10 Google Ads Best Practices - Drive More Conversions With Your Google Ads Campaigns

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what's up everyone welcome to the Surfside PPC YouTube channel today I'm going to be going over 10 different Google ads best practices to make sure you're getting the most out of your campaigns so let's get started and I have the first five best practices here and I'm going to go through each one individually I'm going to go through these pretty quickly so number one is make sure you're using conversion tracking and if you're able to incorporate a value you should incorporate a value as well so what I mean by that is when you come into your Google ads account you go to tools and settings under measurement you're going to see conversions here so conversions basically come up are your key performance indicators are you driving sales are you driving leads are you selling a course so for example if you're running a Shopify website you can set up your Google ads conversion tracking just follow the guide directly on shopify's website and they're going to pull the value of every single conversion so every single sale that Google ads drives on your Shopify website they're going to pull in the revenue driven so that allows you to actually have a conversion value that you can optimize for so it's important to use value if you have it mine I'm just optimizing for affiliate clicks so every single value is set to one but what you can do here is if you go to edit settings you can come to value and let's just say I'm selling a course for three hundred dollars I can use the same value for each conversion set my value at three hundred dollars so every time I sell a course Google ads knows okay you just spent 200 on ads and you just sold the 300 course you just spent fifty dollars in ads and you just sold a 300 course so ultimately what I can do is optimize for conversion value you can optimize for Revenue rather than just strictly conversion so that's number one is making sure you are using conversion tracking make sure you have your main key performance indicator set up so that you can actually optimize your Google ads campaigns for those conversions which is going to bring us to number two you want to use the sales or leads objective when you are setting up campaigns so it's also number three we can incorporate here as well so when we're going to set up a new campaign we have new campaign here and Google ads you can see that all the objectives we can choose from now it doesn't make sense just to strictly Drive website traffic to your website there are some reasons to use product and brand consideration brand awareness and reach obviously you have an app then you want to use app promotion local store visits you can use as well but the main two objectives one or the other you should be using if you're incorporating value I would recommend using sales if you're just going off leads every single conversion is worth one then just use leads so this is for appointment bookings or somebody filling out your lead form contacting you giving you a phone phone call so let's say I choose leads here you can see the three different conversion goals so my main conversion goal here is set up as purchases so the other two here I can remove them so that I can just focus on my main key performance indicator of purchases now we click on continue here it's going to show all these different campaign types and that's number three so number three here is test all the campaign types it's going to vary for every single business so I would definitely highly recommend using search and absolutely use shopping if you do have an e-commerce website if you are running a Shopify website for example if you have a product feed you want to make sure you're using shopping ads definitely test search ads but see if performance Max works well for you it works very well for a lot of businesses display and video and Discovery you could always get started by using remarketing and then incorporate some of the other targeting later I'm going to go over some of that targeting later on in this video but number three just to make sure you're getting the most out of all of your campaigns out of your advertising budget test the campaign types see how they perform in terms of cost per conversion in terms of your return on ad spend if video for example is not worth running then you could just pause your video campaign but it's worth testing couple hundred dollars on each campaign type if you are running a lot of advertising just to see how it's performing for you so it's going to bring us into number four use Smart bidding so we're using conversion tracking let's say we are using the leads objective here the campaign type we're going to test in this example let's just say display campaign so we'll come back over here let's say we wanted to run a display campaign so we're choosing your objective sales or leads make sure you have a conversion goal set up make sure you're testing different campaign types in this case we'll Pretend We're making a display campaign you can enter your website here as well name your campaign we'll click on continue now you want to set your location and language targeting but once you do you're going to see budget and bidding here so using a smart bidding strategy means you are focused on conversions or if you are using value for your conversion you're focused on conversion value now you can also set a Target return on ad spend so there's four different smart bidding strategies that we can use right now here so conversion value if we don't set a Target return on ad spend then we're using the maximize conversion value bid strategy if we do set a Target return on ad spend we're using the target roas bid strategy and if we use conversions then it's maximize conversions bid strategy if we set a Target cost per action then we're using the target CPA bid strategy so number four make sure you're using smart bidding doesn't make sense to use conversion tracking the sales and leads and not also use one of these smart bidding strategies like a Target CPA Target roas or maximizing your conversions now number five when you're setting up your ad groups use phrase match keywords use single keyword ad groups so this is going to go back to search campaign so let's come back okay coming back over here select our campaign objective of leads we have our conversion goal here our campaign type let's choose search and let's choose website visits for the way we'd like to reach our goal name your campaign click on continue okay so bidding we're focused on conversions let's just say we're going to use the maximize conversion bid strategy now once we come in here to keywords and ads and you start creating your ad groups what you want to do is make sure that you are using phrase match keywords and I would use single keyword ad groups now you could also use exact match keywords or broad match keywords Google ads is likely to tell you use broad match keywords I see the absolute best performance and the perfect amount of volume with phrase Magic keywords I think it is the best match type right now so if we come back over here and what we can do is enter our keywords so your ad group one let's just say for example I'm trying to sell farmhouse [Music] Christmas decorations okay so that would be my ad group and what I can enter here for my keyword is I can just do farmhouse Christmas decorations and this single phrase match keyword is going to match hundreds if not thousands of different Search terms now you can also do things like Farmhouse Christmas decor Farmhouse Xmas Decor you can incorporate some of these other keywords but this one phrase match keyword should match all sorts of Search terms that are going to be relevant to what people are actually looking up and what's gonna happen like I said down here is upgrade your keywords to Broad match broad match is not an upgraded keyword what Google ads tells you is you can expand the reach of your campaign get more conversions at a similar or better Roi to me if you have a lot of testing already done you want to incorporate broad match keywords you can do that I would honestly stick to phrase match keyword stick to single keyword ad groups you can add a few more keywords in an ad group but make sure your ad groups are very organized by where you're sending traffic to so that's going to bring us to best practices six through ten so when you're creating your ads you want to make sure you have at least two ads for each individual ad group so let's come back over here to my existing campaign that I'm already running and if we come into my campaign you can see I have an ad group here for Farmhouse curtains so we click on this ad group go to ads and what you're going to see is I have two different responsive search ads running now each of them have gotten a lot of activity they've spent a similar amount and they've actually converted very similarly but this top one has a better cost per conversion and this conversion rate is pretty similar but a lower average CPC so this advertisement is outperforming this advertisement so what you want to do is create two ads per ad group because if I didn't have a better performing advertisement then everything would be going in here I'd be spending a dollar 82 per conversion rather than 1.55 per conversion so create multiple ads because what Google ads is going to do is continue to test all these different variations so you want to use a variety of different ad copy use all of your headlines if we click through to our responsive search ads here make sure you're using all 15 headlines all four description so we scroll down set your display path make sure you're using all of these different headlines you should have excellent ads especially if it's for a search campaign so I'm missing one headline here four different description lines and make sure you're incorporating all these different assets so not only do you want to create two plus ads per ad group you want to make sure you're creating really high quality ads whether it's a responsive display ad a responsive search ad a video ad so any type of advertisement create two per ad group and try to create the highest quality ads as possible test your ad copy to see what is actually driving results for you and that's going to bring us to number seven so we have our two ads in this ad group so let's come back over here what you can do is these two ads let's say are going to the same exact landing page let's make sure we get into our Farmhouse curtains ad group so these two ads go into the same landing page one of the things you could do is take these two ads so you're testing ad copy against each other so let's say these have much different headlines much different description lines you've Incorporated some different assets on some of these different advertisements what you can actually do is take the two ads you've created edit copy them and paste the ads and it's going to create duplicates of these advertisements and all you need to do with the duplicates is go into them click on edit and update the final URL so let's say for example I have this shop category page on my website Farmhouse Christmas decor people can come here click on one of the subcategories if they keep scrolling down there's a ton of products for sale or I could use this page as well which is more of a blog post style page but also has a ton of products for sale and it's all geared around Farmhouse Christmas decorations and holiday Decor now if I'm running all of my traffic to this one landing page I don't know if this landing page is going to perform better the only way to find out is to come in here duplicate your ads update your final URL to the other landing page that you're testing and then see if it outperforms your current landing page so instead of running two ads you're running four ads in your ad group and you're actually testing landing pages along with your ad copy so it's hard to test a ton of things at once but you should with four advertisements running come up with okay this this one advertisement that's going to this landing page has outperformed the other three so we're gonna pause the other three and what we're going to do is we're going to create a new advertisement using the landing page that won our test so that's number seven number eight and number nine are gonna go together because they're about audience targeting so number eight Target your data segments also previously known as remarketing your data segments if we come back over here to tools and settings we go to our shared library and we go to audience manager you can see right here your data segments so your data segments are all created using your website visitors your app users your YouTube users or uploaded customer lists so if you have a buyer list for example let's use our Shopify example if you have a buyer customer list you can upload that customer list to Google ads and you can actually Target people who have purchased from you so it helps to find the most relevant people that are visiting your website who are watching your YouTube videos and you can set all this up very easily I have a lot of videos on my channel for how to set it up so I will link them in the video description and I'll put them as one of the cards in the top right corner so you can learn how to set up your data segments AKA remarketing with your website visitors so that you can Target really really highly qualified audiences who are showing an interest already in what you have to offer so number eight use your data segments go to the audience manager make sure you connect all of your sources of data data whether it's a YouTube channel a mobile app whether it's just your website or customer list use all that data to your advantage because you can Target people within your campaigns using that data now number nine right within the audience manager as well create and test custom segments so we come over here to our audience manager and you can see custom segments now with custom segments they allow you to build audience segments based on pretty much anything we click on the plus sign here you can name your segment and then you have a couple different options including people with the following interests or behaviors so people with these interests or purchase intentions so let's keep our same example here I want people who are looking to purchase Farmhouse Christmas decorations so I'm entering one interest here and let's see what it says about our segment so with one interest the gender 61 male age 26 18 to 24 parental status non-parents 10 billion to 1 trillion weekly Impressions so what we can also do is rather than people with these interests or purchase intentions do people who searched for any of these terms on Google so we click here we're just going to keep our one keyword again and let's see what it gives us so this actually more closely matches my actual demographics on my website 67 female age tends to skew more 35 and up and you're seeing Less weekly Impressions here so when you're creating custom segments I would recommend using people who searched for any of these terms on Google and you can also expand the segment by including people who browse types of websites you can enter your competitors URLs right here it's going to expand the segment and it's going to find people who are searching for any of the Search terms that you enter up here and people who browse websites like yours or like your competitors you can also get rid of this up here at the top and just do or people who browse websites similar to and start building your segments so creating custom segments very easy you can just enter basically your SEO keyword list here try to find the most relevant keywords based on what you're actually promoting you can use your custom segments for all for your different campaigns and I would highly recommend testing them specifically try them for display campaigns see how they perform for you and you can use the search terms option to me it creates a better audience than the interest options so number nine create and test custom segments with your campaigns because they've you shouldn't be using some of these really broad interest groups that Google ads has already built even in-market segments can be a little bit broad because it's people who have shown any interest in purchasing something in a long period of time so what we can do is use custom segments and try to create some of these more targeted audiences so that brings us to number 10 optimize your campaigns if you launch a campaign and forget about it it's not going to improve so if we just come over here to my search campaign some of the things that you can do within your search campaign so first your ad groups if you have any underperforming AD groups you can always pause them now if you're using Target return on ad spend Target CPA you may just notice that you're not getting a ton of activity in the ad groups that aren't performing well so you can always start by underperforming ad groups and just pausing them or you want to go into the ad groups look at your individual keywords are you targeting broad match keywords that aren't performing well are you targeting exact match keywords and your costs are a little bit High look at what's actually happening with the keywords that you're targeting the other thing is look at your Search terms report so if you're targeting phrase match keywords you should have some pretty relevant keywords in here but sometimes you're going to find Search terms in here that just aren't overly relevant for what you're trying to Target for the traffic you're actually sending to your landing page make sure these are all relevant in terms of what people are looking for and what's on your landing page and then speaking of landing pages that's obviously another thing that you can start to test so if I have just one Farmhouse curtains landing page maybe I try to create a second one I do something like you know the 25 most popular curtains of the year and try to send people directly to that page to try to build some okay these are the ones that everybody likes and here's the top 25. so try to create different offers on your landing pages even if you're presenting very similar information just present it in a unique way make sure you're incorporating all of your assets within your responsive search ads run multiple responsive search ads per ad group see if you have any underperforming ads here so for display campaigns you can actually see where your ads have run so are they running on specific YouTube videos are your ads running in too many mobile apps so a ton of different ways to optimize your campaigns but what you ultimately want to do is look at your keywords that you're targeting look at your Search terms report look at your advertisements and their performance can you improve on your advertisements and your assets make sure your landing pages are performing well make sure you have multiple ads per ad group so all of these best practices will help you optimize your campaign even without changing anything so going through them one more time use conversion tracking if you can incorporate value incorporate value as well when you're setting up campaigns use the sales or leads objective and then test all the different campaign types that are relevant for your business now since we're using conversion tracking we want to use Smart bidding strategies such as Target CPA Target return on ad spend maximize conversions or maximize conversion value so that we can actually optimize our campaigns for the main things happening on our website use phrase match keywords single keyword ad groups group together your ad groups by landing page and make sure you're creating really relevant ad groups and make sure when people are typing in a specific search term they're ending up on a page on your website that actually solves for that search intent now the last five here two plus ads for ad group so you're always testing advertisements duplicate those two advertisements and update landing pages your final URL to just test the landing page and see if a specific landing page can give you any lift in terms of your cost per conversion your return on ad spend use your remarketing your data segments so incorporating people or visiting your website watching your YouTube videos downloading your mobile app or giving you their information who are on your customer list create and test custom segments so within your audience manager where you have all of your data segments you can also create custom segments and Target them within your campaigns as well and then once you get some campaigns running you're getting some results start to optimize your campaigns refine your offer improve your offer improve your ads improve your landing pages just continuously improve what's going on in your Google ads account and then remove anything that's just not converting or understand why a specific keyword may not be converting because there may be Search terms that are dragging it down your ads may be running on websites that aren't converting so look at your overall campaign and continue to optimize over time these are 10 best practices they're not necessarily strategies they're basically a checklist of some of the things that I would make sure I'm doing when I'm running a campaign so if you have any questions about any of this please leave in the comment section thanks for watching my video today and make sure you subscribe to the Surfside PPC YouTube channel
Channel: Surfside PPC
Views: 4,419
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: google ads, google ads tutorial, google ads 2022, google ads best practices, google adwords best practices, google ads tips, google ads strategy, google ads tricks, google ads hacks, google ads tips and tricks, google adwords tips, google ads strategies, best practices google ads, google ads ideas, google ads best, google ads best practices 2022, google ads best results, google ads best bidding strategy, google adwords, google adwords tutorial, google adwords 2022
Id: aPo1Nzr0nYs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 40sec (1180 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 11 2022
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