because the government can only work in the realm of laws now i believe that we should have righteous and just laws it would be nice that the laws of our land would reflect the laws of our bibles which is how this country was founded because obviously that gives us the best chance at having the right culture in america but law by itself isn't going to change people in fact in romans 7 and verse 7 it says am i suggesting that the law of god is sinful because it creates this desire of course not in fact it was the law that showed me my sin it's the law that points out we shouldn't be doing that this is what's right and this is what what's wrong it's the law that helps us see that in fact he goes on to actually highlight it i never would have known what covenanting was if the law had not said you shouldn't do that so he's like i didn't know i shouldn't do that until the law says that's bad but then look at what happens in verse 8 sin used that command to arouse all these covetous desires within me so the law says don't do that and he's like but now i want to if there wasn't a law sin wouldn't have that power and so what we have to see is that we need righteous and just laws in this nation but if every law we had on the books of our nation's role match the bible exactly you would still have racism you would still have murder you would still have people doing horrible off rapists and people just doing awful things because laws don't change people laws are not the solution to the problems that we face in this country because they arouse evil desires and so the reality is they can post a speed limit sign every five feet on your way to church chances are most of you are still going to speed because you just want to drive fast you just ricky bobby you go fast i want to go fast let's go fast does it go faster can we go fast i used to drive my mom crazy you're not driving fast enough why are they passing us let's go faster we need to go fast in fact i got pulled over the law what it does is it shows us where we're wrong so i got pulled over one time and i was like i didn't know what the speed limit was i was doing like 70 and a 35. i was really young and very dumb and it was bad and the police officer literally takes his flashlight and goes from my face to the fly to the sign oh you didn't know it's like right there it's like oh that's pretty that's pretty big actually not just a flashlight on it so what the law does is it activates even for believers this sin nature that's on the inside of all of humanity so the moment that somebody says you can't do that is the moment that you're like i accept the challenge in fact some of you see no outside food or drink as a challenge how much can we fit in the purse to get in you don't even like movie candy you just like the idea of smuggling it in don't tell me i can't do that if i were to say look i am creating a law here at i town don't go see this particular movie because it's horrible every one of you would go home and watch it and go i would need to know how to warn people to be educated because the very thing the law says not to do is what the sin nature uses to leverage against us to create desires that are sinful that ultimately he's hoping will result in sinful deeds which the bible says if we circle back results in death so the reason why god gave the law is not because the law is evil the law is right and just and wonderful and it teaches us how we're supposed to live what we should attain to but the law by itself makes us inherently evil because we have this sinful nature on the inside that's reacting to the law that brings us to a place of death and god did all of that because the law should bring us to the end of our rope and realize government can't change us and laws can't change as we need jesus there is nothing that can save us on our own we have to have god's power because we have this process that's unfolding in our lives and in this country so i want you to see here controlled by the sinful nature it equals living for the devil sinful deeds sinful desires produce sinful deeds sinful deeds separate us from god the word death means separation there's a spiritual separation that takes place and it happens to christians it happens to unbelievers because they can't even they don't even have a right to say no so what i want you to see here is that rules don't change you rules expose what's controlling you so when laws come into your life if you say praise the lord that'll help us stay on track chances are the holy spirit's guiding your life but if law comes into your life and you're immediately rebelling against it chances are your sinful nature is calling the shots and for the entire world the sinful nature is calling the shots because they have no hope to be free outside of christ romans chapter 7 back to paul verse 21 i've discovered this principle of life this is the guy that wrote two thirds of the new testament i want to do what's right but inevitably i actually end up doing the wrong thing i love god's law with all of my heart but there's another power within me and that power is at war with my mind and that power makes me a slave to sin that sin nature he's talking about that's within me and then he says in verse 24 what a miserable person i am people that are trapped in sin say that what a miserable i'm just miserable nobody says this is great i'm partying it up i'm really living life no it's horrible who will free me from this life that is dominated by sin and death thank god the answer is the election is on tuesday and i'm going to vote for the right candidate and all my problems are going to go away they're going to solve abortion they're going to solve marriage they're going to solve racism they're going to solve the economy because all my trust is in a political candidate praise the lord i'm so thankful i get to vote it's quiet in this lutheran church tuesday will come and tuesday will go and none of us know the outcome because nobody trusts the polls anymore we don't know we really don't know what's going to happen but the reality is we are still going to face the exact same issues that we have today in this nation on wednesday and if your hope is in a person if your hope is in a political party i'm just telling you you're in trouble our country will continue to fall apart if we continue to look for laws to change us or to save us the answer is found in jesus christ that's why we put in god we trust on our money because there's only one name under heaven that men can be saved there's only one person that gave his life on the cross so that everybody could find freedom lasting freedom a brand new life there's only one way that this nation will be saved and his name is jesus christ and as the church we better not forget that or we will lose our way we have to understand what's at stake and there is a response for us and i want to show it to you i brought a portion of this to our first wednesday message this last month and i felt led by the spirit to bring it to you again today it's a verse that we read all the time second chronicles chapter 7 verse 14 god says this if my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways then i will hear from heaven and i will forgive their sin and i will heal their land we need god to heal our land we need the lord to move in a powerful way we need revival in america we need a spirit to be poured out so that repentance comes and renewal comes that change comes so what do we do how do we help that that's kind of been where we've been for the last couple of weeks talking about revival fire and how you and i can make a difference here's what we do in our personal lives number one jot it down if you're taking notes we just have to live with humility we have to live with the understanding that we are not perfect either the church doesn't have it all figured out we can't go around pointing our finger at all of the world and going well it's all of those people and that political party all those people in that group are all those people that are and i can name all the names that you hear in the media on whatever side you're from but the truth is waving our finger at people and acting like we have the answers won't solve any problems we have to get to the place of humility humility simply says i don't have all the answers and i can't fix all the problems because there is a god and i am not him humility and we need it desperately because the bible says that god is against the proud and that includes proud churches we get full of arrogance and act like we have all the answers the truth is god is set up against us we have to have a position of humility to say look we are also sinners saved by grace and we have an imperfect view of the world around us but we have a perfect savior that we serve and we just need to lift him up and we need god's grace in every area of our lives and god's grace is unlocked by humility humility that just says i don't have all the answers and i'm not perfect we need that perspective romans chapter 3 says you can't be good enough verse 20 no one can be made right with god by doing what the law commands you can't follow the laws enough to develop your own platform the law simply shows us how sinful all of us are the law points out that all of us are flawed and that all of us fall short that all of us need a savior that should put us in this position of humility in our own personal lives i think one of the wonderful things that helps us continue to stay a very evangelistic church is that we don't point our fingers at guests or people that are far from god people on the fringes of the journey of faith and call them sinners because the truth is all of us are sinners and if you forget that you too were a sinner saved by grace rescued by the love of our father in heaven and redeemed every single day with the same struggle that everyone else is facing if you embrace that mentality then it's so much easier to give grace to everybody else we can't get legalistic about this thing and understand think that we can somehow become a professional christian and that we get it all together so that we can then tell the world how to live no we are sinners say by grace and we are doing our best to allow the holy spirit to lead us in every area of our lives and that too is the hope for everybody who is hurting in the world around us and so philippians chapter 2 says it this way this will help you this week when you do things don't let selfishness or pride be your guide don't be obsessed with how it makes you look and don't think that you're the best at it instead be humble here's the simple definition of that giving weight to others giving honor give more honor to others than to yourself lift and love the people around you in your world one of the things that i love the most about we have several politicians that go to our church and one of them is a good good friend of mine and he's a great leader in our state and he's a dear friend and just a true man of god but he said you know what years ago i learned this simple principle that just because someone is in a different political party doesn't necessarily mean that they're a bad person in fact they're all wonderful people looking at the very same problems i'm looking at they just have a different way to solve that problem and they believe their way is right and i believe my way is right but that doesn't dehumanize them it doesn't disqualify them from the human race it just means they see it differently and if you'll take just a moment to ask where people are coming from you'll find that their worldview has been shaped by experiences in their life it doesn't make their worldview correct especially if it's anti-god or anti-bible it just helps you understand that they're not a problem they're a person and if the church can't figure that out we'll never see revival come to our nation because if we wave our finger at everybody that doesn't believe like us and act like they're the reason why our country's going to hell in a hand basket we will be disqualified from leading revival because those are the very people that we're called to reach and everything in social media and everything in the news is trying to get you to dehumanize people on the other side of the argument and reduce them to points that you can argue with and the truth is they too are fathers and mothers sons and daughters brothers and sisters they're humans they're people and jesus died so that all people might be saved we're the church we have to take a step back from all of this and understand our role in the midst of it government's not going to save anybody if you start waving your finger at people in a spirit of pride we're not going to make a difference james says it this way my dear brothers take note of this everyone should be quick to listen slow to speak and slow to become angry that should be your guide for facebook everybody quick to listen slow to post stop getting mad at everybody all the time or just delete your account because nothing you see on it is true anyway you all know it's all filtered they have government problems with that right now [Applause] just thought seek to understand rather than seeking to be understood i promise you this will change your life if you understand where people are coming from and why they see the world the way they do they're people not problems second chronicles back to our text if my people who are called by my name would humble themselves and then he says pray and seek my face number two you want to save america let's pray with urgency this church has been built on the power of prayer we pray every friday at noon and we cry out for god to move in our weekend we pray for god to move in our leadership in our nation and we pray for the president and we pray for all of washington all of congress we pray for the cabinet and we will pray for the future president no matter what party he is from because the bible tells us that we need to honor those that are in authority over us whether we agree with them or not we pray for them and so we're going to continue covering our nation in prayer and it's only through prayer that revival will come because we're acknowledging our dependence upon god jesus said it this way john 15 i'm the vine you're the branches if you're a man of me and i in you you'll bear much fruit apart from me you can do nothing we can't get disconnected from that we have to remember that we need to be close to jesus we draw close to him in prayer because humility if we embrace number one humility leads to dependency you'll pray a lot more when you realize you don't have all the answers and that you can't figure it all out that we desperately need god i love this verse in philippians it says in chapter four don't be anxious about anything but in every situation by prayer and petition and with thanksgiving present your request to god and then the peace of god that transcends all understanding will guard your hearts and your minds in christ jesus check it out if you don't have peace you're probably not in prayer and the world is trying to steal your peace the devil's trying to steal your peace the media is trying to steal your peace social media is trying to steal your peace trying to get you to live in fear so they can control your actions and the truth is god has not called us to live in fear god has called us to give it all to god and be led by the spirit and allow his peace that transcends all understanding to guard your heart and your mind i'm not worried about what's going to happen tuesday because god's still on the throne he's not going to fall off the throne and go what in the world i'm not worried about it back to our text verse 14 one more time if my people who are called by my name would humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways then i'll hear from heaven and i will forgive their sin and i will heal their land we need this to take place but the last thing is that we will repent from our sin number three i think we have to accept our responsibility accept your responsibility because you and i have a role to play in what happens in our nation i'm frustrated increasingly by christians to be honest with you because of two things i think that we have allowed our government and allowed our media to make us victims you have no choice this is outside of your control we'll fix all your problems just sit back be afraid and hide and we'll make it all go away no you're not a victim you're a victor you're more than a conqueror and jesus christ you don't have to hide in fear and there are people that say well i'm this way because that happened to me and it was outside of my control are these bad things happen to me and i just i now i have this addiction and it wasn't my fault no the thing wasn't your fault but your response is and it's time to stop being all pouty-faced about what's happened in your life and realize that jesus has made you brand new his spirit lives on the inside of you it's the same spirit that raised jesus from the dead and it gives you power over all the works of the enemy and you can live the life that god's called you to live you're not a victim you don't have to be victimized what's happening in the world around us you have a voice and i'm also tired of christians saying well i'm not going to vote because i don't like either candidate how dare you live in a nation where people have bled and died on a battlefield to give you the right to have a voice go live in another country or stand up and let your voice be heard because this is a free nation and you need to let your voice be heard as an american citizen and as a christian it's important that you use that responsibility correctly because no vote is a vote [Music] so don't vote for who your family votes for don't vote for who fox news tells you to vote for don't vote for who cnn tells you to vote for or god help you something that you saw on facebook do your own research find out what people stand for think about the things that are on the ballot this year your bible is pretty clear about several things that are being discussed in today's world racism has to end systemic racism has to end abortion should end these things violate god's word and you ought to have a spiritual conviction about it look at people's records look at what they have done and what they promised to do and then make an educated decision i'll never tell you who to vote for because i think you're intelligent people i think it's pretty easy to figure out for yourself but think about this in acts chapter 17 it says from one man he made every nation amen that they should inhabit the whole earth and he determined the time set for them and the exact places they should live that verse says god picked you to be an american at this election so stand up and take your place and do what god has called you to do and let your voice be heard based on the principles of god's word [Applause] but then take a step back and go it doesn't matter who wins on tuesday because neither one of them can save us it's actually on you matthew chapter five as we close you are the light of the world you're supposed to be a town that cannot be hidden neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl instead they put it on a stand and it gives light to everybody in the entire country so in the same way let your light shine before others that they see not your vote not your facebook posts and not your political position but they see the way that you help others the way that you love people the way that you feed those that are hungry the way that you clothe those that are poor the way that you take in orphans the way that you preach the gospel the way that you live your life and then they'll praise your father in heaven because i'm just telling you there is no government that can save us it's in god alone who we should put our trust with every head bowed in every eye closed god we desperately need you in this nation we pray that your hand will be on our country as tuesday comes we pray that your kingdom would come and that your will will be done but god it doesn't matter which candidate wins we realize that there's no republican no democrat no man and no woman that can ever be the hope for this nation god i pray that you would remind us today that it's in god we trust it's in the principles of your unchanging word that we put our hope i pray that you would help us to live a life that lets our light shine not so that we can make a point but so that we can make a difference god today we humble ourselves we cry out to you and we repent in every way that we've been silent in every way that we've been passive in every way that we've been victimized in every moment that we should have spoken up god we repent every time we've stepped outside of your will into legalism or into being judgmental into places we couldn't make a difference god we repent we ask that you and help us give us ways to truly love and to serve the broken people in our community and god we pray that you would help us to truly make a difference we thank you that as our light shines people will praise our father in heaven with every head bowed and every eye closed before we go some of you are here at olson farms or one of our campuses streaming sites maybe watching online or in a correctional facility and you realize today that you are far from god don't leave here that way if you're in that condition the reality is that you are a slave to sin you can tell yourself what you want but at the end of the day you don't have a choice but to go back to that toxic relationship to that toxic addiction to that way of life because the bible's clear you cannot rescue yourself if you want freedom from slavery that miracle is only found in jesus christ he gave his life so that you could not only be set free but also forgiven of everything you've ever done and that miracle can take place in one simple prayer it'll be my honor to pray that with you before we go so when no one looking around am i going to make you stand or come to the front every head's bowed every eyes closed this is between you and the lord the only thing i ask is if that's you today that you just lift your hand up high for a moment and say dave would you count me in would you help me pray that prayer come on right now just put your hand up high all of our campuses streaming sites wherever you're at come on be bold for just a moment great job yeah yeah yeah that's awesome all right you can put your hands down i'm so so so proud of you here's what we're going to do we're going to pray a prayer together i'm going to give you the words you can pray it quietly in your heart you just need to mean it say lord jesus forgive me today for all of my sin all my mistakes i realize i can't change myself so i surrender to you i make you my lord come set me free give me your holy spirit help me to live this life for you in jesus name i pray god i thank you for our people today i pray that they will be filled fresh with the power of the holy spirit give us a boldness like we have never had before so that we can proclaim with truth and love the principles of god's word that would bring revival to our cities to our communities to our state and to our nation god we thank you for your hand on america we thank you that we've been founded on godly principles help us to stand up and to speak out and lead revival god that we return us to our roots we thank you for the opportunity to be alive help us to seize the moment in jesus name we pray and all god's people said amen amen come on you put your hands together to celebrate with those who pray today thank you so much for joining i town church online today we would love to have the chance to meet you and your family in person at one of our campuses or of course you can join us streaming live online this weekend now for more details about times and locations and even some of our streaming options you can go to i sure hope to see you soon and god bless you
Channel: ITOWN Church
Views: 927
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: eO13LhepJbk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 44sec (2384 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 04 2020
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