In 360: Life on an Oil Rig- BBC News

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mine is no typical commute to the office there's no gridlocked no loud talkers on our mobile phones Luke use in the rain working on an oil rig in the middle of the North Sea means commuting by helicopter is a must welcome to my office welcome to Shearwater you're about to experience life onboard an oil rig for yourself this immersive video allows you to control the camera with your mouse so weak up down and around as we explore the Shearwater platform together my name's Paul watt I'm an Operations technician after disembarking from the helicopter we're assigned our living quarters take a look around this is where I'll be sleeping on the rig for the next three weeks it's small but you get used to now I pee on my protective gear it's time to start my 12-hour shift I've worked on this rig for nearly a decade so you could say it's like my second home look around you and you'll get an idea of the scale and layout of the platform the shifts are kiting but at least I know at the end of every rotation we'll get a month off so this is where I work without getting too technical with you I'm basically in charge of controlling the flow of hydrocarbons into sheer water it's refining and export this rate eventually exports oil and gas back to the mainline mine is one of many rules that are 100 strong clue of Shearwater undertakes operated by shell the Shearwater platform sits in 90 metres of surging sea water about 140 miles east of Aberdeen this 80 metre bridge connects the two steel jackets that the rig consists of if you look around you you will see that one part is the central processing facility the other is the wellhead platform both are designed to withstand wave heights of over 23 meters or collisions from a 5,000 ton vessel the weather here can be wild it's true and the platform is always noisy but you'd be amazed at how quickly you get used to it the biggest adjustment for me is switching between the day and night shifts even though we're stuck in the middle of the North Sea the downtime doesn't drag as much as you may think we've a gym and even though it's no Cineplex we've a cinema too my aim is to just try and relax the next long shift is just around the corner it can be tough being away from the friends and family for weeks at a time and although your crewmates become like an extended family you can still get on each other's nerves after a while so I'm looking forward to getting home seeing friends and family and maybe taking a whole day abroad [Music]
Channel: BBC News
Views: 402,587
Rating: 4.8408842 out of 5
Keywords: bbc, bbc news, news, 360 video, scotland, bbc scotland, oil rig, life on an oil rig, experience life, life aboard an oil rig, oil rig life
Id: y05IcDJvd4Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 35sec (215 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 13 2018
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