Luke Stoltman - Working on the oil rigs

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um did you know that he was going to follow you that's what stepped onto the ribs or is that something that happens um it was a tricky one you know because like i said i wasn't like i wasn't stupid in school i was quite actually okay um but just the authority thing i couldn't get get round with so i kind of left did a bit of college work when i was 16 working the fish factory and back then it was a bit more easy to get into the oil and gas side of things so like for my 18th birthday so you need a an offshore survival course you have to go and do all this jumping out for helicopter and all this jazz nothing's nothing fancy so anyway he got me that and that enabled me to go offshore um but growing up i never thought i was going to be an oil rig jesus i didn't it's not something you exactly dream about oh i want to go away and be two three weeks away with other sweaty horrible men sharing a bunk bed they're sharing a room with a couple of sweaty men it's not if that's your idea for a good time and fair play but for me it's it's just no it wasn't something that i envisioned myself to do but it was up here in scotland the oil and gas is so prominent you know such uh but again when i was younger it was quite an easy job to get into if you knew someone that could kind of vouch for you and stuff and luckily dad kind of vouched for me and he got me in with his company and it was up to me to you know progress and kind of climb that ladder so to speak and yeah i did that for 16 years and it was uh it was a huge part of my life you know but it's thankfully that's done now you know it's um i would it's a tough one i wouldn't say i wouldn't recommend it to anyone but it's not a it's a very can uh it can be a very damaging way of life you know especially with a family or a wife or you know it's if you're a single guy you know fire then go for it make your money and do whatever but you know it's it's tough when you're when you're married and you're trying to have that kind of relationship with someone you're still getting to know each other as well you know you're still kind of growing together so i found when i went away my kind of mentality my mental health really took a battering it was you know almost getting prepared to kind of go to war almost it was and my wife because she really noticed that you know it was like two three four days before i went off it was pretty much ruined because i was getting into that zone and kind of thinking it was almost like a resentment night to go away and you know all my friends were at home and my wife was at home and stuff and it's tough it's a really tough way of life being away for so long um and you really need to have someone that you you trust 100 i've seen so many guys such a shame when you're offshore you know their wives or girlfriends are doing whatever you know some other guys and stuff and um thankfully rightly or wrongly i trust cushy 100 and that that trust that you have for your partner is so important when you're in that type of environment because ah it's awful they just self-destruct when they're out there and sometimes have to get the helicopters to come in from the oil rig and go home and it's such a can be such a toxic place to be when you're in your mental health isn't that great yes it's um it's tough one but hopefully touch wood i won't have to be going back off again anytime soon [Music] yeah yes so i remember so my first trip offshore when i was 18 um i thought you know i did the jump before and i was 16 kind of just in for chest and whatever so offshore when you're there you've got there's a tv room and there's a gym and the majority of rigs you go to so i was like i could either sit around eat sweets get fat and watch tv or i could try and go to the gym so i thought i'd stuff it very first gem i went to offshore it's actually a boy from regarding uh i went down the gym and this grown man was running and his wife runs his pants on the treadmill on my face this is this isn't for me like i don't know why he was running his pants for a while so very fine just don't make eye contact don't make eye contact it'll be fine um i just started training and then that really helped the mentality my mindset kind of cope with things because [Music] you've seen progress you know every day is groundhog day pretty much when you're out in the rigs but if you can see that progress in the gym and stuff you can almost take comfort and things are moving forward and there's it's a weird thing i don't know a weird outlook hard and it just helped me kind of focus on something that was getting better that was making me a better person so to speak um but yeah it's tough i mean some of the rigs you go to there was a treadmill and that's all you could do so yeah okay i'll try and do 10k a day or whatever you know just change however you can um but it was i don't know why it was tough to compete with you know i was doing three weeks a month can i and there's a lot of guys i'm going up against that are working and living and breathing doing the gym doing strong man and that was a tough thing and i kind of i think back then when i was when i was doing it full-time like that it was um i always doubted myself going into competition i thought to myself you know it's like these guys have got so much more than i ever will have and they're so much stronger and um and then it just takes that kind of it's almost a flip you know a switch went off my head i'm like i'm beating some of these guys while i've just done three weeks i've just come out to a competition i'm beating them these are full oh geez imagine that and it was actually um colin bryce director of giants live and said to me says says look you carry on doing this you know part-time part-time training part-time results full-time training full-time results and that really stuck with me you know really i thought yeah you know what's he's been about a bit and he knows what he's talking about so i thought it was last year finishing second then one of the shows i thought imagine what i wonder where i can get to um and i just made the decision just to stop this is right that's uh i'm i'm done offshore you know i owe it to myself i don't want to be one of those guys in 15 years in the pub saying uh well i could have done that i could have done this i could have done that i would hate myself if i turned into one of those people that they could have you know i could have should have done it it's not something who i am i've not been brought up like that i've been brought up to you know put in the work and get the rewards that's that's why i see myself so for me it was it was taking a big chance you know because offshore is quite well paid um and it was like you know what if i don't do it now i'm never going to do it so took that risk and well i've only had one competition this year so i don't know how it's paying off so hopefully come the competitions when they do come you know everything will be all gung-ho will be you know really ready to kind of kick some ass when you go out to these big comps that's the plan anyway of um there's a lot of people on the edge of making that same decision or struggling to make that same decision for whatever reason yeah looking back with that perspective [Music] i just don't think about it just do it you know it's if you find your passion in anything you know it could be baking it could be drawing writing whatever it's find that passion and just don't let it go um don't have that plan b you know um that's what i had for so long so strong management it was just a hobby you know even though we were making some money and it was growing and stuff it was just a hobby so i thought well you know i'll do the offshore thing i'll maybe do a bit more of the strong man but always have that plan b to go back in the rigs so now i'm i'm done there's no no plan b c d it's only one thing in that strongman and that's improving myself and the brand of stokman brand you know to be a worldwide brand and to you know really cement my feet and the kind of the foundations of strength across the world that's my plan um and if it doesn't work i don't know what's gonna happen but i'm not thinking that i'm thinking it's got to work you know i don't have i've got a wife to support i've got a house to pay for i've got you know our dad he's going to retire now so looking after him as much as we can want to be able to financially support him and just let him live his retirement because he's done so much to us um so it'd be nothing better for me you know to be able to go out uh i don't know whatever buymen you pick up you know imagine you know if i was if my son did that to me and financially could afford to do that i'd be so proud um so that's what i want to be able to do is make this work not only just for me but you know to show other people around here around the highlands it's a possibility it's not not uh you got all these naysayers saying no you can't do that it's not a good idea blah blah you're in a secure job that's fine but that secure job you had to start somewhere with it you know so take that chance and think like if don't don't throw it away by being in something that you hate doing you know it's and i think our mum passed passing away that really kind of installed that kind of thinking it's like your life is just so fragile i mean you don't know what's going to happen tomorrow so treat each day like it's your last day and that's what i've been doing i think for last last little while and it's it's you enjoy life a lot more doing it that way i think you
Channel: Mulligan Brothers Interviews
Views: 69,383
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Mulliganbrothers, mulligan brothers, motivational videos, motivation, motivational speech, luke stoltman, tom stoltman, stoltman brothers, stoltman, luke stoltman strongman, the stoltman brothers, luke stoltman log, luke stoltman deadlift, luke stoltman training, luke stoltman interview, tom stoltman training, luke stoltman age, stoltman strength, stoltman brothers stones, stoltman strongman, luke stoltman atlas stones, luke stoltman log press, luke stoltman bench press
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 59sec (659 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 06 2020
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