Impact the World: Suzy Miller

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[Music] welcome to impact the world the show for and about creatives change makers and entrepreneurs this is a conversation episode where a special guest shares with me what they are creating and the behind the scenes journey of their experience [Music] [Applause] [Music] welcome to impact the world and in today's show i'm in conversation with the wonderful susie miller susie's work spans many different areas one of the things that she has been a real pioneer around is autism and looking at autism from a spiritual and an energetic perspective and working with parents and kids who experience autism but perhaps the main focus of our conversation today and a big area of focus in susie's work is integration you know we have all these different aspects in our personality and our energetic selves in our soul selves and one of the keys that susie has found to healing and to wholeness is when you start to have a much more loving and harmonic relationship with all of the aspects that exist inside us so it's a real treat to get to sit and talk to susie and be with susie for a while and i think you're going to really enjoy the show because sensitivity is really held and looked at in a deep way you can find out more about susie's work by visiting her website suzy as ever we put all links in the show notes and for those of you who write to us asking how you can support the show the best way you can do that is number one to enjoy it we hope and number two if you're willing to go to apple podcasts and subscribe to the show and leave us a rating or a review that would be fantastic hope you enjoy the episode thanks so much for tuning in susie welcome to the show thank you for being here thanks for having me lee so susie and i are friends and we've known each other several years but i feel that we got a little more acquainted with each other when we co-hosted a radio show with our friend sandy sedgebeer and we did that for about a year with on times and i think we we did a prior year where jim self was part of it too so how how far back do you and sandy go oh wow um at least a decade or so yeah cause sandy and you worked together a lot with with your work in the early days i believe is that right um she had uh children of the new earth magazine and when she had that magazine i was writing a routine column for that magazine at that time so yeah we've gone back quite a ways yeah dear friend well children of the new earth is is one of the things i think about when i think about you and your work and i want to read something that you have on your website so you write on your biography as a seven-year-old child i remember standing in the front yard looking into the sky and confidently stating i was waiting for the children to arrive now most people say i'm waiting for the aliens or you know it's like so so tell us about this that at seven years old you knew that you were waiting for the children to arrive yeah that there's no um there's no mental understanding of why i knew that or anything even when you read that though it's like everything on me kind of stood up again but yeah i just i did i just had this sense that there was a population of children coming that i had something to do with and i didn't know why i remember my mother's response when i said that she said oh go play with the kids in the neighborhood you know kind of thing it's like why are you looking up to the sky and thinking that kids are going to come that way but it's um yeah it really uh i've felt that since i was very little for sure and was that was that how you got led into traditionally working with kids originally i think so i mean i'm a good cancerian woman you know so i have that mother kind of instinct anyway so kids have always been something that i've yeah i'm so interested in and have a lot of compassion for them too because i don't think very many people listen to them and so that's probably what led me into becoming a speech language pathologist um you know just from the very beginning just you know how can you communicate and i remember really early on too almost feeling like i didn't have my voice in the world you know i wasn't exactly sure how my voice in the world fit fit into my family experience and so i think that was kind of a natural outpouring of i want every child on the planet to be able to communicate yeah so that they can be heard isn't it interesting that that's so often the case anyone who wants to give something to the world it's often been the area of their struggle or what they've had to overcome yeah so so can you explain what that role was so you said a a a speech pathologist so i mean i know that term but what what what is that and what what is that facilitating right so um speech pathologist looks at any form of communication disorder or challenge so it can be anything from somebody who's mute and is literally not verbally communicating at all to somebody who has trouble saying certain sounds or somebody who has um it's any form of communication whatsoever and it's the clarity of that communication is what a speech-language pathologist is actually looking for so and in my some uh speech pathologists end up working with adults you know with some type of stroke or something like that but again because of that good cancerian nature i think i always kind of gravitated towards kids so um pediatric speech pathologist right so hospitals and clinics and private practice and all kinds of schools all kinds of different situations and really had this i think this desire to work with the ones also that other people didn't think could get could bring out that communication you know i was always really interested somebody told me that this kid just won't talk or this kid i was the one that was kind of going let me have him for a little while let me see i might not be able to do anything but maybe i can so so i'm guessing some of that was knowledge that you had learned certain things that certain kids needed but a lot of the time i i'm imagining you were having to figure things out and be a bit of a detective to try and understand the why someone was having the issue but also get creative as to how to help them bring their voice out in a different way yeah absolutely and you know along with my speech pathology degree my minor was in psychology so they actually flipped back and forth quite a bit so yeah i was always interested in not just you know why is somebody having well not that they are having a challenge communicating but why are they having a challenge communicating and you know it was even really early on um again it's i knew that if a child felt comfortable if a child felt loved if they felt held and appreciated they of course who doesn't communicate under those circumstances right but what happens when somebody can't do something especially a child there's usually a lot of fear from the parent or there's usually you know a focus on that inability and so i i really like to to turn that around and i still like turning that around as far as know what is the ability not what's the disability because i mean who doesn't yeah who doesn't shine when somebody's you know there to support them and love them and exactly yeah and who doesn't contract when there are a bunch of people like pressuring you judging you shaming you who doesn't eventually under that unless you're a natural rebel which not everybody is so so because i i know you at this part of your life because we're talking 20 something years ago but i know you more from this incarnation where you're you're working with people's spiritual lives you're working with kids with autism but you're coming very much from a spiritual and intuitive perspective as well as a learnt perspective now when did spirituality in whatever form it took for you or whatever name or label it had what was it an awakening for you around your spirituality yeah it was a very distinct moment and it was back in 99 and i was a pediatric speech-language pathologist a little kid with autism that was new to my caseload and i went to visit him at the daycare center and when i walked in you know interesting little kid walking back and forth going it's the millennium it's 1999 and i'm you know through that speech pathology lens i was thinking interesting little kid you know it's like i'm in my mental mind already wondering who he was and and he walked right up to me at that point and i didn't know it at the time but it's not common for kids with autism to make direct eye contact with somebody they've never met before so he walked up to me looked me right in the eyes and he said master and when he said master i had this cascade of energy just run down through my body which was new to a you know scientifically minded speech language pathologist and so i had that visceral experience and i just remember thinking who's the master here you know and so i you know brought him to the back of the daycare center to work with him and sat down and you know in 1986 when i got my master's degree in speech pathology autism was 1 in 10 000 kids you know now it's like one in 54. so i didn't have a whole lot of education in autism and so i took him back to the back of the daycare center sat down against the door i was just going to give him some time to get used to things and for me to figure out what i was going to do with them because i wasn't quite sure and as he was walking through the that room all of a sudden i saw his light body floating above his physical body so it's little cherub of a kid four-year-old bowl haircut big brown eyes and all of a sudden there's this same size but light version floating up above him and there was a little tail that hung off his foot the light foot and went right down in and it just dipped into the heart space and that was and so i'm rubbing my eyes and wondering what the heck i'm seeing and what i'm you know what is this and of course the natural tendency is to say you know what is that and as i said that to myself i heard this little boy's voice in my head he said that's my light body you're here to put my light body back into my physical body and so um he took me through a year-long process where he did just that he came to me through telepathic communication he came to me through dreams he would send messages in all kinds of ways and he would ask me to do certain things and you know bring color bring sound you know use my voice ground him out energetically there were all kinds of different things that he asked for and i did that over the course of the year and at the end of that year he was verbally communicating and during the whole year i kept saying to him can i tell your mom about this you know it's like i'm supposed to be your speech-language pathologist you know so i was in a weird zone and there were also rules and regulations around totally yeah yes absolutely and so and every now and again like i would i literally would pretend to be a speech language pathologist you know i'd flip the cards i would i would do whatever i knew from my my educational background to facilitate his communication but he kept asking me to do something else and most of it was energetically involved um sometimes like i said it was bringing tuning forks or colored scarves or different things like that and as we did that you know like i say at the end of that year he was verbally communicating and towards the end of the year he said now you can tell my mom wow and so by the time i told her it was really beautiful because she said i knew something was going on you know i knew something was happening and he was altering her you know about at the same time so she was having her experience and i was having mine and we finally got to kind of collide in the middle i mean at the end of that time together and compare notes about how amazing her kid actually was okay so we're talking about this in 2020 and most of the people who will tune into this show um will be kind of down with all this stuff or at least be kind of open to it but in 1999 you're a traditional pediatric speech pathologist was this normal to you like what was going through your head yeah so this wasn't normal for you so how are you processing that not very well at times honestly i mean there what was so interesting about that time is you know if you have an experience like that at least when i have unusual kind of experiences i mean you're just so blown away by the experience and by you know i had this perception of this child as needing my service and yet he was going to tell me how to support him you know he was going to ask me and so i you know it was really challenging i gotta say um and it was probably more challenging because of all the other kind of skills that were opening up at the time so on the one hand i had this inner world that was quickly opening opening opening and i was still in that speech pathology world for a little while anyway where um i was trying to speak to people about what i was having an experience of and i had three heads you know and and not only that what i really noticed early on was there was almost like a course 99 you know that people are different now and they're more awake and aware to these possibilities i talk to people all the time who are professionals now but back in 99 it's true it's like they would just kind of glaze over and they thought i was you know lost the plot so to speak yeah yeah um so but there was there was an awful lot changing in my inner world it was i always say it was like he put the key in the lock and turned it yeah and once he did so many skills so many awarenesses so many things were coming full force even to the point i mean it was changing so drastically i was married at the time and i was changing so drastically that you know my husband then was he didn't understand what was happening to me didn't understand why i was talking about what i was talking about um so it was it was a you know when they say you have that awakening and everything changes everything changed yeah everything changed i mean it can be it i mean it can be brutal and i think it's important to say that because it's not brutal for everybody some people's awakening is much more harmonic or comes at a point in their life where it essentially rescues or frees them from another brutal reality that they might be living but for a lot of people even when they have a good start to it i think the identity shift it propels you into your your identity to yourself and your identity to the world it can really kind of capsize you so your husband at the time was how how were those conversation like were you speaking to him just very freely about it as if he would no or did you know that you were talking about something that was going to be challenging well it was interesting because he has a background in metaphysics and things like that because he was raised with a mother that was you know like that when he married me i wasn't like that i was the opposite of his mother right i think i became his mother we attract those places where we need to work things through but so yeah no he um so he had a he had a level of understanding about that but i think again anytime somebody's going through a big shift in their own reality and that reality is having an impact on somebody else's reality i think it's natural to kind of go you know what does this mean for me you know what does this mean for our relationship or the dynamics of you know um i we had yeah we were we looked like the nice little couple with four little girls and you know everything looked pretty yeah and so then all of a sudden i'm talking about things that were not normal to talk about yeah um and and yet we're so real to me yeah so real and bless his heart i mean there were nights i i can't fault him it in any way shape or form he's like he's an amazing human being and he um i just remember like literally waking up in the middle of the night and there would be um there was at one point there was a a being that came in and started teaching me or a guide whatever you might want to call it that was teaching me like a language of light and but literally i'd wake up in the middle of the night lying next to him and i'd sit up and that one would be at the end of the bed teaching me you know so i mean you can't fault him at all for no for thinking wow this is really yeah because these experiences that you're describing are an aspect of your way of seeing and experiencing the world that i have known about you since the day i met you but if i if i were married to you that was normal oh yes yeah um so so no that's that's really fascinating and it's interesting susie because this makes me think you know this morning just prepping for today going over some things on your website there was something that kind of pricked up my ears one of the things that you do i mean there are many different ways that you work with people but a sentence caught my attention you work with individuals attempting to integrate heightened spiritual experiences secondary to an awakening i'm listening to you share this and i'm like okay you've walked this path so because i think it can be very um very disarming this experience and i think it's great now in the world there are more voices around consciousness more different methods around consciousness more teachings around consciousness but still when someone comes to you who might be in the state that you're describing that you are in in a way how do you go about helping facilitate them so that they can ground and land like what are some of the ways that you you work with somebody i think um there's there's actually a lot of um i'm gonna call it inner aspect work because you know we any you know we can have these big experiences you know people have amazing experiences all the time they go and do an ayahuasca ceremony or they go and do some something people are having they go to a workshop right and they have some big experience so having the experience is one thing and having a place for it to actually land and become part of your reality become part of your skill set in a way that it can benefit others that's that's another thing and what i found is that a lot of the reason why those energies don't land is because there's all kind of imprinting or let's say um conditioning that doesn't give it a place to land right so like when you're a magical child and you know you come in i this actually happened in my household you're a magical child and you come your daughter comes in and she said mommy i can fly you know and you know you can i can say oh my gosh show me show me how to fly you know she's jumping on the bed and that kind of stuff more often than not it's more like no you can't fly no that's go back to bed just i'm tired leave me alone go back to bed right and no fault of the parent whatsoever it's ju it's life right but in that moment that that expansiveness that we are as children just got shut down right and so when we have an expansive experience and we try to put that expansive experience back into our reality it's bumping up against those places where that magical child has gotten shut down right and so we so a lot of that work initially is you know what are our belief systems what is our programming um where do we see ourselves as limited or we've been conditioned to believe that we're limited and where do we actually have the capacity to hold this vastness that we just had an experience of right and so to me it's it's a negotiation you know between the mind body and spirit you know it's um and and it's just that i mean it's it's not a cookie-cutter kind of experience a lot of the people that i work with um are trying to integrate really big experiences because a lot of people who are i will say um have had their share of early wounding right are also the ones that have this impetus to something more you know they're desiring something beyond the limitations that they've experienced and so they're they have a propensity to have this big you know experience but again what do they do with that so we have a lot of conversations and it goes energetics it's working with some of those inner children and it's a very unique approach for each person because everybody everybody ultimately needs to feel held and honored and loved in the process because just like we talked about earlier nobody's gonna nobody's gonna bring themselves to that fruition to that fullness without that one of the things that you and i speak the same language around is that it's the inner community and i remember when i first heard you talking about i was like oh yeah because one of the things i've noticed with any transformation that we go through is the epiphany or the big vision or the spiritual high is actually the easy part and it's often the part that seduces us in and i know many of us get spiritually addicted like certainly in the early years i know when i was going back to self-growth workshops time and time again i would be kind of disappointed it's like oh this was kind of a crying one you know i much preferred the one where i met like someone who was my old soul friend and had all these but actually what i came to learn and understand was the ones where i was crying for three days were actually far more powerful in a way because what i was doing was i was making room and shedding and healing and and you you just referred to it as our inner children which was a concept i think i first had explained to me about 12 13 years ago and it was it was really life-changing for me this idea that the aspects inside us that just need love or attention or care or healing that they can come with us because in my earliest years of spirituality i was very much taught as i think many of us were like 20 something years ago that you have to heal it get over it overcome it don't think it you know it was definitely that way just thinking just be happy you better be positive and and actually there's something really powerful in being able to deeply care for that inner child that is wounded on the day that that comes up but often in direct proportion to a new dream or a new venture or a new goal and i think when you understand that process it makes transformation something you can be a real ally of rather than yeah but i was so happy three days ago and i was going towards my goal why am i upset now well it's kind of logical because there's a part of you that feels a bit too upset to let it in or to allow it in and so this concept of inner children is that something people grasp quite quickly or does it tend to be that if if you're working with someone who's very new to spirituality or self-development the concept of inner children is is a strange one for people to get their heads around um i think for people who are brand new to it it would be a strange one i have a tendency to have you know a clientele that you know are kind they've already have some level of that awareness um not necessarily about inner children but that there's there's more to their in the moment experience than just that moment you know that that this experience this trigger or this this energetic pattern that's coming up over and over and in their lives at some point people will say something like why is this happening to me why is this you know just rotating through my life over and over again and usually that's the time when somebody will show up with me and we have a conversation about the fact that this pattern that's playing out in this moment has really very little to do with this moment it has much more to do with a you know a need or or something that just didn't get met really early on and so we know that in our early childhood we have all kinds of moments of fight flight freeze you know there's and in the moment we we have that fight flight freeze and then we seem to get over it and it just goes on you know we just go on and little kids usually um appear anyway that they don't hold on to too much of that stuff but when we begin to notice what we have held on to as we mature because certain patterns come up that remind us of those early fight flight freeze responses and so when i start talking to people about that and give them some personal experiences of that you know show them the way this moment with their husband or and maybe that you know walking out the door and maybe that brings about abandonment that that's that's an energy that um probably you can trace back to other times in your lifetime and start talking to people about that and they'll go oh yeah i do have this pattern of abandonment my boyfriend did that and my you know you know i remember having that feeling with my father you know it just goes back to those kinds of things but when we actually start going back and speaking directly to that child directly to that aspect and um and supporting them you know the grown-up susie supporting the little susie in that moment yes this is coming up and yes this is i'm here with you i'm present with you i'm holding you i've got your back you know the minute i you know we start sharing that with those parts of ourselves those parts of ourselves starts start giving the i call it it's like that the magical gifts of the child right it's like all of a sudden it's where yeah something magical can happen because the child now feels comfortable confident adding its energy to our current experience instead of trying to protect us from that you know and we know that if we're in protection mode we're not fully creating we're not fully alive we're not vibrant we're not even curious in many ways but if we give ourselves the opportunity to go back and i mean i've had so many experiences myself using this method i mean one thing i have found is that i just i've never been able to facilitate anything in anybody else that i haven't had to embody myself and um so that goes with the integration of kids with autism it also goes with any of the emotional energy that's playing out in any integration and i just notice when i do it when i actually apply it in my own life it's like wow i mean it's like something shifts in the moment you know it's it's really and i love teaching people that process so they're not reliant on me you know get them to the place where they're actually doing that themselves and then they'll yeah they'll they'll move into their own integration yeah and it's lovely because even in hearing you speak about this you're already integrating at some level if you're in a position where you can talk about oh this part of me is feeling abandoned rather than you're in toxic relationships where you are constantly repeatedly abandoned like if i look at my own trajectory a lot of the toxic stuff i was playing out in external relationships at a certain point moved in and it's like oh now we have to heal it here so that we don't keep mirroring it here i always think that's a that's a great place to reach but it can it can sometimes be more uncomfortable to your mind which can be more comfortable with the black white victim perpetrator oh they did this thing it's like oh i'm doing this thing you know it's it's it's a more complex way of working and you know i really i see it from the the inner landscape is always informing the outer landscape right so in my world anyway those patterns that we have um are not simply because they're showing up in the outer landscape for you know to so that we feel or integrate i think that they they originated in the inner landscape and they've been broadcast out into our life experience and we're and we're we're we're bringing forth those kinds of experiences not as a punishment or anything else but just to i i honestly think we're bringing those forth as love i think that's and because every human being on this planet has integrated in unintegrated aspects of themselves and every single person on this planet is um let's say um broadcasting that energy of what needs to be integrated and what has already been integrated and that's the life that we live so the moment that that person shows up in our lives and we get oh i'm triggered or i'm angry or oh the here it comes you know that all these strategies start popping up we move into overdrive and control or whatever again to really begin to to teach people that that very moment that very moment is a gift from our totality as well that very moment is the moment that we get to say huh there's something that needs my attention there's something that wants to be heard or held or and the minute we turn it just for a second and do that you watch all of a sudden those patterns start going away there's no reason to um there's no reason for them to be there anymore because the totality is just trying to return to the totality the essence is just trying to return to the purity of that essence right yeah so and it just one of the things i think all the time it just amazes me it's like got what seven billion people on this planet and it's working the same way for every single person on this planet right that life experiences is showing them the unintegrated and integrated aspects of their personal reality their cultural reality it's it's really um blows me away all the time it's fascinating so what you're speaking about i think many people watching or listening to this show will have either a deep knowing an awareness of or a big an a new knowing an awareness of otherwise they probably would have turned us off a long time ago um i'm curious how how can we cultivate more of that presence because i i seem to be innately wired to track process right it seems to be part of how i function in the world but i know i've got better at it the more i've given myself to this work and the more i've allowed myself to see and feel and sense right but how if i was watching this and i'm listening to you and i'm like well that sounds great suzy but i'm really busy i've got three kids i've got a very distracting thing going on at work i've got how you know how do i get ahead of letting it all play out in the external pattern when i don't have time to be present like is there any advice you could give well i always smile at this question lee because we know our lives you know we know that when we when we say i'll deal with that tomorrow i'll deal with that tomorrow i'll deal with that tomorrow it gets bigger and bigger and bigger right you know and so life has a way of bringing us back to those things that we need to be present to anyway so i don't think it's a matter of trying to figure out how well there are some options there's some abilities there's some capacities to be present i'll talk about those but i think that we are all kind of pushed one way or another forced in some ways to be really present to aspects of ourselves that we haven't been present to before and especially you know kind of just in these times right now too it's like so much is compressed right now so so much more is coming up so we're and i think it's beautiful because we're all getting we're feeling things that we've never felt before we're getting to places um so but what i what i tell new people to me all the time is very first thing when we have um this idea that feelings like we're supposed to have this feeling and not that feeling i if if somebody just understood that that the feeling that you're having that's anger or the feeling that you're having that's deep sadness that that's a real and valid feeling just like a feeling that i'm having that's elation or joy or whatever this whole idea of the way we've been conditioned to believe that certain feelings are good and other feelings are bad no you know it it's all energy and motion and what do we do with that energy in motion do we fight flight or freeze it or do we allow it to move do we allow it to move through and so sometimes i mean there have been a lot of clients that sometimes just giving somebody permission to feel absolute rage you know and you know just giving them permission and the tears start coming which is really lovely you know sometimes especially with kids with autism like if they're they're acting out some of that emotional energy you know worry concern fear that's so natural in any household you know of a child diagnosed with autism but they're really good at acting that out but when we go to the mother and we say okay where's the grief where's the sadness where's the oh i can't feel that i got to be strong for my kid or i've got to you know and you completely can understand that and at the same time it is very much the holding of that energetic pattern that they are seeing reflected in their highly aware and highly sensitive child who's just brilliant at reflecting that stuff right so again it's like this first moment of just recognizing that you know how can we fight with what is that emotion that's coming up you might not want it to be there but it is what's there in that moment you're already being present to it you don't have to think about being present to that feeling because you're that's right where you are absolutely yeah yeah you mentioned autism here and you know that's been such a huge part of your work and also an area that you've really pioneered in over the last decade and more and my experience of autism is quite localized but it was to i had this amazing opportunity to work with this young boy johnny who is is now a young man and an amazing artist and i love seeing his life from a distance because he's still in england but um i was one of many people who were trained to work with him by his mom and by one of his support workers in a certain method that was designed to encourage connection and so he was i think he was six when i was working with him and it was 15 years ago and i worked with him for a year a year and a half once a week for a few hours it was one of the most profound experiences of my life and i remember at the time i had just begun channeling so it was the two-year period where i was channeling for the public not just personally so there was a two-year period where i was part-time doing my sessions and part-time doing a couple of other jobs and johnny was one of those and i remember his mum asking me to do a channeling for her and she had some questions about johnny and one of the things that came out was how he was a teacher for all of us now i completely understood that when i read the channeling but now all these years later i understand it in an even deeper way and you are somebody that i then met years later and who has been working with the consciousness of kids now one thing you said earlier that struck me you said that it used to be one in ten thousand kids with autism and now it's one in 54. so that's a huge increase so i guess i'm curious from your perspective the very important role that autism is playing in our society right now what are some of the core messages teachings learnings that the kids are here to impart to those of us who perhaps aren't quite as far along the spectrum as they are because we're all on the spectrum yeah totally yeah well i can tell you what i was told by them yeah so and what that was was that they said that we had humanity had actually called a new type of human to the planet and a human that was more intuitive um and so more intuitive but also males who are intuitive right yeah so and it was really interesting because you know you see these kids coming in mass them they are mostly males who are diagnosed with autism and so what's interesting to me is they would say okay you called us and and you called a higher frequency you called the higher frequency to the planet so that higher frequency anytime we bring a higher frequency to anything whether it's ourselves in a big spiritual experience or a bunch of souls that come and end up with a diagnosis of autism that are also that broader perspective that brings up the that brings up the shadow that brings up the other parts of us that can't hold that higher frequency right so you've got all of these kids one in ten thousand at first and then one in 54. and so you have a huge population that's holding a very very high vibrational frequency that high vibrational frequency is very challenging to integrate but from a soul perspective we asked for those souls and um are blessed by them as far as i can see you know we are really blessed by their presence here and and when any one of those kids does fully integrate does fully integrate and that means different things for different children but when they integrate that really does impact humanity in a huge way that's taking a very high refined frequency and bringing it right down into the mental emotional physical ability of a human being that goes out like a nova wave in waking people up and i don't think that it's by chance honestly that the vast majority of these kids started coming in in the 90s you know that's where we really got that that's really started to come full force and now we're living in a human experience where a lot of the shadow stuff is coming up from the underground right both in ourselves and um in the collective and so when i look at if i looked at it just strictly through energetic eyes vibrational eyes i would say that they have played a significant role in in amping up the frequency of the planet so that the pre the planet could no longer engage in some of those more shadowy kinds of experiences but if you talk to any parent of a child diagnosed with autism they'll tell you the same thing they there's a natural um there's a natural pull to grow in your own spiritual awareness in your own awareness of what you actually are beyond the you know the constructs of what we're supposed to want to have and do and be and that kind of thing you talk to any of them and it happened to you too working with this kid it happened to me you know it's like and over and over again it's like they draw something from you and we all think that we're we are helping them but it's also there's this their frequency alone is doing something to us absolutely so that makes sense to me the uh how the in a way the gravitational pull of the of the of all of these kids with the higher frequency because it's very similar to when you as an individual immerse yourself in higher frequencies you're going to bring up all the lower parts for healing so it's that that makes total sense to me it's exactly yeah it's exactly what happens when you have like some big spiritual experience because that's why this is all interconnected so that big spiritual experience brings up all of that shadow information within you right same thing you've got a bunch of kids who function in a very high frequency and honestly so high in some cases it's really challenging to get that integrated so so that the body is functioning fluidly or so that the mental information is going down to the body but but there are ways to actually to support that and to integrate that and and the more that happens um i had one little kid a long time ago say um your job is to get the avatars here and he meant them so yeah it just goes full circle to when you were seven in the garden yes yes the ones i was waiting for so i know you have a couple of different things that you do each month you have your monthly energy session and you also have the children's sanctuary i i loved the the name the children's sanctuary tell us a little bit about that yeah it's really it's a once a month energy call that we're looking at whatever topic is appropriate for that month around the kids you know what they might need and or what those that are supporting them might need in that moment because it really is a dance between the two it's not one or the other um getting better and then everything's right it's really this this dance parents are usually doing the grounding work right the children are usually doing the higher frequency kind of pull to the spiritual work and so when that starts dancing together there's really a capacity to integrate both yeah so that's that once a month and then the monthly energy session is the monthly energy session is currently weekly and the only reason it's currently weekly is because of you know what's going on in the world and that kind of thing but again it's the same kind of thing it kind of takes a pulse on what the energetic climate is right now and also you know what kinds of things can we integrate in that moment and it's been i've actually really enjoyed it having the weekly because it gives me also the focus of okay this is what i can focus on for the next week and this is what i can get integrated in that seven day period and then i can come back and so um i'm i'm really enjoying that one myself that's great so if we were to kind of close this conversation where we began we'll go back to 1999. susie miller in 1999 gets to flash forward to susie miller in 2020 and everything she's doing how does 1999 susie miller pediatric speech pathologists feel about this world that you now get to be in and serve and play in and learn from and teach from i oh wow you know it's honestly the 99 version of susie i think would be could not comprehend where the 2020 version of susie is honestly if i could go back from the 2020 susie to the 1999 when i think i would really i would talk to her about that everything that she was feeling everything that was coming up in that moment was real and valid and it was moving to something greater i could remind her of that and allow her to to really feel what she was feeling because there was so much of that coming up at that time but if she's looking forward she's got really wide eyes going are you sure maybe not yeah that's beautiful well thank you so much susie i love how you impact the world i love how you impact my world as a friend and thank you for sharing everything with us today about your work thanks lee and if you want to tune in more on susie you can find everything that she does at and as usual we put the links in the show notes thanks for tuning in everybody thanks so much for tuning in to this episode of impact the world and if you want to go deeper and more in depth with my work you should check out my members group the portal you can find it at my website lee or visit the portal dot world
Channel: LeeHarrisEnergy
Views: 10,862
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Integration Specialist, Suzy Miller | Omega, Dr. Susan Miller | Voicetrainer | Speech Pathologist, Suzy Miller on Lessons from Autism, Impact the World Podcast, Apple Music
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 42sec (2922 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 16 2020
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