Humans Forced to Create Supersoldiers After Being Invaded by an Alien Alliance

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In the 26th century, a group of alien races come  together to form a military alliance called the   Covenant. Their goal is to find the superweapon  known as Halo to kill all humans. Meanwhile the   humans leave Earth and form a colony on the planet  Reach. The U.N.S.C or United Nations Space Command   starts a program to train Spartans, supersoldiers  who are genetically modified to be superior.   During his last mission, Master Chief also known  as John had his body taken over by an A.I. known   as Cortana to be able to defeat the enemy. Now  he’s on the verge of death, so while doctors take   care of him, they have to sever the connection  with Cortana to save him. Six months later,   John and his team of Spartans have a mission in  the Branta System. At the local village, soldiers   are trying to evacuate the people. They explain  it’s only temporary until the danger has passed,   but the leader known as The Mother refuses to  leave their land and when the soldiers try to   force them, the people riot. As the Covenant  forces arrive on the planet, John and another   Spartan search the area and find a few soldiers  lost in the fog, which causes their communicators   to malfunction. Suddenly a soldier sees something  in the fog and disappears, so they try opening   fire to no avail. More soldiers get snatched  until there’s only John and Perez left. At   that moment John can smell the creature and moves  out of the way right before it attacks. A fight   starts between them and Perez tries to shoot to  help, only to get knocked down. John immediately   retaliates and after some struggle he manages to  kill the alien. Then he searches for Perez in the   fog, only to be attacked by more aliens. John  fights them all without issue, killing them one   by one with no mercy. He continues his search and  finds the bodies of all the soldiers plus Perez,   who is hurt but still alive. Suddenly a bunch  of aliens including the mighty Arbiter surround   them but instead of attacking they go away, and  John sees a mysterious figure standing nearby. At   that moment the Covenant forces attack with huge  energy beams that start destroying the planet.   Most of the locals are finally scared enough  to rush to the spaceship to evacuate, but the   Mother and her followers still stay to meet the  planet’s end. When they return to headquarters,   John talks to Ackerson, the new boss in charge  of the Spartan, and tries to explain that the   Convenant are preparing for something big. However  Ackerson doesn’t believe John’s story about those   aliens suddenly disappearing and thinks he’s  having hallucinations as a side-effect of   Cortana. Afterward John secretly visits former  admiral Margaret, who is now just a civilian.   She asks him to find more evidence of Covenant’s  plans and to bring it to her, and she promises to   believe him in return. Meanwhile on The Rubble,  former Spartan Soren and his crew free a criminal   named Felix from prison because he claims to know  the location of Doctor Halsey, the woman who had   started the Spartan program and is now wanted by  the law. Following Felix's directions, they find a   destroyed ship and Soren and Felix suit up to go  investigate. After crossing a dangerous bridge,   they make it to the cargo hold, but when Soren  opens the capsule it’s empty. At that moment his   spaceship goes away and a bunch of soldiers appear  to arrest Soren, revealing this is a trap by Felix   who wants to get the bounty on Soren. In a secret  location, Halsey interrogates a young girl named   Julia about what happens when she leaves the room.  Julia tells her about a hallway and several rooms   that she isn’t allowed to look into. Before  the doctor can ask for more details, Julia’s   nose starts bleeding and she dies. Sometime later,  Halsey tries questioning a new Julia, but the same   happens: her nose bleeds and she drops dead. In a  refugee camp, a man is scanning all the locals to   find indentured slaves who should get back to  work. Kwan hides in a tunnel and tries to take   the tracker off her ear, but unfortunately she’s  caught red-handed and has to run away. When a man   corners her on a platform, she pushes the guy to  the ground. Another guy continues to chase her,   so she breaks a bottle on his head to  bring him down. More men come after her,   thus Kwan jumps into the trash tunnel to escape.  Then she removes the tracker and hides. The men   soon arrive and begin looking for her, but when  a guy turns around, he discovers Kwan pushed his   partner out into space. When Kwan tries to sneak  out, the last guy jumps on her, so she stabs him   in the head with her tracker. Afterward Kwan meets  with Soren’s son Kessler and tries to tell him he   and his mom are in danger. When Kessler says his  dad will protect them, Kwan has to inform him that   Soren isn’t coming back. At the same time Soren’s  wife Laera is getting suspicious of her husband’s   crew, who promised they would look for him but  they aren’t making much effort. At headquarters,   John admits to fellow Spartan Kai that he thinks  the mysterious person who made the aliens leave   during the fight had been Makee, his ex-girlfriend  and member of the Covenant who is supposed to be   dead. At that moment John sees an employee change  the sign on the Cobalt team to “Standby”, which   doesn’t make sense because they’re supposed to be  on a mission. John goes to ask Ackerson about it,   but he dismisses his worries. Meanwhile Spartan  Riz trains in the facility while trying to hide   her injuries. She doesn’t want the others to know  or they’ll think she’s weak and take her out of   missions. Later during a training exercise  on the field, she’s too slow yet denies it,   so a Spartan brings her down with a shot.  Desperate to prove she’s fine, Riz climbs away   and opens fire to distract them before running  again. She continues to be slow and clumsy,   so this time she falls on her own. Later, Riz  finally agrees to see a healer. Back to Halsey,   she watches how employees take the dead girl away  and talks to Ackerson, who is the guy keeping her   in that house. However Ackerson refuses to answer  her questions and brings her a new Julia clone to   be her attendant. At that moment the tree in the  room catches on fire, but Ackerman just leaves,   revealing Halsey is in a harmless hologram room.  Afterward Ackerson goes to the room where he’s   keeping a Keystone, which is a gadget that can  give him access to Halo. When he’s about to grab   it, Cortana appears to inform him she’s  finished the simulation he asked for. Her   calculations indicate there’s a 97% probability  of something bad happening, so Ackerman concludes   there isn’t anything they can do to stop it.  In the evening John visits Perez to ask her   why she isn’t backing his story about the aliens  leaving the battle. Perez admits she did see them,   but she feels guilt because all of her men were  killed and she can’t explain how she survived.   Then John returns to headquarters and checks the  progress of the Cobalt squad, only to learn they   never left the planet. He realizes the Covenant  are disrupting communications before destroying   planets and their next target is Reac. Desperate,  John lies to his team and tells them they have   permission to save team Cobalt, so they take off.  Seconds later the Covenant arrive at a base on   Reach and start killing soldiers, who can’t do  anything against such powerful aliens. Makee is   leading the attack and opens a door to steal a  Halo Keystone. Soon John’s team lands on Reach   and tries contacting team Cobalt to no avail. They  search the area and enter a building. They notice   some abandoned food, which means the people here  left in a hurry. When they activate the power,   a weird noise with garbled voices can be heard  on the comms. John recognizes it as the noise he   heard during the last attack. At that moment they  hear thumping coming from the basement so they go   investigate. Meanwhile Perez falls asleep on her  desk while listening to the recording from her   last fight. She’s thumping her finger in the same  rhythm as that noise John heard in that basement.   Suddenly a Covenant voice wakes her up. John’s  team approaches a mysterious door only to suddenly   be surrounded by soldiers who arrest them for  taking a ship and weapons without authorization.   John opens the door anyway, only to find the room  empty. When John’s team returns to headquarters,   Admiral Keyes scolds them for insubordination and  suspends them all. John is sure that team Cobalt   had been in that building, and Keyes shows him  the flight path proving the opposite, John says   he saw a different file and that someone changed  it. Keyes decides to submit John to neurochemical   monitoring and his team doesn’t know if they can  trust him anymore. Moments later two guards escort   John to his psych evaluation, but as soon as they  enter the elevator, John knocks them out. At the   same time Kai tries to explain to Ackerson that  the rest of the team had been tricked by John and   they hadn’t known the mission wasn’t authorized.  Ackerson doesn’t care and informs her that John   has escaped, so Kai volunteers to help. Meanwhile  team Cobalt has been found dead near the building   John searched. Ackerson says they’ll officially  list the bodies as M.I.A. , causing Keyes to get   angry because John had been right all along and  obviously Ackerson knew it. However Ackerson calls   the Covenant's arrival inevitable and even admits  their superiors already know about the situation.   If they send out an alert it'll cause chaos and  panic, so it’s better to start getting ready for   an evacuation quietly. On The Rubble, Laera is  suddenly dragged into a tunnel so she tries to   defend herself, but it turns out to be Kwan.  She warns Laera that she’s in danger because   Soren’s crew was bought off, so Laera needs to  leave with Kessler immediately. Laera rushes to   her home and finds the crew playing with Kessler.  They inform her they’ve fixed the ship and they   can go looking for Soren together, but Laera turns  them down and makes them leave. Later Laera, Kwan,   and Kessler sneak around and wait for a large  group of people to get into the boarding area so   they can hide among the crowd. They manage to get  into Soren’s ship and take off, but Soren’s old   crew sees this and closes the gate. Desperate to  save her son, Laera gives Kwan her necklace to buy   tickets and makes her promise to get Kessler out.  Then she gets off the ship and attacks Soren’s   crew. Unfortunately she gets quickly overpowered  and captured. Then the crew interrogates Laera   while a strange clanging sounds in the background.  The crew is tired of being poor while Soren’s   family lives well so they want the money, but  Laera genuinely doesn’t know what they’re talking   about and thinks they’re being manipulated. While  some crew members go to investigate where the   sound comes from, the others throw Laera into  an airlock to make her talk, but she can’t tell   them the location of something that doesn’t exist  and eventually passes out. When Laera wakes up,   she finds Kwan with a bloody knife in her hand,  revealing she had made the noise to attract the   others and kill them. The last crewmember tries  to ambush them, but Kwan quickly kills her as   well. Sometime later, Ackerson goes to say goodbye  to Halsey, who decides to tell Ackerson all the   details of how his sister Julia died because her  body couldn’t stand the Spartan augmentations. An   upset Ackerson leaves without a word but returns  a second later to leave Soren with her. Meanwhile   John meets with Margaret and tells her what’s  going on. He wants to warn everyone about the   Covenant coming, but Margaret asks him to stay  quiet for now and play along with orders. John   realizes she never truly left the organization and  leaves in a huff. Afterward John goes looking for   Perez and finds her at a church. Perez admits  she also saw Makee during their fight and that   she hasn’t been able to sleep since then because  she can't get the sound out of her head. Then she   gives John the recording from that fight. It's  not just interference or a sound, but something   underneath: a message in the Covenant's language  that she translates into a threat to kill all   humans. At that moment a blast hits the church and  soon explosions are going off all over the city.   People start to panic and run all through the  streets as houses are burned down and death covers   every corner. Perez runs to her house but John  stops her just in time before she gets burned too,   and he points out her family is gone. As Perez  has a breakdown, a Covenant soldier attacks people   while wearing active camouflage, but John can  see it and tackles the alien through a window.   A fight ensues and after lots of struggle, John  manages to break the creature’s neck. As power   goes out in the colony, the room whith Halsey and  Soren loses the hologram, revealing they're inside   a cell. Since alarms are down, they come out to  investigate and realize they’re at headquarters,   meaning Halsey knows the way and guides them.  Eventually they find a bunch of soldiers killed   by plasma and take their guns. Then they take  another corridor and find the room with Cortana,   who tells them to run. Suddenly Cortana disappears  because Makee picks her up and goes away while   sending in an alien to attack, so Halsey and Soren  have to run away fast. Back to John and Perez,   they run through the city and watch how the  Covenant destroy everything around them, so they   have to dodge lots of shots and explosions. In the  sky they can also see ships evacuating people from   headquarters. After lots of running they find Riz  and other soldiers doing their best to fight back,   so the duo grabs some guns and joins them. The  group has lost communication with headquarters,   so John convinces them to make a plan to push  through and make it back to base. After shooting   a lot of enemies over a wall, the group sneaks  inside a building, where they are surrounded by   a bunch of aliens. They manage to shoot them  down but lose some soldiers in the process.   John breaks a window so they can jump out but  Riz takes a moment to grieve for a lost friend,   then she throws a grenade at the incoming alien  backup and jumps out as well. At that moment a   bigger alien known as wraith appears, so the last  soldier decides to join his fallen comrades and   volunteers to run toward the wraith with some  explosives. The creature dies and now John,   Pereze, and Riz can keep going. Soon the trio  makes it to headquarters, where dozens of soldiers   are being treated for wounds. John and Riz want  to suit up, but they learn Ackerson left with   all the Spartan armor. Kai isn’t around either,  which is strange. John goes to confront Keyes,   who explains that team Cobalt’s defeat left a  blind spot that allowed the Covenant to land.   The decision was made to let Reach fall, so  all major personnel and fleets are gone and   the Covenant are hitting all the power stations.  Keyes still wants to fight but their priority   should be the evacuation, so he shows John a  plan to proceed. As Reach continues to fall,   most of the soldiers head out to continue the  evacuation while others join John and his fellow   Spartans Riz and Vannak to make a stand outside  the bridgehead. At headquarters, Keyes is found by   Soren and Halsey and he agrees to take them to the  evacuating transport. Halsey informs Keyes that   Makee is alive and has Cortana. While the soldiers  on the bridge open fire on the incoming aliens,   Keyes’ group makes it to the hangar. Soren hears a  weird noise and suddenly a brunch of elite aliens   attack, causing chaos and death to ensue. Keyes  asks the bridge team for help, but they also   have their hands full. The normal soldiers tell  the three Spartans to go protect the civilians   because they can hold the bridge in the meantime.  At the hangar, the few soldiers there are trying   their best to defend the ships. The civilians are  all aboard but the fuel lines are still connected,   so Keyes has to leave the transport to  disconnect them. He manages to push the   button easily and the pipe falls, spreading fuel  on the ground. Then he’s surrounded by aliens,   so Keyes tells Perez to pilot the ship and leave  without him. As the ship takes off, Keyes lights   his pipe and causes a huge explosion that brings  down all the aliens in the hangar. Halsey, Soren,   the Spartans, and most of the soldiers manage to  hide behind the gate just in time and survive the   explosion. The group watches the burning city, but  at that moment another explosion starts another   fight. No matter how much they shoot, the aliens  just keep coming, and John jumps in to fight the   Arbiter hand-to-hand. He manages to steal a plasma  sword only to be quickly shot down, and when the   Arbiter is about to finish him, Makee shows up to  stop him. Vannak tries to use the distraction to   attack the aliens from behind, but the Arbiter is  fast and kills him first with an exploding dart.   Makee leaves with the Arbiter while John’s team  has to keep on fighting incoming enemies. After   lots of shooting, things suddenly go quiet,  and an extra dangerous alien falls through   the ceiling. The soldiers work together and shoot  at the same time, surrounding it with fire until   the enemy goes down. Then a ship appears near the  hole in the wall: it’s Laera, who opens the door   for them. While the soldiers rush inside, Kwan  uses a machine gun to fire at the aliens that   keep coming. However Riz refuses to leave Vannak  behind and runs into the smoke. Seconds later she   comes back with Vannak’s body on her shoulders.  Unfortunately an alien still manages to hit her   on the back and she falls, so Kwan and Laera rush  to drag her body inside. The ship takes off while   John watches the city go down before passing  out. Halsey runs to his side while John has a   flashback of the time he almost died six months  ago. Cortana begged Margaret to save John, and   Margaret agreed as long as Cortana did something  for her in return. In another ship, Makee watches   Reach burn before telling Arbiter that she has to  access Cortana to find Halo's location. After many   failed tries, Cortana finally appears in front  of her, but refuses to share any information   about John. Makee gets angry and threatens her,  but Cortana just disappears. When John awakens,   he sees Riz has been intubated. Halsey informs  him Riz will need surgery to live, but she doesn’t   have the tools to do it here. She also reveals  John just woke up from a two-day coma and they   haven’t gotten in contact with any other teams or  ships yet. A desperate John wants to go back for   any survivors, but Halsey tells him there aren’t  any. Then John passes out because of a fever and   sleeps for another three days. They still can’t  make contact with anyone, so for now the ship   lands on a mining outpost called Aleria. Halsey  takes Riz to a hospital to do the surgery while   Soren and Laera look for their son, who supposedly  is hiding on this planet. The couple enters a shop   and pays the clerk for information about their  son. Afterward they get on a truck to go to the   right address, and as a way to grieve for their  losses, Laera takes off her wig and throws it   away. Eventually Laera and Soren arrive at a plant  and find a house inside. The women who open the   door refuse to give them back the kid, saying he’s  theirs now. Laera gets furious, so Soren drags   her out and asks her to leave negotiations to him.  While Soren offers a heartful speech to the women,   Laera hears a noise and follows it to find a  boy with a helmet. However when she removes it,   she discovers it’s not Kessler. The boy says he  saw Kessler in the ship and he was taken away.   Moments later Riz wakes from the surgery. Halsey  explains that she did everything she could but the   damage is significant and she won't be the soldier  she was before. Meanwhile Kwan drags Vannak's body   uphill and digs a grave for him. Suddenly she’s  surrounded by a group of people in red cloaks.   John hears Kwan’s shouting and runs to help her.  It turns out the locals are against burials and   think Vannak should be burned so he can find his  way. John doesn’t understand grief and tells Kwan   to put Vannak in the sky. Soon Riz and Halsey join  them and after sharing some words, John is the one   to light Vannak’s body on fire. While watching the  flames, Kwan hears a voice telling her to “join   them”. Suddenly The Mother appears in front of her  and everyone else disappears, making her realize   she’s on a spiritual plane. The Mother explains  she speaks for all the planets and scolds Kwan for   forgetting where she comes from. She tells her the  monster is close and begs Kwan for help, calling   her a protector. After seeing a mysterious vision,  Kwan is back at the funeral. Back to Makee, she’s   shocked to see they’re going back to Covenant  headquarters. The Arbiter explains the fleet   was recalled because their superiors consider  their mission failed. An argument ensues between   the Arbiter and Makee, who explains it’s them who  have the necessary power and not the priests. The   Arbiter thinks she’s trying to manipulate him, but  at that moment Cortana plays an image of the Halo.   Makee uses this to make the Arbiter think he's  causing this because it's his destiny just like   hers. Convinced, the Arbiter steers the ship away.  The next day, Laera returns to the shop and covers   a bat with barbed wire to threaten the clerk until  he confesses the truth: it was the U.N.S.C. who   took Kessler. Meanwhile Riz has to move around  with a cane and continuously feels pain, so she   informs John she’ll stay on that planet because  her fight is over. John is devastated because   Riz is all he has left of his team, but Riz says  goodbye to him with a hug. At a training facility   on planet Onyx, Ackerson watches Kai put on her  Spartan suit and meet with thousands of soldiers   who accept her as their leader. He’s successfully  manipulated her by making her think all the other   Spartans are dead. One of those soldiers is Perez,  who joins a smaller team on a mission to take down   a Covenant ship by deploying a virus. The group  jumps out of a ship and the Covenant immediately   open fire on them, bringing down a few soldiers.  The remaining fighters manage to get inside and an   intense battle ensues as more and more soldiers  are brought down by the enemy. Perez manages   to run fast enough to reach the console but when  she’s about to inject the virus she’s shot too and   wakes up in a chair, revealing this was a training  simulation run by Kai. She scolds the team for not   working as a team and puts them through the  simulation again. Perez doesn’t follow orders   because she thinks following the same plan will  make them fail again, and this time they manage   to finish the mission. Back to John’s team, they  arrive at Onyx and quickly split. Kwan continues   to see The Mother among the trees so she follows  her while Halsey tells Laera where to find Kessler   before leaving the group as well. John tells the  couple to go find their son while he comes out to   fight the soldiers patrolling the area. He defeats  them all in seconds without breaking a sweat,   however a bigger army soon arrives and arrests  him. Kwan is still running through the forest   and sees The Mother standing next to a well,  so she jumps into it and is caught by a weird   light. There she finds Halsey, who reveals this is  where everything began. As they explore the area,   Halsey explains that she lived in this underground  facility for around two decades. However she soon   gets lost, claiming the facility has been changed.  Kwan sees The Mother guiding her, so she follows   her with Hansley behind her. Eventually they  find a lab where Hansley’s old team is secretly   carrying on her research. On a mysterious  structure, they’ve found a DNA strand that   was a mix of both human and the Covenant. When  Kwan touches the structure, a little gem starts   glowing. She takes it out and a star map appears  in front of them. As she moves the gem around,   she activates the map’s secrets and opens the  structure, revealing a light bridge that takes   them to an ancient lab. They find the remains of a  scientist who appears almost human, but when they   touch it to grab a little box, the building starts  shaking. The group runs away and reaches the other   side right before the light bridge disappears,  seeing in the abyss a huge alien city. Meanwhile   a priest finds the Arbiter and Makee, intending  to kill them for disobeying orders. The Arbiter   manages to scare him away, but he demands Makee  to solve things soon. Makee swears she can control   the Keystones, but once the Arbiter is out of the  room, Cortana appears and says she knows Makee’s   lying. It turns out Makee needs to be with John  to reach Halo. Cortana offers her help to Makee   but in return she requests to be connected to the  ship’s system. Makee is suspicious of Cortana’s   motives but has no other choice. In the training  facility, soldiers take John to a cell to chain   him up, but he quickly defends himself and brings  them all down in a matter of seconds. All this is   recorded by the security cameras and Ackerson  shows it to Kai, saying John is working for the   Covenant and he’s here to steal the Keystone  Ackerson managed to smuggle out of Reach when   he escaped. John leaves the cell and carefully  sneaks around until he finds a computer room,   where he’s confronted by Kai. He tries to explain  that Ackerson has manipulated her, but Kai doesn’t   believe him and starts fighting him. They’re  both Spartans with the same augmentations,   but Kai has her suit and John doesn’t, not to  mention he doesn’t want to hurt her so he isn’t   using his whole strength. Kai overpowers John and  beats him up, leaving his bleeding body on the   floor before exiting the room. At that moment the  computers at the facility start failing as Cortana   suddenly takes over. She appears before John and  tells him she’s with the Convenant, so he needs to   find the Keystone to connect with Makee and stop  her. Then she appears next to Margaret to give   her an update, and Margaret reminds her of their  agreement: Cortana must stay with the Covenant and   continue to spy on Makee. Meanwhile Kai confronts  Ackerson because she’s realized he manipulated   the training simulation. As he offers another  manipulative speech, Kai realizes John had been   telling the truth. Ackerson admits he lied and  Kai rushes out to help John. Speaking of John, he   moves through the facility without issues because  Cortana opens and closes any door he needs to keep   him safe. On Makee’s ship, the priest discovers  the transmission sent by Cortana and orders the   Arbiter to kill Makee. However the Arbiter refuses  to obey and ends up fighting the priest’s guards.   As chaos ensues in the ship, Makee notices her  Keystone glowing and crawls to it at the same   time John finds the one at the facility. John’s  and Makee’s consciousnesses appear in Halo,   and John asks Makee not to help the Covenant  because they’ll eradicate humanity. However Makee   doesn’t want the Covenant nor humans to control  Halo, she wants John to join her there and build   a new world together after destroying both races.  At that moment soldiers of both sides threaten to   attack them, so they both let go of the Keystones  and the resulting shockwave pushes everyone away.   The Arbiter continues to fight the guards and  Makee grabs Cortana to run away. The priest chases   after her, so Cortana appears in front of him to  distract him. Makee uses the chance to stab him   from behind, and Cortana confirms that thanks to  Makee’s talk with John she’s found Halo’s location   in the map. Afterward Makee thanks the Arbiter for  defending her by getting his symbol on her chest.   At the training facility, the technicians track  Cortana’s transmission to the Covenant fleet and   Margaret orders Ackerson to prepare the soldiers  for an attack. Meanwhile a bunch of soldiers   surround John, however they refuse to follow their  general’s orders and leave. The general is furious   but before she can act, Kai knocks her out from  behind. Moments later the soldiers that went   after the Covenant are completely obliterated, and  Margaret decides to send another team. Ackerson   protests since they’re wasting resources, but  Margaret says she’s willing to sacrifice their   entire army to stop the Covenant from getting  to Halo. Meanwhile Soren and Laera follow the   directions Hasley gave Laera, but when Soren  sees where they are, he quickly drags his wife   away. It turns out this was the arena where they  threw kids to train them into Spartans, and Soren   remembers that Kessler always wanted to be one.  However Leara refuses to leave because she doesn’t   want her son to become a mindless killer. When  a bunch of kids appear in the arena for brutal   training, Soren jumps in to fight the incoming  soldiers. Unfortunately while he’s fighting,   the soldiers use the chance to capture Kessler  and Laena and run away. Soon John finds Ackerson   and starts strangling him until Ackerson reveals  where he has kept John’s suit. On their way out,   Ackerson reveals that Margaret is a liar and that  the virus that the fleet will use on the Covenant   is bigger than they were told. Once activated,  it will burn everything within a million miles,   both Covenant and humans. After John and Kai get  their suits, John demands Ackerson to confront   Margaret. Ackerson does so, but Margaret just  makes her guards arrest him. This distraction   is enough for John to steal a ship and fly toward  Halo. Before leaving, he talks to the entire base   through the comms to confirm he’s alive while Kai  leads the soldiers on the mission. Suddenly John   is surrounded by darkness and a mysterious voice  tells him about something dark and sinister in   a distant facility. In the underground lab, the  team opens the box and discovers there are active   spores on it. Soon a lab assistant starts  feeling unwell and she attacks a coworker,   stabbing him in the neck. The other scientists  have to pull her back to stop her from causing   more damage. Meanwhile Kwan reunites with Soren  at the ship, where he’s gathering weapons to go   save his family. When Kai’s team makes it to the  location of the Covenant fleet, an explosion hits   their ship and sends them hurtling into space.  After some desperate floating around, they manage   to control the suits and get in formation to soon  land on a Covenant ship. The team gets inside but   barely gets to explore before the enemy attacks  them. They try their best to defend themselves,   but the aliens keep coming and they’re starting  to run low on ammo. Kai requires backup,   but Margaret refuses to send help because she  wants the priority to be Halo. Makee sees they’re   getting surrounded by humans and asks Cortana for  help, but the A.I. refuses so Makee destroys the   device to delete her. Feeling guilty, John decides  to go save Kai’s team instead of going for Halo.   Kai and Perez get separated from the group and  try to fight back with the aliens’ own weapons,   but they’re still surrounded. When they think  it’s over, John shows up and starts killing   aliens with amazing combat skills. Once all the  enemies are down, John carries a wounded Perez   away but Kai stays behind to finish something.  In the facility’s prison, Kessler, Ackerson,   and Laera notice the crazy lab assistant in  another cell but they don’t see the creepy   bug coming out of her. Later when Kwan and Soren  arrive, they discover all the guards are frozen in   place. In the cells, Laera screams because the lab  assistant’s body is mutating and reaches through   the bars with a creepy arm. Luckily Ackerson is  armed and immediately shoots her down, but other   prisoners are mutating as well. Soren and Kwan  hear the screams and follow them, arriving just   in time to shoot the monsters down and rescue  Soren’s family plus Ackerson. Back to John,   he leaves Perez with the health unit and jumps  out while he still hears the weird voice in his   head. He reaches the main Covenant ship and finds  no Makee, but Cortana’s gadget is destroyed on the   ground. Suddenly Cortana talks, revealing that  she’s integrated herself into the ship’s system.   She warns John that it’s too late because the  ship is on a collision course. Without hesitation,   John smashes the ship’s console and integrates  himself with the A.I. . The ship crashes but   John wakes up unharmed inside Halo. After picking  up a plasma blade, John goes looking for Makee.   At the same time Kai crashes a Covenant ship  into a Covenant Assault Carrier. This gives   humans the upper hand in the battle but also  kills her in the process. At the facility,   Margaret orders the soldiers to bring Halsey.  Margaret wants her to talk sense into John,   but Halsey refuses to help. Suddenly the  technicians start attacking each other,   meaning Halsey has brought the spore with her. The  crew starts mutating and shows creepy alien parts,   so Halsey runs out of the room and locks the  door while Margaret is caught in the chaos.   She makes it back to the lab and while looking  at the research she suddenly freezes. A mark on   her neck shows she’s infected as well. The other  scientists put her in a cryogenic chamber to halt   the infection until they can find a cure.  As Ackerson leads the group out of prison,   they’re surrounded by more mutants, so they open  fire to defend themselves. Kwan is surrounded and   closes her eyes waiting for the end, but instead  The Mother appears and tells her that only she   can save everyone. Thanks to The Mother’s power  freezing the mutants, Kwan can run away and rejoin   the others to escape. Once everyone is out, Laera  closes the door while she’s still inside because   she’s also infected. Moments later, John finds  Makee and the Arbiter. The warriors can finally   finish their duel and a vicious fight begins. Both  of them use all the strength and after exchanging   a variety of blows and shots, John knocks the  Arbiter down and kills him with the plasma   blade. Then Makee opens the door to an ancient  building and again offers John to work together,   but he refuses. Suddenly a series of structures  rise from the Halo’s surface at the same time the   human fleet enters Halo’s atmosphere. Makee  enters the building and John follows her,   finally finding a machine with the  voice he’s been hearing in his head.
Channel: Movie Recaps
Views: 319,682
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: aBmzDueQcac
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 55sec (1615 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 07 2024
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