How To Use Your Right Hand In The Golf Swing | Club Release

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I pretty sure that your right hand has been underutilized in your golf swing I'm going to show you what it should do the right hand is a formidable character in the golf swing if you've played enough Golf and you have hit shots where you felt like the right hand has become too active has closed the face over hit the ball a Long Way to the left if you've tried to quieten your right hand really tried to leave your right hand out of it and blocked it out to the right all of a sudden the mystery behind right hand right arm can start to run away with you the right hand is directly linked how it should work with the way you place it on the golf club if the golf club is placed in the palm of the hand and I see this a a a lot the palm of the hand the base of the fingers the right hand can sit a long way underneath compared to the golfer that sits it a little bit more into into the fingertips of the right hand it goes from being a hand a dress that either looks Palm down at set up like this grip palmed down or it becomes a grip that's Palm up a very very big distinction between those two positions because what this then layers on to and bear in mind I'm not talking about the orientation of the left hand because that will have a major play in the what the right hand does as well but today I really want to focus on the right hand if you head up and check out my grip series have done four or five videos on the grip which will really really open up your eyes to how important this hold is the orientation of that hand if the palm of the hand is looking up you've externally rotated the forearm at a dress when you have this most golfers don't struggle when you've got the Palm up at the start most golfers don't struggle with a Golf Club working and Swinging inside most golfers will tend to see a face looking down this really helps you with getting away from the slices getting away from hitting the ball to the right so I place the grip of the club in the palm of my hand and I'm exaggerating this now and then I start to swing the golf club and I and I make my usual move you'll see that the ball will have a bias to the right it's as cut and dried as that if you are someone that battles a slice just put your right hand underneath and I promise you it'll turn you into someone that's going to hit it up the left with Bend pretty pretty quickly but what it also does is it has a big contribut of flying right elbows and I hear that a lot at the top of my back top of my back swing I've always had this flying right elbow and I've always had across the line at the top across the line at the top where the shaft is pointing to the right of the target is a big plier when it comes to the right hand as well so the right hand whilst it seems this innocuous little position oh I'll just Chuck it on there any old how immediately changes the way the blade is going to start to work in takeaway is going to start to change the way your right elbow functions at the top which changes the way the shaft pitches at the top as well so if the right hand is underneath you are going to be someone that would usually be across the liner a bit of a shut facer and also someone that might strike it close to the heel they are all ingredients that tie themselves in with a palm gripped right hand golfer because the strike when it starts to move towards the hill or should I say when the ball starts to bend to the left when the palm of the right hand is too much underneath the golfer starts to push the club out to the right to stop the golf ball going to the left and in doing that you do that enough you have such a drive of the handle out to the right that before you know it you are hitting the old Lucifer lockets the old Shanks and it's all a bit of a a little bit of a nightmare so do pay particular attention to that right hand when it sits on the golf club when you then place the grip more in the fingertips so it's more in the fingertips of address when we see golfers moving the club away depending on their left hand depending on their left hand when the club is more in the fingertips as you start to move the golf club away you'd start to see more forearm rotation and have an opportunity to add more Loft and what this can do depending on the pressures through your grip depending how you leave the golf club away can encourage golfers to get the club a little bit too in side and the club a little bit laid off at the top all of a sudden though this right arm that for the flying right elbow crew out there compared to the guys that have got an elbow that sits nicely under the handle you're living in two different planets and so you all of a sudden see from a palm grip a back swing that looks like this more to a fingertip grip starts to look a little a little bit more like this you will then see you might have a prevalence a bit more down to the right now this is just talking about how the hand on the golf club at the start is going to influence the way the club moves back and sets at the top how the golf club releases down at the bottom again will be dependent on those two orientations of which side of the fence you sit on if you are someone that sits on more of a palm grip when you are unloading the golf club and putting pressure on the shaft the palm of the right hand the more the Palm sits down and creates that force that I talk about in a lot of my videos the more chance you have of making the face too strong on if you are someone that has the right hand on top a bit more and then you create that pressure down all of a sudden you've got more opportunity to make the face line up straight so this pressure on the right hand depending on where you place your grip if the hand is too much underneath and then you place pressure down which I about all the time Palm down pressure down onto the shaft it will make the face too strong grip a little bit weaker more into the fingertips all of a sudden that same sensation makes the face lined back up so that's where the pressure is coming from the palm of the hand is facing down to the floor but that's not to say and if you've seen my videos about the pull phase and the swing phase that's not to say that during the swing phase when the club is loaded and then the golf club is going to swing it means that the way my hand works from this spot will be directly dependent on whether my grip is PM up or Palm down with during the swing phase is my swing phase going to work this way or is my swing phase going to work this way the hand has done exactly the same thing in both swing phases but because it's orientated differently on the golf club I'm going to get two very different responses so the layering of all of the ingredients that go on to oh just throw your right hand on the golf club that sets the golf club loads it at the top unloads it at the bottom is is crucial for you to understand so that you when you do apply a lot of the things I talk about in your golf game you've always understood that sure Stuart talks about the pull and the swing and the pushing out of the handle and all of the other variables that I've talked about over these some almost 500 videos the detail devil is always in the detail and so the hand position on the club at the start is there for you to understand the ramification of what that's going to do and what the feels it's going to allow you to have or not have to make your ball go straight so play with it get yourself down the range put your right hand underneath the golf club and just hit some shots in your usual way then pop your right hand and put your right hand excessively over the top almost to the point where I can't interlock my fingers that's how over the top my right hand is and then hit some shots and you will very quickly realize that all of this garbage that you have been faffing around with tucking the elbow swinging out to the right knees apart and all that bleep is an absolute waste of time if the bare bones of the components that you're starting with are not to your understanding of what that will offer you and so playing with this right hand will really give you an opportunity to start to manage how the right hand releases depending on where it is at the start so I can now go back to having my palm underneath clubs loading but now I'm going to have a little bit more of a fingernails up to the sky feel when if you're tired of paying too much for premium leather golf gloves do head over and check out my channel sponsor GX golf gloves these gloves are trusted by Elite amateurs and tour players alike use my code good coaching to receive 10% on your next order and I unload the club which has allowed me to offset the face and have a bit more neutral flight compared to the hook that I just hit before compared to now more in the fingertips right hand more on top now I'm going to feel like I've got a bit more fingernails to the floor when I strike this golf shot which is a different sensation made up because of the orientation of the grip at the start so understand that where you place the hand at a dress will dictate the forearm rotation the orientation of the elbow the orientation of the face the orientation of the shaft the orientation of the release the pressures to name but a few and then you get someone saying but when I feel that true it don't work so this is just one microcosm of the beauty of the golf swing so today hopefully you've learned a little bit about right hand position of address and the release and how it operates in the golf swing I think you'll find my friends that's good coaching
Channel: Good Golf Coaching
Views: 4,385
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Keywords: golf club release, how to release the golf club, how to use your right hand in the golf swing, using your right hand in golf, releasing the golf swing, hit straighter golf shots, how to release the golf club correctly, golf drills, release in the golf swing, golf lesson, golf impact drills, perfect golf swing, golf swing tips, how to close the club face, golf swing basics, rotational golf swing, golf release drill, how to release the golf club properly
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 27sec (807 seconds)
Published: Fri May 24 2024
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