Improve Google Ads Click-Through Rate Today - 8 Advanced Ways to Increase Google AdWords CTR

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all right what's up everyone welcome to the Surfside PPC youtube channel today I'm gonna be going over eight advanced methods to improve your click-through rate so we've created a few click-through rate videos in the past week or so so we're gonna kind of give you some more advanced strategies and tips for you to improve your click-through rate specifically for Google Ads you could apply a lot of these to Bing ads as well so just keep that in mind it's not gonna really apply to Facebook it's just gonna be really more eight advanced ways to improve your click-through rate on Google ads so before you get started how do you recommend checking out a couple of the videos on our channel that we've already created so one is five simple ways to improve your AdWords click-through rate so these are some more beginner methods when you're starting your campaign you could pretty much complete all these in a day so you could just come in here do all five ways and they should all help improve your click-through rate these next ones are really gonna expand on that the other video is ten ways to create great Google AdWords text ads so when it comes to click-through rate one of the most important things is your quality score and with quality score one of the most important things is your ads so you need to have a good ad or relevance so we have ten strategies to create really good ads so that you can appear at the top of search results when you're when you're advertising because it's it's so important to get those top spots now because it's really gonna help your click-through rate so we're gonna get into our steps now so number one is going to be to organize your campaign into ad groups so you want to put relevant keywords into ad groups so that you can serve ads that are relevant to those keywords so if I took all the keywords that were in these different ad groups so for example how to grow your business how to market your business small business marketing strategies if I put them all into one ad group and just create a couple of ads for that ad group my campaign is gonna suffer because I don't have things grouped and relevant I don't have ads that are matching the actual keywords that people are typing in so organizing your campaigns and separating out keywords into relevant ad groups is really important and I'm gonna open this small business marketing strategies ad group one of the things you can do it's gonna take a while it's gonna be time consuming but it's worth it when you're spending your budget on marketing is single keyword ad groups so you just take one keyword you can target the exact match version of it you could target the modified broad match version of it bid slightly lower on the modified broad match version and then you can create ads that match small business marketing strategy so you can create three ads in your ad group that really match those keywords so you can give people the irrelevant user experience possible because your whole goal is to take people from their search term to a conversion with the best possible user experience so organizing your campaigns using single keyword ad groups really where you have the same keyword with a couple of different match types is one of the best things you can do to really improve your overall results so number two is gonna expand on that and it's to never use broad keywords in your campaign so if you have a keyword like this exact match one we're gonna click Edit rate real quick and just put broad match if you have no modifiers here so no you know this is modified broad match so highly recommend using modified broad match because that says that these words have to be in the search query for it to match this keyword but with broad match it's gonna keep things very broad and you tend to lose control with your campaign a little bit because Google is gonna match search queries with your keywords that aren't always exactly relevant you're definitely gonna get a lot of unrelated searches in there so just avoid broad match keywords altogether they're really just gonna drag down your click-through rate because you're getting a lot of ad impressions for unrelated searches so avoid broad match keywords is number two number three so we've opened up some ads and one of our ad groups here is to use dynamic keyword insertion so it's really simple to setup you can take one of your existing ads click on edit here and just come into a headline you can use it in the headline you could use it in the description and all you do is just use the dynamic keyword insertion syntax so where its opening bracket so capitalized key capitalized word and then close it we have a whole tutorial on our channel with dynamic keyword insertion if you have any questions about it but what it's gonna do is it's gonna take the actual keyword that the search query matched and it's gonna put it in this headline so if we have ways to promote your business here and someone types in how to promote your business it's gonna take how to promote your business and dynamically change our headline one here - how to promote your business so it's gonna be able to really match ads with the keywords that people are typing in so dynamic keyword insertion is one of the best ways to improve your click-through rate definitely check out our tutorial if you've never used dynamic keyword insertion we go over a bunch of different ways to use it in the headlines and the descriptions really important and a really great way to just overall improve your campaigns and it's really simple to setup you just kind of have to understand the syntax of it and you have to make sure that the keywords in your ad group will look good in a headline so check out our tutorial on that dynamic keyword insertion number three one of the best ways to improve your click-through rate or four is going to be countdown timer so we have another another advertisement here we're gonna click on edit and we've already added our countdown it's very similar to the way you set up keyword insertion all you can do have to do is open up an opening bracket and it's gonna give you an option do countdown you do the countdown ends in what time how early you know when you want to start the countdown what time zone to use and what language to use just click apply and it's gonna add a countdown so we again we have another tutorial on our channel with more details here but using countdowns can really create urgency so you can see here we have a free online marketing ebook free download ends in three days so that's creating urgency and it's gonna keep counting down automatically so when it's two days it'll be two days when it's 12 hours it'll be 12 hours when it's six hours it'll be six hours so once your countdown is ending I won't start showing like that anymore but you can really count down to a sale you can count down to a limited time offer so you can see down here in our description line one you have you can download our ebook for free only three days left so that type of urgency gets people to click on your ad go in and take action with whatever the conversion is for you so number five I'm gonna look at some example ads so I've typed in social media management software it's brought up a ton of different advertisements there's four at the top here and three at the bottom so what I like to do is use call to actions in my advertisements so if you see here social media management software so this is oh-ho calm it says manage social media easily one tool for multiple networks so it's not a call to action but it's just saying this is a social media tool that's gonna make your life easier pretty good ad not exactly what I'm looking for so HootSuite manage all of your social media so not too bad again it's not really a call to action it's more of just the HootSuite will make your life easier lumely number one social media scheduler so very similar together to now what I like is I typed in social media management software sprout social has given me social media management tools so a really good first headline to match my keyword and try free for 30 days so this is a call to action here so sprout social is saying not only do we have great social media management tools we're going to give you an or you can try it free for 30-days obviously if you don't like it you get your money back or you obviously don't spend anything at all but you cancel your subscription before you're able to you spend any money with sprout social so it's a great advertisement because of a call to action so try free for 30 days gets me to click on it gets me to try sprout social to see if it's worth you know my time and if it's a tool that I want to continue using for my business so using call to actions is really important so just in the other advertisement here you know ways to promote your business free online marketing ebook so not the greatest decent call to actions but this free download ends in three days that's a really good call to action because you're getting people to say ok you have only a little bit amount of time to take advantage of this offer so call to action is one of the best ways to really improve your ads so number six is gonna be kind of a continuation of this video so this is this ten ways to create great google adwords text ads it's really a great way to improve your click-through rate compared to all these other methods I'm gonna show you so number six just gonna be create great ads obviously watch this video but just to take you back to the sprout social advertisement here so one of the things I would do is capitalize the first letter of each word and they do that here you can see they all pretty much do it here so this one tool for multiple networks I would capitalize for multiple networks there's so much data and so much research that shows that just capitalizing like that improves your click-through rate gets more people to click on your ads whereas ads that aren't capitalized all the way top to bottom end up not getting as many clicks so definitely capitalize each word use keywords so social media management software social media management tools so use those keywords to really match your ads up so lumely down here number one social media is scheduler it'd be better off doing number one social media software number one social media management tool if that fits so you really want to match those keywords and keep them in your ad copy so only here is managed used once so at least with HootSuite you have managed your Facebook manage social multiple social networks manage multiple networks so I highly recommend you know this right here sprout shows will manage your social media accounts with a powerful social media management tool so this is a really great address sprout social if it's a quality score it's probably getting a ten out of ten for add relevance where some of these other ones are probably more eight and nine so coming back over here so we're still talking about creating great advertisements making sure you have three ads in every ad group allows Google to test your ads against each other and sort of the top performing ad so three ads per ad group very important and last but not least use a display URL so I don't have them for everyone down here but I would definitely add them so what do you want to do is click on edit so look at your keywords so how to promote your business how to demote your business promote your business online so just very simple you can make your display path anything so Surfside PPC dot-com slash promote slash business so down here it looks like none of them really use it but what they could do is do slash social media slash management just a very simple way to get you know my keywords to match their ads even better and just improve your ad relevance so creating great ads is one of the best ways to really improve your click-through rate making sure you have multiple ads and every ad group making sure they match the keywords it's really important for your overall you know health of your campaign it's one of those things where I see so many ad accounts that I take over where there's one ad group with like one or two ads or even if the the campaign is organized I get just one AD per ad group and they're not always relevant to the keywords it's just you need to make sure that you're matching things as best as possible because that's the ultimate goal of Google AdWords and really any type of advertising you're doing so number seven here is going to be used audiences so you can see I came down to the audiences tab of my search campaign and right now I've added an in market audience for people who are looking for search engine optimization and search engine marketing services and I'm just observing this audience so what I'm gonna be able to see is if this audience gives me any lift and click-through rate and if I'm able to see that then I can actually bid higher on this audience same thing if you're running a campaign let's say you have a big remarketing audience you can come in to your remarketing and similar audiences try to find you know your combined list your website visitors your YouTube users you know take those add it to your campaign click Save and you're able to observe these different audiences and you can actually bid higher on them so in my experience you know any of the remarketing audiences I have so let's say someone to use videos for my YouTube channel and then they're actually typing in keywords that I'm targeting on the search Network I generally see higher click-through because those people are familiar with Surfside PPC already so it's really important to use these audiences and observe how they're performing and increase or decrease bids generally if you're using a really targeted audience you'll actually see a lift here with your click-through rate when you're targeting these different audiences because google has already identified these people as being interested in your products and services so adding them here whether it's in market audiences whether it's your remarketing list whether it's similar audiences I've seen them all help with click-through rate and you can increase bids to make sure that those audiences are seeing your ads more often and clicking on them more often so last but not least so I'm gonna go over landing pages so when it comes to Quality Score one of the most important things is your landing page matching the actual keyword so I only have one landing page here for this entire campaign which is really not a best practice so what I'd want to do is right here how to promote your business this landing page matches that very well how to promote your business online in 2018 when people come to my landing page you know they're able to see really quickly that the keyword matches exactly what they're looking for so what I would want to do is coming back over to something like small business marketing strategies is creating another landing page it could look very similar to this and just doing you know the best small business marketing strategies for your online business in 2018 whatever it is I can create different headlines that really match up what people are typing in so a be testing your landing pages is really important so if you're creating ads here what you can do is in your ad group so we already have these three advertisements here so what you could do is take these ads edit copy and paste them so we have a complete duplicate so we have six total ads they're the exact three are the exact same three oh the exact same so what we can do is with our new ads go in and just change the landing page for those new ones only so let's just say we did newsletter - so let's just say it's a completely separate landing page so now we're able to test each landing page against each other and to make sure you're getting enough data for both of them you can come back to your settings over here come to your ad rotation which is gonna say use campaign setting but what you can do is do do not optimize so just rotate ads indefinitely so you're running these different advertisements within your ad group with two different landing pages the way you're gonna be able to test it is to see which landing page actually provides you the best conversion so the best click-through rate the best quality scores and over time what you want to do after you start getting some data is coming to optimized prefer the best performing ads click Save so now Google is gonna automatically say ok you've been rotating these six ads for a while these two or three are really performing the best and they're the ones we're gonna continue to use and you can tell from that you know which landing pages are performing best you can tell from your Google Analytics data which landing pages are performing best so a be testing landing pages is vital with your Google Ads campaigns because Quality Score is so dependent on landing page is so dependent on your ad relevance is so dependent on your click-through rate so focusing on all these things is so important for your campaign and click the rate can really tell you kind of how healthy a campaign is based on how organized it is how well the ads match the keywords you know how competitive maybe bids are because if you're not bidding high enough then you're not gonna get very many clicks because you're gonna find yourself basically at the bottom of these pages all the time so optimizing for that quality score will keep you at the top here and making sure that when people are typing in your keywords they're clicking on your ads instead of a competitor so if you have any questions leave in the comments these are eight more advanced ways to improve your click-through rate some might take a little more time especially a/b testing landing pages maybe figure out which audiences perform the best so it's gonna take a little bit more time but you know if it's really worth it for the overall health of your campaign and getting the most out of your budget so again if you have any questions leave in the comments thank you for watching our video today and make sure you subscribe to our Channel
Channel: Surfside PPC
Views: 23,286
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: click through rate, adwords ctr, adwords click through rate, google ads ctr, google adwords ctr, ads ctr, bing ads ctr, google adwords click through rate, google ads click through rate, increase ctr, improve ctr, increase google ads ctr, improve google ads ctr, google ads ctr 2019, google ads ctr 2018, click through rate 2018, click through rate 2019, click through rate google ads, click through rate google adwords, what is a good ctr, google ads increase click through rate
Id: v1UOpPtofiA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 55sec (895 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 16 2018
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