Fix Your Low Quality Score in Google Ads - Advanced Ad Relevance

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hi ed here get a lot of questions about quality score issues so i'm just going to show you a quite an advanced way of using google's natural language tool to essentially try and improve your ad relevance so just on um all keywords on this account i've selected exact match keywords um and then add relevance below average because ad relevance is the is the easiest thing to fix i don't really listen too much to expected click-through rate it's not a huge amount you can do with it if you fix your ad relevance um and the structure of your accounts um your campaigns and ad groups is is um contiguous topical so on that normally does uh quite a lot to help with quality score so landing page experience fixing that is more difficult but you can use the same technique to be fair but let's focus on add relevance so i've literally done exact match add relevance below average and then i'm going for the highest cost keyword which is this keyword which i have observated from the screen but i'm just gonna open um incognito and let's search for this keyword and what we do is we first of all look at the competition what are they saying we look at the organic results but this is pretty basic stuff for now and the next thing we do is we google the if i just open it in another tab try again there you go natural language tool so um cloud natural language tool from google no try the demo that makes sense okay oh i don't know why i don't know why it's cutting the box off um tough tough tea so what do we do we put in the winner the top ranking ad and we get the text we copy it we head to the language processor we literally paste it in and we run it through an analysis it should ask me if i'm a robot great works every time when we're back in the room there we go i'm not and you get this output so you get entities um essentially the thing that matters in the entities is the stuff that's highlighted and it gives you the category so entities can help um when you compare against the organic result and i'll show you that in a second but sentiment is really important so sentiment indicator tells you how positive negative the language is in in the advert and you can literally look at um scores from oh it shows you at the bottom up to one is essentially perfectly happy and what we might find is if we look at the bottom of the page at another advert that doesn't rank as high you might find it has a lower sentiment score and also there's less uh specifically categorized entities also note it's quite good for finding um audience categories this is but it's actually better if we go to the top organic search result okay and then we can pull in like loads of the content if it's got a long landing page don't worry too much about it just paste it in and away you go and look for entities of significance i'm not sure if you want to mention the c word in your adverts but um [Music] we've got things like people partner unemployment accident heart attack uh and then sentiment so what we're doing here so this is the top ranking search organic search result and this this shows you all the positive negative language with inside that page so you can start to essentially scalp positive sentiment so you can see i mean literally open a notepad and start taking notes so what's positive what's negative that's positive oh my god click the bloody mouse and what else there you go what else all right so building up a picture of positive sentiment and i didn't tell you this would be easy if you want to win it's not easy but do this with the ads so let's just go back to the don't click your competitors ads hover over the link and in the bottom of the screen as you can see it tells you where the page is so just type it in um don't click on their ads and i know it takes more effort but you don't want them doing it to use don't do it to them but again copy and you can do this for headlines but here's the thing that stands out sorry is numbers notice that numbers are a recurring theme um and again sentiment compare the best quotes take that and go back to your notepad and say a voila and do the same he's quite skinny skinny ass essentially location another one that will crop up in the entities so mentioning location is a good thing so it's got a good score immediate cover pretty positive but what's really positive is this line great value cover widest choice um but you get the idea and if we go back to the account we can look at the our ad copy some of our ad copy and see notice how there's no end no major entities and it's not actually that positive there is one positive high sentiment so yeah you can use the entities a little bit and sentiment and also categories how is it categorizing if you notice any weird categorization it probably means that there's a misunderstanding in the language but google's using the the natural language engine to understand ads just in the way it understands organic so you can use this on the organic results because they are ranking at the top for a reason google trusts them it likes them it thinks they're relevant in fact they're probably arguably often more relevant than the ads because they're not paid for people can mess the ads up so a few key takeaways find and major entities that you're not mentioning we saw there something like that the numbers and location make quite a difference to the uh entities and sentiment the the this positive sentiment in there that you can take away and reuse yourself obviously tweak and change to suit your adverts and do the same for the organic search results as well so essentially take the best bits and create an even better version for yourself
Channel: Ed Leake
Views: 11,328
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: google ads, adwords, quality score, ad relevance, quality score how to, adwords qs, improve quality score, quality score optimization, quality score analysis, how to improve quality score
Id: 0s8mCdxvorU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 7sec (487 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 19 2021
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