A-10C Warthog Cluster Munition Delivery | CBU-97 | Digital Combat Simulator | DCS |

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thank you hey guys welcome back to another video we're here in the a10c warthog uh down below me there should be a Chinook helicopter right there and so what he's doing is he is gonna go and uh pick up some high value targets over here in this city off in front of us and the city should be over here you see all those X's those are friendly units they've already set up a bit of a barrier out in front because there's a whole horde of enemy armor coming over here I've brought with me a tremendous amount of cluster Munitions CBU 97s to be exact uh they see all this like dust kicking up over here uh let's have the tgp look over there and look at that wow a lot of bad guys headed towards that friendly position so we need to protect those guys while that Chinook does what he needs to do and then gets Airborne without getting shot down okay so right over there is where the horde is and we're gonna be dropping in cvu 97s like I said the way that works is the CBO 97 consists of 10 Blu 108 submunitions each sub-munition contains four hockey puck shape sensor fuse projectiles called Skeets and essentially those detect Target vehicles and they fire an explosively form of penetrator on top of them being spiked by something look at that missile in the air from when I say 13. flares out and that'll Miss looks like I'm not going to be dropping the CPUs right now gotta deal with this sa-13 reducing altitude and flaring more missiles in the air a second sa-13 site foreign get out of here I'm gonna hit these guys with Mavericks and then we'll come back around and talk about the cvu 97s look at that oh good thing the A10 carry is a lot of flares there's another one coming in right here look at that by the way if you want to pick up the A10 use the GS a10c code for 10 off those codes are coming to an end very very soon there's that sa13 right there and I'm going to go ahead and point the nose at him and try to hit him with a Maverick ideally I think he's probably reloading because he shot like four missiles at me there we go Maverick is what is the Maverick looking at look at that like a lamp post right there come on I can't get it to look where I need uh try this again B Center this B and come on man it's a good thing that thing's out of ammo oh I was uh I wasn't pointing the nose with my bad got disoriented uh rifle Maverick from my own Divinity uh sa13 the second one shooting at me now the first guy's gonna die here momentarily got him now the next problem is I gotta pick this second sa-13 out of this giant horde of vehicles there's so many vehicles down there it's so perfect for some clustered Munitions but I gotta get rid of that sa-13 we're gonna turn away from these BMP streaming right now [Music] [Music] look at this I found this guy straggling in the back and would you look at that it's an essay 13. go ahead and point the nose and we'll shoot a Maverick at him hopefully kill that guy and then there should be no more a very serious air-to-ground threats got him locked with the nose on them and rifle nice as we pull through the turn [Music] perfect okay and that should hit him in a moment here impact go ahead absolutely smoked that guy okay now I can do the cluster munitions go ahead and grab those we'll take two of them for now and we're going to do a ccip drop which means I'm gonna have to fly over them and we're going to use a continuously computed impact Point that's what ccip is in the A10 that requires a rather steep dive so it's going to be a little bit you know weird if you're not used to the A10 it's going to look like a very dangerous dive but that's what the A10 requires so I'm going to go ahead and get some altitude here and see if we can fight right over those guys so I can dump these CPUs on them now the the way it'll work and I'll try to show you as these bombs function here it's also a testament to DCS and the amount of detail they got here but these CPUs will actually they'll air burst essentially and they'll open up and the 10 of the Blu 108 submunitions will come out and they'll go down on a parachute and once they reach a certain altitude they'll start they'll do like a spinning thing and they'll release their four Skeets and then those will then start finding targets and blowing them up uh look at this look at this steep dive here hold up hold up and pickle pickle I'm off come on let me tell you something if you're in a vehicle underneath that oh look at these guys absolutely opened up on me you're about to have a very bad day if you are underneath that cluster drop so much fire we really uh kick the Horn's Nest there it is thank you God man the cluster munitions are definitely one of the things that in my opinion I mean a lot of aircraft can drop the the classroom munition but to drop it from an A10 is weirdly satisfying I don't know what it is but it hits different [Music] look at so many guys died in that last drop we're gonna hit him with a second one here big dive angle and pickle and pickle and we're off these guys haven't even reached friendly forces by the way you know like look at that like oh my God look at oh yeah that was perfect okay they have actually reached friendly lines so I would imagine that that Chinook has taken off any second now because if not now he's going to be in serious danger taking off he's going to take a lot of Fire all right I'm still gonna help these friendlies here I don't want to just abandon them just because the Chinook left and you know we've done a tremendous amount of damage to the incoming armor already but you know why stop the support now you can see friendly forces returning fire okay um they should be landing any second now those bombs there it is yeah those are those are all right oh oh yeah that's a lot a lot of their stuff just got killed down there um there is a BTR over here what's this this is a BMP and we can Target this guy uh wait oh yeah he's over here my bad we'll do a gun run on him uh opmp is dead but there is a second vehicle over here yeah there's a ETR right underneath them and he's dead a little burst for him and we'll peel off to the left [Music] so Much Death and destruction down there look at all those burning vehicles oh my God everybody's dead it's like the highway of death down there oh oh oh somebody shot me notice how the A10 didn't care at all it really chewed up my wing I actually took a lot of hits there but the A10 didn't even give me a master caution nothing no fuel leak engines hit too still running though no problem literally the A10 doesn't care well where is that guy who shot me who dared make me bleed my own blood it's the A10 bleed I found him he's right here 272 in this cluster here line them up for a nice gun kill oh boy he's shooting back hold all of this 30 mil for me my dude break left all right that's it for me let's do a small show of force for the friendly guys and uh we'll go ahead and get out of here [Music] [Music] thank you [Music]
Channel: Growling Sidewinder
Views: 125,144
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: world war 2, ww2, DCS, dcs dogfight, dcs world, Military, army, air force, F-16 Viper, F-14 Tomcat, F-15 Eagle, Dogfight, F-22 Raptor, how to, tutorial, guide, F-18 Hornet, BFM, Eagle Dynamics, air combat, war thunder, navy, us military, Mirage, dogfight, f22, f18, hornet, f16, f14, viper, mirage, warthunder, military, f-22 raptor, gripen, mi-24, funny, Eurofighter, ef2000, virtual reality, vr, 3080, world war ii, battle of britain, USA, battlefield 2042, ah64 apache, dcs apache, wwii, f35
Id: 0qS7ul2OlPs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 46sec (886 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 20 2023
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