Import any model into Daz (easy) Daz

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okay here's a real quick one we're going to learn how to import assets from other programs like if you download uh a model from Turbo squared or renderosity or wherever it is uh and it's in the form of an fbx or obj and it's not a Daz file and this is just an easy way of doing it you download the file obviously you unzip it you get the model which I have of uh here so I've got the 4K fbx this is one of mine I'll put the link down below you can use it to test this out or use it in your works whatever I don't care and here's all the maps for it so basically what I want to do is go to file import and you'll either get an obj or fbx in this case it's an fbx and you can import it'll give you options if you do have animation you can click this one but we don't have animation that's just a static asset and same thing with polygroups uh if it does have polygroups you can import that to bring in the polygroups with it but for now we're just going to take it like that I'm going to say accept and there it is okay so uh relatively straightforward and simple but now let's say it's an obj okay let's say it's an obj and it's not coming in like it looks like it's in but it's just completely see-through all that means is uh it's not working properly open up blender say file import your obj or whatever it is in this case okay this is an fbx but usually it would be an obj that gives you crap and then you can let me just go looking for it we'll put where did that put it downloads the assets okay so over here and then I'm just gonna all you'll do is import it and you would take that exact same thing there whatever you select it and you'll say file uh export they exporte as an fbx or an obj okay you're you're exported and then it'll be fine it'll work perfectly okay sometimes I don't know why that happens but uh if it doesn't happen with you and you don't see it in the seats or whatever that's what you got to do you're all good you're all good bruh then all you got to do is go uh click on your Poseidon thingy go into the surfaces and open up it'll have the material list for you and then it's all good it's all good there's the base color you can just drop it straight into base color and you can start seeing what's happening uh emissive if you've got emissive fine or good or whatever and and it's the same with all the other Maps Okay so we've got a missive we've got height we've got metal if if it's not there don't worry about it it's it's all good uh it's it's fine you know you can convert mass but I'm not going to get into that right now uh there's the normal map we can shove in the normal map uh where is where was it where was it there's a normal map uh we've got the roughness which I think was up here somewhere specular strengths glossiness right glossiness is your roughness okay boom and you get your thingama Bobby which is pretty cool so uh uh I mean it's pretty straightforward you can just uh drag and drop a import your your thinking about Bobby and you should be good to go okay everything else is pretty straightforward I think the only thing is uh I suppose where's the I don't even think it's got it in here in this uh material remember you can swap out materials you can't give it a different material if you go up to uh files and all files oh where where you just go to materials and then these are all the kind of materials you can get and if you put uh Uber or Ira Ira maybe is it array uh uh you should uh cut down there's a lot of okay just type in Uber Uber uh come on man are you kidding me just just oh no okay then this must be somewhere else so let's show in assets browse to follow casual men's what about here if I go to materials over here materials [Music] uh what are we looking for oh shaders shutters I'm very sorry shutters if you go to shaders then you get all your different kinds of shaders that you can apply to this thing so if I wanted to play this one I could just click on that click on this this thing over here and just double click the Uber base and then it opens up the Uber base so over here you've got a mission which means then you can start putting in things like like the emissive one over here boom and put this all the way up to whatever color you want and you should start getting a mission there we go so you start getting kind of Ahmed you start getting a mission on your on your thing emission temperature and you can start getting all the little glows and stuff luminance boom you can start bumping up your luminance and all that kind of stuff and then you'll start getting your glows and stuff okay so uh very straightforward all you got to do is just uh bump it up bump it up a lot um uh import your thing in my body okay import your object and then you can just drag and drop the materials in the right place go to your surfaces drag and drop your your materials and I don't know why this isn't working why isn't this working anyone anyone can anyone give me a clear answer why this ain't working okay I mean I got my day of my mission we got them die in my mission why ain't that dude Wayne dead working uh oh because there is no mission all right if I put in a different map there we go okay so it is working uh but my emissive map has got nothing on it right people so I hope that helps even if it's an fbx with joints if you've got a character from another place you can import that entire fbx and it's fine you can still rotate the joints and do whatever you want with it in the parameter section you can still do all of the joints click a joint rotate all this kind of stuff it's not going to have the ik or anything but uh you know you could set all of that up but that's a whole new ball game people stay at the home group right I hope this helps and uh thanks for watching and I'll speak to you later bye guys
Channel: imagine everything
Views: 11,112
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Animation, 3d, vfx, motion graphics, 2d, daz 3d, daz, maya, unreal, UE5, blender, painter, photoshop, lectures, tutorials, How to
Id: 9puFgmSWLEk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 28sec (388 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 19 2022
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