Could Modern US Tanks & Artillery Win The 1943 Battle Of Kasserine Pass? (Wargames 33) | DCS

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sponsored by win-win technologies a special attachment for additional buttons it's up to you reality or function hello valued viewers i hope you're all doing very well we're looking at the kasserine pass again world war ii 1943. this video here was the first one we did it showed the kasserine pass reenacted as actually happened with the units involved and rommel obviously pushed through the americans and destroyed the american lines if you want to go and see that happening in real time then we've got this video here and i will link that in the video description and then we go and fly some jets over and blow stuff up now we want to ask what would have happened in the first category past battle 1943 if the americans had had modern main battle tanks artillery and mlrs multiple launch rocket systems well we're going to find out today so let's remind ourselves of the fight the germans this is rommel's 10th armored division the spearhead of it one armored battalion one mechanized infantry battalion on the right one mechanized infantry battalion on the left quantity of units as best we can get from the sources that i can find as well as a field artillery battalion laying down fire ahead they will move through the lines as we saw here which is the closest we can get to what they actually did defending are the mixed allied mainly american infantry regiment involved there's nearly 2 000 men they're all sitting out here as we saw last time they're just going to get steamrolled through by the panzers next the tank destroyer battalion that we had last time and that they had in real life here which is about 25 tank destroyers has been replaced by modern m1 abrams so instead of 25 m10s or whatever they had in the real battle from world war ii they've been replaced by this bad boy the m1a2 abrams main battle tank from america and finally the artillery instead of the actual world war ii sixth field artillery battalion which was 36 105 mil guns i believe we're replacing that with a modern split mlrs m270 battery and a modern 155 mil paladin battalion and i'm splitting them in two so half of the batteries over here half of the battalions over here and vice versa here just to get the perfect arc of fire so platoon one down here we're gonna have four m270 227 mil mlrs multiple launch rocket systems and they are as you're about to find out grid square removal tools they will be covering the southern flank half of the artillery battalion will be here as well and as we said they are the self-propelled 109 paladin 155 mill which i'm sure you know more about me and reciprocated up there to get the arc of fire to cover the northern flank is a platoon of m270s there and a half a battalion of paladins there that finally takes us on to our humans today we've got damp grump simba scott say hello boys hello they are our four tank drivers we've got sock here and simba here in m1 so they are going to be heading out to this flank here in real life we did have flanking maneuvers from the germans and of course the americans problems so we're going to put those two boys up there as a picket up there on the northern hill we're going to have scott and grump down in the south with these two white ones here they're going to be heading south west to set up a flank picket here otherwise everything's going to be basically sat in defensive formations and the artillery have everything measured out and they're ready to fire scott can you please unpause the server there we go right it's working we've not created a black hole uh let's go and have a look at the rommel's units first of all this is the armored battalion with support logistics at the back of course that i can't even see the tanks they're over there somewhere and here is the armored spearhead look at these absolute beauties look at that imagine that coming towards you some 88's in here somewhere i'm flopping my team at you there that is a high velocity 88 there that's gonna be deadly that's the tiger one here we have the mechanized infantry again support logistics at the back as well over that hill these columns were massive and they went miles we've got uh damp and simba up at the northern hills here guys set up don't go any further forward because it'll uh which is not allowed to set up get hull down do whatever you want to do there are the rest of the ai controlled abrams have not even turned their engines on yet they're just going to sit and wait and finally we've got our boy oh look at that who the southern boys scott and someone else nice grump one thing i've learned is pot if possible is to get hull down so hide your hull but allow your turret to stick over the top of the hill it's the best solution you can get it possible okay it's not going to be long before our rt and our mlrs battery start firing they're all ranged sighted timed and ready to go pretty much just waiting for the baddies there we go uh one five fives are out shock waves ahead of us soon [Music] it's not guided ammunition but it's much more accurate oh my goodness raises me than it would have been in world war ii look at that you have permission to get out of your tanks and watch the rockets guys here we go this is going to be absolutely mean guys oh i would not want to be there here he goes artillery's hitting eminem the rest is hitting look at that guys wow the damage is being done each rocket has 677 individual cluster bombs roger i should say guys the artillery are attacking the mechanized infantry they won't do a lot of damage with the warheads they're using against the tanks can you quickly describe that with the type of warheads the ml rastafarian dam yes they're currently firing the mic 2 6 dual purpose incendiary cluster munition rockets say that five times first it's just ripped it's ripped that column apart that battalion what's a german battalion it's like 45 50 units and it's just destroyed i don't know 25 or something absolutely sickening and they were spread as well they weren't you know tight that's the power of one the heart battery compared to what it was in world war ii let's go and have a look at guns are the firing the uh the northern guys are firing any mlrs out i don't think so oh yeah they're being fired right okay here we go uh negative whole fight hole five but keepy identif uh talk about the range i wanna i wanna open the guns up all at one time copy my range is 4400. okay keep it keep them ready northern uh northern mechanized infantry battalion has now been attacked by the mlrs and the 1.5 mil as you can see the fire in the background is from the southern flank oh lots of good heads but he's important really important to hit logistics at the back as well as the vanguard yeah these things are just getting swagged man that's sexy okay mlrs is exhausted that's about half of that fighting down right stand by as i work out the timings for the uh wow just watching the 155's here or the if the tanks is the tanks next okay open fire open fire the armored battalion is now under fire with the abrams i don't know when that happened guys concentrate on the flanks take out the armored uh mechanized infantry on the flanks please they're the guys that snuck through right so those there are the ai m1a1s germans have still pasted the world war ii inventory there's nothing left of the infantry really wow watching simba wow look at simba's view ha ha ha ha ha ha the freaking mountain took out the trucks well done yeah good way to hamstring is taking out their supplies as they found in ukraine right yep look at that everyone all ai here set to maximum skill level there's no disparity it is pure the armor and guns that is making the difference so far no hits to the americas americans have taken no hits apart from uh no damage sorry apart from infantry which have been mulled obviously oh but the germans are in toast look at that armored battalion run into a wall of abraham fire [Music] [Music] [Music] okay i'm watching the ai now oh man there's still some infantry left that there is the double guard oh it's got one kill for the boys it's just mulled it i expected this last last for tens of minutes but it hasn't it's lasted for seconds that there was a german a full german armored battalion uh you know 35 tanks 10 to 12 support plus miscellaneous and there is nothing left there's a few tigers there i actually see some sabo bouncing off tiger which is interesting i'm trying to zoom in a bit further good range to me is 20 2800 i'm still seeing the targets at 4700. in terms of effective range i think abraham is about five thousand it's five thousand meters or feet guys anyone remember i'm not sure i'm only five five pro either way it's going to be a lot more than the germans aiming systems okay you got panzer fours and panzer fives coming over the hill in the middle they are making a small push a few infantry oh i just saw sabo bounce right off the turret of an old panzer oh nice shot someone it really thank you i'll take it down now it's going through their armor it's bouncing off our armor and it's mainly just chewing through their armor like it wasn't there six thousand meters effective for an abram by the way it hits on tiger oh he's dead yep that's a tiger that's a tiger we are still getting some deflections though i mean they've got no they've got no sloped armor we're still getting some deflections i guess that's all about range you know that the shell or the the round would have slowed down god this is satisfying guys i'm gonna move forward so i don't get the shaky screen so much moving on fire that's beautiful oh i'll get rid of the bloody i can't get rid of the shaking screams takes forever to really got it okay it's just logistics trucks coming along obviously they would route and you know run away in real life but they don't do that in dcs there's a bunch of logistics trucks have fun boys you can even use machine guns if you want sorry about that valley viewers what was the very best photography also i planned the battle to last for ages so we could look at the different aspects but sometimes stuff just happened so quick right boys uh is there such thing as kills that no there is no kills socks got the highest score whatever that means the north side is almost destroyed there's no target oh my god north side destroyed wow we okay they're not firing at the uh civilian vehicles uh abram the ai i guess they nope i tell that back in it comes we got two uh squeakers going off to um the right hand side give him some grease boys on the east does anyone see any baddies alive yeah sir i see one go and get him sock that's an order yeah we still have a couple of uh trucks coming through i'm going then i'm going to watch from the trucks for you it'd be nine opel truck they've been about to die i see one of you up on the hill shooting at us yep you know what i no you know i'll talk about the conclusion in a minute oh my god what are you doing in real life you probably wouldn't have a silly line like that of modern tank space what does it matter oh god they're so dangerous i think that's it guys the american infantry 2000 men or whatever it was i can't remember i've basically been wiped out as we thought you know the the the tanks just rolled over them and just machine gun them or whatever happens as far as i can see not a single abra abrams has been even damaged and i can guarantee you i might be able to capture something replay i might not i guarantee you they would have taken a light hit especially with those 88s they're actually pretty accurate but not single shell has penetrated the armor is that realistic probably guys don't you think old 40s ammunition at long range take the paint off yeah and everything's been destroyed this time uh last time we did damage but it's completely destroyed gone um and half of those mechanized battalions were taken out to be honest by the m270s uh their brilliant grid square removal as we saw that and that was only one small battery that's eight units technically that's not even a battery um and that's one battery or yeah that's one basically one battery with a battery minus with uh only one reload yep so with marina yeah so as you probably would have thought modern is such a different class and it's kind of weird how it works on that because in some ways aeroplanes there is still relevance of a world war two airplane if you get in a dog fight with world war ii airplane you can still be killed in a stealth fighter it's still possible but thanks god the difference is so much guys assuming you're fighting at range you could probably still sneak up to an abrams in a urban maybe and put an 88 mill up his bot bot but in in range like this god is absolutely nothing world war could two could do which is really interesting and you want to add any other conclusions or insights into that i think that'll be the end of cassary in other words america you certainly got your revenge i hope you enjoyed the massive slaughter guys the main grim reaper's videos are now being split between this youtube channel and the grim reapers 2 youtube channel so if you want to see all of the grim reaper's videos please consider subscribing to both channels and thank you for watching
Channel: Grim Reapers
Views: 312,983
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: DCS, DCS World, IL-2, Sturmovik, Arma 3, GR
Id: zUE5NM4Bscg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 48sec (1068 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 22 2022
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