Import OVA into Proxmox VE

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hello everybody Welcome to my latest video today we're going to be looking at bringing an OVA or ovf file into proxmox and getting the VM booted this is generally going to be a Time Saver and the process has changed a little bit since I made a previous video on this subject let's get into it so step one of course is going to be downloading the OVA file we're here on TurnKey we're going to search for core because that's going to be a small VM image to download we'll go ahead and click on that and instead of downloading the iso image we're actually going to go with the older version and we're going to download the OVA file now of course we're going to blow this away after it's done because there's a new version they just don't have the pre-built VM available for it at this point in time go ahead and download save it to downloads and that is going to finish here momentarily okay step two is copy that file to the proximox machine and for this we're going to use SCP secure copy first we need to find our OVA image and we can see the turnkey core there and we're going to say SCP secure copy we're going to give the name of the file turn key and tab completion we'll finish the typing for you and where do we want to copy it to we're going to copy it to root at and then the IP address of the proximox server colon slash TMP slash it's going to copy it over the network to the temp directory on the proximox machine um oops help if I typed in the right IP address and that's going to copy and it's done step three connect to the proxmox machine via SSH and we're going to move to the temp folder and if we list the files we're going to see that we do in fact have TurnKey core listed there now an OVA file is a zipped file that has other components of the virtual machine contained within that zip file so we're going to use the command tar Dash xvf turnkey and it's going to extract that file and as you can see we've got three files listed we can actually look at the contents of the ovf file and it's just an XML file that lists out all of the options step four importing the ovf into proxmox in a fashion that it can be used and so we're going to say qm import ovf we're going to give it an unused VM number ID number one five zero two zero okay then we need to specify the ovf file TurnKey core 16.1 Buster AMD 64 ovf the next parameter we need to specify the storage pve01 store which is what I named the storage on this proxbox node and then I'm not sure if this part is going to work so but we'll try it Double Dash format Q cow 2. and so that should import the VM into proxmox and convert the vmdk file into a qcow 2 format and it appears that it has successfully completed let's move on to step five and finish prepping in the graphical interface okay so here we are in the graphical interface of proxbox it did in fact bring the VM in as TurnKey core we are going to go into options and the first thing we're going to do is we're going to rename that so it's not all uppercase turn key core 16.1 and it doesn't like the spaces so we'll just take the spaces out and the next thing we need to do is check out Hardware and if you've got an Eagle Eye you can see something that's missing here the one issue that I've seen in doing this a few times now is that it is not bringing in by default a network device so we need to add the VM Bridge and that and finally I just want to take a look at options and boot order and verify that it is in fact set to boot from the scuzzy zero disk first and we can also see here that it did in fact convert that to a q cow 2. disk format we can go ahead and close that and here we go step six the acid test let's see if we can boot it and it booted to the first boot configuration sequence so we are in luck and this is ready to go through the rest of the configuration which you've seen in other videos and it can be used now the great thing is that from this point you can bring in other VMS and make those usable in proxbox as well so I will put some information in the description on the command format and I will also link to an article that has some has a little bit more of a write-up that you may find useful and that my friends will bring us to the end of another video I hope you found this useful if you did please take a moment like subscribe and I will see you in the next video have a great day
Channel: Practical IT with Jeremy Leik
Views: 13,845
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: converting ova to proxmox vm, import OVA into proxmox, import ovf into proxmox, importing OVA into Proxmox, importing virtual appliances into proxmox, importing vmware ova to proxmox, ova to proxmox conversion, proxmox, proxmox import ova, proxmox ova, proxmox ovf import, proxmox ve ova import, proxmox ve virtual machine import, proxmox virtual machine migration, proxmox virtualization, virtual machine import, virtual machine migration to proxmox ve
Id: EqGJYU96l0Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 54sec (474 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 21 2023
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