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are they stoner squad my name is danny stoned and thank you for joining me today for another imperative academy video in today's installment i shall be talking about land battles this will not be a guide on army composition or unit types and will only analyze the inner workings of combat this means that we shall be taking a look at how land battles work in the 2.0 update hopefully this will help you triumph on the battlefield before we start the video i've made a quick guide to 2.0 marius detailing the different changes so if you're a new player or a returning one and want to see what these changes are then please go and check out the video the link will be in the description now that small intro is over let's dive right into the video and imperative guide to land battles first of all we need to explain what land battles are and how they work the land battle is essentially a meeting between two armies on a specific battlefield the fighting lasts until the enemy has been routed when its morale hits zero or all of the units are killed in action now this sounds pretty simple right that's because we have not taken into account a ton of modifiers that are applied in combat such as terrain general traits and stats tactics and individual unit stats but before we go ahead and take a look at all these potential modifiers let's start small and see how units line up in a battle to fight each other so how do cohorts line up against each other in imperative run to keep things as simple as possible for the time being i've set up two armies with the same unit types and the same numbers set at 10 archer cohorts each well unlike eu4 there is only one combat line as you can see with the battle of sisler between rome and aturia each army is laid out in a line facing each other the number of cohorts you can line up in a row is called combat width just a quick reminder that one cohort is made up of 500 men hence the 5 000 arch as you can see each archer icon on the battlefield equates to 500 men so one cohort now how many units can i lay out in a single line might you ask well this all depends on the terrain type each type of terrain has a different limit to combat with combat width is located at the top right hand side of the battle screen in this case the roman and etruscan forces are fighting on planes this type of terrain has a maximum of 40 combat width allowing me to place up to 40 units in a line in this case as rome i have 10 cohorts so well below the maximum limit which means all my units are placed on the battlefield in a line but what would happen if the forces exceed the combat width to showcase what would happen i have increased the armors fighting to 50 cohorts which equates to 25 000 men the 50 cohorts are 10 more than the combat width allows now you will notice that the battlefield is taken up entirely by the units each side laying out 40 cohorts opposite each other so what about the other 10 cohorts on each side well these are placed in reserve to see this just hover your mouse cursor over the units total and you shall see that 10 are placed in reserve this means that once a cohort has died or fled the battlefield they will step in to fight in his place as you can see the once the first archers are killed or flee the 10 cohorts in reserve step onto the battlefield now that we know how units line up and how many you can place let's take a look at how they fight again to keep things as simple as possible i have set up the same type and number of troops to fight so 5000 archers against 5000 archers will add more complicated things later in imperative each cohort faces off against a cohort directly opposite him so in this case each cohort of archers is fighting against a cohort directly in front of him depending on a series of modifiers each cohort inflicts morale damage and casualties to the enemy cohorts and the cohort flees if his morale hits zero or dies if all units within the said cohort are killed the amount of morale damage and casualties depends on a lot of factors commander traits to general's dice roll to rain bonuses gained through traditions discipline unit effectiveness against other unit types tactics and your cohort experience all modify these values but more on this in detail later now this sequence of combat has been done with an equal number of units on each side what happens once i have one side with more units than the other again to keep this simple i shall only use the same type of cohorts so gonna be archers so i've set rome with 20 cohorts of archers against a trio with only 16 cohorts so 4 less as you can see when the armies line up the romans have two extra units to overhang the etruscan line this enables you to flank and it is super effective each unit type has a maneuver value that determines its flanking range archers have one maneuver that allows them to hit a cohort that is one row away as you can see all the cohorts that are facing each other are fighting like normal now the extra units on the roman flank have no units facing them meaning that no one is attacking them this means that they can flank and as you can see the first overhanging archer cohort is hitting the last etruscan cohort from the side due to the arches one maneuver thus dealing more morale damage and casualties to the last etruscan cohort of the line who not only has to deal with the cohort directly in front of him but the one flanking him as well on a quick side note you will see the very last roman cohort of the line is not attacking anyone since the closest etruscan unit is two rows away now since archers have one maneuver he can't hit it just remember to flank you need to outnumber the enemy if the combat width is filled out by both sides then you only start to flank when the enemy has no more reserves to bring onto the battlefield and that you progressively start to outnumber the units on the line flanking can get very interesting if you place high maneuver units on the flanks like like cavalry for instance whose high maneuver value of three allows you to hit units that are three rows away speaking of different unit types allows me to showcase what a real battle is like which mixes things up a bit and is not fought by only one unit type like i've been showcasing for simplicity's sake so here we have a battle raging between rome and ateria and the plains of clemmon as rome we have 33 cohorts so eight heavy infantry five light cavalry 17 light infantry and three supply trains the etruscans have 28 cohorts made up of 6 archers 6 heavy infantry 3 light cavalry 11 light infantry and 2 supplied trains since the battle is taking place on planes both sides have a maximum combat width of 30. rome has 30 fighting cohorts so the whole combat width is taken up you will notice that the supply trains are in reserve they are always placed in reserve upon combat since they are support troops the etruscans have 26 combat troops so all the 26th are placed in a line leaving two slots open at the extremity of their line their supply chains are also placed in reserve just like the romans because they are not combat units now this is where you ask me when you have multiple types of units how do you determine who is placed where on the line well you do this in the army screen before going into combat here you select your primary secondary and flanking cohorts here you can also determine the number of units desired on the flanks to 2 5 or 10. just remember there are two flanks on the battlefield so make sure your flanking units double the flank size for example a flank size of two means two flanking units on one side so for it to be efficient you need four flanking units in your army the primary cohorts are the first to engage the enemy the secondary cohorts engage once the primary cohorts flee or have been killed and the flanking units are placed on the flank now there are two ways this can work if your primary cohorts fill out the entirety of the line then the secondary cohorts are placed in reserve and intervene when the primary cohort is killed or flees as for your flanking units the amount placed on the flank depends on the set flank size for instance if the flanking units were like cavalry cohorts and the size was set to 5 the game would automatically allocate 5 slots on either side of your line to light cavalry meaning that out of your 30 heavy infantry primary cohorts 10 would be placed in reserve to accommodate the flanking units just remember if you set your flanking size to 5 this means you need 10 flanking cohorts because there are two flanks on the battlefield if you don't have enough flanking troops then the flanking slots will be filled up by other units up next is the second case scenario where the combat width is not filled out to its maximum this is the case with the battle of clenun between rome and the truria since i have set heavy infantries to primary cohorts they make up the center of the line then placed next to them are the secondary cohorts so in this case the light infantry and finally we have the flanking units that i've set as light cavalry as you can see i have intentionally mistakenly set the flanking size to 5 even though i only have 5 flanking cohorts to show what happens the game realizes that i don't have enough flanking units to set either side so i evens it out placing 3 on the right and 2 on the left remember what i said that if you set your flanking size to 5 the game will try to place five flanking cohorts on either side of your line now the flanking units are always placed to be able to flank lining up with the enemy's last units on either side of his line this moves out some of the secondary cohorts to the extremity of your line hence why we have a couple of light infantry units on the very far side of our line okay so now it's time to take you through the exact process of a battle now this last part is not scripted i've not written anything so i'm just basically speaking off the top of my head so it may not be as fluid as previously but please bear with me so anyway we are on the battle of clemmon here and of course we have the combat with the 30 which means our 30 troops are lined out in a line because we have 30 of them exactly the supply chains are in reserve since their support troops and they stay behind the etruscans on the other hand have 26 fighting forces and two cohorts of supply chain reserve there are 26 cohorts lined up in a line and of course they have four less which opens up the two slots on the flank here so we have flanking advantage okay now what is happening here of course so the units fight off directly with the units in front of them we have got our heavy infantry ball as our primary cohort so they're placed in the middle here and they're facing off the unit straight opposite him same for the secondary cohorts which we have placed like infantry units who are placed next to my heavy infantry in the middle as you can see and they're facing directly off with the troops opposite them and then we have our flank on our flank side which are the hall uh the um light cavs sorry who are placed on the flank and of course since i do not have enough for the set flank size of five because if i had a set flat size of five i would ideally need five horse archers on either side and five light caps sorry on either side which would make ten light cabin total since i don't have enough the games basically split up evenly or as even as it can since it's an odd number this place three on one side and two on the other um considering that in order to flank um it like to flank what happens is it like kind of sets it the flanking units with the limit of the other unit so it can actually attack and then flank um so that is the setup here um now what's going on as we can see so each unit is fighting off against the unit opposite him so if i go on my like like heavier unit here so this is a seventh level fusions okay and it's attacking the first levy of cyano which is the directly one opposite as you can see and what's going on here each units are doing morale damage and troop damage to each other and basically one cohort flees or it kind of goes away if it's kind of got no morale or is killed and so basically if the let's say for example this archery unit here went down to zero morale it would flee currently it's at 1.47 out of three point four six million as soon as that number hits zero it will flee uh same applies to the number of men here it currently has 420 men if that men kind of number hit zero then it would flip we can also see um the different damage modifiers applied to different units against different unit types so here you can see we have um extra so we're doing it for damage due to well the damage is calculated due to the dice wall of our leader as you can see in the battle we've rolled a four which is less than the other guy the other guy rolled a six so that is modifying his damage as you can see dice roll six there um if we had any terrain or like leader modifiers which we don't but the enemy does because we're attacking him so he has the advantage um of plus one to his dice wall which is pretty cool for him but not for me and uh then of course you have the base damage of the unit after what happens is you get load of modifiers applied on it so you have discipline so the more discipline you have then of course the more damage you'll do then you can apply if that specific unit has um any kind of extra bonus against the unit type and so here you can see i have the infantry offense versus archer's defense plus 10 which is kind of working for us there which is actually great and the discipline of plus 21.46 percent now if i want to see how much discipline i've got just go to the ledger here go to your cohorts and normally you should see how much discipline we have now considering we have as overall 16 discipline applied to the whole of the army what we're doing for the heavy infantry here is we are adding on the extra discipline which should be down here somewhere and there we go an extra five percent discipline on top of that 26.4 on top sorry that's 16.46 and that should add up quite nicely to 21.46 like it does down here there we go 21.46 by heavy infantry offense versus archer's defense plus 10 it's also present in the ledger just go in here and scroll down you can see our heavy infantry offense bonus gives us a nice plus ten percent and that is what's supplied on the battle down here okay plus ten percent same if i go to the other side uh you'll see the extra kind of modifiers applied to that in like that unit fighting my other unit so as you can see as we said this guy's got the dice roll the turret lead modifier and the best damage then on top of that you add his discipline which is only 2.5 percent and then he has versus heavy inventory plus 10 now this is because if you go on to archers down here and you can see that plus heavy and for the against heavy infantry they do plus ten percent damage this is applied here as you can see plus ten percent damage to heavy infantry and then of course you've got the tactics supplying if they're good so shocked versus deception well the tactics don't really give any bonus or negative effect to either side so that doesn't change and um that's that so as i said that one cohort will die if his morale goes to zero or the amount of men goes to zero so we have the heavy infantry fighting down here then of course then he got the secondary um kind of cohort so the light inventory squaring off um against the other units opposite them as well and then we come to the flanking so the moment we have um so our flanks filled up with them actually sorry no i set my flank i'm trying to get my kind of thoughts here it's a maybe a little bit complicated but i set my flank size to five so it's basically put five units on the flank so that's as you can see here we've got three um light calf and then two um lightning future units and then we've got two light cab and three light infantry units so basically it's my flank size has been set to five which means that i don't have enough kind of like cav to set the flank sizes five on each side so it's basically taken an excess of the secondary cohorts and placed them on the side here um if i was clever i would have placed it as two and then it would probably then it would be um how to put it the light in which he would have filled in the middle and then the kind of two cab units would be on the outer extremity of the line here so basically what's going on here so we've got the cab fighting two cab units on the right side and a light and future unit here again the same principle applies the attack do troop damage movement damage and as soon as one hits zero that unit goes away you flees and whatnot and then you can see all the extra modifiers applied to the damage we're doing um so all these modifiers that apply to discipline and tactics and all that it applies to the damage and the morale damage you do okay and then on the flanks here we've got the light infantry so of course light infantry have one maneuver so this one is being able to hit this guy you can see this light infantry fourth level of fusions is currently attacking the third lady of cyner which is here you can see it's doing damage so this light kind of light troop unit has got to contend with this light cab unit and this light infantry unit you'll notice that this one on the far flank here of light infantry not do anything because his one maneuver won't allow him to hit this one which is two units away now let's see what happens when we go through the battle day by day so we're going to kind of go through the game here bim bamboo and we'll see what happens so um quickly here what happened is we have the flanking ones were the first to go because flanking is a massive advantage so his light infantry units here on the right side have died so some on the left side because of course they're being attacked twice why they can only attack one and now this has opened up the flank even more for us so what's going on here now is that we now have an extra light cab on the flank because as they die their line is getting smaller and now we have this like have been able to hit this one so you can see here we go to the light cab for attacking the third levee of avitim and is attacking him here the third level lithium you'll notice that these two light in future units on the flanks can't attack again because their maneuver won't let them this horse unit is two kind of slots away which means he can't do it and so now we'll keep rolling let's keep the game going boom am i going now i'm going let's roll let's see what else has happened okay so now our heavy infantry have completely smashed their middle line here which means this line is going to contract and all like kind of form into the middle you shall see very soon it kind of forms up and then it's going to give us even more flanking possibilities so you'll see let's see there we go see they're trying to get closer they're trying to form up in the middle here um and now they are bang okay they're formed up and again here we still have the advantage in numbers on the line and we are flanking this time more efficiently because of course now we have the light cab on especially on the right side here as far out as possible now if you remember they can hit units from three tiles away so you've got this one here the second levee of fusions is currently attacking the fifth levy of cine which is where is that one fifth level of sight i think it isn't it attacking the fifth levee of cynon which is this one here so this light unit is attacking this one and then we have this one the second light cab is also attacking the fifth levee of cynor because of course the horse's maneuver is three and of course if we go down one two three that is the third one across and you can hit it and you'll notice that the last light cav here can't hit it because he's this light infantry unit is four kind of spaces away and um the the light cap doesn't have the four flanking maneuver and so anyway we're gonna keep going keep rolling and see what else is going on and bim bam boom and now they're slowly being crushed oh get this message away are slowly slowly being pushed by everybody now because we're just gonna be flanking them completely unless they can push and kill our middle line but our heavy infantry is holding pretty strong our flanking is seriously killing them now everybody's flanking now on each side we've got a light kind of caviar flanking on this one we've got the light crab flanking on this one and yeah it's only a matter of time before they die however this is a good example to show reinforcements so this guy's coming in now with an extra 3000 men and this might turn the tide of battle and it probably has so we can see they've reinforced and they've brought extra units on the line now they fill the extremities they don't fill in the middle now so they're kind of filled up on the side here and now this gives us more to contend with so now we're suffering losses and we are really really being in trouble now because oh no have we pushed it back i don't think so maybe we haven't nope and now they're flanking us but now they've reinforced and like the units opposite each other killed each other now he's flanking me which means this guy this um his light cavalry first levy of pistoner is attacking the third levy of fusions this one which is my light infantry because he is one two three slots away from him so he's there um so now it's really a matter of time before we are dying so his reinforcements have come in to save the day and he should technically win this battle because the rest of our forces are going to fall because we are being severely flanked and this should be the end of the battle very shortly now bim bam you're dead yet he is dead he's going to die this is the last one and there we go they've all fled and now our supply chains are coming because when they all flee the supply trains in reserve get caught up and then they get absolutely bashed and uh yeah now it's pretty much the end of the battle here and the battle is finished uh because our morale um well because our troops are totally gone on the battlefield all of them are routed and now we have lost quite a few men we lost 8 783 of our 16 000 men to about half but they lost a fair amount as well they lost about 10 000 men and the fact that they reinforced the battle kind of turned the tide so what happens now is we retreat and generally we retreat to the closest four that's how it works i think don't quote me on that but i think it works like that anyway that's about it from me for this video thank you so much for watching and i hope it helped you understand battles a little bit better if it did help it's all in any shape or form please don't hesitate to hit that like button down below it really does help and of course if you want to see some more imperative content then please consider subscribing to the channel for more anyway as always thank you so much for being here and watching the video and i'll hopefully catch you all in the next one bye for now
Channel: DanIsStoned
Views: 9,156
Rating: 4.9834709 out of 5
Keywords: imperator, rome, imperator rome, guide, danisstoned, imperator academy, military guide, combat guide, tutorial, combat tutorial, military tutorial, help, paradox, marius, 2.0, update, marius update, unit types, land warfare
Id: 7Do2KNzhk_8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 45sec (1245 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 17 2021
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