Improve Your Golf Instantly With These Moves Through Impact

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so the reality is we need some hand action in the GOL swing even though I would preach what I would call more body Le swing we need some hand action all gos have hand action the hands are moving faster than the body at contact there's no doubt in that before the hand police get on board but the reality is most golfers have too much hand action at impact so I've been doing this 30 years and what I would generally see with a lot of golf as is that impact there's a flipping action now this flipping action is very different to what you see from the best players in the world now there are reasons for this some of it can be Mobility some of it can be the direction the club is working in some of it can be the club face position pre contact so for sure there's quite often a reason why you're not doing the right movement through impact but what I'd say to you is if you follow what I'm going to give you today in terms of these exercises you will start to get some feels and understanding for how the hand should move through impact and that's probably going to help a lot of people so I want to share with you a couple of exercises to really feel how the body and hand should move through the ball and a couple of little instinctive kind of conceptual and drills that are going to really make a big difference so the first thing to note is basically the best players in the world would have about 11° of sharline at contact so the club goes very much from being slightly ahead to more ahead in simple terms and if we look to trying to get this club kind of more or less still in relation to your left grin like it is at the start but the left grin is going to have moved more forward in a lateral sense or a slide sense of contact that kind of let's call it active movement and force into the handle moves the body forward and if the body moves forward it automatically starts to push the club forward and if we can start to get that idea of okay where am I putting the force in the handle and into the body as opposed to purely the right hand or the right arm that's essentially what we're thinking of to feel this correctly one of the best ways I get players to feel this is to use a split grip so left hand at the top right hand pretty much on the metal just like so and when we get into this kind of delivery position here how do we square that club up it's rotation the right arm is straighten very L and the body is rotating and extending if I throw it that's a very different feel there very different tension in my elbow and forearm and if you look at what that does in terms of delivery of the club that club now is pointing up and left now if the club face is Way open prior to these impact conditions then obviously up and left will reduce the amount that ball with slice and it might well give you some short-term success success but the more we straighten this right arm to do it the more we're likely to hit the ground before the ball or top the ball or thin the ball what it also does is throw this club head further away from us so it also brings a heel contact and a shank contact into play which is really undesirable so the ideal world is we would put pressure and force into the handle and we don't let the right arm straighten too rapidly the right arm is going to straighten but Ideal World at contact which I've talked about in a few my videos before we want the trail wrist slightly set back and we want the right arm slightly bent and if we can guarantee those two conditions and then rotate to hit it straight you will be an excellent ball Striker and golfer so those are the key things now some of the best ways of feeling we achieve that is one split grip but also using left hand only I always find very very useful and I kind of call this my trench digging action so if I take a rough stance left hand only and I say to you okay I would want to dig a trench past the ball as you can see here and stop so I want a sharp action that digs and stops and in order to achieve that I'm creating a very much downward angle of approach and a very what you would describe as late hit or div it after the ball so that feeling there really incentivizes my left arm and hand to work to shift that low point forward so what I want to do once I've done a few of those trench diggers is then go to a small swing trying to feel I'm putting the force into the same place and I can't hit the ball any better than that so it's a nice divot after the golf ball the ball flight was very low piercing straight again there's no chance of that ball going left if I needed to go left I need to rotate a little bit more so but I was pretty happy with that flight it was certainly what I would call a really strong kind of Punchy flight so that kind of flight into the wind that would be ideal for and all I use from that was the feeling of putting Force into the handle and making sure I shifted laterally as I've talked in some of my other videos when we shift down and laterally we start to rotate for free but what we do to transfer this into the next phase will be to start to work on the rotation extension of the body so once we've got the feeling of that kind of trench digger action and that kind of force going forward it's then all about adding more rotation so let's go ahead and do that at the end I'll also cover how we stay connected with this because if we lose connection quite often that can force us to hit Shanks from doing it the right way also and it can also cause us to hit shots that would go to the right and leave the face open so make sure you keep watching to see the connection drill at the end also so we're looking for really that kind of trench digger and once we got the trench digger and you'll see Alex noring doing some of this then we're adding rotation and extension and when I extend I'm really trying to feel I'm pushing forward pushing up I'm trying trying my best to keep my head to the right of my knees and right of my feet knees together that kind of fall through action I'm still happy when you do this to do this from a short back swing cuz the focus should be about how do I transfer that kind of pendulum action and even on the golf course you know some little left hand only and if you think of Alex norin you see him quite often doing this kind of action and then into this kind of finish so there's kind of the anti left if you like finish I really like that kind of motion for most golfers particularly golfers who hook the golf ball goers who fat the ball or thin the ball also just moving this low point forward is essential so the more one-handed swings you can do and if you're scared of your wrists go and do this in the sand trap go and do this in in the bunker and just try and feel like you would get that way forward if you want to just get like a bag of sand at home and put some sand in the garden and try and just start doing this with your left hand but even just moving that left hand more forward getting this left hand to have a bit more dominance you will feel a difference through impact again this handle Force this way creating that kind of moving that force that way you'll soon get the club again there overtaken I'm not trying to get it to overtake if anything I'm trying to delay when it overtakes for most golfers there are a few golfers that would do this too much but in 30 years coaching probably two or maybe one I've seen do this too much so let's take that now that kind of trench digger into a follow through that I would be happy with and if I could hit that shot every time on the golf course I would be delighted so the flight in that was absolutely perfect for me it has a dropping left raw there's a little bit of wind off the right here I'm in Spain doing a golf school with my good friend Chris Ryan at the camil golf resort beautiful place so that there tiny tiny tiny tiny bit of draw but beautiful contact so that for me would be a good way progressing that forward you might work that to the full back swing let's show you how we can make sure we stay connected so in order to assure we stay connected this is my favorite drill this drill has lots of other benefits too but if we take an alignment rod and stick it under our right armpit when I go and do that same kind of fall through I make sure I don't drop that arm that makes sure my right arm can't go away and it makes sure I can turn through the golf ball again ideally I want to have this a slight tilt so it keep keeps that connection that right arm stability through the golf ball so again I'm trying to feel exactly the same things same setup trying to feel like moving the force in the hands but keeping that connection that one there again great strike powerful penetrating felt like it was kind of felt for me like it was held off but rotated like crazy and the golf ball there again had probably a y more draw than the previous one but the contact felt a little bit more body Le so we do want the hands to work without hands we'd have no speed but we definitely want to make sure that the hands aren't working overtime so if your impact kind of looks like this which most golfers do we're trying to make it move more forward as I said the tall player numbers will be on average 11° of sharlean most five handicap and blow gol as I teach five to scratch probably have about 5 in of sharlean give it a go and let me know how you get on
Channel: Alistair Davies Golf
Views: 1,416
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How The Hands Should WORK Through Impact In Golf, golf, golf tips, golf advice, how to play better golf, how to play golf, how to fix a slice with a driver, fix slice with driver, stop slicing, how to fix your slice, fix your slice, hit driver straight, golf driver tips, how to hit driver further, how to stop slicing, golf swing, golf lessons, driver swing lesson, stop slicing driver, hands, adavies golf, Improve Your Golf Instantly With These Moves Through Impact
Id: s-01tGr4Scw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 8sec (608 seconds)
Published: Sun May 05 2024
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