How Do Oil Platforms Get Their Groceries? | Richard Hammond's Big

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I'm on one of the biggest offshore structures ever built the giant appomattox oil and gas production platform it's isolated out in the Gulf of Mexico 130 kilometers from land and that leads to some interesting challenges obviously grow food so for that and other supplies they have to bring them in not surprisingly by ship once a week the only thing is getting those supplies and personnel on and off that ship is kind of a big job for start the large supply ships have to come from Port Fourchon on the Louisiana coast and take all night to get in here it comes just like being a hope supermarket delivery only much bigger but getting here is the simple part unloading the ship's contents onto the platform is where the fun starts because everything has to be creamed up I'm going onto the ship to help which means risking my life in this basket thing taxes arrived oh good fairies Byron who's gonna be driving it gentlemen I always thought I'd put up more of a fight on my way to the gallery does that stop me falling off oh yeah it soon does I'll be honest I've not done this before I suppose unless you work I'm sure you weren't done so I don't know what to expect all I know is there's going to be really high spinning round doesn't help does it this is one of those things that is so ridiculous it's almost beyond being frightening because your brain is telling you now you can't be doing that [Music] Tana convinced myself I'm actually in a very small helicopter been thrown by a very competent pilot well he dangling off a crane been operated by Byron who I was rude to yesterday he said I leave my socks lying around at the teenager and I got cross and I said some things and I'm only hoping who doesn't now take it out on and turn me into a concur on a string [Music] still before my impending death at least I get a last good look at the platform [Music] hello by the way I'm Richard Damien nice to see you thank you for getting me down safely what can I usually do because I like to get hands-on I just need of stay on my way I will apologize for then look I don't need anybody you know it's just gonna hope some more the other way signal up your damson just okay I'm gonna wait down here well it hey thank you he loves having me on board we could tell that straight away joshing you know banter at sea that sort of stuff well it's down here all the deliveries engineering parts chemicals and of course the groceries are packed inside heavy-duty metal containers now I'm going back to the platform to help with the unpacking I tell you what it's a good job I was down there cuz I reckon Damien the flagman was a bit short-handed and as it turned out it was a lot I had to do I was like his right-hand man the catering manager is James province known as JP because those are his initials where we receive our product our groceries you get it once a week you know we go through about 2500 eggs 80 gallons of milk about 1,600 pounds of fresh produce and fruits I want to open the box let's see we got pajamas and lavatory brushes is a disaster uh nope mostly onions some sort of liquid very important processing oil and gas is a hungry business which is why before one meals over the next is already being prepared to get an idea of the size of the task I'm joining J P's 18 strong team and the first concern is hygiene because a nasty bug out here could bring the whole place to its knees possibly littering and finally gloves I told him not to the ears nurse the screens once we finish breakfast we go right into the lunch but I mean breakfast is still there okay and this has become I suppose you've got the two shifts working so one lot of guys are having breakfast and the next line ready to have supper and finish their absolutely right today we're making the crews favorite dish a traditional Louisiana style seafood stew we're making gumbo we go about 25 to 30 gallons a day on this when we make it it's that popular well this is in Ducks one final touch right what are they these are crab claws right girls just come in shirt just trim in yes I have here the gusset all of them all up I'll never go that right so I just move it about let's stir it in there and you put your portions a sensible because that'll go between two people one it so that's right okay we're leaving to get on with that how good luck you you
Channel: Discovery Australia
Views: 1,321,173
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Keywords: oil platform groceries, oil platform grocery, how do oil platforms get food, oil platform food delivery, richard hammond groceries, richard hammond's big groceries, oil platform food, richard hammond oil platform, richard hammond's big platform, richard hammond appomattox, richard hammond's big appomattox, appomattox platform, discovery australia, discovery aus, australian youtube videos, discovery australia youtube, richard hammond's big, Richard hammond, rhmm
Id: i0vGBcmCyZM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 58sec (418 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 30 2020
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