*ESCAPE ROOM* Role in Among Us

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so dudes welcome to one of the most fun and intense mods we've ever made this is the escape room you place down traps you go to the cameras to control those traps there's also a death run mini game where you try to survive dude stick around for my turn to be the escape master this gets down to the very end and also don't escape that like button let's get to 70 000 likes in one day hit the subscribe button hope you enjoy all right boys it's escape room time i'm scared welcome test subjects oh no this is one of the more unique mods we've came up with okay wait look at this look look look real quick for you guys as always this is how it's played i'm a crew member i have all these tasks right up over here in the bottom left if i finish all these tasks rest of the crew members finish all their trying to fill the screen bar we win the game the imposter is an escape room master look at this look at this trap this is actually insane stick around for my turn to be the imposter oh gosh i got some good combos i want to try out careful don't get hit get down here boom i saved him i saved him with the sledgehammer he was drowning so there's a random sledgehammer that can spawn around the map that's oh guys touch it guys touch it guys if you know what an escape room is hit the like button down below i think i've done one and i actually we actually beat it because we're [ __ ] what does that mean down here i got a sledgehammer yes so if anybody gets trapped in the water trap i can break up minigame [Music] get out you bots oh i'm zapping everyone so it's between henry and loaf now oh can we henwy no and we won so henry gets to choose one person to kill me i love you henry you're the best oh henry you monster okay so nico is poisoned he will die but one of you guys can suck the poison out of him but you have a 50 50 chance of dying i gotta do all these tests i gotta do all these tasks i gotta [Music] oh my goodness where [Applause] [Music] all right everybody keep an eye on loaf okay okay okay so if i didn't do those three tasks fast enough i would have just got shot by those lasers how close were you to dying right there dude i don't even know i'm just [ __ ] can we that's annoying that was kind of wait wait can you only activate the traps when you're the game master yes so you're clear okay okay i'm no longer sauce of you i'm no longer oh wait wait can i hammer myself out can i hear myself out oh my goodness do you know that you could see the game masters room yeah dude it's pretty lit man yeah over here dude this is so taking somebody up here right now is somebody up here right now oh he's there he's there he's there oh ah so you and me and you are clear but and people are dying down here including me pat i am not going to take that poison from you gary take the poison from him i'll do it he died in water here we go 50 50 chance one go oh come on let's see oh i'm sorry gary thank you i won't and amber died in the he drowned in the water pat pat you need to do those three tests now pledge flush how do you put together a burger did you just go on a rampage what is this i wanted to kill everybody as fast as possible all right let's wait for my turn to be the imposter all right who's the trapper now who is i am a trapper welcome test subject oh boy oh you got the sledgehammers so nobody can see that nobody can see okay let's kill lights let's kill lights and then i can teleport to the room now look at this this is the room where i where i so if i go to the poison trap here's flico i hit the bomb no he just got poisoned he just got poisoned okay no somebody sucked the venom out oh no okay okay i'm gonna put a water trap there let's put a laser trap there let's put a spike trap there and then let's put a poison trap lights perfect perfect perfect okay let's teleport back out to give myself an alibi okay i just gotta wait mate wait for the nobody saw that nobody saw that it bear it hello what's up nerd no you're wait what do you want information what information which information what did you just fart on me he just farted on me dude okay so i have traps everywhere i just have to make sure that i hit him okay i have a poison trap right there ian looks dead wait loaf died how did loaf die okay i got all my traps i gotta get back there i gotta get back to the teleport room perfect okay okay so if i have the poison trap there let's turn off the lights here we go here we go why have these lights keep going okay think i'll fix them up real quick what's that noise oh no oh no i'm poisoned let's get this spike let's get this right there she sucked out the poison oh no i missed it oh let's place another trap there another trap there that's perfect and then another water trap up there so nobody can go up there okay okay let's look at let's look at uh spike traffic in a situation like that oh oh my god i'm sorry i would have helped you if i could dude what am i saying oh put another one there that's such a good spot okay i'm gonna do the mini game now i'm gonna do the mini game and whoever wins this mini game gets to choose somebody else to die but if i put somebody as the game master it doesn't clear me so i'm going to put sigils as the game master oh no no no no no no no no no no no no no wow all right just keep running just keep running just keep running just keep running just keep running come on [Laughter] oh oh no wait did nobody make it who made it who won wait who won oh three two one who won gary won gary gets to choose someone gary listen listen girl you know who i'm going to kill who you're going to kill the weakest link oh no phil's oh did he suck the poison out of somebody it looks like no i don't get it just don't die to the poison okay so i have one there one there one there and where's wait where's the laser trap crap where's the laser trap put that right there perfect okay let's go here let's go here let's go here let's teleport let's teleport and then let's do reactor that's the reactor and i'm gonna sit here and wait for faster than you dummy help what is this wait gary visit gary gary you don't have much time okay i'm done i'm good he didn't know that little turd market okay let's place one right there we'll place one right there okay okay okay let's do lights let's do lights and then we'll poison we're gonna hit somebody with the poison wait let's do let's look at this perfect slide i missed it okay let's go to poison i think it's sad oh no oh i might die if i do this but you know what i'm doing this for you i i'm doing this for you come on no oh this is not good oh this is not good at all okay let's place that there place that there let's put the spike let's check the spike make sure he's coming as soon as somebody comes down by the spike i'm gonna i'm gonna say dude this is such a hard mod i'm gonna survive oh no let's put another spike down there go to this bite go to this bike okay we got it we got that there where's the water water's up there okay i'm gonna call oxygen let's called oxygen perfect okay we got the water we got the water down now get driver get the hammer what are you doing look up let's go look [Music] [Applause] [Laughter] [Music] myself an alibi i'm going to go get myself an alibi i'm going to sit down here and i'm going to run up i gotta give myself an alibi okay let's put another water trap down hello banana buddy wait gary drowned did i oh my back okay guys listen listen listen listen listen listen i have a question yes uh foot you know what i mean okay that was really one of us we were all literally right there like you know and the lights just went off well that's not my fault it's not oh i just like okay you know what i'm leaving all of you i literally hate all of you i don't even know oh no so you said you said you said gary died where right here oh [Music] i'm sorry [Music] let's teleport let's go to the spike i hate this especially when there's trash there's traps it's so dark somebody's poisoned oh no there's no more traps oh they sucked the poison out they died okay okay i'm gonna put a trap right there let's put another trap right there so nobody can press the button nobody can press the button nobody can press the button okay okay okay make sure all my traps are down make sure my traps are down okay let's look at water water's there so if i do o2 they can't press the button and then i'm going to hit somebody with the water i'm gonna hit somebody with the water no no that's the guy with the sledgehammer okay i got another trap here but did i already get that one no they already got it okay there's somebody with a sledgehammer walking go go get this out in case we get trapped [Music] i love this spot so much okay let's put that spike trap right there just in case somebody tries to go to the button just in case somebody tries to go to the button i will hit them [Music] [Laughter] you can why are you serious i knew you were gonna go to the button guys hit the like button if you haven't joined this mod hit the subscribe button if you're new around here click this next video to watch the next video and as always let us know some more mod ideas you guys have down in the comments that was fun
Channel: SSundee
Views: 10,150,748
Rating: 4.9478827 out of 5
Id: HFPjwdw3048
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 0sec (900 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 11 2021
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