Proxmox Import Disk // Step-by-Step Guide for VMDK and Disk Migration from Any Virtual Environment

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we have seen in previous video that how we can import the OVA or open Virtual Appliance into your proxmox environment we used ovf file to use the configuration and using that configuration the VM was created and then that VM already had the disk attached in this video we'll see how we can import disk to existing VM so there are various files which we got from OVA we extracted and these files are available here and one of the files is vmdk it could be any file format it could be vmdk it can be qc2 or it could be even raw dis so depending upon the type of virtual machine that you have exported I'll create a new virtual machine I'll be attaching this vmdk which is bootable and my VM will start booting from this particular disk so in order to do that first of all I'll be creating the virtual machine inside the PVE so this is my proxmox vult environment two nodes are there in this node I'll be creating a new VM click on create VM and this I'll be giving a name 302 so 301 which I imported from the virtual machine 302 I'll be creating and this will be import this tutorial and I'll not be using any media with this next I'll use the default settings for the system next disk for the time being I'll be using local lvm 1GB just for creating the virtual machine click next and CPU I'll be using default here memory I'll be using 1 GB and network I'll be keeping it like this and I'll show you we'll add more network devices into it right now let it let it be one only confirm you will see all the configuration here and finish now I'll go to the VM which has been created 302 this is the VM ID and I'll go to Hardware you can see directly I'm into Hardware I don't need CD here because I'm not going to install anything into this using the ISO file so I don't need CD here and and I don't need this hard disk also here because this hard disk which was created and if you see here I'll take you to the local lvm this hard disk 32 dis 0 is 1 GB I will just remove it you can't directly remove it from here you have to remove it from the virtual machine I'll just go here to Virtual Machine Hardware I'll be just detaching this first and once it is detached I'll be just removing this now you can see that this particular virtual machine doesn't have any hard disk and I'll also add one more Network because this is net zero which is connected to vmbr0 I'll be adding one more Network here which will be connected to vm1 because the virtual appliance that I'm going to install or the operating system that I'm going to install is a firewall operating system which is Vos it needs internal and external two network cards click on ADD now you can see here that two network cards are available here and you can see here scuzi controller and the disk will be attached to it so I won't be removing this it is fine now you can see here that my virtual machine is ready I'm ready now to import the disk which was already there vmdk which is here this is now ready to be imported into my virtual machine and if I go to local lvm you will see here that 302 doesn't have any dis so there is no dis available right now so I'll go here to PVE click on shell and in Shell as I mentioned earlier in the previous lecture that folder where I'm adding all the files is V R Li VZ and upload so I can open that folder directly here into my proxmox virtual environment so type in CD which is to change the directory /v Li VZ and inside VZ we have various folders of course if I show you the list these are all the folders I'll be changing the directory to upload and you will see here list of files LS so this vmdk is available right one thing which I mentioned in the previous Le also I'll repeat that again the storage that I'm having right now internally it has two one is local lvm which is lvm thin and it supports the disk images and containers of course in tras also I can add disk images and containers if I want so for example disk images I can add the disk images and which will support multiple formats but if I add any disk image into the network storage or into any external environment it will be very slow in order to have a better performance we must create the diss within the local network and if you are having the sand storage of course that is a different story now for the home lab local lvm will be used and this local lvm will support of course multiple formats depending upon how you have done the installation there are three different formats which you can create one is raw one is vmdk and another is qc2 these all are having different features and I have explained all of that in the video which is then the link is provided in the description where you'll understand that in which scenarios you should use which format I'll be using raw format because raw has a better performance better speed and right now also my storage doesn't support any other format if I go here to 302 machine and if I want to add manually a hard disk for this and I'll choose for example local lvm you can see here that the format which is locked is raw disk RW so it doesn't support any other format as of now because of my configuration for the local storage and if I show you tress of course it supports all other formats also qc2 and vmdk and I'm not going to of course create from here I'm going to import that disk so now enough Theory let us go practical and we'll import that disk which is already there in the folder called upload and I'll be importing this vmdk into 302 machine which is just created and you can see here import this tutorial and I'll be importing that into the raw form so let's run the command here we'll be using qm import disk so import disk is the command which will help help you to import the dis and where we want to import we want to import into 302 which is the VM ID and from where we want to import of course we already have the path defined here we are already into that path and our commands are running in this path so we don't need to mention the path again here we are into the same directory and from this directory we want to import this particular disk so this is the vmdk I'll simply copy this and paste it over here or you can type it by yourself here we have mentioned that import the disk into 302 and this is the disk and where this dis will be now imported into of course as I mentioned we have multiple storage devices here and I want to import this disk into local lvm local lvm is supporting all the VM discs so I'll be just mentioning Here Local lvm which is my destination where the dis will be created and now the important part here of course as I mentioned that this local lvm is only supporting raw format and if I simply enter this command it will automatically create the raw format only but if you have a storage that is supporting multiple formats and you want to force that that the new format will be created of your choice so then you can mention that but right now I don't want vmdk to be created as a vmdk I want this to be changed to Raw format so at the same time I can mention Double Dash format and here what will be the format it will be raw so that's it this is the command that you'll be using to import the disk into your existing virtual machine so your virtual machine 302 is there so I'll be just pressing enter and now it will start importing this that's it you can see successfully imported disk as unused and if I go here to diss you will see here 302 disk is now added which is 10.74 GB so what we'll do here now of course this command has done its job and we cannot simply run this over vir machine because right now the disk is added but this is disk is not attached it is unused dis if I click this Hardware you can see here unused disk it has not been added into it so I'll be double clicking this and now I'll click on ADD now the disk has been linked here you can see local lvm the dis is already added to it right now we have not mentioned that virtual machine has to boot from this disk so how we'll do that we'll go to options and click on boot order and now you can see here these are multiple devices from where the system is going to boot you can see here right now it is trying to boot from Network and we don't want that we want to boot from the scuzi and I'll disable the network bring to the top we of course do from here only and click on okay hard disk is ready now we are ready to start this machine I'll click on console and at the same time I'll start this machine now here you can see Vos 1.3.5 for VMware and without any issues it has started working and if you see here in the discs in local lvm PVE dis type 302 it is raw disk format so this is how we can import the disk you can import any disk to any virtual machine with the help of qm import dis command and the format that I have provided I have also provided the list of all the commands with in the description so you can just look at it many virtual appliances are supporting vmdk raw and even qc2 so you are having flexibility of importing the disk of course the configuration of VM has to be taken care of now the VM is running this is Vos if you want to know what is Vos I have provided the link in the description and I have shown you how we can start using Vos as your router and firewall to secure your network let's move to another lecture now
Channel: syncbricks
Views: 1,122
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Proxmox Import, Proxmox Import Disk, Proxmox Import VMDK, Virtual Appliance Migration, Virtualization Tutorial, Proxmox Tutorial, Disk Migration, Hyper-V to Proxmox, VMware to Proxmox, IT Management, Virtualization Best Practices, proxmox, linux, proxmox ve, proxmox import vmdk, proxmox import, proxmox import disk, vmdk proxmox, convert vmdk to qcow2, conver disk, qcow2, vmdk, raw, disk, convert
Id: VlPMNgCg-ck
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 12sec (612 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 13 2024
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