In conversation with David Charlesworth

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I was going to say this is another example Finn yeah quite close to the corniche border we're about seven miles from the cornish border and about a mile and a half from the sea which was the reason that I came here I did years training with a very very good teacher who was an old man in South Devon very bright man he'd been a research chemist before the war with I see I now after that I had been working on my own for only about two and a half or three years and I moved here and this young man who'd been thrown out by somebody else by another teacher came and said I want you to teach me and of course I said oh I can't do that I only learned three years ago but he assured me that he couldn't find anywhere else to go and he was prepared to for us to have a go yeah so eventually he persuaded me and he was very interested in influenced by the chronal books the first two product books and of course in revisiting all the basic technique but I had learnt we found that a great deal of that first krenov book was extremely relevant I mean because when finding a place for the suitable workshop actually proved much more difficult than I thought I looked at a lot of fairly radical ideas I looked at a railway station where I could have had a very long swimming pool very shallow I looked at a round house I looked at redundant chapels where I thought I could live upstairs and work downstairs I'm not sure if the planners would have liked that and eventually I saw I'll be fine but I prefer teaching - making furniture interesting when my son was born I was about 31 I decided to make the teaching the main the main part of the business and we made the first DVD that was the first DVD that was the first DVD he made Wow well his phone mate because it was Wolfgang who did the filming and the editing so that was plane blade sharpening yeah I have it I bought it not long after he came out and I've been ever so pleased with them as well and that's been a 15-year relationship now I would think so in that ball prod yeah I would think so it's not incredible speaking of this I just um watch this boat while just recently actually and I really enjoyed it you guys if no one knows this you should check this one out the secret miter dovetail is david's newest DVD with Lee Nielson it's a 168 minutes yeah the next one is about the same yeah so this drew my hand fitting here we go this is a scene for a roughly the same length without half of the dovetailing yeah I show how I cut the tail was on my favorite pencil but what it enables me to do is now I've ground it down to a 20 degree bevel oh really on the shooting so skewed 20 degree higher than the build up for a week it holds up it's like magic unless you like planing wall walnut cherry that's right decided to confess to her with nothing no exotics I don't well I am surprised I most of the things that for my lifetime was sort of taken for granted in plane tuning like those from Hoadley or a bit up in the air now because they say that the way to avoid tear out and I've tried this and it works is to have a front edge of chipbreaker at about 70 degrees to set it four thousandths of an inch away from the edge of the blade how many 4000s she'd a favor to paper for anybody watching that doesn't know this joint you're going to have to find out the details from david's books but it's very interesting it's seeming it's an impossible joint or so we may think by looking at very well done still there does that Barnsley double through tenon that where I looked at yesterday reminds me and did Alan not study he did a lot of this oh yes yes he did his training in the in the bouncy workshop there you go no quite certainly I think Wow what species is us it's you this is your English you so much history years of being here something I'm trying to find the old thing to show this handle is lovely that unexpected curve in that handle evany I think it Sri Lankan everything or something the real I wouldn't want a big dovetail coming up through my bench top here because that service is never going to be flush oh it might be flushed I see yeah yeah yeah no Lisa so I don't know these these are based on there was something called the rural industries Bureau back in the 50s he handled yeah and these are based on them just there were thousands but I I ended up putting a split top on so and she's fantastically useful yeah only it with those yeah very nice modification of kronole yeah result pronounced would fill with dust screwing is slightly differently they'll work I mean that's no coarser than a dovetail saw I would suggest can't so can't let this pass without mentioning it oh yeah no the ruler technique technique mrs. wheeler technique I don't why I polished the rest of it ways to tell what is when did the eureka moment of that review was it are you fell off the toilet and hit your head on them no I'll tell you exactly when it was um there was a moment I don't know it was late 70s or early 80s when Japanese tools became available in this country for the first time and I got six thousand grit polishing stone and I was trying to work on the back of a plane blade and it was sticking all the time and somehow it came to think about why don't we just brace it up a little tickle yeah although I'm also not sure that there wasn't a hint in Leonard Lee's book on sharpening Oh interesting he was great joy it is a pleasure to meet you and thank you for welcoming all of us into your Shafter and beautiful seventh Devon was it North North death Oh see you guys make every day masterpiece you
Channel: Tom Fidgen
Views: 82,569
Rating: 4.6759257 out of 5
Keywords: Tom Fidgen, The Unplugged Woodshop, Made by Hand, David Charlesworth, Unplugged Summer, The New English Workshop, James Krenov, Lie Nielsen Toolworks, Lee Valley Tools, PM-V11, the secret mitered dovetail, The ruler trick, twisted dovetails, Alan Peters, Edward Barnsley, the Arts and Crafts, Acoustic Music (Musical Genre), woodworking, hand tools, furniture making, teaching
Id: nLWntsttKKo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 3sec (543 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 30 2015
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