In A Bine (Bind)!

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i'm listening it's like playing charades y'all it's more art than science so we fixed the problem that's the main thing doesn't think it's exactly necessary but um me and the kids are excited about it so stay tuned have you guessed what we're doing yet sometimes i have good ideas y'all sometimes i do marx is driving like going to a fire [Music] i'm gonna park the desk for a few days [Music] so girls have eaten us down pretty good ptos are so fun this is some high-tech dog collar technology yeah see there it's called improvising what do you have to do with the hay bun drop a cutter ball and put them bushings and boats in both sides sounds like fun doesn't it bonnie does something break are you just replacing them i think it's worn in there and letting that cutter bar tilt over oh right i remember you went and got this okay oh well i hope that's what it is too then i hope it's not too big of a pain this is gonna be a pain because you gotta drop set the cutter ball all the way down the bushings got to go in their arms and they need a flat ceiling floor to set it on oh yeah which we don't have well no we don't have a flat cement floor but he will figure something out because he always does gus get in the truck you don't listen very well and also you found some cow manure this morning didn't you yeah mom oh boy it's already really really warm i thought this was the longest july even though it feels like it's gone by fast the heat seems to be making it drag out that doesn't make sense but yeah it's going fast but it's not going fast i know i'm just personally living for october october's my favorite [Music] okay this is going down to the ground and it's got to be pretty level so it's my job to see if it is it's not okay said put the phone down and listen i'm listening and i'm watching okay i mean it's pretty level over here the end or this one okay it's like playing charades y'all that looks good to me no yay you're thinking thinking his little mustache is moving he's working the mouth okay uh he's getting out i don't know why okay he's bringing in a massive block oh he obviously is changing his mind here on the ground okay saying if it's higher it'll be easier to take the bolts out all right well it was sitting pretty level so now you got to find a another block about the same size there's one over here all righty give it a little give it a little boost now that one's higher than that one huh oh okay he's got to replace bushings and barons or something all righty so having it higher it's gonna make it easier how many is it to replace four two on each side okay let me go get my roller bed that don't roll because they're gonna be laying down i'm rolling back and don't roll that'd be a stationary roller bed then here's our concrete pad and the other concrete pad you look like this that oh that worked just to get one out and you got three more to do a little bit if i say this side don't look as bad when i'm down the boat to that side over there you finally that only took about five minutes oh i should have videoed that you said there's a specific sound to know when you got it in there listen to it you know what you said huh i was like [Music] looks like you need more than one hand two hands oh i see you look at that little tool huh i don't want to pull it out brand new bushing the gang's all here push on that pin when i put it down oh it's starting to warm up anybody had bringing some water daddy some tea daddy's going to find something chain dog or something i had to get up here and jump on it we're trying to get the bushing in you won't go we don't want to force it oh trying to get the pin in oh you're right trying to get the pin in the bushing we don't want to force it like hammer it because then it might break the bushing it's always something nothing wants to go nothing wants to be easy okay back with more gadgets to try to make this work it's uh it's more art than science i reckon the pain in the booty is what it is got it with some finaglin i'm gonna start the nut so they don't come out about the sun popped over the trees for sure now yeah there's gonna be a house of blistering blazing saddles here [Music] [Music] half of you is all right and half of you is not they're rusted and we couldn't get them out [Music] against it just dropping it broke loose if i get one side coming i get to clean them clean the grease off then we got push this thing down and put the dog on into something so we can get to drive somebody got to get the drive shaft we can be bouncing up and down okay what you want me to do standing up here so we fixed the problem that's the main thing for four hundred dollars four hundred dollars those questions cost four hundred dollars conversions cost yeah i reckon it is see if i can find the other net not gonna lie that was not very fun you all tired of me complaining about the heat yet well it's hot it's hot it's really really miserably hot got a little got a little flustered a little red all right i'm going to cook one cook not going to cook lunch i'm going to make sandwiches and get some more tea and some more water and hope we don't have to do a lot more outside this afternoon well i have been in my truck in the ac for over an hour on the phone making some phone calls taking care of some boosters i really don't want to get out of the ac it's really bad oh look 102 yeah that's not fun i know it's the same i know it's the same for a lot of people around the country from the east to the west to the north to the south i think everybody is in a really bad heat wave right now so stay cool stay hydrated we're trying to do the same i just saw the guys come back they had to go to harbor freight to get something and they left like two hours ago so i don't know maybe they had to go more than one place we're gonna go back and finish up this hay bun get that done and then it'll be time to think about supper and you know when it's so hot like this i just don't want to cook i don't want to cook anything really especially anything hot but i have to because we have to eat so anyway i'm going to stop rambling go see what's going on water more water oh y'all i sold out of the first half gallon jugs i had and then i couldn't get that style anymore i don't know if i've told y'all this anyway so i went with another vendor these are big frig coolers and they're awesome they really are i love them so anyway they're back in the store and they're back under the vine ow this time i needed to get an umbrella to hold over it makes it easier to get off next time oh it keeps it from coming off i see what you okay so it makes it hard almost like going walk tight okay this morning this is what they went to the town to get don't strip them now make sure you you got the ends on that good it works don't it ready yeah [Music] he said it's come up a lot and that was the problem that he was trying to fix so here's hoping okay got the bucket on he is going to the river to get a bucket of sand for a project for a little project that um for something i ordered so yeah he's not super happy about it he doesn't think it's exactly necessary but um me and the kids are excited about it so stay tuned i'm going i'm going prepping [Applause] for a sandbox just kidding not really chalk oh okay i knew it this time i'm just so glad he's good at this stuff i'm hot have you guessed what we're doing yet neighbor jim hooked us up with more corn and i just made a sirloin tip roast in the oven and we're gonna see if i can do this and hold the phone at the same time and i can't i really do love this thermometer that one of my viewers sent thank you it's done it's actually more done than it should be okay i'm having trouble with one hand come out of there buddy oh my soul oh my okay did it yeah alrighty then um i do this the high heat way the high heat method basically i just sear it in the pan i coat it with musket powder then i sear it on all sides then i put it in a 500 degree oven this one i did for eight minutes and then after eight minutes i turned the oven off and i left it in there for 25 probably could have been could have gotten by with 20. that's okay still gonna be good if you don't do rose that way you're missing out and today has been pretty light on the farming side i did some more writing in my crib took wesley to guitar and y'all i have to brag on my boy for a little bit his guitar teacher tells me every week and again today he just said that boy is really gifted that just makes me feel good he's learning riffs now i said rift but it's not a rift evidently it's a riff anyway um and he's practicing more and he's just really getting into it and his teacher says he really is very good he's doing like upper intermediate level stuff now so i hope to get him on here playing more in the future that is his mama's goal yeah um lawrence was going to cut some hay but i see that the hay bun is still here and he is not so i'm really not sure um we did that little bit of sand work earlier and i will fill you in more on that later yeah and um so and then he cooled off he stayed inside after lunch and cooled off for a while it's just miserable here it's 95 in the shade now according to our temperature gauge thingamajiggy um so i guess you might call that a thermometer anyway uh so yeah it's just gross it's really gross y'all it's all i can say and i'm i'm pining my heart is pining for october october's my favorite month for weather in north carolina not just because it's my birthday month but because it's the weather changes and it it's like fall and i love fall and i miss fall and i want fall to come soon but it's gonna be a while so anyway we'll see what's happening later i actually need to mow i need to mow the grass and i think i'm gonna do that after supper when the sun goes down a bit i have good ideas y'all sometimes i do i decided i was gonna keep talking while i'm washing some dishes i also just wanted to say i just posted a video and i went back and was able to finally read a lot of the comments from my last video the um which one was that oh something else broke that one i just i just love y'all you um you make me laugh and you make me smile and you make my heart warm with your comments and all the love for lawrence and all the hard work that he does because he does he really somebody said he's the jack of all trades and the master of all i like that it's true he really is he's he's so smart and he just figures thing out figures things out and he makes it work and um yeah he inspires me too so thank you thank you thank you for being here as always we appreciate you we appreciate your comments we appreciate your support we appreciate your likes we appreciate your subscribes we appreciate your support for our store oh my goodness i've just been blown away with how well this little store online store of mine has been doing and stay tuned they are all no now there are t's in now and either goes up to 4x or 5x i've got a pocket tee okay fellas i've been listening a pocket t that says it's gray and it's blue and it says farm hard live well on the pocket and then big on the back so if those sale i will i will be adding more items like that in larger sizes pockets that are more man-friendly i don't know how else to put it i mean a woman can wear it i'm going to get one and i'm going to wear it i'll show you as soon as i do but anywho so just want to tell you that all right um i take that back it's perfect it's cooked just right and my mouth is full because i'm eating it yes there we go you got to try this if you haven't done it tell me you will look y'all that's what i'm talking about oh my girl is singing y'all she is singing in there [Music] marx is driving like he's going to a fire going on a bean chip no corn chips i am just along for the ride thank god it ain't got it what it's got a ways what do you mean it ain't tasseling and shooting and i haven't been got a ways to go before it tassels and shoots now i know what you're saying okay it looks good i mean well nothing till i put the knife you know the corn out here is gonna be eight foot that lamb is not going to be our friend [Music] i feel like we might see some what's the word um i keep wanting to say livestock but that's not the right word creatures wildlife is the word i was looking for livestock is on the brain oh that's like a hornet or something [Music] [Music] so they ran out of nitrogen right here but the fertilizer is doing a good job anyway oh it's loud here the bugs can hear all the bugs huh you see i come through there with a knife and then you see where they're going show it that section right there but [Music] wow wow yeah don't they look better she was asking tonight if they were still white small white spot but they look a lot better than they did i bet there's some deer out down here bean eaters that's pretty right these aren't super great but they're not terrible yeah just not sure why they didn't do good on this end of that he must have seen a deer look at him look at him he hops like a rabbit oh i just can't stand it sam and the deer are eating all these you see the stalks eating off the tops of all of them [Music] want some water clara did that get some water yes it's gonna lay down in it probably i don't like water [Music] lay down again okay [Music]
Channel: This Farm Wife - Meredith Bernard
Views: 247,103
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: farming, farm wife, farm life, farm living, john deere, farmher, ranching, ranch life, women in ag, woman farmer, women farming, Meredith Bernard, This Farm Wife, farming videos, cattle farming, small farms, old farm equipment, farmall, farming with old equipment, farming in US, farming in America, US Farming
Id: 4V0kTe67aGo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 4sec (1864 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 24 2020
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