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welcome back stoner squad and thank you for joining me today to start our very first imperative room achievement hunt run in 2.0 now a while back i sent out a community message to you guys asking you to vote on which achievement you would like me to go for and you all overwhelmingly voted for the hall of the mountain king which is as armenia have a level 15 fort this sounds super fun and i'm really looking forward to this one i've never played armenia before and it does open up a lot of possibilities we are surrounded by the salute kids who are just next door to us who are probably going to be one of our enemies to the west we have the antigone kingdom depending on how they fare could be a menace and then like in our immediate vicinity we have pontus siberia albania atropine cappadocia a lot of the smallest states that do offer us some form of potential expansion all in all i am really looking forward to this it is the first real big massive achievement run that we will be doing in 2.0 uh with the heirs of alexander dlc enabled also so we have access to great wonders and i am immensely looking forward to it and i hope you guys are as well and if you are really looking forward to this series then please hit that like button down below and if you want to be notified if any more important room content then please don't forget to hit that subscribe button and of course bang on the notification bell but anyway let's go through the topography here so we are playing as armenia of course um and of course we are currently a major power at the start of the game which is fairly useful actually because it does increase our integrated called your happiness by four percent increases our capital input which by two integration speed is also increased but so is on the wages for characters which is a little bit of a pain uh diplo relations are plus two which is cool more political influence per monthly generated to the t of ten percent we have ten percent minus ten percent watercolor cost and extra diplo range which is nice however our loyalty of generals animals and governors is all reduced slightly as well as the threshold for civil war but the change govern the policy cost is reduced by 10 um so let's check what our heritage is here we have a specific heritage the armenian heritage which is unique to armenia and it gives us five percent manpower recovery speed which is really nice and a minus 10 to light cab maintenance costs so we will definitely be going with a lot of like cab in our legions once we get to make them um we have a minus 10 subject opinion of us though which is a little bit annoying but it is what it is well an automatic monarchy religion is zoroastrian however that might change and i shall let you guys know when i actually start the game why uh we are armenian culture of course and our ruler is called aranti is the third wanted and he's not bad six five eight eight ruler he's pretty damn decent i have to say uh diplomacy wise we don't really have much going on no kind of like vassals clients tributaries all that sort of stuff and we have 134 territories with a total of 746 parts we don't really have many nobles or citizens a lot of them are tribals so we're going to have to try and get rid of these at some point to notably increase our tech weight uh but anyway before we get things started so for those who are new to the channel um i have made a video a quick guide to 2.0 marius so if you really want to know what the changes are and um like kind of what happens and i explained them in like sort of detail then please do go and check that out the link will be in the description below and i also had a got a um first impressions video up on 2.0 so um for those who don't know i had early access to a 2.0 so thank you very much paradox again thanks a million um i got access on the 10th so i've been playing around with it a little bit and of course the first impressions and ticking it campaign was the very first thing i did i just clicked on it and we went in together and had a look at all the new cool stuff so if you want to go and check that out please do um i will also be rebooting the imperative academy series in the next couple of days so please remember to go and check that out if you want some more in-depth guides on a multitude of topics the first topic should cover warfare in 2.0 in detail so do go and check that out when it releases um but anyway without any further ado let's get rolling so we're playing on hard difficulty um of course we want to have a nice little bit of a challenge and on iron man mode for the achievement so let's roll bin bam and boom have i got the save i haven't got the save i thought i already made the save but i haven't so let's just make the save then ah menia and now i can do bim bamboo okay so in we are now before we get started um the placement of armenia is pretty cool here because it's not too far away from the successor states which means we're going to be directly kind of witnessing what happens with the success awards which makes it really interesting to play as so that is the first thing and the second thing here is that we can go for another achievement now i completely forgot about this but looking back um we are of armenian culture which is anatolian now there is a specific achievement for the anatolian culture now if i go to the achievement section here we should be able to do the land of the rising sun i think where is it under the rising sun there we go so he's hold of the mountain king so as armenia built level 15 fortress and land of the rising sun as a country in the anatolian culture group own or have a subject own the regions of asia frigid silencio bethenny papagonia cappadocia to rikiya and armenia this is well durable and something that i think is going to be cool it would allow us to try and expand towards the west instead of the east because we have played like um as bachelor and formed the persian empire and expanded eastwards and stuff we can do the same with armenia if i go to the decisions now you see you can form persia but i don't really want to do that honestly um foreign persian no i want to keep it as armenia we'll keep it as a call armenia try and make the empire of armenia and definitely kind of try and expand westwards and like um get the achievement the land of the rising sun and also we are of zoroastrian religion or mainly now let's have a look at our ruler i'll show you here our ruler is they are an israel after him in what is a cultic religion area this get me thinking why not change i mean i've already played as um like kind of um heraclia pontica and gone for her actually persica and turned to zoroastrianism why not change i mean celtic religion we never ever see it spread i mean i really very rarely see it and i honestly don't even know if it was there before 2.0 i really don't so i think it would be good to try and spread this kalbic religion now i think what we shall do is we shall definitely try to embrace the celtic faith here first and so what i do it cost me 200 pi but i do have the pi to start off with um i lose 30 stability straight off the bat every character i'm not following the new faith will lose loyalty but i gained plus 15 pop conversion speed uh monthly ability change goes down a bit but cost to change panty and deity goes down by 75 and i was thinking well why not because since most of the land around us here it is not well since we are armenian um basically and we would like have a big penalty to all of the pops here producing uh whatever it is gold manpower and tech so if i go on here now or any given area and i see view pop info for example here um you'll see governor zoroastrian um and it just kind of gets the opinion down and let's say where's my capital region for example my capital region is armenia here let's say i go on to my capital where is it over here and you will see that we have governor israel astron and whatnot and the game will be trying to turn my pops to zoroastrian and it's going to take forever to literally kind of change it so i think we're going to change straight off the bat here and it'll give us a nice little extra challenge i mean why not kind of spread the chaldea religion and also allow me to mess with like conversion mechanics um over in like the cyberline religion or magics or austrian and hellenic religions which is pretty cool because again the 2.0 update changes a lot of things and it's going to be pretty much a lot of it it's going to be learned as we go but anyway let's roll so the first thing i want to do is definitely change our religion so i'm going to embrace the cultic faith here just to make things a little bit more interesting but why not um i got to lose a lot of stability but it's going to go back up in due course i'm not really that bothered um the pi i don't really need just at the moment i can get free claim through the missions so that is not really a big problem so that is done and now we can go on to our dude here and we have kalbic which is fantastic and caldic gives us national freeman output for six percent which is pretty cool i didn't know that so i like that what does zoroastrian give by the way i'm very interested to find out is there any sort of aspirin rulers somewhere like you for example that gives you legion maintenance costs minus five percent that's not bad for an astronaut religion but why not spread the celtic faith um anyway now that is done i can't take any idea slots because of course i don't have the required pi but we'll get that back up that's fine it's really not a problem i think the first thing we can do is definitely scheme influence and try and gain some more of that lovely juicy pi we are quite popular i think we've got 80 popularity they all influence a bit increase the monthly influence gain by 20 so we're going to get a little bit more now it's 1.27 instead of 1.01 that's not too bad indeed um now we're going to go for an omens so here we have azor astrian religion in there but the good thing is now this is super lucky um because it is random you've got the rng elements here that choose your pantheon deities here and we have got a lot of kalbic um stuff here which is fantastic and i like that because that means i don't have to swap them and there's any decent ones i want here we've got the national citizen output there state religion happiness which is fairly cool this our state religion is all aldig that is going to help with our pops i think i have the holy site i do i own the holy site here and we have local freedom and output in there and local trade routes was 10 in there which is fantastic so we're going to go for this one increase the state releasing happiness it's going to increase the output of our pops which means you're going to get more gold more manpower more tech local stuff and i'm quite happy with that next i want to do some trade now i have i think i have enough food in this region let's just have a quick check what we've got in our province capital here we produce what um we produce precious metals we've got horses they've got grain horses that's a city in the city here we produce step horses which is cool we're gonna definitely play around with some horse archers and we've got some honey some leather some honey yeah i think we're pretty good here we have enough food i might actually import one bit of grain for the bonus here so we'll get that from who do you want to get it from let's get it from the getty eye the ghetto we won't earn us too much gold it's only 0.07 but i'll get it for the extra food it's a global food modifier increase as well which is quite nice we have a surplus of step horses which gives of course 10 archer discipline we also have a surplus of cab which gives us 10 heavy cav discipline that is awesome um can i go for anything to do with pop happiness now i think we're going to need that um i don't have a legion so i don't need the surplus of wine because i can't get legions at the moment because legions we need i'll show you guys quickly here we go legends we need to have the required law and here you see we can't raise them in the regions um i'll go to the law section over here and you'll see that in order to do it we need the royal guard and i need 35 pi to do that and we would give us the access to one legion that i could raise but we don't need that at the moment so let's go and import something to do with pop happiness i think would be nice what i want how much pops do i have in this province how can i see here we go in this province of this points points of what promise is this sewer scene and what region is it in i just want to double check here so in this region this province i've got a lot of freeman so i reckon we could increase the freedom and happiness let's check our freeman happiness overall you know let's go guys here freeman happiness in here is okay so we could get it up a little bit more and i think we should go for there's some dates it's quite nice because the surplus does increase on national commerce income and i think that'll be fairly good base medals increase light infantry offense i might have that actually i might go for base medals instead we are going to have a lot of light infantry i guess if i look on my levees here um we have a lot of light infantry in there which we do so the light infantry offense is going to be something we want to going to get so let's go for the base medals i'll go for one set from no not attributing because i'm going gonna fight you i'll get it from the salukis i'll trade with them and then i'll get a second one from not the same guy i'll swap it a bit we'll get it from the benefit of the naziotic league i know i can't get it from the fridge yeah we'll get it from the fridge we're going from cyprus that's pretty safe i mean i don't think anybody really takes that over and so now i've got a surplus to light in front of you offense which is very cool then we can go for something else maybe something to do with research points or like noble happiness or citizen happiness i don't really have many like nobles i think my overall kind of noble pops are quite low and i don't really have much at all but maybe we could go for something to do with the citizen happiness i think just to improve the happiness of the few citizens we have um well i have a lot of tribals don't i i do have a lot of tribals um so they want local tribal happiness that could be something that we could do but you know what no let's go for an expensive resource let's go something for the um let's go for some spices here from syrian no from the salukis it will help us with our local citizen happiness which means you'll get a little bit more commerce income and tech out of that but now that it's done and pretty much organized let's see if we can get a marriage going um can i marriage any one of the major family members you're really good actually i highly unwanted that's my oh no keeping it in the family want to keep it in the family it's ambitious i suppose i could seek a political marriage at some point and i might do that i probably try and get a marriage with one of the major families it would help appease like relations with them so now that is done and dusted let's focus on the mission so where do you want to go first a matter of media that's for the region of media which is over here and i could potentially try and expand into that it would give us a an extra base and we'll kind of push towards the sea there i would like to do that and it would allow us to only fortify the crap out of it i'm very tempted to do that to be honest so i think that's what we're going to do we're going to go for the man of the media here start the mission we'll consult the court because we gain free claims so there's no reason why i can't do it so consult that and then i think we are pretty much ready to go so without any further ado let's get on with bim bam and bloody boom anyway the amount of media the reason the media has remained a valuable source of trade and commerce for our nation many long years many amongst the courts insist that such a bountiful land would serve much better purpose if fully integrated under the armenian banner of course as with all matters of state many are in opposition claiming that a healthy relationship with our neighbors far more important than a wanton land ground don't look for friendship peaceful approach or warlike let's go peaceful for the moment because i would improve opinion with everyone around us including the salukis at some point and this reminds me we will improve opinion with them it's gonna cost us 25 gold but i want to improve opinion with you guys um i might want to get an alliance with one of the kind of with one of the pontic states maybe like pontus i think would be cool and i get an alliance with pontus i can get the lines with one and the knights with pontus would be very useful indeed but let's go for an alliance with you guys so pontus is now our buddy i might go for the salukis if i can at some point but at the moment i can't i'll keep a slot free the anatolians want to trade vegetables that's fine you guys want to trade wood that's also fine now the potential civil war by the way i should set my trade to accept all trade offers to be honest um there's your trade overview we'll accept all trades um i don't want to trade my food so anything to do with food i will keep because it is super important and you can like always run out of food so i'm gonna keep the extra i'm gonna keep the excess food and for those wondering i start off with only level one tech and i start off with no inventions and compared to some nations you start off with two inventions or some of them even start off with five six well i can't really buy anything at the moment so we can't really do too much and the start of here what's going to be the problem is we're going to found cities and we're going to need to kind of get our techno now if i go to my kind of territory overview here you'll see that we only have like a city here you have like a set of three cities you have like a cluster of them which are in this location and then we pretty much have no others um i'm fairly sure that's all we have yeah that's all we have i have like a cluster of like a couple of cities in the middle then i have um a city over in here i don't know what that is doing there and the city here and here so i don't really have that many to be honest we're gonna need some more we're gonna need a lot more and i'm gonna need to make sure we can get more that's the settlement city here city here what's this over here is that mine yeah that's mine got a city there as well i don't have too many forts on the border here but i don't really need them on this side because it's cappadocia and they can't act on their own accord because they're a satchel of the antigonads it's over here where they're going to be the problem now there is a mountain pass here which is cool which reduces the combat width the ballast pass i've got a four up here just behind it which stops him moving there what about this side i have a fort here that stops the salukis moving through this way so i have thoughts that can defend our land which is pretty good actually apart from on this side but that's attributing so i'm not really worried about it oh well let's go let's go let's go at the moment we make 0.36 but it's not taking into account the extra gold we're going to get because we changed religion so you can see now we're making 2.58 so it's a lot more than before since the pops are of our religion so the state religion is now celtic and of course they're producing more so there we go and again more manpower as well which is absolutely lovely indeed now i have a potential civil war why i've got this dude who's a bit of a douchebag and what's your powerbase your powerbase is pretty high 36. but you're not kalbic which is the problem and what about the other dude you got 36 and you are not counting either but i could bribe you so as soon as i hit the 5pi i shall bribe you just to get you up and stop the potential civil war from firing and then the rest of the pi we're gonna need to store as much as we can store so i'm hoping we'll get some nice juicy events that'll help us out let's keep it on to speed four and we'll speed things up at tropitine i've got no friends and again i don't know the exact size of their realm i might call in i might bring iberia as a friend i mean it would be nice to have another buddy um i mean if attributing here i could declare war i could bring in pontus which would be nice and that's more than enough i just hope they don't ally the salukis the things that i really don't want them to do anyway sounding out the opposition debate has raged for many years over our rocky relationship with the nation states resident in media acted up a team a nation many in armenia called a friend stands for police to provide us with assistance in our endeavors to control media um attributing i don't care so i will let them know they're in our sites i really don't care about them it's not really my problem solutions is the one the other award warrior okay this is very interesting so it looks like they're not going to be fighting against the antigone which leaves a front free for them but they're not going to have a three-pronged wall more likely to be a two-pronged or egypt macadam maybe thrace can join turn it into a three-prong wall but at the moment it doesn't look like to be the case um so you buddy you've got no power base so that's fine this guy's got like no loyalty but you i can bribe you um so that solves your problem okay so now i don't have the threat of a civil war now the rest of the pi i'm need to save up for the idea slots um i might actually try to marry my ruler actually with like within the family i mean you're really good so i'm gonna have to keep it in the family how old are you 19 keep it in the family i'll pay the gold for it i think it's worth it i just need a marriage and i can't i want to pop out some children for the inheritance and the pi instead of spending it on a political marriage i will soon keep it to get some like national idea slot setting and what is our national slave output as well as our overall bonus that's not actually great to be honest unless how many slaves do i have i have quite well 24 pops are slaves so it could potentially work um i could go for iberia with a friend and i think i might actually get iberia as a buddy um attracting have got more tech than me or albania might be a good target to take out i mean it doesn't allow me to push towards the side but you know what let's go for iberia here an alliance with liberia would help but that gives us a little bit more kind of like leeway in towards like declaring war on atropine i'm thinking as soon as the claim is finished i reckon we can get the wall going i'm fairly confident that we can oh we'll do that yeah we'll definitely do that all we need to do is wait now wait for our claim once the claim is done then we move of course come on come on where's the claim how long does it take very nearly done now iberia's insulted us okay so they obviously don't want to be my buddy anymore why did you insult me you planning on killing me no you just insulted me for no particular reason but um that's fine i think with pontus we should be fine just like with them helping us i think we should be good i mean i'm bigger than actual teen i think i have more men so i'm not overly worried they have any faults they have like no faults literally i mean they have like one fault down here which is basically rap i mean what level is it as well it's a level level one four that's really not going to take too long for me to occupy is it what i want doesn't matter we'll just bring in pontus i could bring in albania uh it's also to protect the worker media um so rhetoric and debate have raised for full year and basically we had a small ollie branch which gives us diplo rep opinion maximum and war score cost goes up a little bit but i'm not overly worried about that the good thing is that i now have a claim on these guys and i barely have no friends so i'm fairly confident we can take them on um and i would like to probably bring in albania if i can it's just that little bit of extra in it i mean what province is this here can i take this comments i mean i can only leave him that province or something i mean do i want to do that oh an alliance with the salukis oh yeah that's going to protect us i want that yeah we're going to take that quickly thanks a little kids boom okay so now i'm buddy with the salukians and we have quite a few friends i'm more than happy to take these guys on now and iberia will join as well which is even better so we can do this definitely so i'm gonna i'm gonna raise my levees we'll get them all ready now how much you're gonna cost me i can raise my armenia levees here i've got 27 bloody thousand men here which is quite a lot now how would i want to organize my cohorts i'm gonna put my heavy cab and the first line i mean definitely put heavy cab on the first line um then i'm going to put my don't put archers oh i don't want to put arches on the first line archers or heavy calf let's put or light infantry no let's put archers then i'll put my heavy cav we're going to be kind of smashing through the enemy afterwards okay and then on the flank i'll put horse archers which i have three or no i'll put light cab actually i'll put light cab i have a lot of them and i can increase my flank size to 10. yeah we'll do that that seems to be a good thing okay i love the new music by the way the new music is so goddamn freaking cool um i'm gonna keep you in reserve or am i how much you costing me 0.06 yeah you know what let's raise all let's raise all the levees here so you're going to go down this side okay and like we organize over here you're going to go here and you're going to go through this section here and we're going to go and occupy everything now let's roll so at your patent buddy i'm sorry this is the end for you i'm going to call in my buddies here we might as well and let's just do this so let's take which one i want to take media at tripatine or adducioi which one is which that is the question fiduciary that's what we're going to go for yeah could you sure let's take that let's move i'll get you guys with me salute because i don't really need to call just yet um but we're now at war i think we're fine this should be pretty easy i'm not expecting quite much to really happen we're commanding our forces here we're not too bad from iberia i've decided to join which is fine um i'll actually get the guys to authorize attachments on you and me if you want to authorize attachments on you and of course on you i would like them to join and i think we should be fine i'm fairly confident um anyway alantus falls ill i will definitely try to cure my ailment if possible where am i i'm still trying to get used to where everything is uh to be honest so it's nation no not that government there we go are you can i seek treatment how much gold do i have i have quite a bit so i'm gonna seek treatment for my problem you might as well i'm gonna move you guys down here now let's get rolling i don't know where the enemy is yet might actually go straight onto his capital to be honest if i can knock him out then we have a good chance of beating him pretty easily and here we can take a significant amount of land oh hello buddy what's going to kill you there's 3 000 men there so let's go and deal with this dude might as well might as well go this way and deal with him no reason why i can't do do that oh did you attack me buddy really anyway we've got a daughter interesting so the succession is assured okay so i've caught this guy now so he has now been caught we are outnumbering him completely so the archers you can see at the front line my secondary cohorts of course are my heavy cav and then of course on the flanks we have placed the light cab and then any excess units are placed beyond that and what is the width by the way the terrain that's a good question what terrain am i fighting on i'm finding on planes so the width of two range 40 basically so with this kind of terrain here we can like line 40 units up in a row um but of course we're only lining 27 at the moment um because that's all we have um and then what's this here now master or not so lately sombat gennuti has proven himself to be a reliable aid at court time and time again having the master of guards himself disloyal to the throne could prove fatal for our ruler if we are not careful it will not be the first time we've always been brought down by that closest aide are you loyal to me buddy you are loyal though and some gold will appease the man he'll give you some loyalty for some cash so he's been smashed and totally destroyed um you guys are now going to go and take this back here actually he's taking it back by itself so i don't really need you so you're actually going to go down there have you caught this geezer you haven't but i will catch him here though now that battle has destroyed quite a few of his men and can i catch you now there buddy yes i can catch you here so he's going to wipe out a lot of his men here or what's left of his arm i think we stack quite the other one as well here again it's pretty good and we have on our first line um we have light cavalry first how come i set my that's really weird i have light cab as the first line that doesn't really make too much sense but the light cav should smash his light infantry i suspect let's have a look how much does like like cab do like damage wise to like infantry i've no i can't remember oh god for 25 they're gonna absolutely trounce him which they are doing and we killed yeah we stacked quite so he's gone i was just uh that's just a matter of time before we just take everything so let's go and occupy battiana here this we're gonna occupy this over there with you guys let's move you can join him over here and we just need to take the province capitals of everything now we should be good this apartment's capital it is but i want the capital first we're going to deal with that actually i can actually split you guys up so you're going to go down here and you're going to go over here and you're going to go and help him over there so that's fine i'm happy with the way things are going attracting has made claims on me but that's not going to save you guys you do realize that it's like literally not going to save you um i am going to take this back actually just because i want to oh he's increasing his fault level well not now buddy because i've got there before you do so we've taken that back so we're reoccupying this pretty cool you're going to go down here everything is going according to plan minus 35 siege but it's just gonna really now start falling bit by bit and i'm really happy with the way things are going this is a really good start a really really good start for the moment we're even better once we can take big chunks of land and then of course increase our income which would be nice but you're moving down here oh look some actual protein troops here let's go and deal with them where are you going you going here buddy oh yeah my guys caught him so that's fine um let's take control of i've got control of the plumbing capital now if you notice if there's no fort and you have control of the planet's capital by the looks of it we take control of everything but the control of this being influenced by the fort in collat what about this one collat collat okay so now well this is what i gather anyway is that with 2.0 if you take the opponent's capital and there's like no fall around it then you occupy all the land automatically it all kind of turns over to you which makes sense and if there was a four it would have limited it but obviously there's not at the moment so it should happen here as well so here this is being influenced by the fort in myanmar why isn't this one maybe because there's a fort another fort blocking it or something no i don't really know why there that is very odd indeed um anyway let's move over to bettina now we'll go down there this guy's been wiped out which is fantastic but you guys are gonna go and deal with this dude two thousand five hundred men there i can go and get them are you going buddy you trying to you trying to kill my friends can i go this way i can go that way so let's go get him we might as well go to this guy that's been occupied very well oh where are you going buddy you're stopping moving i'll wait for you to be unit which you are now so now i've got you so you're dead apparently you'd win um let's have a look what our comp is here or this governor stack though we've got what we've got archers which i'll put on the first line then what about horse archers ooh what you got here you've got horse archers archer's light infantry so if i put on the first line heavy what if i put archers on the first line but no because you're going to put your arches on the first line i'm fairly confident that's what's going to happen on the flank i'm going to keep the light calve in the first line i'm going to put horse archers then i'm going to put my archers behind that okay let's see if that works we'll see how that goes um so here this is all being occupied this is very cool let's go all the way over here now let's go to um what's this aquapolis could kill your police it's going to kill your police i'm very interested to see what happens in this fight here now come on let's see okay so we're in here and let's see what goes on i'd love to be able to see thank you very much so we have got our horse archers in the first line here and i don't have too many but they're engaging him that is good and my archers are engaging them so it's good we have the advantage and then we're flanking so this is absolutely fantastic so we should win this fight normally with ease which we are doing very good indeed my friend if i get a stack wipe that would be good but i don't think i got one though i didn't the shame but doesn't matter we'll just keep occupying stuff and we'll occupy as much land as we can i wonder how much i can like peace out for that is a good question how much is it all going to cost that is what i want to know salukis are fighting the oh actually they finished the war no they're still fighting maurya and now they're fighting the antigonus in their daidoki war which is very interesting now i didn't get called into this because it is only again with the diadokis they fight each other and it's not really my problem where are you going are you going back over here i'm going to go actually now you can keep going down here buddy go and occupy that the good thing here there's quite a few mounting passes and here there's a pass limit to combat with i could do with some more over here i don't think there is this is at 21 it's nearly falling 35 percent now listing the knife so our auntie's the third are wanted for reasons known only to himself had to go into view simba palani with jealousy and distrust well that is not my problem buddy don't see him as a rival oh call to arms from the salukis um now do i want to deal with these guys i probably don't you know because papadocia are in the war and i don't want to have to deal with these guys do i decline the offer that is the question do i decline the offer now a big salute kid if they win they're going to be really annoying so the war with back at on the wall with egypt with everybody um i might be able to get something here i might be able to do something um oh god all right let's do it i'm going to accept the offer we're going to join the war and then as soon as i quickly take this here what we're going to do is i'm going to peace out for what i can and then i'm going to march all the way over here i'm going to deal with cappadocia and i'll try and get some land it's a good opportunity to try and get something which is the reason why i accepted the call to arms like literally the only reason why i accepted um now i've got a couple of guys peed off with me here and i'm going to have to sort that out in a minute i'm going to want some extra trade for the moment and i'm going to want to get some base metals for the light infantry bonus get it from the liquid okay so i am taking this over here this should fall please 42 you've got to go down thank you very much buddy again lootings shall be gentle i don't want to kill everything it's not my plan here now i can go for an idea and i'm going to go for the marshall ethos for the malevolence going to help us with the war against cappadocia because i'm going to need to go all the way down there and i'm going to deal with them um so what i'm going to do next is occupy this quickly and see what i can peace out for now i can take this which is what i want i want his capital here as well i want this that's a good location what about this place i can take that as well now i'm getting a lot of aggressive expansion here but it may as well may be worth it i can eat him up here entirely like literally entirely eat him up what religion is this this is all astron it's completely different but i'm not too worried i am not too worried about it so let's see take this this gives me a common border with the salute kid i just hope we can stay friends i really wish we can so what i'm going to do is we're going to peace out for this yeah am i going to do that yeah i'm going to peace out for that definitely but now we have a nice big chunk extra which i'm really happy with and now what i need to do is i need to bring all you guys back over here now onto our side there then what we're gonna do is we're going to go and help him over here and take care of these fellas then i'm going to want to occupy kappa ocean i'm going to want to smash them to pieces and see if we can get some land off them with the peace deal i hope so um so we do need to contribute quite a bit but um anyway what i'm going to do i'm going to make cutting the video here people because it's been what 32 minutes and in the next one we shall continue fighting and we'll go and deal with these guys anyway as per usual thank you so much for joining me this has been a pretty good episode a good start i'm super happy with it if you enjoyed it please don't hesitate to hit that like button down below and if you want to see some more imperative content then please consider subscribing to the channel for more and with that said and done thank you so much for being here and i'll hopefully catch you all in the next one bye for now
Channel: DanIsStoned
Views: 9,349
Rating: 4.9892182 out of 5
Id: vEofbrx4blY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 30sec (2250 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 16 2021
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