The Antigonid Legacy! Ep1 Imperator Rome Marius Update!

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hello and welcome to empowered rome 2.0 the marius update uh it's been a long time coming and we have been very infused about uh about its arrival i have been looking forward to this for a while and now i get to uh to share my exploits in it we are going to be playing as the antigonid kingdom we are led by one antigonus the first monophthalmous and ticketed uh one of the generals of alexander the great and uh you know one of the big winners of the early part of the diet dokie wars we are sitting here not called phrygia sorry that's another thing that we can be happy about although that did change a few patches ago now um and we're gonna be we're gonna be seeing what we can do the antigonids did get a big update with the heirs of alexander dlc uh they got a new mission tree that i personally found to be quite interesting uh looking at it on the uh on the dev diaries uh one of the more interesting ones along with trace race looks interesting as well but we're gonna be playing as the antiquing kingdom and you may ask lambert why are you playing as one of the big countries of the world you know it's like the third maybe biggest country in the world why are you playing as them and that's just basically cheating you start as a big country you keep winning is not fun well that is not the case because the antigonids are in a very very rough place they start the game in between or in the middle of a a little bit of a an issue let's say they are straddled on the south by egypt the solo kids are on their eastern border they've got thrace and macadon to their west and all of them kind of don't like antigonus they all think he's a little bit of a dick and uh it's very difficult for us to keep hold of what we've got to the point where we won't i'm just going to put it out there right now we are not going to keep what we have we are going to lose the vast majority of it but that's fine that is fine we're going to get into this now i don't know what we have i do have a mod on um so actually we probably don't need iron man mode just normal modes fine you know what let's just let's get into it let's just get into it uh so i want to say quickly uh thank you very much for the prime lost in the cave and dan din thank you very much for the resub right let's get into this 18 years ago the arghiad king alexander iii died suddenly in babylon at the age of 32. in the five years preceding his death his continuing military successors had reshaped the world as known to the greeks his empire stretching uninterrupted from egypt to the indus the suddenness of alexander's early death and his lack of chosen successor since shockwaves through the hierarchy of sir traps and generals who attended him splintering his empire into elements ruled by these potentiates styled as the die dokie for many years they and their successes have been locked in a bitter struggle over the future of the empire drawing all nations within their sphere of influence into the conflict the wars of the daidoki will surely continue perhaps it is up to the end taken it kingdom to decide how they will end the die is indeed cast alia actor est although the obviously the dies cast is wrong thing but doesn't matter it doesn't matter the dye is cast it is cast there we go so as the antigone kingdom what really is our starting situation like we are incredibly huge we have a population of 2 300 which i believe is like probably third or fourth place uh we can check that now actually we're in third place egypt can get they're only you know there's 600 pops behind us so we're we're pretty strong uh as for our army we start with a legion we are one of i think only five countries six countries i should say in the world that start with a legion the others being egypt the seleucid empire thrace macadon and of course eparus uh because everest got an army gifted to him by ptolemy because reasons anyway uh we start with a legion here being led by our son demetrius polyarkatis who is a pretty damn good general all things considered um this legion we can check out its stats right now it's got a few heavy infantry a few heavy cavalry a couple of arches a couple of light infantry supply trains it's got some war elephants and so it's got some good stuff in here it has got some good stuff it also has two legion honors we can have a look at these now primogenia this means it is the first legion of our nation so it gets a nice bit of morale recovery it gets a nice bit of loyalty gain chance reduction now obviously loyalty gain is not really something that you're going to be wanting all the time we also have legion dedication this is something that all legions get it's just something to give them a little bit of a boost uh early on to really make them punch above their weight when they're up against other um armies other levees so they get a bit of morale they get a bit more movement speed they get a bit of discipline um what's quite lovely as well i will say is that sure we've just started the game on the first of all october sorry uh 450 abc and yet the history of this army goes back all the way to 435 so this this is the army that fought against eumenes this is the army uh that you know went to fight humanies again and then and then again they fought eumenes this human is um we should we should look into him at some point um but yes we have all of this history for him um i wonder if the siege of rhodes there it is demetrius the stratus of syria in the failed siege of roads that is the reason that rhodes ends up building their colossus which is something that uh i hope they do because it's a beautiful model uh but that is the reason that uh that happens and i just love that it's got the history here and anything that we do with this legion as well will be included in this history i absolutely love that system um we can of course change the composition this is not the composition that i really favor um there's too many different types of units here i like it to be a bit more structured a bit more organized but more consolidated uh lots of heavy infantry something i really quite like um light infantry something i kind of really don't much like and um it would be maybe an idea to get rid of the light infantry as you know they're expensive like legions they're stronger than levies but there's a price to pay for that and that price is in money this army costs us 4.3 ducats every single month which is a lot it is a significant amount of our treasury um but i will of course get rid of some light infantry just to lower the cost because i don't really want to be paying for our for troops that i don't rate too highly so the reason uh sorry the way that you do that it's different to usual because you'd think you know we build units here right you know if we want to add heavy infantry we'll just add some heavy infantry but you can't take them away in this screen so to get rid of some inventory from here i'll just split them off into their own separate unit and then disband them which is perfectly fine uh we will of course also just replace those with a couple more heavy infantry uh maybe we'll go up to ten because like i say these guys are they're ridiculously expensive and we're not going to have a massive nation for much longer so maybe just a few more will be nice all right i also have some omens to take i think as we know that we're about to be in a hefty amount of war i'm gonna go with heracles get that extra little smudge of discipline that might be nice uh we can take some inventions as we start at tech two in each of our advances we start with eight innovations these are also very new uh innovations are the new way of taking tech so instead of you know getting three options every tech we now have an expansive tech tree in every single advanced path and you can spend an awfully long time looking at these and seeing oh i want do i want to go down here and i'll turn on planning mode i really want to make sure that i get advanced roster design because that's really cool so i'll just highlight that with the planning mode and then i you know reading every single one of them is something that you totally can do um it's not something i'm going to be doing on camera it may be something that i do off screen but to start with with my eight innovations i've already decided i want military artisans because that one free province investment seems kind of nice so we'll take that one material science is also pretty tempting so we could go down get some discipline and stuff um blacksmith's apprentices for the foundry building would be real tempting that is real tempting the foundry is a lovely building i'll go over in just a moment um in civic advances though uh culinary can let us form some league cities um or we could go and get some more import value in oratory we could go census data for some more freeman although knowing what happens to my nation in a little bit getting some more macedonian freeman in antigonia might not be something i'm too interested in and of course there are some religious advances make my ruler a bit more popular um something to look into uh integrated happiness over here as well there's a lot of happiness bonuses and such in the religious tree i think i'm gonna save my innovations until after the interesting things happen uh go over the one to sec the holy sites okay so there's another thing about this invention system that is super interesting and that is there are some certain inventions in these trees that completely change the way that you play the game and to point out one in particular militant epicureanism uh instead of the normal way that religion works where you have your omens and every so often you click an omen and you get a bonus now you don't get much omen power anymore but what you do get is stability every time you suck a temple which is insane there's it's insane that is a completely different way of playing the game i can imagine that if you are a migratory horde militant epicureanism is gonna be so fun so fun um it's something to look into uh pro well i can't get it now anyway or could i even one two three four five i could totally get it but i'm not going to not yet um we're not going to take any more innovations just yet because like i said our nation is going to go through some changes and we need to prepare for those uh take some ideas uh these i don't believe have changed uh at all since uh the game got them i don't remember if they were in at release but either way uh they haven't changed since the last patch uh with our oratory ideas we're going to go with loyalty of generals because there's something quite interesting with that one i should go through in just a moment and i'm also going to take some sanctioned privileges so this loyalty of generals thing because of the changes that have come with legions and levies and now every governor is technically a general as they can all raise their own levees every governor now has plus 10 loyalty from military administration that idea has just become an absolute must take ten loyalty on every single governor and every single general is is insane it's so insane and i love it and it's fantastic right uh we've got some other things to do we have a navy let's merge it up together we need a naval commander uh we could go with you i don't see a reason not to so you're fine with that we need an epistrata ghost um don't remember what the upper strike goes go does i think it might be mercenary cost uh it would be nice if it actually told you what it does um we'll pop you in there it is indeed mercenary maintenance um we've got some laws that we might look at but not yet there's a civil war that might happen well that's awkward uh who is disloyal uh two researchers that's not too much of an issue we'll just give them both free hands there you go um so that's that sorted we've got the caffis twitids the alleo dids and the antigonids all scorned right now that's probably not good uh there's low food supply in chulkis because our army is currently standing in it let's go and pick up the army maybe move them somewhere else uh we also have some other things to get doing too many relations we've got some vassals of course cabaret ocean beyosha and atolia along with a laundry list of tributaries and satrapies and client states and just it we've got a lot of subjects um we're also guaranteeing bioshock and atolia i could probably get rid of that actually um but i think it might be time to unpause the game uh before i do that though i will say thank you very much to joe gal jacques alves for the prime subscription uh caleonar for the prime um siento for the gift subs and james for the gift subs much appreciated man and lost in the cave for the prime as well uh dan din for the resub as well uh thank you all so much you appreciate uh your generosity is very much appreciated right it's time to unpause the antigonids will probably be going to war very soon and i'm scared um we've got some import requests right now i think we're probably fine to just accept all trades um i don't think we need to really do much coronation of antigonus after demetrius smashed the egyptian fleet at salamis which is right here um this is salamis caprias and the naval battle was around here somewhere he sent his most trusted officer aristodemos of mellitus with nudes of our great victory aristodemos hailed antigonus as basilius before the assembled crowd and the people rejoiced a coronation swiftly followed an antigonus shall now be known as basilius to all and sundry news has reached the ears of antigonus however that demetrius now crowned as co-king has taken to mocking the other diadoki and giving them derogatory titles seleucus the commander of elephants uh don't i'm not sure that's derogatory i think you know commander of elephants is well i mean we know the future uh and he doesn't and the elephants look kind of maybe a little bit important anyway tolmayus the admiral lissy makarus the treasure and even agathocles the governor of sicily though he is not one of us when they hear of this they will certainly not be pleased uh i i'm interested to know did he have anything for cassandra um did he maybe call him the murderer of babies something along those lines um so we can choose either that they will all bend the knee we become the first diadoki basilius giving his provincial loyalty and aggressive expansion impact uh no one will like us of course uh gain some popularity and so does demetrius or tell demetrius to focus on his victories instead and we get some morale of navies some naval movement speed instead and then you know everyone likes us a bit more well i don't care if they like me and yeah screw you guys they will all bend the knee naturally naturally i'll just accept that for now because i don't really need to worry about it right now i kiss under the traitor alexander agreed cassandra a bit of a bit of a bit of an really if we can be be totally honest about this um there are some other things that have been added to the game that we should probably just touch on of course we've got the new ui which does look just uh it's so nice it's so nice i don't i don't miss the the circle images of what i'm told were you know greek gods but i also had to click multiple times to find the right page that i wanted don't miss that at all i'm very happy with having all of the buttons on the side now um not unhappy with that at all um the outliner of course looks a lot thinner a lot nicer i think and also we also can see we've got a great wonder the acropolis of pergamon uh so that's that's kind of neat uh let's see what we have here the acropolis of pokemon gives us oratory tech investment plus 25 percent so if we go into our tech and we have a look at the oratory uh the acropolis of pergamon there plus 25 kind of nice kind of cool kind of neat i like it um there are other uh quite lovely uh wonders around the world that we might be able to look at as well just just before we get started there's a couple of wonders i want to see so we've got the palace of the arge giving us uh some subject opinion loyalty subject states tributary income it's okay uh it's relatively similar to the pyramids of giza um and by similar i mean it's kind of identical again i wish that wasn't the case but you know it's whatever one of the best wonders in the world it's not really a wonder but whatever we've got the acropolis of roads uh giving navy attrition negative twenty percent blockade efficiency plus twenty percent and monthly ship repaired c plus 0.2 that's kind of nice not gonna lie acropolis the rhodes kind of neat um other world wonders that we have here of course in ephesus we have the uh temple of artemis being a religious tech investment and monthly stability change really nice wonder to have uh we should see where's the other one here the mausoleum of halicarnassus gives an integrated culture happiness bonus very nice as well i'll be wanting to own that at some point in the not too distant because that's kind of cool um and then we've got the um statue of zeus in olympia integration speed and improve opinion maximum lovely stuff we'll be wanting those for sure so with that said with that out of the way of course we could go and have a look at all the other wonders we've got babylon hanging gardens we've got the temple of taxila which is around there no it's around here somewhere there it is temple attack sila um which is kind of nice as well uh we've got uh this one here that i forgot the name of sigi sigur this one it's nice uh s1 as well i pronounced that perfectly by the way i'm pretty good at that um eventually we'll have the um pharaohs lighthouse um which i believe is why the tomb of alexander does not count as a wonder i believe that's why it's kind of sad um i believe there's also petra is here it does not have a wonder was that was the thing of petra that maybe was built later on um rome has the temple of jupiter jupiter optimus maximus uh stonehenge also counts as one i know i said i wasn't going to go through them all but like i guess i am now um but we've also got i guess we should go to the hangars in babylon now that we're looking at them all statesmanship and civic tech investment is pretty decent uh does the colossus of rhodes count as a wonder yes it does though it hasn't actually been constructed yet um which i also believe is why rhodes has been split up into three territories uh because well technically the colossus should totally be like here um we've also got the the acropolis of roads here so i'm thinking that perhaps when rhodes builds it it's probably going to be in lindis or sporades which is a shame it's it's in the wrong place but i feel like that's why rhodes has been split up um i don't think there's any more that i can think of off the top of my head there's probably more um i i vaguely remember there being something in germania but i'd have to really go digging for it i can't remember so we're not going to we're just gonna we're just gonna get going it would be nice if there was a map mode for it um maybe something to do with oh i suppose it could be in the atlas mode which is beautiful and new um but if it would like highlight world wonders no matter whose nation they're in that would be really cool but yeah i don't know i don't know another way to find them but anyway let us get going i i said that a few times now but we'll we'll we'll go the place that charlemagne burned i don't know just build your own wonders yeah you can do that as well um i guess i can quickly point how one does that if you want to build great wonder choose a place you choose a great wonder and then you can you can design them however you want say you want a uh marble conical roof on top of a step tower made of of ebony and then you know the the outside bit can be some some you know polygonal base made of gold well you can do that uh the better materials you have here uh the more prestige you start with and each tier of prestige gets you different bonuses that you can choose yourself so if i wanted say a bunch of bonuses you can totally have a bunch of bonuses um this is kind of the part that i'm not too terribly happy with um because i don't think that something i build that looks kind of like this should have bonuses that's a lot of bonuses to get especially when you look at you know the pyramids of giza don't have bonuses that are nearly as strong as these and it just doesn't feel right you can also name it if you want the beacon of couracasians we've got buildings we've got pyramids and some templates as well if you wanna if you wanna just go through the templates um i'm not massively a fan of the bonuses i think they are very imbalanced um but i do like the idea that you can build something uh how much is a full gold wonder well the most expensive thing you can buy is a full gold pyramid which will cost you a nice tidy sum of 11 and a half thousand gold i think it is maybe more expensive if you build it in mountains perhaps um pyramid made us all gold no it isn't i do remember the first time i opened this up and i tried to build a solid gold pyramid it was over thirteen thousand i don't know what has changed if i'm being honest um maybe there was uh the nation that i picked was some tribe with a negative building cost modifier that might have been it are using a mod as i can't find the move pop option or the buildings in a city um move pop option is in here i'm not using any mods right now other than one specific one which i can show off if i can find somebody that has some mercenaries uh there the only mod i've got on right now is one from agama day which is making mercenaries have a gray background to their color rather than the very reddish brown one that they currently do that's just so that they don't look like enemies but i don't have any any mods that will change the ui not yet um was that 60 000 days to complete a building it was however um that is because let me just go back into it again that's because i didn't appoint a construction leader so let's go the pyramid of solid gold sixty thousand days but if i put a level eight sorry seven finesse menedemos eretrid uh it goes down to thirty three thousand days uh which is nice it also changes based on the amount of people in the province i believe yeah there we go the workforce available in the province of cilicia trachea so you really want to build it in your you know high pop areas for example if i want to build an antigonia your solid gold pyramid with him it's only 19 and a half thousand days just still very long time however it's still long yes it's just a long time it's just it's just a long time right with all that said all that out of the way we're 26 minutes in we've gone less than a couple of months let's unpause again yay the guy is great he half the work time well i mean he gotta think he's lowering the work the the difference between having a foreman and having no one is kind of important right because you know where people don't know where to build this build the thing so it does take a long time uh it takes longer to build a wonder than it takes to build a dyson sphere in solaris you're not wrong you really aren't right the wars of the dayadoki having built the largest empire the world has ever seen alexander the great died suddenly 18 years ago with no clear successor to the empire his generals have since fought over the spoils coming to be known as the diadoki or successors as the satrap of phrygia our ruler antigonus was not part of most of the great campaigns of alexander but in the conflicts of the last decade he has risen to be the most powerful of the successes elsewhere seleucus has succeeded in reclaiming babylon and united the eastern empire and the struggle for greece continues against cassandras in macedon our reputation as a protector of the free greek cities has earned us many friends among these smaller greek states but otherwise we now stand alone so the empire belongs to the strongest the final words of alexander the great or antigonus will outlast all whatever the cost so empire belongs the strongest means that if i fail to conquer corinthus or i lose ascalon antigone chulkis salamus cyprias or kell and i my empire will splinter when i die so that's why it's going to be very very rare for you to see a successful antigone kingdom because those requirements are insane let's just let's just point out right what where those provinces are right corinthus is right here we need to conquer this one it's got a fort we need to go and siege it conquer it where do you think ascalon is if we've got our army over here fighting for corinthos in greece probably not going to have our army down here defending ascalon the border with egypt we've also got antigonia which you know relatively defensible it's on a hill it's our capital it's got a fort we're gonna be pretty happy to try and keep this uh chalkis is right here we're stood at it right now uh we've also got salamis cyprias which we talked about previously us right here in cyprus pretty easy to keep this one from being honest with it being on an island and then finally a kilini which i forget where it is but we can find it carolina is right here so we need to defend from egypt we need to defend from egypt getting even a single siege completed we need to defend from the seleucids getting all the way to antigonia uh we need to defend from the thracians crossing the bosporus and sieging killing and we need to defend chalkis while at the same time sieging corinthos it is a task please pronounce ch as k which one am i which one was that calcus i'll try pretty sure lambert is not native greek well you no you know i'm not i'm not uh thank you moji fudgy for the prime um yeah uh you're not gonna really be seeing a successful antigone kingdom i think the biggest pain the biggest uh challenge will be to hold ascalon if the full force of egypt is trying to pass up here holding this was just it's going to be so difficult you can do it but if you're doing it you're probably not fighting macedon or if you're fighting macdon you're not fighting here you've got so many different places to defend all at the same time it is it is a challenge it is a big big challenge so what's this other one that we though what is antigonus will outlast all whatever the cost well we'll see also we all also get the ability to use the legacy of alan alexander wargle and we get claims on all of the rest of the empire which is kind of cool um the claims and the war goal uh we lose them on the death of demetrius so the other option antigonus will outlast all whatever the cost well uh we get the ps maticos nickname we get ps maticos which is you know point five extra health uh all my skills will be reduced to seven i lose political influence and money and i still have the very same problem with needing to conquer corinthos and you know losing the rest of it so basically the option is do i want the health but lose all my stats or do i just i'm not honestly the empire belongs to the strongest just seems like the the way to go this just means that i can fight for longer before i die uh because we start at 78 years old we're pretty pretty old we're probably gonna die pretty quickly although i will say it would be nice if i didn't know the health of antigonus um i i'm not a big fan of knowing the health it's something that i have complained about quite frequently is the abund over abundance of information um in imperator and while we do still see the you know the breakdown of decimal points on the health uh other things like how many troops do the seleucids have i don't know um we can see how many ships they have uh but we don't know how many troops they have there's a lot of things about their nation that we used to know though we don't anymore how much money do they have i don't know how what's their income i don't know how much manpower do they have i don't know we used to know all the information and and now now we don't which i love it's fantastic all right so the empire belongs to the strongest naturally right so the bolts have almost reached the chalkis uh chulkis is it's not run out of food yet so that's fine we'll leave it as it is we've got one disloyal character or an almost disloyal character but you're a researcher researchers can get free hands i'm not worried about those that's not an issue at all where is the bloody navy it's right here okay it's almost arrived i need spies true i do need spies that is another thing that we can eventually start doing um i believe it might be an invention that we need to do first because i know there is a way to spy on your enemies spy on neighbors it's just not something i know how to do yet it's not something i've seen i believe it is a character interaction um attempt espionage there we go we need to have the invention espionage so espionage uh we can search for it and it's not in religious there it is we need this one so if we take this we can then use espionage character interaction the espionage character interaction allows me to go and do some espionage on my enemies it would be nice if i could hover over this one there is uh tooltips within tool tips which is kind of cool uh but there's not everything is tool tipped like espionage character interaction i don't know what this does um exactly it's something we need to look into um i might actually go straight for it i think we can probably go straight for it let's do it i want to try espionage get some shady connections which seems like a bit of a waste of a of a thing but there we go we can now do espionage and we will grab a character grab a character any character that probably should be good at maybe charisma and at everything else you attempt some espionage upon my good friend so my number of pops be easier the silly kid empire oh wow it also costs quite a lot of money um she will be send on an espionage mission to a country of our choice it will take time to gather intel and it will depend on her charisma there we go perfect um she gains sneaky deeds giving her corruption and health penalties whether that was worth the 100 ducats i don't know but we'll find out but that's pretty cool that's pretty cool being able to know more about them is probably going to be useful all right and pause again the war in greece after the heraclean effort that characterized the siege of roads the antagonists turned their eyes west the free cities of greece were marshaled into a disciplined league with the sole aim to pen in the ruthless cassandras and the remnants of his forces still present in macedon after a brief lull in the fighting the antagonist generals led by demetrius now insists that the time is right to provoke an offensive from the macedonian menace irrespective of the brewing threat from alexander's successes elsewhere so this may result in war if we if we say that cassandra's will rue the day which he definitely will rue the day there is a hundred percent ruin going on here or we can say we can focus elsewhere so we would lose salamis it would be owned by athens uh salamis being this island here um igaina becomes an independent country chalkis is an independent country we'll have a truce with macedon making a lot of troops with us and abandoning the free greeks we face unrest and home in the future also if we lose this and this this i don't mind losing this but if we lose chalce then we die then the empire explodes so clearly we must save the cassandras i'm sorry of my dude but you will rue the day you will rue the day for sure in a feat of daring bravado boa has infiltrated the court of the seleucid empire for as long as she remains there we'll have access to the economic and military records of the seleucid bureaucracy we should take care however longer our spy remains in place the greater the risk to their well-being well i don't really care for her well-being if i'm being perfectly honest so in the diplomacy window for the seleucid empire we can now see some more information we can see the treasury we can see how much manpower they have uh that's really cool that's so cool i am so down with that their stability as well actually having a character interaction to learn more information about another country i'm pretty sure that's exactly what i asked for i love it i love it that is amazing we don't need this ledger this ledger can off this ledger is irrelevant now we can just spy on our enemies that's awesome oh you can always see stability oh yeah so you can well either way being able to see the treasury in manpower is something that we were able to see as default in 1.5 and before which was really it was terrible being able to see how much you know money and manpower core and cornavia had i don't even know if they existed last patch if being able to see that when i was playing as you know pandya was stupid absolutely stupid but now that's no longer the case i love this this system is beautiful you know who's not beautiful cassandra so we're at war with him that's that's why because he's not beautiful
Channel: Lord Lambert
Views: 22,515
Rating: 4.9272728 out of 5
Keywords: Lord Lambert, latin, imperium, AI, Antigonus, menander, marius, rome, imperator, diadochi, mp, imperator rome, pdx, caesar, Tribal, punic wars, livy patch, roman, twitch, strategy, conquest, multiplayer, epirus, Egypt, hellenic, Phyrigia, Seleucus, Rome, timelapse, Ptolemy, vitruvius, modded, aggressive expansion, Cassander, archimedes, UI, antiquity, imperator: rome, magna graecia, Alexander, stream, paradox, emperor, cicero, grand strategy, mods, gaul, Lambert, imperial, Lambert2191, livy, Government Types, map, Seleucids
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 56sec (2396 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 19 2021
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