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welcome back stone to squad and of course a big welcome to those all new to the channel my name is danny stoner thank you for joining me today to start a tutorial campaign for you guys so a while ago i did a tutorial campaign where i kind of went through the beginning of the game went through everything that you can see when you launch it and went through all the decisions i made just to kind of give you guys a bit of a helping hand if you are totally new to the game but it was with the archimedes update i think it was quite a while back so a lot of things have changed since then we have had 2.0 marius that has been released and it's brought a lot of change to the game so i thought it was around about time to start another one so um as in the previous video i decided to play on crete again i do like crete as a tutorial white area it kind of reminds me of tutorial island um in eu4 or even kind of the ck3 it's just like kind of a great place to start playing even in ck2 it's just it's always been kind of the go-to area for beginners and this is kind of a similar situation um so yeah it's um this is why i've chosen this place so i've gone for konasauce here to show you guys so this nation here um just because it is a monarchy now um we'll get into the government type in a minute but for those who are totally used to the game i do really recommend playing a nation that is a monarchy monarchies are so much easier to control than any other of the kind of government types because the monarchy you are in sole control of everything and you do not have to go by anyone else and that is like definitely not the case for republics republics they have to go through the senate to do i like to do your actions be it diplomatic military and all sorts of stuff so it's just a little bit extra layer of complications so i really do recommend going for a monarchy um i also like recommend not going for tribal nations because tribal nations do kind of lag behind on a lot of fronts uh notably technology gold wise and everything and it just makes it a little bit more complicated especially if you come up against some of the civilized nations of the game so my overall recommendation to start off with if you launch a game for the very first time is to play uh within the hellenic world first of all the hellenic world is fairly easy to kind of master there's a lot of hellenic pots all over the place and a lot of like small fragmentated like fragmented nations which would allow you to kind of expand into different areas so i would really recommend using um someone like a monarchy in the hellenic sphere also in terms of like culture it doesn't really matter which culture you kind of go for um it is a little bit easier if you play within the hellenistic culture group because the hellenistic culture group it just has a lot of different subcultures to it and it just makes it a little bit easier to integrate when you do actually conquer the hellenistic culture pops so yeah go for a hellenic nation and preferably a kind of hellenistic culture group nation as well take a monarchy don't go republic don't go tribal um really um and don't go marginally tribe at all if this is your very first game but anyway enough for me kind of blaming on how and why i kind of chose to start off as a hellenistic monarchy um let's kind of go through what will happen when you launch the game so of course you kind of have the screen before this where you kind of choose your own like nation and you can of course um sort by culture and um religion when you look at it so you can easily find a a hellenistic nation uh that you want to play um but when you kind of launch this is going to be the first screen you're going to get so i kind of can't start by cutting this up into kind of multiple sections so i think the first thing we'll talk about is the resource bar at the top uh once i've gone through the resource bar we will talk about the tab bar on the side here and what everything does um and then i'll kind of go through the different map modes maybe and kind of show you guys what the outliner is and then we'll kind of launch ourselves into the game and i'll kind of explain to you what everything does and how i do something and why i do it i'll try to be as clear as possible i'll try to make it as less complicated as possible um but if there's something that you don't get don't hesitate to leave a comment down below and of course i will try to answer you guys as quickly as possible um if you want some more really in-depth guide things then i have done a series called imperator academy and i do go through a lot of the different topics of the game in detail and hopefully it's clear for you guys and hopefully you can actually kind of understand think a little bit better so i will put the link in the description below um there are two versions there was imperative academy like volume one which was done but pre marius um a lot of it is old and some of it is quite outdated but um i do recommend like kind of looking at it i mean some of the info is relevant some of it is not but you'll soon find out what is relevant and not to the current white patch um and then there's the importer kind of academy volume two which is um kind of new and updated one that's still being like done and made i think i've done a guide on economy i've done like kind of how the economy works um different kind of aspects to it how we make gold i've done a kind of tips video on how to increase your economy i've also done a guide to military battles so kind of how the battles are fought on the campaign map and um i've just done a overall general video on all the different changes that it brought with the marius update okay now that intro is out of the way let's get rolling so the first thing you'll see um we're going to talk about here is the resource bar at the top and this is where it's like this big bar here and this is where all your kind of important resources are stored now the first thing we have here is your treasury so this is basically self-explanatory it's the amount of gold that you have and you that you can like that you store in your treasury um this gold is used to do loads of things it's used to build buildings it's used to pay your armies because you pay your army's wages it's used to maintain your faults maintain your fleets it's used to bribe people it's used to do a load of different things so gold is a very important indeed um your gold you kind of make it from your taxes and taxes are made through your slaves slaves are the essential kind of breadwinners of the ancient economy in terms of manual labor and they kind of make all your tax income commerce income is basically through trade we'll get into trade a little bit later on you can trade goods around the map and of course it gives you extra gold um your balance is shown here underneath the little green thing and this is the balance so it basically will show you how much the previous month you made not the coming month now but the previous month so it's important to remember that um up here showing is the previous monthly balance if you want to see the actual monthly balance then just go to the economy tab and it will show you the current balance here which you'll see is totally different to the one we have up there so keep that in mind this is the previous month's balance so of course if you are in positive numbers of the balance that means you are earning more than you spend and if it's the opposite way around then of course you are not earning as much as you spend and then you are losing money per month if you go into debt bad things happen you lose monthly stability i think if you're in debt your stability goes down by 0.2 um but we'll get into what stability is very shortly it's just along here on the bar i'll kind of explain to you guys what that is soon and you have some chance of having some pretty nasty events which will affect character loyalty research points and a lot of other stuff so you do want to avoid going into debt if possible um your expenditure is generally from your wages thought maintenance fleet maintenance and army maintenance it's pretty much that pretty much makes up your expenditure um a lot of it can be army maintenance when you once you get like permanent armies kind of ready and it does cost quite a bit and thoughts as well thoughts can stack up pretty pretty quickly and it can make you lose a lot of money you'll see here we don't have any faults or anything so we're basically only paying the wages for our fleet because that's all we have we have a fleet and then the wages of our characters because of course every single character that you have in a position of power so that's your governor's um your generals and all sorts of stuff like that they have to be paid a wage for the job that they do and of course that affects your expenditure um next thing we have is the manpower now manpower is basically the amount of able-bodied men you have to fight for you um and you use this manpower to replenish soldiers that you've lost in battle um so we'll get to the kind of soldiers section in a minute but in the game you have um like your soldiers are organized into cohorts which is bands of 500 men and of course as you lose like groups of these 500 men in battle then of course the replenish the to a bunch of numbers back up to full strength they are used out of the manpower pool manpower pool is also used to create like your legions so if you basically want to create a legion um you need a certain few conditions in order to do so but when you can create a legion it does cost you 500 manpower per cohort you want to make because of course 500 white manpower is one cohort one cohort 200 men so that's how much that cost um legions are kind of malleable you can make them into what you want levies are a little bit different but again we'll get into all that a little while later um here we have pi next thing and this is probably one of the most important resources of the game it is really hard to come by um it doesn't go up very fast and it is used for a hell of a lot of things like an insane amount of things now you generate a certain amount of pi per month now your pi or short for political influence is generated okay by every single one of your people or of your kind of characters in government and loyalty so the higher their loyalty the more pr you will generate now i'll just quickly show you guys quickly if you go to the government tab here which is the kind of roles here and they're going to the offices and basically what the game is doing here so i'll hover the mouse cursor over the political influence you will see that the epiphanos trophies epis all of these kind of positions here are generating us a certain amount of uh political influence based on their loyalty if you want to see that just um hover your mouse cursor normally you can hover your mouse cursor over somewhere i'm pretty sure you can um you could do before maybe i'm like wrong now so what do i do here we go so i'll be mass cursor over the title and you can see that from 51 loyalty this guy here pella post period is generating 0.12 monthly political influence it's up here the epiproxenos 0.12 so it all kind of adds up so add all this together and of course you get the over you get the number here so the more loyal these guys are in office the more you will generate so it's quite important to keep them as high as you can loyalty wise uh you'll see we have minus 0.25 due to the basis now this could potentially be because of something um maybe we have a trait that gets it down here we go we do it arrogant which gets our monthly political influence down by 0.25 per month um so yeah that's why um these are all generated on a monthly basis i did forget to mention but you do gain a certain amount of like resources on a monthly basis um back to the manpower quickly you gain manpower from pops um the freemen are the pops that grant you manpower the more freedom you have the more manpower you get and of course the more your maximum manpower will be but we'll get to all that a bit later on uh next up you have something called military experience and this basically is a measure of how experiential soldiers are you gain it at a base rate of 0.3 per month so no matter where you are no matter who you're playing no matter what type of units you have you'll always gain that base 0.30 per month for your military experience now there are a few other things that increase it now you have a positioning government called the archers of matofan axe and i'm quickly going to show you guys in the government again go to the offices tab and you'll see the arch is so mapped off relax down here and this guy generates a certain amount of military experience depending on his kind of skill that he has for um for the set position here you'll see generates 0.01 minutes to experience per month of course the higher is marshall the more we will gain um and then you also gain military experience per month depending on your average cohort experience now considering we don't have a permanent army we can't really kind of gain any extra military experience due to our average cohort experience and and this miniature experience here is spent like once you hit 100 now you can stockpile it and you can stop buying it to a maximum of 200. so once you hit 100 you can spend it on something called military traditions now for that you go to the military tab here and you can see a load of different traditions that depending on your culture that you're playing as you'll have access to a certain amount of um military traditions so here as greeks we have access to the greek polish traditions which is kind of greek city traditions and the greek kingdom traditions since we're greek we have access to both click on them and you'll see a tree that opens up either side you can choose whichever one you want bearing you've got to follow the arrows so you've got to kind of start off at the bottom and then work your way down now it cost 100 minutes experience to unlock something as soon as you hit the 100 um you'll have like a pop-up that comes down here or you can just like manually click on the military tab and then go to the traditions and you will be able to select a tradition now you can keep it and stop pilot if you wish if you want to stockpile military experience it is possible and uh sometimes i do advise it because what happens is when you stop our military experience the more you have the more your army morale goes up so it gives you a nice boost to morale um i think for every hundred military experience it is five percent extra army morale with 200 military experience stored giving you a maximum of plus 10 it is quite powerful so kind of know when you want to buy a tradition and when you want to stockpile it it's quite important um up next is stability another really important resource uh stability just kind of shows how stable your realm is now it ranges from a value of 0 to 100. when you go above 50 50 or above it is called positive stability and you have good effects applied so just hover your mouse cursor over and you'll see there's no kind of negative effects applied once you hit over the 50 you'll start seeing some really cool modifiers applied to population happiness the amount of research points you generate and all sorts of other cool stuff however if it goes the other way around and that you go under the 50 threshold you start having some negative effects applied to your stability so you kind of want to make sure you can keep this as high as possible you lose stability through various different actions and in-game events that you down here can pop up and kind of make you lose some stability because let's say one of your advisors is crap at his job and apparently you lose stability for it and you can also lose stability by having too much aggressive expansion which we'll get to next too much you get some expansion make sure they like your realm unstable and of course gives you a negative modifier applied to monthly stability generation up next so speaking about aggressive expansion we have got aggressive expansion here and this is how aggressive you are so the more you conquer the more land you take and the higher your aggressive expansion oh just now the higher regressive expansion is basically means that people around you aren't going to like you as much it doesn't really affect too much your kind of op happiness per se in your realm but it really more affects the opinion of others around you um anything below 50 aggressive expansion is okay and quite manageable but once you hit above the 50 you start having some pretty bad negative effects and negative modifiers applied to a variety of things so you might want to watch out for that um up next we here we have wall exhaustion so it's basically come from attrition and lack of casual spelling standing wards it's just basically how exhausted your people are when fighting so the longer a war drags on then the more exhaustion you're going to get the more your lands are occupied the more war georgetown you'll get um if you're blockaded you'll get more exhaustion and um too much more exhaustion can give you some pretty bad negative effects so you don't want to keep this down as low as possible um it really is advised and the next one here is called tiony now toony as a monarchy it's not really much of a problem because you can just basically do what you want since you are the king um it poses more of an issue when you're playing as republics where you have to deal with the senate and this is where two and e can become a pain now tyranny is basically the value of how tyrannical your nation is so if you take decisions that other people don't agree with um you gain tyranny now luckily as a monarchy you can just do what you want because you're king so really you gives a crap you can just literally do what you want if you're republic as i said you have to go through the senate and that is quite complicated to do because if you kind of pass stuff through the senate and they don't agree with it then you're getting tyranny and high too many it affects count to loyalty and a lot of the stuff and it's pretty damn tricky so i i would advise you to keep it as low as possible um as a monarchy it's easily manageable as i said but as a republic he gets a little bit tricky now legitimacy and this is basically a degree of how legitimate you are in like how legitimate your realm is now i think legitimate legitimacy now from the top of my head now don't quote me on this i think that it is only applicable to monarchists and um tribal nations i don't think the public's kind of have legitimacy from what i remember i may be wrong but don't quote me on that um so what legitimacy what it really does it's a value from zero to 100 so 100 being the max and when it's kind of high you gain extra freedom and happiness so freemans are the type of pops in the realm and they are happier and of course the happier the pops are the more the output will get all to that in a little while and then it also increases your primary air attraction it increases per month based on a kind of set bunch of values so you have like the philosophers who can increase it depending on his zeal skill the philosophers is this guy in here just going the officers and he is this guy increases your legitimacy the higher zeal the more that increase and a few other things can increase it um or decrease it rolling on popularity can decrease it so if your water's unpopular it can decrease legitimacy and if your wallet is corrupt it can also deep that okay so now that top bar is pretty much out the way i'll just take a quick drink of water because my mouth is going dry from speaking so quickly and so long now moving on now this is done we'll quickly kind of talk about these different tabs down here and these are very important as well you shall be using these quite a bit so the first one here is basically the macro builder this is pretty simple i don't use it that often to be honest i don't use it as often as i should and it basically just allows you to like build stuff in bulk so basically if you wanted to let's say build some ports in multiple cities then it would highlight the available location you just click and build and same for navies same for settlement buildings and same for trade goods so it's just kind of a pretty useful tool really to do stuff in bulk without having to manually kind of do stuff one by one now up next here is your nation overview so it's kind of the flag and this gives you all relative information about your realm as well as the decisions that you can take so in your overview you have of course your power rank so you have um four power ranks going from cities uh five site going from city state local power regional power major power and great power each time you kind of go up in a rank you gain a few different bonuses and you have a few negative effects as you go along um but it's all generally pretty the same you basically have extra diplomatic relation slots you have extra levy size multiplier you have extra commerce income extra uh relationship slots you have extra um there's a load of extra stuff um and it kind of goes up as you increase um you can just see down here i'll just let you guys read it you can see all the stuff it gives and then you can see the different ranks um that you can have and it's based on the amount of territories you have um so here yeah you have all like your relative information so you have the number of cities that you have the number of pops in your realm you have the power base of um um so this is basically um it's basically if a height shows you if there's a high enough proportion of a power basis to slaughter start a civil war you have your heritages which are kind of unique bonuses you have your national unrest you also have your civil war threshold you have your type of pops there's a pipe like kind of a round chart here which tells you how many you have of a certain culture type it's a load of like useful information the religion and the kind of pop ratios the different kind of pop types you have in your realm and so yeah a load of really cool information you'll hear you also have access to your national ideas and this is pretty important so i'll go over this quickly and you can also access national ideas at the start of the game by clicking on the free idea slots here it's just kind of drop down so just click on that and open up the same window and here what this does for the cost of 20 pi you can like assign um some idea slots now you have three unlockable in each category so you have military categories civic category or true category and religious category and at the start of the game in each category you have three that are unlocked and you unlock more going through the tech levels to tech a little bit later on so what the game does depending on your government type um you have um ideas that you can assign so basically here as an autographic monarchy it's where it wants us to assign a military idea a civic idea and a religious idea and if i select one in each category then i'll get an overall bonus of national slave output to the degree of plus six percent um you can choose to follow it or you can choose to kind of go whatever you want you don't have to fill them out um it really depends on the situation i like to be flexible with my national ideas so i don't always kind of focus on filling out the correct slots to get the bonus it basically depends on what i want but we'll choose these a bit later on when we actually start the game then under here you have decisions there's a load of them that you can do excuse me and you just basically kind of choose a load of different things some nations have more decisions than others because some have more flavor so it's it's basically just kind of a list of decisions you can do just hop your mouse cursor and you can see what you need to do the said decision and what it gives you so just kind of take a look at these when you start but there's generally not many that you can do straight off the bat now in this nation overview you have next to it something called administration tab now here it just basically shows you all your governorships and your promises now here since we're starting because here we only have one governorship which is the region of greece and just click on the region map mode mouse on the under region map mode here at the bottom above the minimap and you'll see that the world is then divided into regions and you can see greece macadamia asia place whatever where in the region of greece so there's the governorship it shows you how much gold we are making from in this province at the moment so making 0.33 from this comments you can just click on it and it will kind of break it down a little bit more where you can see how many pops you've got the amount of trade routes in there the loyalty of the province the province food and then you can like choose to release subject to the client stay governor policy and automatic trade and go to location promises are the same thing it's just like the even kind of bigger breakdown so basically regions are like the big entities and regions are made up of multitude of promises again just click on the promised map mode if you want to see this and you'll go down here look and you can see the world is divided into provinces and these provinces all make up regions so that is that same principle um you can just basically see your different provinces and you can see all of the um all of the different actions you can like well the different actions are three different actors you can do you can see the food the loyalty and a lot of other stuff so that's about it for the nation overview next tab is your government and this has like kind of three subcategories in it so the first one is um the kind of government section here where you can actually see your ruler and his wife if he has one um if it's a republic you'll see your ruler of the republic and a co-ruler and like a co-op on if he has one and you'll also see the world's popularity here the degree of how popular he is you also see his corruption you see his you see his spouse's loyalty um and the spouse's power base um so that's that you also have his legitimacy here um you can see um how registered is and you can see the bonus applied to the legitimacy and you can also increase it if you want to if you don't have enough you can use the increased legitimacy button the cost of some it's got influence and some timing per month and you can also see who is the favorite heir here you can see um the next rule of legitimacy when it comes to power so if he dies now this guy pops in to take the throne then he would have 79 percent legitimacy and you can see the succession support how much support he's got among the main families of the realm you can see he's only got three here um you can gain more support depending on the guy's prominence so your character has something called prominence if you click on him you should be able to see his prominence here it's designated by this golden wreath crown there and the higher this the more um the higher that the more sorry the um succession support it can get and of course the more the family prestigious then the higher the potential support and you also have the line of succession pretenders section here so basically have a list of pretenders so these are the guys that are probably going to kind of buy for this guy for power when our guy dies and you can see basically how much they support they have so at the moment we're currently tied with this dude there were probably a civil war probably break out or a pretender army will rise something like that now you can anoint successors for the cost of political influence and legitimacy you can give them a thousand succession values so you can um anoint people and you can only do it who is to the person who is not the primary heir so let's say this guy i didn't want my son and hippolyta's charity to inherit and i wanted this guy to um because he's better i could just anoint him and i'd like api and pay legitimacy and i would increase his value by a thousand and then he would be the next in line to inherit in here as a monarchy and like other kind of government types you also have a few other options and you can probably summon the war council which gives you free claims on their neighbors so it basically starts a chain of events where you can um decide who you want to attack give you a free claim you can also demand notes of allegiance so you pay 100 political influence and your primary air gains more attraction i could do this now if i wanted to and then my primary air would gain more attraction and therefore the other guys would be less of a pain when the guy dies and then succession happens and we can also hold games if you have enough gold to increase your popularity and you can patronize the arts and this will increase integrate your culture happiness and monthly sieve change again all these things have changed called happiness i'll quickly go over them when when the time arises okay next up we have offices so officers here now this is we kind of looked at this quickly and these are a list of people in government um you can change them if you want you can change them to wherever you want unless they're disloyal um if the characters are disloyal so if they're below the loyalty threshold which is 33 um as soon as someone goes below this 33 loyalty threshold here they are disloyal and then you can't remove him you need to be loyal again for you to remove uh but all the others who are loyal you can remove and replace with like pretty much anyone you want now each office is gives you a bonus depending on his assigned stats so the first two make up people with audrey kind of um um what is it oratory stat then the other one's a miniature star zeal stat and finesse that and they all kind of give you a little bonus um i do invite you guys to kind of look at it in depth on your own i won't go through what every single one does but they're generally the same um no matter kind of what culture or government you're playing and with probably some subtle changes here and there but generally it's always the same um what happens is that the guys they each so each guy's in position here they left for example this guy pelopod so he's snappy proximos and he uses um oratory in his position though he's one or two well his oratory that he has at the moment he has a maximum of six now you'll notice he's only using one why is he only using one well that's because his statesmanship is quite low at 24 the higher this green bar which is the statesmanship the more of his overall stats he will use in the in the office and at the moment he's only using one orator which gives us an 0.02 reduction to aggressive expansion change so if we had any aggressive expansion you can see it's applied here so what what basically you need to do is this guy over time he's going to gain statement ship so just click on his portrait and just go over this thing here and it's called the statesmanship kind of bar and you can see that he gained 0.7 per month due to the fact that he's a chancellor and due to the fact he has six finesse so each month this bar is going to increase by 0.7 percent it's going to keep increasing it's going to keep increasing and will keep increasing and the higher this bar goes the more he will use out of his overall stat here so that's basically how that works um next we have laws here and this is a pretty kind of neat area and there's a lot of cool stuff you can do um now to change your law it costs stability and political influence you can reduce it through inventions you can reduce the cost but you need to get a few inventions for that and you can change these laws pretty much whenever you want if you have the required resource now as a republic it's a bit more complicated because you need support in the senate which is why i recommend again playing as a monarchy and it just makes it a lot easier and you can change them some things you need to like there's some laws you can't change you need to have some stuff um you'll see it's kind of like grayed out and you can't do anything compared to these like here if i wanted to put mercenary contact law i could if i wanted to if i wanted to put infrastructure policy i can't because i don't have the invention the land type so in order to enact the infrastructure policy i'd have to go and find the land type invention and take it so kind of look have your mouse cursor over the kind of um the circle and it'll tell you what you need so then you can plan accordingly and so that is that next you have your economy this is pretty damn simple um this literally kind of gives you an overview of your overall economy and your balance so as you can see here this shows us our monthly balance for this month coming up so again as i mentioned up here was the previous month here it is the actual month you see your income and you can see your expenses um and all sorts of stuff i'm not going to go over this in too much detail i did a video on what income is made of and what it's comprised of so these three categories here so do go and check that out the link will be in the description below it's just for time's sake it would save me a lot of time um next we have religion and here you can see quite a few things you can see your um overall kind of a pie chart i would say of your hellenic pots how many they are so we have 22 in it pop so 95.65 percent of the population um you can see that we have one side balloon pop in there as well you can also see your omen power so the higher this omen power the higher the bonuses applied or that you would get from each omen in here so the higher this number the higher the bonus these kind of different owners are going to give you and you have also your religious unity so basically the more pops of of your primary religion the more religious unity and of course the more religious unity the more omen power so your omen powers increased by your legislative primarily as you can see we have ninety five point six five hundred unity we have 95.65 omen hour there on top of that we add religious advances so as you go through the religious tech levels you'll gain two percent omen power each level and then your hierophant again this is the guy in the office i'll show you guys quickly the hierophant is where are you here is here and he's increasing government power by three percent due to the fact that he's using one out of his five zero again if he had more statesmanship he would be using more zeal there and so that's what that is for you could also see your relics if you have any if you have any like kind of items and these are all kind of special things that you can assign into holy sites if you own holy sites now i don't own a holy site here the temple of delos it is owned by the naziotic league just hover the mouth cursor over the eye click it it will take you where it is i don't own it so i can't kind of pop out any of these items and i can't even put in this in any of the other sites um if i wanted to i would have to create a holy site so for example let's say hermes here the hellenic deity of economy it has no holy site if i wanted to create one i could but it's costly just click on your territory and then you click on actually now i've already got one here to be honest i've already got a holy site there but if i wanted to can't really show you because i don't have enough territories but if i wanted to do one you'd click on a territory and here you'll have an icon where you say create holy site and then you would create it and so that is how that works um what else was going to talk about you have up here is your kind of happiness for when it pops and how much is increased by now here it's increased by 16 because we have hellenic deities in our pantheon if i were to put another deity for example if i had a i've got another deity type because i only have hellenic deities i think at the moment yeah i only have hellenic deities if for example i was to have a different religion deity available to select so if i were to go for cyberline deity let's say um and i would put it instead of the hellenic deity of economy here i would lose um four percent um pop happiness for the hellenic pops because i would have a cyberlin um pantheon in here so instead of being 16 it would go down uh it'll go down by four and it would be twelve percent and what would happen is that my cyberlink pops would gain plus four percent happiness because i have a cyberline pantheon in my or a deity in my pantheon i hope that was clear i tried to be clear as i could possibly be um so that is that um here for the kind of um pantheons you can select one and so what you have each pantheon has a passive ability so you can see here that the um pantheon of the deity of poseidon he has starting ship experience plus ten percent um hermes has national commerce income plus 15 and these are all applied these first ones because the passive abilities if you wanted to unlock the second ability underneath it you'll have to select the deities so i would click on it they calling on hermes would grant national freedom and happiness plus 6.03 and as well as having the plus 15 commerce income i would have the plus 6.03 percent to freeman happiness the omega cooldown lasts for five years so you can't i can't really select one for five years so that is that and you can change them um so you just click on the replace hellenic deity and we can change depending on what you want so kind of take a look around and if you want to change them you can it does cost you stability to do so so be careful when you do because it cost you 15 stability it's not nothing it costs quite a bit next we have holy sites so this is basically the holy sites that we have um or the is it the holy sites that we have no it's not the home is it the holy sites we have no it's the current holy sites i honestly don't know if this is actually the holy sites that we have what's this this is my one because it's incredible we've got a holy site in deros here and do i don't own this one i know it's the holy oh of course it's the holy sites of the deities that i've got in my pantheon so as you can see that um i have the deity poseidon in my pantheon here and here it is and it just shows me where his holy site is and then of course this is the holy site that i own and i own the holy site of ariadne in colossals here though if i wanted to i could probably change this i just need to find it it is here ariadne and i could put this on here and i could gain that and i i could like put it instead of the um deity of a luthier and then i could put the one of the items in here because you need to own the holy site in your territory to be able to put some like religious items in there which would give you a little bonus for example if i put the tomb of minos in my ariadne temple i would gain plus 10 state religion happiness so that is the religion town next is culture and this can be a little bit daunting and a little bit complicated so again i'm just going to take a swig of my water so i can explain to you guys um exactly what i'm going to be doing so here you can see the different cultures of your realm and you can see your primary culture so mine is credence along creek and it is of the hellenistic culture group and you can see all the different hellenistic culture groups in um in the different subcultures of the hellenistic the hellenistic culture group site you can see cretan is in there there's a lot of others it's like loads now here you can see the primary culture happiness so this is the degree of how happy the cretan pops are and so you can see what 40 because of an integrated culture and they have cretan heritage um our creation heritage gives us a nice bonus if i go over to the kind of nation overview and hover over here you can see integrate to cool japanese plus 10 that is so freaking powerful i can't stress how powerful that is um you can also see the number of pops that you have and you can see the breakdown of the different pop types and if you have your mouse cursor over you can see what type of pops they are so you can see that our citizens we have 10 of them and they're all hellenic queen and then underneath this you have the so the breakdown of the different cultures so what you have here how to explain this this is going to be pretty tricky to explain in the game you have different kind of you have two statuses for pops you have integrated pops and then you have unintegrated parts the integrated pops are so they're your kind of ruling class so my running class is cretan um and that is why these are integrated and then other pops you can choose to integrate um you can really just do that whenever you want you can change the civic rights and to integrate the pops you need to grant them civic rights of citizen or noble and then they would be integrated into the realm other than other than integrated pops you have unintegrated pots and they are kind of not really integrated into the realm and they can't go above freeman and they basically have less happiness than the integrated parts but it is a little bit complicated this window it will be a lot easier if i kind of explain to you while i'm actually doing stuff with it instead of kind of going through it with all this um but that's that you can just like literally sort by status integration status different culture groups a load of other stuff you can also in that decisions for the pops you can give them some like different types of rights and it would increase their happiness and like decrease something else it's basically one trade off for something else so it's up to you to really choose what you want but this is like kind of really slightly complicated to explain this and i think it deserves a video on its own and i do plan on doing one very soon so hopefully that will help you guys out with this and this one here is a trade overview this is fairly simple you can see basically um the different trade routes you have we currently have one with egypt and we are importing grain from the eastern delta um i'm pretty sure we are let me just double check yeah there we go we're importing grain from the eastern delta and uh you can pretty much sort out about everything so your exports you can sort by imports you can sort by domestic trade routes whatever it's a load just like different things you can do you also have up here your different like modifiers that apply to your trade so we can have the import value and the higher this is then the more money you'll make from importing goods export value the higher this percentage then the more money you'll make from exporting goods um you can increase this through different sorts of innovations and those all different things like that so want to keep our knife at these this is your import routes capital import routes how many have in the capital currently have two this can be increased with um depending on invention you have inventions to increase it you can also increase it depending on your nation's size the bigger your nation and like the bigger the power rank then the more trade which you have and this is your national commerce income so this basically is a modifier applied to your commerce income so at the moment um what we make in commerce we make plus 43 because we have the blessing of hermes in the pantheon because of a city state it gives us a plus 20 bonus and our rule of finesse helps us with commerce income as well um your rule is finesse you multiply it by two and you get the percentage so basically our rules finesse here is four i'll just quickly find it so you'll see it's four and just multiply it by two and it would give you an extra bonus to national commerce income if my spy is my spouse sorry had a higher finesse value than the husband let's say her she had six finesse then her finesse would apply and i'll get plus 12 bonus to commerce income i think that's about it for trade uh oh no here you have the um you can have you can accept all trades by the way you can like block surplus if you want i tend to do this because i do like to uh block surplus it would make me lose my capital bonus because trade goods having a surplus in the capital gives you nice bonuses all over the realm and i do like to keep this blocked we can also accept all trades so we can um so you can like manually well at the moment we manually accept every trade we get by clicking this we accept every single trade offer unless we'll lose our capital bonus so kind of click this it's just kind of quality of life thing you don't have to kind of select everything um down here there's a pretty neat thing you can kind of stop exporting kind of a turn type of good now i tend to do this for food because food is booze can get pretty scarce pretty quickly um the more pops you have the more food they consume and of course and the more food you need so that's why i do tend to like to keep the food so it's grain fish vegetables and where's the other one i know there's one more ah livestock there we go so stop exporting these and then you kind of let the rest do the thing on their own excuse me up next we have the military tab so this is divided into three subcategories the first one is your levies now this would allow me to go through quickly what your levees are so levees can are fighting forces you can raise from regions um you can only levy pops from a region if they are integrated cultures this comes back to our culture tab down here so the cretan parts are integrated cultures so any cretan pops in the region of greece that we own we will be able to levy them to kind of levy a small army the more pops you have or the more integrated pots you have in a region the bigger the levy so remember that the more integrated pops have in the region the bigger the level um the troops of the levy depends on quite a few things now on that on quite a few things it depends on really mainly one thing and that is the culture of the parts to see this just i don't know let's say click on my territory here go on to the view pop info and most of our pops are creating so just hover over the creature here and you'll see that pop belong to this culture can raise the following levees heavy infantry 25 arches 75 percent that lets you know pretty much what the odds are of raising a certain type of true as you can see our levels at the moment we can raise one every inventory unit and three archery units is basically it's basically the ratio 75 of the units we can raise here are archers and 125 percent are heavy infantry so it kind of matches on um so this is your levees up next your legions and these are your permanent armies now you need to fill out a certain amount of prerequisites in order to raise legions in order to raise legions you must have a specific law and this law you just go into the government tab here into the laws and this law is royal guard this allows you to raise legions in order to enable your guard you need to be a regional power and to do that and to be a regional power if you remember go to the nation overview hover over this here which is your power status and it's city state and we need to be a regional power so we need to have 25 to 99 territories in order to do so though we are quite a way off being able to do that legions are more malleable than levies so you have more control over what you want in them so you can basically choose what you want so you can select um your unit composition for the legion and um of course they cost you a manpower and gold to recruit the said unit so it costs 500 manpower to create a unit in your legion of course a cohort is 500 men and it costs you a certain amount of gold the size of the legion again depends on the number of integrated pops in the region so it's basically depends on the size of the region that you own and or the amount of land in the region that you own and the number of integrated pots in there if you create a legion out of the region with integrated pops then you are going to be taking away from the levees so you take away units from the levees to put into your legion which means that when you come to waste levies afterwards when you've got your legions for example and you have it wandering around here when you come to raise your levees you will have less men to raise because your legion will be taking some of the men for the legion hope that makes sense um and then of course next you have um traditions here that we went through earlier on quickly which i kind of explained and this is really neat now coming back quickly to your levels you can increase the levees the size of the levees um also can depend on the level levy size multiplier um which can be increased through a variety of factors again there are some laws that help with that so for example if i went to the government here and we went to i don't know military service it would increase my levy size multiply by 10 and so that means i will be able to probably levy an extra troop or two out of these guys here um next we have mercs this is fairly self-explanatory really it's very very easy it's not very complicated at all and um it's just basically a list of merch you can hire you can see where they're located by clicking on the eye you can see the composition of the units how much they cost per month to maintain how many men are in there the marshall stat of their leader and you can just recruit them for lump sum of gold and then of course you have the wages you have to pay behind so make sure you make enough gold per month in order to hire them um to disband them it will cost you gold as well so remember that you can also do the same for naval um kind of merks the same principle i shows you where they are and you can recruit them for gold again remember to kind of make sure that you have enough gold in order to disband them um to maintain themselves which is quite important the next one here is your diplomacy tab and this is all for things like the promised like all diplomatic things so you can basically see what you basically see your nation your city state your kind of power status you see your ruler you see your stability gold manpower um a number of parts number territories and what culture you are um and um what religion you are and stuff um this button here allows you to see the different characters in your country which you can sort by a load of different things um you can also see if you have a potential civil war here if too many people in your or too many people in your country have a too big power base and are disloyal there's a lot of stuff you can see you can also see this for other nations just right click on them and it opens up their diplomacy screen but you're not necessarily going to be able to see everything there are a few things that are hidden uh you're unable to see the treasury of foreign countries you're unable to see the manpower you can't see there's quite a few things and um you can only see them with a certain invention it's called espionage and will allow you to see a few other like bits of information on their diplomacy screen but anyway back to r1 and let me just go back here there we go um so on r1 you can see also our idea slots all our national ideas what we've chosen you can see all my military tech level the amount of ships we have we see our diplomatic relations so who we're friends with who we're not friends with what's their opinion of us um you can also see your um diplomatic stance which you can change by the way um that is down here there are a few diplomatic stances to choose from each one giving you a different thing the neutral stance giving you an extra diplomatic relationship slot making you have more allies potentially the appeasing stance gets aggressive expansion down and it reduces the cost to improve opinion increases the opinion of your allies um mercantile stance increases your commerce income bellicose stance reduces aggressive expansion impact among other things and domineering stance increases the law through your subject states if you have have any there's a load of other stuff just go and check them out and choose the one you want it does cost 30 pi so just remember that before you choose it it's quite expensive and you can also see our fine relations if you have any allies which we do we have prasos which is quite interesting which is all the way over here these are our buddies we also have a feuda tree so you can see if you have any subjects do we have a feuda tree which is at the third here next door um a feud of tree pays you manpower per month and they join you in wars if you attack somebody but they have to be loyal remember that their loyalty by the way just right click on them and you can see their loyalty by the hand here you can see he's not loyal so he would not join in any war we wish to do um so you can see that there you can also see your client states and if you have any and a lot of other stuff you can also see who you're giving military access to who is allowing your miniature access and your different trades underneath here you can see basic door details you can see your aggressive expansion change your aggressive expansion impact the modifier that's currently affecting it the amount of relationship slots you have your diplomatic relation uh reputation sorry that basically affects how many people see well how people see you from the outside world higher diplomatic reputation increases people's opinion of you it also allows you to integrate subject states quicker and you can see your diplomatic range that's basically the range in which you can like communicate with people people are outside of your diplomatic range you cannot communicate with them see this just click on the diplomacy the diplomatic map mode and you'll see everything that's like dark gray you can't negotiate with them um so let's say if i wanted to negotiate with the antigonids right click and you'll see that i can't because they're outside of our diplomatic range you can increase your diplomatic range quite easily by increasing your power status so as you grow from city state to a local power to a regional power to a major power to a great power each time you go up your diplomatic range has increased quite significantly so that is a pretty good way to increase that um and next we have technology this is really important technology uh probably one of the most important aspects of these tabs to be fair and uh this allows you to kind of this um how to put it this way you get all your inventions um and i'm not going to go over this in too much detail i did a guide on tech a while back now it may be pre 2.0 marius but the kind of um the principle's the same and it works well even now so i do advise you to go and check that out if you want an in-depth guide i will go over it pretty quickly here in very kind of broad spectrum just to kind of tell you guys what it does now basically you have one two three four categories of tech okay and in each one you have a set of inventions that you can unlock by spending innovation points okay these innovation points are gained each time you gain a tech level in one of the categories so each time again the tech level for example in a marshall um category here i would gain an innovation point that i could spend on this how do i gain these levels well these levels are gained it depends on your research efficiency okay your research efficiency basically depends on the amount of research points you make and the proportion of noble and citizen pots you have in your realm the higher the amount of nobles and citizens you have in your realm in proportion to the other types of pops then the quicker your research efficiency and the quicker you'll go through the levels and the speed at which you gain the levels is also influenced by your researcher so the higher the stat they have for the corresponding category the quicker you'll go through the levels so for the marshall researcher it's his martial stat that matters civic the civic stat that matters and so on the higher the staff in each category the quicker the increase okay that's pretty much how it works and then it just allows you to get a lot of different bonuses with by spending innovations and there's some really cool stuff so do spend a lot of time checking out this section up next here we have the character tabs and this basically shows you all the characters in your realm you can sort by a variety of different things and likes kind of stats loyalty if they're an adult governor or not what not um it's a shame you can't sort by the married and paradox haven't implemented that yet which is a shame and it's really a big pain and i hope they would have implemented it they can also show your great families um of course your realm is made up of characters and some characters can belong to great families the number of great families you have again depends on the size of your nation so if you're a city state you'll have less great families if you become a regional power you'll have access to another great family slot and so on these great families are your most prestigious families in the realm and these people demand positions in government which is what you can see with these numbers here and you can see if they're content or not you can see the families here have they want a minimum three jobs each one does so the first family the charity family has three jobs the other family has four and the third one has four you need to give them jobs or they become scorned if they're scorned the whole family takes a -10 to loyalty uh penalty so that means they're less loyal so you want to make sure you give these guys jobs you'll have a little pop-up icon that says scorned family here if you have a scorn family um great family characters you can find them because they have a color code at the top right hand corner of the kind of portrait um a fact of an individual that doesn't have that like this guy for example he's not a great family member because he doesn't have the little color thing here she is because she has the blue color there she's part of the um shavit dynasty and it's also loka says here you can say it's part of the dynasty sharon dynasty sharon dynasty aj dynasty um so that's how you kind of recognize who these guys are well that's pretty much how it is you can search for characters as well you can kind of type and think i'm sure you can search for like specific traits let's say if type incapable but i would i find that this is a good question i can't but what if i was to like put a name what if i have to put sharon oh yeah there you go you type share it and it shows you all the members of the sharing dynasty so shame you can't type for traits let's change whatever and of course the last one down here and this is your missions these are really cool now some of them are generic some of them are scripted depending on the nation you're playing a lot of the daidoki so the macadam antigonids blue kids egypt a load of us they have a lot of really cool scripted missions um which give a nice like bunch of flavor and for the others um for most of the nations they're kind of generic and um you can kind of it gives you a set of objectives to do which will give you some bonuses once you complete them uh you can basically you to choose which one's available sometimes there's two or three to choose from sometimes there's only one um i mean i mean i'm going to click on the matter of grease here and let's say i start the mission here and you'll see that here we go we have a set of mission trees to finish out and by doing them you gain a load of bonuses and uh yeah it's up to you to check them out moving on these here are basically important notifications check them out when you want the hand here's this little characters this one is on your trade routes this one's units lack commander this is you can afford a new invention this is you can call that nomen this one is admission task can be completed and this is free idea slots if anything important pops down this is just basically you want to look at it so you can just click on them and it will take you to the required area to do whatever you need to do and so that's quite important and uh now we'll move on to the kind of uh last section of this first part which is the outline of the map mode here and then we'll get into some actual gameplay but what we have here is um the outliner where you have a load of light information you can like choose to kind of put on there so you have your control neighbors just little characters you can change it and you can select what you want to see if you have any great wonders you want to see any human players um procedures just little characters basically choose what you want to put in there i leave everything on because i do like to kind of find out what is kind of going on uh you could events here are little minor events that you have to that you can like kind of witness so if an event happens it will pop up in this box you click on it or open up a box and there you have a small event which would give you a kind of other bonus or not a bonus depending on what the event is so do keep an eye out for it i find it it's in a bad location you can't really see too well what it is because i kind of look in the middle of the screen and then it's at the corner of the eye you can see it but it's not clear enough i wish i could move it up to the left-hand side but do try and keep an eye out for this um and then last you have your mini map here just click on your mini map move all over the place and you have your map mode so there's a load of different map modes do check them honestly there is so many familiarize yourself with these map modes it is super important do check them it is absolutely awesome it gives you a load of information quickly so really do check them out you can change them just click on configure the preset map modes and there's some that aren't already assigned in here um so let's say for example i wanted to put a i put it which one haven't i got but i find one fortifications i've got trade let's say i wanted barbarian power okay a barbarian power map mode showing me where the barbs are just click on it drag and then just drop it into one of the slots and there you'll see and it's in there you can delete it by left clicking on one of the kind of buttons here and it kind of removes it and now i'm just going to put back the one i want the atlas map mode so there just can't click it you need to click and drag and go click it drag it pop it in okay that is that okay i'm going to take a short break here because my mouth is on fire since i've been talking like crazy and uh now what i'm gonna do is uh get a drink take a quick break and then we'll come back to the actual gameplay and before i do start i forgot to mention this up here you have a ledger here which is super important if you want to kind of search um how many cohorts the nation has how many ships they have how many pops they have how many cities and a load of other stuff you can pretty much search it through here same for like nation for rulers in the game you can kind of search for the different rules see what they're like you search the you can look at your promises here you can search for your cohorts kind of bonuses now here you have this is only for you for the cohorts for your like soldiers and it shows you all the bonuses applied to a load of different factors again i did a video on this not too long ago on a guide to land battles so i'll put the link in the description below again go and check that out if you want to know what all this is in detail for time's sake i'm not going to go and do this now then you can see your rulers here there and gives you the right information a lot of different stuff so there we go now i've done that lets me go and get a drink and i'll catch you guys in a little while
Channel: DanIsStoned
Views: 15,794
Rating: 4.9600797 out of 5
Keywords: imperator rome, rome, imperator, 2.0, marius, imperator rome 2.0, imperator 2.0, imperator rome marius, tutorial, guide, tutorial campaign, imperator rome tutorial, tips, crete, tutorial crete, danisstoned, imperator tutorial, beginner, paradox
Id: pcdzOAZd3QQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 39sec (3339 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 01 2021
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