*IMPOSSIBLE* Fortnite Prison Escape! (Dungeon Prison v3)

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now before this map starts guys I do want to warn you this could take several hours the last one the first one we did took two hours the second one took us like three be prepared for this yeah alrighty ladies and gentlemen welcome to pod three of the dungeon prison escape this is the third pot in the series and is probably going to be the most frustrating one if you guys want to play it for yourself here is the island code if you guys do end up playing it make sure to support a creator for this guy Ward Andrew he's makes absolute Bangor Maps today I'm playing here with boomer and Alex you guys will check them out link in the description you're always ready to uh lose your mind a little bit I solve every puzzle I'm scared that's how I felt in the first and the second one I ended up defeated on both of them so it's gonna keep here with the batch boys and we might be able to do this so I think the first thing we're gonna do is try and escape the cells have changed a lot it's ones on fire kind of hate to warn you guys but I am garbage alright but if we want to finish this in under three hours we really gotta grind I'm not even kidding yeah so that looks like the way there Alex that looks like the way to the top this looks right you guys are making progress already of course always if you guys enjoyed today's video make sure to leave a like rating down below and subscribe for our pain that will you know down at Beverly inevitably come through all right where we going from here we're down into the mapmaker he likes to make a lot of false positives you know he likes to make you think you're on the right way but you're actually not so just make sure you keep that Oh God in mine alright so this could be the way but it could also not be by checkpoint in here wait Bravo I got it perfect Oh twelve parts together fourth the to the Jesus what is this I'm sure he has good English but to beast completed find us the first five in the lava castle twelve parts you'll prosper you kidding me that's ridiculous there is a door there ok bye don't know how we get to the door whoa okay that's bait alex has been baited oh but there's a way to you can you can still get through here yeah okay these blocks weird when do they add these blocks they're like weird blocks I think they've just recently added them but by the way guys you can actually break Flags I don't know if that helps but I'm trying to like bait this trap watch out those traps so I'm trying to like bait it and then see what's the other side okay I'm getting back on get back on get back I guess scary so I'm gonna bait it again okay nothing on this side okay bait it and I think I stole like a little yeah I get on this ledge all right this is dubs so you bait that trap and jump on this little ledge I'll do the honors alright wait what I'm good I'm good you're good you're good more areas there's more areas but I think I can get through that next pop I just do this yeah try going oh don't do that don't go there boys there's a jigsaw piece oh alright no ice oh that's one of the parts of it good stuff everyone's gotta grab it to build the crossbow I'm pretty sure let's go okay sorry it's okay that's the way out that's the way out and there's like a throne room here right nice work boys only 11 pieces really all right good stop good small moons good spot hey now what's yeah I feel like they might trying to be something between these little Thrones here alright checkpoint I think you were rising you know place like a dead end alright I'm more of these orange cubes I'm waiting for the surprise in them oh I found our secret entrance exit or enter okay whatever you want to call that this is amazed boys oh I think I found an exit but is it the right one we'll have to find out oh oh that's a trap that's trap oh I found a cobweb in the door all right can we get oh you can open the cobwebs nice yes all right I still haven't seen any security yet sir oh I found something guys get in here all right I'm coming I found an item for our journey Oh chillerz okay love that don't how many it's an item spawner so I don't know only one wait Oh everyone grab I'll take a couple yeah Oh Giggy makes me feel like um banjo kazooie yeah oh jeez voice okay theory theory theory theory what if we were to go from here chill here because it looks like there's a chiller icon on the floor and chill and then build momentum to make it all the way over but you're gonna be hitting you jumps and I can't hit my jumps but I feel like that might be away you know Oh guys I made it make sure to jump to the left or when you make it okay and done I just need to get off the rip oh I'm safe well done gang bouncers oh and there's the second jiggy all right perfect now what do we do with the bouncer to get somewhere we only got one makes you guys get a couple I'm sure it'll spawn in like a minute well maybe we're only meant to get one and it's just to get back all right well that kind of sucks all right back to square one boys we didn't go this way did we we got this way yeah no we didn't yeah well okay the other way all right you got the other stairs someone go those stairs put off cover more ground take it like advantage of our numbers okay so this is where the third jiggy was Oh check it love that okay Oh Oh a shopping cart these are always crucial for getting into spots you can't normally get to and then you're like park it up against this yeah actually I love that ready I think I might be good enough give that a shot oh it's so close only we could there we go that's perfect that's perfect this is the door with the checkpoints oh my look at that oh there's the fourth jiggy Oh what we do like jump off the car or something like I see a little platform here there's one wall with no trap and oh yeah the door there oh it's very close yeah I feel like if we brought it back up the hill a little bit oh no it's enough all right what do I do here and how do we get boomer to let go hold a shopping cart you like bring it on an angle all right so Target and relics you've got you're gonna hold it up until we've got one else boomer come on you're gonna jump up the back of the shopping cart yeah you got this let's go all right oh this one's like a jump and release kind of odd he he'd jump for that boomer you can right I got that course all right should we try like Allah so he put it on the side so that we can jump off it maybe it's it's unpossible Kim Possible all right let's break it down to the physics voice cuz we're not doing that right now what do we do differently yeah boomer send me send me big boy waiting God what I pick up on what did you do when you drive it so go as far as back as you can boomer and when you when he's about to let go then you just run and jump do you have a little bit of momentum okay well not not that so you brought him on the card like so I yeah I run I ran on the card so ambitious yeah yeah yes yeah yeah that's exactly all right it was weird with Alex it looks like it just launched him off it was super weird oh my go yeah yeah that's gold okay that was uh that was interesting uh I'm going to check points so we can help boomer there's a trap here I don't know why we need a trap where's the checkpoint for boomer is this way is this is there anything we need here it because if we don't we maybe we don't even need boomer here actually there is this oh no that's what we came from oh then I don't think remember I don't think you need to be here we got the chickie and just double check because we don't wanna get back here right like we don't want to do that why did he give us damage traps what could we possibly need with damage traps 2000 years later okay here we go here we go oh oh oh it's possible boys it's possible it's possible it oh wait might be able to here we go oh no I didn't you know it'd be bad if you get the checkpoint fell back down on this checkpoint you'd actually yeah I imagine okay this is weird this is weird I'm coming in oh yeah oh my god at the same time all right here we go boys coming in no oh it's it feels really good and the best part is now there's only two people in your way all right I'm coming in here we go slow down slow down slow down all right all right boomer you got this feeling it yep slow down slow down slow down slow down all right things you love to see boomer combing in Hong Kong all right now where oh I hear security good just what we need to trap this is what we need to trap no one brought the trap wait wait I can get the traffic surely me putting it in and out of my inventory gives it hot for a second you know mean ready and jump and drop yeah yeah yeah yeah you're so smart we are so small I care what they says now so I think we need to put that trap on this guy cause I'm saying it was an accident okay it was an accident close that door real quick all right ready open it up ah got him when does he die I don't I don't know it's not working he's dead garden boys are the things you'd like to see okay there's the jiggy the fifth one oh I think we're gonna destroy that destroy it with your pickaxe power all right and now I stop it with my thickness and I'm dead okay what happened to traps break or something how is it not maybe you're gonna throw your traps down there to like destroy it or I feel like the traps were meant to be used here to try and destroy it so that it destroys it the team team Cole was putting a trap down Tim Cole I think I don't think so because you have this yeah I feel like that just thinking perspective of a solo player how would a solar player do this they need something to kill it all right you ready here we go three two one I jumped on the back an accident or maybe you just have to time it and jump normally and try to get it all right this doesn't seem to be working so I'm gonna try out the trap place it right there team team are careless I don't know if it'll do it yet though because right here I just is it Harding they think yes it is I just you have to jump oh you definitely have to jump off of it as it's coming down yeah check it do that okay yeah no I was right okay love that love that okay here we go I swear I got that is it easier to do in the middle or towards the start I heard I got this this is like a job today I know you add it on top of it but I new rule for efficiency if you fold I get well now it's just boomer there we go number six jiggy all but how do we get to it oh the new year yeah I think we're done then we're done with that area in the dungeon of giants the Heroes has to find this the three parts okay alright then oh my gosh I found it I found a place yeah how'd you get that are your friends oh okay checkpoint here that I just activated yes alright this is a dead end guess you just got to do mmm can you jump to that pillar there I think they're fake corners yeah fake corners things you hate to see can you jump through any of these or they all fake they're all fake one thing I'm gonna go do is like this car is pissed so like I'm gonna go back here because it keeps like giving me like trap notification noises so I'm just gonna like Park it where it can't respawn and then hit respawn number26 so it must be the one we're supposed to get maybe but I think it also means that there's like three in this area oh my god everybody come back into this room I found this one out on accident all right I'm gonna respawn wait do you have to respawn then he's fun like under the stairs or something yep Wow I found it out on accident I just went to go park the car and put it like away from the trap so it wasn't notifying me every time oh wow that is an IQ shift and a half like know what I was like yeah I'm not you wouldn't believe in you're like wait is it exactly this oh oh number seven we're skipping a jiggy boys no we're not weren't skipping anything wrong Oh what the hell yeah why is this her big that's a giant paraglider all right well this bouncer doesn't do anything for us cuz all the corners are paying right my gliders disappeared for my inventory they'd remove your gliders so the check point in itself is a trap oh not that doesn't fit me Oh boomer with the IQ plays there we go Wow never thought I'd see the day when boomer got you all right okay so you gonna slide somewhere or like what's the deal here okay there's a bouncer right underneath oh hey is this the dub oh yeah wow wow this bouncer right there yeah I think this might be a way to to the seventh Ziggy this way okay yeah down for jiggies jiggy's make me excited this is Big Dawg seventh Ziggy things you'll love to see all right all right let's just go here yeah we've only got two hours to finish this guy's and we're gonna need every last second Oh big room what is this so excited when they know that's a death run are you kidding me it's permanently oh yeah that reset there's a door there's a door there underneath that you meant to go on here you guys hold that down for the boys okay yeah just jump three set it yeah fall down fall down dubs yeah all right let's go bears let's go bears whoa let's go I'm six or eight checkpoint another death run boys be careful for that what's this one do all right and then what well let's see where it goes first everyone off the pad all right so guys it's just back and forth yeah back and forth you're gonna get to that right right yeah all right how do you yeah you on that chair and you go whoa yeah you be careful easy dubs Oh hurts you on that side there's a cobweb there you've got to break that immediately yeah you can cheat it you can jump over the button oh that's what I did I wasn't saying jump high IQ maneuvers well unlike you guys I have class okay great this oh well it just stopped and didn't go anyway so all right what happens there Alex press the button let's find out all right their care grinds that up checkpoint of the end there I think I've got an idea Oh IQ alright let's give the chair oh thanks boomer all right I'm on the chair good all right and then you crouch through here yeah is it gonna get me all right good all right here comes on but this time we got a car oh hell yeah okay we got to watch that you gotta watch that we really gonna watch that button alright in it boys but we all need to be in the car well we all need to be in the car to get 300 Alex is cheated the system Auto answers coming back okay it's in the safe so now let's all get in the car actually that's actually huge I'm driving norwegia we gonna get it and we gotta jump in here to jump over into the next part okay you ready okay yeah when it comes back how you went to win that because wait hold on guys I just saw something that was noticeable there's a I think that's for the if we just wrap our car I guess I know what to do let me know no no no no no no Oh boomer might be on to something there no no no no no no no here torch I bounced over it and I got a dub so you tell me Osby early oh the heat allowed it all right boys Oh are you serious a creative server will shut down in 60 minutes oh my god we can get a check points to be careful okay what's that what's that what's that what's the deal oh yeah all right jump in all right I guess you didn't need to 6-piece juggy jiggy jiggy jiggy jiggy Oh Oh what the hell there it is hold on guys hold on there is an outdoor behind it as well so that might be number eight yeah nothing it is so how do we get those we just everyone get the jiggy and then we'll ring around the back we're at seven now okay it's a rope off way and we've got an hour to do it yeah there we go there we go all righty boobs all right we need a speed round this boys we didn't even know what we're doing there's eight this is way to go out of it no help okay I don't have line but I do have them back here oh my god my oh no what I didn't get the center checkpoint guys Oh No okay so I should do that first but I've got the gliders boys he's got the gliders which I thought were contraband but I guess we I queued it so because as a hole in the back but we can't split them that's true you see that gap in the back do you mind if I grab them and try to get the piece I don't mind at all send it brother all right for science all right out through the back and in through here yeah it's literally the only way and then hide yeah what's up here there's well I think people I think to progress to the next part of the map everyone's gonna get a glider okay we need everyone down here yeah sorry I've got a checkpoint if I can get these gliders to you then we're dubs yeah but did you did I can't no well I don't know all I know is that we got it done and here I can drop these gliders down to you guys out the back with it on the throne there on the throne all right you just do get your piece and then we'll jump down the the no there we go want to go down to the bottom and the Church of the forbidden their vast but only part it's too fun I can't agree me you should be doing this they're not me do you destroy the matter I've been in their worst only one so they're saying there's only one one I feel like it's only your way Alex I don't see any other way so yeah it's a quad crash here boys love to see it okay what the actual that's what is he eating it I eat it it but I don't know what the hell it's like locked off no do we need like an impulse to free it or something when I was over when I was over there you need to get an 80 K over there because there's a bounce area gotcha so we need to free that round yes we need to free that I think we might be able to bounce it up with a little bit of a push hey like oh okay I died oh all right we're gonna try and get it oh try and get it up yes yes stop it yes stop ah it's slowly falling how much you go here you go nice alright just a guarantee we don't destroy it cuz we need to go to the left side right you're gonna burn off the traps first yeah all right you ready yep following behind me yeah yeah right boys yep don't send it send it send it love it where we going stops where would he go another quad crash reddit are there's a sec II I pretty sure I take him out right okay well he was been neutralized has respawned all right so maybe you gotta like do a thing where you go and I shootin I don't know what our objective oh I'm dead does he do anything there's a wood wall there oh okay there's a 80k there and we need that hdk to bounce us off to get there so we need to free that 80k what if you ran into old many like cause the thing - like oh here kill him kill him kill him kill yeah yeah I'm gonna kill him to kill him he doesn't that's it that's why he's not doing anything yes that's a chief okay now trying night oh you ran right through him oh no he went off Oh cuz he's a player mobile at the end of the day oh and if we get him to touch that trap that trap will activate the ATK yeah here we go you go okay wait Lok Lak me can you drive on me oh yeah you go all the way over there you stand next to him yo Majan doing this as a solar player wait what the hell all right we just need boomer to do it I had boomer die Aubry where did you get it is it free Oh Coco yes love it all right now we need to get through there go go go go go check boy all this c4 there's a him in there I just I got one in there I think that is all right that's what I meant to do with him oh and he is back wait there's nothing over here uh-huh we're trying to get through that bar and you can jump through it okay so I think this is like yeah bait and switch to blow them up and then run mean no that's so like I'm gonna I gotta see pull left yeah pass it over gotta pass it over oh no no guys so you know how Lachlan you know how you had your thing out yeah we can still actually throw it and then activate it on the other side gotcha all right here we go boys we go go go go go go go yeah what a monster all cannons I'm not gonna like that I'm gonna do more investigating by pretty sure there's a there's a way where I'm going here this is like downstairs I think it might be like taking me back to the lobby of the churches all right well I was walking down here before and I don't know if this is the way but we can go this is a great perspective this is a great it's for tonight first-person mode because the way I was looking at it it looks like this feeds back into the quad crasher area like I didn't know her but I'm pretty sure it does yeah see we're going back to the church we want to give yeah go back to church go back to church because wasn't there an area we couldn't get to there was yes facts right there all right so like just like right there so check it yeah buta oh all right fair next fair enough so that other room was probably nothing this looks we've got to get this car through here I'm pretty sure ah you know what I think you do ready what that no more speed you're right cuz look I can make it over here is that now I knew it I knew yeah yeah all right again right here oh there we go get it out of the zone or die yeah so basically just got protect the ATK right now yeah it's like it's our it's like our companion cube alright love that beautiful if this if this is for one jiggy though like they better give us two and you know they're only gonna give us one alright this looks like a cluster and with more people it'll be even more of a cluster but hey here we are just looking for the nearest bounce pad and just hope that you hit it no I got it we still haven't got the piece of jiggy yet oh I think this is a parkour you know like Bruce or something man wait no there's a tks on the side here who's gonna like chiller them off and then use them to bounce so like ready like yeah that's how it's gonna be done there Oh call me ball this I jumped away late no I didn't Park okay it pushes you to the side so make sure to fight that momentum this might be our thirty minutes here boys wait I have no I have an idea I have an idea yeah I know that could be a dub though right no cuz you can't Oh see sometimes you got to work with the IQ boys I already watched this ready watch this let's do that but then let's do that let's try and stop them no I'm saying alright we're in charge don't slow down yay big dogs boys oh wait we need to do the next one I'm out of grenades wow he's got a grenade I got an idea ready yeah okay yeah and someone push this one further backwards is that possible it's very close oh look I didn't die here yeah sometimes she's just gotta bang out the iqs and we've been doing it for about three hours straight just chilling boys is chilling the critical thinking required for this map is actually unbelievable and I doubt he is whoa what the hell oh okay I didn't think was gonna let me have that all right doves someone's clean here and there's tables these what could you possibly need a clinger for so we're going to cling the shopping cart as it blows up down there okay that's not good all right hey there's a jigida okay yeah we have to somehow get the shopping cart over here here here here I got an idea okay I see what we're gonna do we gotta get it to that like use the snow all died oh I see what you're doing yeah yeah here I'll jump in ah I'll get in it oh oh that's how you do it though that's how we do it there here just everyone clean the back of it ready and yeah let it rip I don't even think we need the snow yeah dogs let's get it what's this number nine okay number nine G's you still need three more we got half an hour and do it that was the hardest jiggy piece ever this looks very hard okay what's that dude what is this dude does that move the car no we got to like get on there and jump out that oh I feel like that moves the car yeah that moves the car and you better like be here and ready to jump and get on there ah that was the one there that was easy because the traps weren't gonna kill it what it bounced me backwards got it dubs all right let's go boys Oh dubs is Thank You booms wait we can just drop him a jumper IQ movements to cheat the system because we don't have time all right lets me make quick moves it's like dropper map it's like chopper map well okay it's easy to drop her map there I can match in the easiest version those bikes get bleeped I don't get you because you've already got pause guys I think we went the wrong way hold on I think the checkpoints been activated it does look activated but we'll probably get to keep our pads will probably get to keep our pads is the dog oh my god do you though well I think we've been here I don't think we've been here this looks new okay it's back at the church and yes I kept the pads so now we're gonna take these pads somewhere boys yeah what's up Alex where we going yes follow me boys I didn't see anything in here follow me x marks the spot put down a jump at there oh how we meant to know that yeah I don't know go ahead and place another mark for your boy here hi okay yeah how you like I guess yeah I guess yeah wait a minute we make it all the way to the end I guess I bounced pads there there's ten way it oh we do everybody launch pads Oh No Oh yikes can you make that Alex I want to go commit not living I don't understand did we mess something up you can definitely not make it but watch your boy yes all can sit here oh oh I don't feel like an idiot Yeah right here jump as you're jumping like Oh does that work for launchpads I didn't know it worked for launchpads so I don't know how to get down there though ha ha ha they get that checkpoint ok I think maybe you can fly all the way over I feel like give you the perfect jump though you might be able to glide over just like this don't on them like that you know I'm saying it's like those guys we've made it to the end no in coffee that must be babe to be continued wait do we play an unfinished map it's a troll it's a troll oh equal at which our journey hath seemed over the Harris half felt gone to the dungeon waste fooling these folk wait what are you doing down there I don't know I made it though and I have bounced pads I guess well we've only got 17 minutes to hustle and what do we do with these bounce pass to be maneuver around the ice here or like what we're going back in going back in really got 60 minutes back in and then you gotta like like this is there's no way we would have been able to find this out like yeah we may have looked up a few more have looked up a few parts but this is extra stuff that there's just no way we would have ever known yeah this looks entually yeah no it's really hard but above the jump pad if we use if we use jump pad to get all the way the batter up up on noon I'll show you guys I'll show ya when I get back there I got rid of the banner that was a bad idea okay all but it got rid of my buzz pads no yeah no you need to save the MOSFETs so you know the jump add that like we took to get up to the tenth level all the way way back we need to put a bounce pad up there to get to the higher higher level oh right here I see it yes yeah so there's a wall that you're gonna have to put your bouncers Yeah right here okay yeah yeah man okay I missed it I didn't miss it that time all right I'll pop up a book okay you need to do like the bounce trick cuz I didn't get it there I got it I think I got it Dobbs okay Lachlan we're gonna have to make it we're gonna have to make some money moves there did the last part of the crossbow oh my god yes I have the bouncers to get over there you guys it place enough bouncers over here get more balancers there you need one more bouncer to get over it I don't know how you guys made it over without it we did it because we love you Alex how do we get through up there we go is follow me pal all right I will follow you check my hair yet not this is it oh there's a boom bah Jesus right no we're gonna do here lucky no I don't what you do what are you doing what I guess oh okay we got cleaners as well oh there we go rumors okay I'm using the boom boxes in combination with the cleaners nice it's it's almost over honestly I'm stacking cleaners okay well you can't do too many cuz otherwise it died oh there we go okay boom bucket it with some saloon jams yeah that's gonna push it back yeah okay bouncing hit some boobs yeah come through all the way through boomer and I get it over yep that looks good beautiful all right perfect we've got a dumper boomer - what do we do here we're gonna move what we see for ya we're gonna move with c4 that's the only oh no no no no no no no no what we gonna do here's what we gotta do Lachlan yeah yeah I'd catch it we have to catch it Midway dude oh my it's it looks possible but Jesus Christ is out of mechanic Oh oh wow all right it's in that back yep here yep pull in there and then you jump and blow it up wait there's dogs here guys no no buddy no [Applause] that's a lie honestly guys you just want to remain in prison Prison sounds pretty cool yeah you know what they know what those of you guys we're watching you never get to experience the end you got to go do it yourself yeah have fun deeper meaning in this video what did we learn today all right you gotta go do it yourself yeah do it yourself oh I'm gonna go eat McDonald's I think after that one [Music]
Channel: Lachlan
Views: 6,937,350
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lachlan lachy fortnite battle royale pubg battlegrounds, fortnite battle royale, fortnite, fortnite prison escape, fortnite prison escape wertandrew, fortnite dungeon escape
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 47sec (2447 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 14 2019
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