UK Border Force - Season 1, Episode 3: Interviewing Visa Applicants in India

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every year over a hundred million people go through passport control to get into britain most are welcome and legal many are not for the first time on television we go behind the scenes of the UK Border Agency the men and women on the front line of the Immigration Service tonight the hot-headed heathrow sing me Bethy just we will do that without asking you further questions and the only thing you can do is wait patiently because you and me talking like this is just delaying it okay a marriage in India doesn't bring true an album with a picture of yourself or with somebody else and not evidence of living together do you have any documentary evidence immigration can you stop what you're doing please and arrived in Liverpool ends in teers decimal place rain comes [Music] it's estimated that up to 1 million people live or work illegally in the UK is the job of enforcement teams to track those people down and remove them from Britain a system immigration officer Adele Partington is part of a team in Glasgow preparing for a raid at 6:00 in the morning and we're all just getting kitted up ready to go to the karyotype is to visit this part of the job but you always still get a little bit of jitters wouldn't be normal this morning the team are about to pay a surprise visit on a flat where they believe illegal immigrants are living better as two flat two one target other visit as a Pakistani meal the intelligence for this visit suggests that moustache our lives at the target address with ten or eleven other Pakistani meals and some of the occupant allegedly have counterfeit documentation the intention today is obviously sales for under list master sha and Daniel are demolition offenders that we come across okay well the target is to arrest the offender for this package of those listed only one offenders possibility of general and other people who's aiming at the dress we could also be possible offenders as well so it can be straightforward or they can be complicated and so you I still get through the door you thought you don't know what you're gonna find the flat is not far from the teens base it's now 7 a.m. [Music] don't please this time migration please some immigration police we've got want to be here you take your city of Loveland room please how many people are on the premises it appears the early visitors played off the occupants were still in bed if you need access to that door and not pakistani there are only two people in the flat but there are also two locked doors and no keys keys I'm gonna knock the door down anyway so it's up to yourself the intelligence that there are 10 people living here seems to be wrong and the two men have just found are both legal but the kitchen window of this third floor flat is open officers think someone has done the unthinkable [Music] I just have a jumper from the flag and I reckon it's about fifty feet one of the occupants tried to climb down the drainpipe to escape he lost his footing his managed to struggle to the dustbins at the rear of the building did anybody else John Pope one guy weird as he as he hot no realize he got saved yeah but on trying to find Ella Neal just now I believe he's been over fancier and saguenay via we just have no what to try anything come just now the other man must have kept his grip when he climbed down and now he's on the run but his injured friend is losing consciousness [Music] Ashleigh pairs has been with the Immigration Service for just over a year this is our first serious incident [Music] sorry come on speaks max she tries to keep the man awake until help arrives I know your back so try and stay calm will you China move the paramedics quickly decide that must get the man to a hospital s keyboards they fear he has broken his back from the impact of the fall in hospital who's told his spine is fractured when his immigration paperwork is complete he'll be sent back to Pakistan the runner remains at large coming up at Heathrow the passenger who's not here to work but he's too poor to holiday and in Delhi the financial analyst whose figures don't add up if you weren't in six lakhs per year and paying tax you wouldn't take on forty five thousand rupees per month it's like guys all company technical things are terminal three at Heathrow is the main entry point for travelers from the Middle East America Asia and Africa officers have stopped a passenger from Johannesburg who's flown in on a tourist visa but it doesn't have much money so they suspect he may be here to work okay put occupation I think that's bodyguard right well his landing card and he has apparently spent the recent months in South Africa doing a bodyguard training course he may be looking for that kind of work in the UK okay however so far he chose to come in to visit a cousin okay so that's all we've got so far right so immigration officer lisa lee investigates is it pavia po ba how do you say your name sir havea what you don't you like to follow me I'm gonna be dealing with you initially today and then a colleague of mine will be taking over the case as long as it takes her unfortunately these things have a habit of taking quite a long time there's lots of paperwork to do this is immigration nothing is stupid with immigration if you just like to follow me we need to take your photograph okay because that standard procedure when we stop anyone and then we need to place you in the care of our holding facility so that we can come back and talk to you in a more comfortable environment let's follow me now if you have nothing to worry about then everything will be fine but we need to establish that before we can do anything else okay and the only way we can really do that is by sitting down having a proper chat with you all right there so if you just like to follow me the passenger says he's here to stay with his cousin and help decorate the house it always arouses suspicion if somebody says they don't have a job and yet they're here on holiday you kind of think well he's not from a wealthy background he doesn't appear to have lots of savings in fact he says he has no savings he's had to save to pay for his course you know it's just is that credible that somebody with little money would come on a five-week holiday and that's what we need to establish thanks a lot well the bodyguard is detained officer Lee checks his story okay can you tell me why your cousin's coming to the UK today the sponsor the cousin has just corroborated pretty much what the passengers said they've got lots of decorating to do in their house they've been trying to do their house up for 10 months and he's just coming to help them decorate and which is odd but hey everyone has their way they want to spend their holidays I understand you wanted to speak to me the holding room at Heathrow is hardly the best place to start a holiday it's starting to annoy The Bodyguard okay let me just explain to see if it was a criminal if I did something wrong whatsoever fine do it but not like this we're not suggesting almost your nominal okay you are seeking entry to the UK job as immigration officers is to establish whether you are qualified entry don't insult my diligence here seen me back then we have to go through due process I have this situation taking my cigarettes and just thing out there to just to have a stupid cigarette okay well it's not even the secrets problem it's right well I can't help you with the cigarette thing because you can't smoke in the airport so I suggestions usually nobody's gonna stop me taking a cigarette out of the bag now you will be restrained be able to trust me okay if you're maybe okay well the police will be called you'll be arrested oh you saw over cigarette you won't be able to because you can't smoke in police stations either so get somebody here right now someone is coming to speak to you it's more than you do to succeed okay the only thing you can do let me just the only thing you can do is wait patiently you didn't because you me talking like this is just delaying it and that was controlling immigration isn't just about Manning the borders in 135 countries around the world British immigration staff vet those who want to travel to Britain in India much of this work is done at the British High Commission in Delhi [Music] the 7:30 visa applications are delivered under armed guard after 1,500 a processed everyday entry clearance officer Dan Brown has been seconded to Delhi for three years he's one of four staff processing today's cases when the first stage of the immigration control and it's our job to maintain the integrity of the controls away trying to stop people and traveling in the first place to the UK we've got no right to go some applicants need to come to the High Commission in person for extra checks officer Brown prepares to question the financial analyst whose figures don't add up Garrus gentleman's applied under the old highly skilled migrants cream so it's now known as the point face system he sent his documents after the UK to prove that he's a highly skilled migrant he has to show that he achieved 75 points from his age his qualifications and his previous earnings who completed your application form sorry who completed your application form me another details on your firm correct yeah what did you get points for my graduation and my age and which college did you go to did you go to Oz money or itself at a different College whose money when did you started as Malian I think 2000 1999 something and what subject was your degree in what did you specialize in for your degree yeah alright yeah actually oh it's a long time so what kind of memory officer Brown record every answer no matter how they so you can't tell me what what speciality you did your degree in it's like being accounting it might be what you mean might be in a town date it's a thing it's it's in a coding but he throw the South African bodyguard is still being held he's seen the end of one shift and the start of another officer Richard Smith picks up the case you're coming with very little fun is that why because of their is he well these are the things that they like us think that you're not a genuine okay in my frame of mind I'm just trying to explain that she chose me because the innocence of the first time tale and I'm not yet you might do anything wrong or try to get work everything is right there I understand now what you say it's what they're looking at home with the interview over the man won't have to wait much longer for a decision if your opinion is that we should give him the benefit of the talents as next to his circumstances aren't entirely satisfactory but on the other hand and the aspects to its case that perfectly satisfactory I get the impression that he at this moment in time he's not intending to stay and work we've got your fingerprints on record we've noted that you intend to go back on whatever it was in May 18th and May 17th and I okay you've got return to it right okay so I'm happy that you're not intending to stay at this point don't change your mind within the next few weeks because you are now on record that was my point from the start immigration has given him what they call entry with special conditions if he stays Blondie's return flight they they'll be the first to know [Music] for the 8,000 Indians a week to apply to come to the UK it's not just a case of booking the ticket hopefuls must provide mountains of paperwork to the visa application Center today is one of the busiest days of the year at the start of the summer rush visa applicants was play a fee upwards of 65 pounds and have a valid reason to travel so you have to look at the black camera we go on for 10 seconds on the top in 2007 they began storing mug shots and fingerprints of everyone who applies to help stop failed applicants trying again with false documents or false on identities on the other side of Delhi of the High Commission fraud experts check each application among those ploughing through the paperwork today is visa assistant pav maganda every day we receive forgeries with applications it includes family visits and forgery with different kind of documents let's say educational documents graduation degree sometimes when we cross-check with the concern universities and it came as false officer gander is responsible for checking the documents of the man being interviewed by Officer Brown it doesn't take long to arouse her suspicions osmar near University in India is genuine the certificate is faint now officer gander wants to know more about his other documents this bank statement does not look genuine to me and it's having a spelling errors and then applicant has submitted a huge transactions balance is very high right sir my name is Sapna and I'm calling from the British High Commission New Delhi I would be very grateful if you could verify this bank statement for me sir I would like to verify three things in this account one would be who is the account holders name second it's the bank confirms the man does have an account the balance is unusually high of a sugandha checks if the statement is genuine could you tell me the transaction on 8 for 2008 there is a salary transfer of 45,000 so no transaction happened on 8th for 2008 right thank you so much okay bye-bye sir I got the written confirmation on this case from my bank manager okay what was the result it's forged just like he's been that big and his spoils okay he has send me an original bank statement and this is the one from the bank and it's not showing Ali any of the salary deposits so he isn't much up so none of the transaction match with their records it's for is for sure in the interview the man is unaware that officer Brown knows all about his fraudulent documents what are you doing India I work as a financial analyst what is your income it's around $45 in Peru is that before tax our after tax it's after tax what is your salary before tax it gonna be around 6 like something so if you were already in 6 lakhs per year and paint tux and you wouldn't take home forty five thousand rupees per month can you explain this yeah actually that's that's it's not the it's not the you know the basic coming in it's like my all my overtime and everything so you don't declare your overtime on your tax returns it's all right you can't say that well it's like it's all company technical things I actually I don't know how they do that have a glass of water please I'll get somebody to get you all right can you get him some water please yes please officer Brown now makes his main move you have given us a bank statement yeah can you tell me the last transaction that is shown on your account I usually I don't like do all this banks a mile all my wife usually can't take care of all these things and she just signed a check for for a month and what day every month do you get paid well I think saving is that when the money goes into your account yeah okay as part of your application process we've checked your bank statement with the bank the bank have told us that the bank that the statement you've given us is not genuine can you explain this actually I've got no idea regarding these things sorry I've got no idea why and they have seen that can you tell us why you have given us a false document actually it's I actually I don't have the knowledge about this thing that is money for sure it's your it's your bank statement it's your income the others you are and you have given us the application you put in the papers you please tell me why you've submitted a false document I don't take care of these things I just asked my wife to give me and she just put on so is it your wife that has given us a false document it might be because I'm actually I don't I'm not interested that much interested in going back she is the one like she she wants to be there for two years or so that's the only reason okay what I'm going to do now obviously because you've submitted false documents your application will be refused and I'll give you a letter to explain the reasons why the applications been refused all right so you're gonna give me all the documents right now I'm not going to give you in a false knocking it's Bakula all right are you gonna give me my passport I'll give you your passport back officer Brown tells a man to wait for his passport submitting force documents is a criminal offense the police have been called the Financial Analysts formulates a plan he'll make for the exit for the door from the British High Commission back into the streets of Delhi is locked the financial analyst has nowhere to go and now the police have arrived he's applied for a UK visa and he's given his bank statements and he's given as and a degree certificate and we have written confirmation that there was a false documents the fact that you've put in false documents means that I can't to be honest I can't believe anything that you've told me you do making a fresh application your application will automatically be refused so you want me issued a UK visa for the next ten years okay man was arrested bailed and later charged with cheating and making false documents he'll be unable to enter the UK for at least 10 years coming up a suspected sham marriage in Delhi no other photographs have anyone that I can assume is her friend can you explain why and digging deep reliever workers in Liverpool [Music] immigration officer Sean Flaherty and his enforcement team are planning to raid an Indian restaurant in Liverpool receipt intelligence to suggest that there are at least six foreign nationals working illegally and the Francis intention as to carry out an enforcement visit for the property search for an arrest all immigration offenders and it stablished the immigration status of all those presents illegal work in is going on on most high streets it's virtual slavery they paid well below the minimum wage the chumby working Shami in the UK the team has been keeping an eye on the restaurant now they're ready to pounce [Music] an employer can be fined up to ten thousand pounds for every illegal worker they hire I'm the team are continuing to sweep the rest of the building to make sure that there's nobody I am added in the basement or in the odd floors send them in the sarah Liddy and then we're gonna process them one by one officers search the premises for any evidence that will identify the workers and what we find is they're dumping told us that you have some identification so he's presented to us an asylum registration card all do for now six and basic details go through to the Seafarer area and confer the text and then we'll see what's wrong just explain to look at you or never intense about Connery about just wants to sit there while we do our checks lady him operates on the tourist visa butch obviously working in the kitchen she's got a white apron or she's gonna be arrested now on suspicion of working in the UK illegally the names of the employees it's not the first time they've been here the employer has been caught hiring illegal workers before I will be speaking to shortly about status of on your business okay Jesse don't mind just hanging on here I don't wanna be able to sure was officer fly hottie in the team won't leave until they discover who is legal and who is not at the British High Commission in Delhi officer Hasan Siddiqui is with a man he believes may have entered a sham marriage to get a UK visa Jasmine's Singh recently entered Britain illegally that's when he met a British woman back in India the couple of tied the knot now he wants UK residency do you have any evidence on living together an album was a picture of yourself or with somebody else is not evidence of living together right tell me exactly what it is that you have sorry council tax state how old is your wife 60 no she's 16 I hold are you 35 anomaly waiting outside is the 60 year old bride a schoolteacher from Wales you've got a lot of photographs haven't spent time together do you take these photographs for the benefit of this interview I mean if we did that whole dog for look at in the Bashan Canada right taking photographs I've noticed that none of the photographs have anyone that I could assume is her friend because all of the people in these photographs all seem to be other Asian males of your age can you explain why and have you ever met any of her friends then the best friend alumina and the guillotine image killings glen innes why have you chosen to marry somebody who is slightly older than yourself and has two grown-up children I'm assuming doesn't speak Punjabi and I've noticed that your level of English is is relatively basic is there any particular reason that you've chosen to marry this lady hey anything you two done goddamn it up at read did I cut tearing dizzy mr. Singh may say he's in love but it takes more than that to qualify for residency and his Welsh wife has yet to be quizzed other restaurant in Liverpool it's not looking good for the owner the enforcement team has doubts about another member of his staff well just at the moment say I'm just asking the demoscene very basic details about the identity Denise has presented me and roughly how long he's been in the UK maybe what extinct this is - three years what's up on with your application application finnish-speaking Cerrone [Applause] the team can call on interpreters when language becomes a barrier to get paid for working here now you have to do Sartaj the power to deal with yes sir 10 pounds per day can you ask him what documentation he showed his employer but he was allowed to work no the owner plays no tax or national insurance for this worker and gives him only a fraction of the minimum wage just gonna check your fingerprints okay Jane wants to find out the workers status in the UK they scan his fingerprints and send them for analysis to a national database the results will come back in minutes we have any evidence that they have right to work in the UK i ratted them for their not interest number in all these things right I was gonna give you a quick search around your headdress okay the lady but I'm sure she was found working in the kitchen you want to give to it we got work in amman subsurface she's in the kitchen world only in the teacher but she was here she'd rather walk yeah she's wearing an apron any kitchen she may be just trying to make some non-recursive or something like that oh I got fine but maybe I'll try I was a character I can't answer the question so she wasn't working she may be making not the fingerprint results and firm the worker is from Iran and he's here illegally this man listen they upset this man I'm arresting you on suspicion of working illegally in the UK okay you're not by two same thing that you wish to do so harm your defense if you don't mention when questioned something that you maybe haven't called anything you do say may be given in evidence thank you sir outbreak your safety - hey you look upset I'm gonna place you in cuffs shut up your hands at the front for me hands in front at the end the day he's led them to us he's employed them illegally he's poised in a position now where we put a restaurant on a police south this is a real cost of illegal work and people in tears whether it's illegal people like this or legal people who sometimes their business has got a wall because some individuals under cotton by thousands know it all ends in tears or somebody unfortunate for these people tonight turned it in test them they're gonna end up in an I in the cells at the very least so yeah I'm gonna go back in there no I'm gonna talk about a penalty he's first a finer ten thousand pound per person the end the day you haven't done your article tracks you don't fly people illegally which is all - no - possible three people being arrested we have people no detained in the back of the van do I need to get to a police station if you want to sign it sign if you don't want to sign it I'll even bother they haven't signs without the passport of the woman found working in the kitchen it's harder to prove that she shouldn't have been there but help is the problem the motor so she's over here the possible and etc would you be able to get a hold that possible you know yeah you gonna here yeah one apartment another look place yes thank you thanks the woman the relative claims this was her first time at the restaurant she was only there to learn how to cook unless it's a very very unfortunate night boy she picked the only night that we visit to be learned how to make a curry in the kitchen that's very unfortunately it is very unfortunate or perhaps it's not the first night I've been in the kitchen that's I'm sure I'm sure she's just arrived we can see that mostly right - it is very unfortunate the enforcement team don't believe her she is removed back to India the man from Iraq was also sent back home the employer is fined 20,000 pounds in Delhi is the turn of the Welsh bride to be interviewed she must convince the immigration officers the marriage is genuine or with the end of the couples dream to set up home in Wales hello Evelyn Rita thank you all right okay good okay I'm nervous yeah understandably everybody's system that cyclists here always is how you finding living in Punjab it's absolutely amazing I I truly embraced India even before I came here I've had lots of videos sent over so I was able to watch all those and I knew everybody by sight before I met them so that was that was nice so I you know how do you think they've reacted in regards to you know you're you're from the UK and you don't speak Punjabi how's the interaction well you know they're very loving towards me and they were very accepting of me from the very beginning even when we were talking and laughing and saying sorry a girl on the phone and you know things like that so tell me a little bit about how both you two met in the UK I was out walking my dog on the beach and on the breakwater and I saw just sitting on his own and I thought I thought I just said hello you know and he said hello and he smiled at me but his gorgeous smile and I felt oh he's good rather gorgeous but he's very young slowly slowly we got to know each other and I helped him with his English and we just clicked you know we clicked straightaway how did you decide to get married what was people you know who made a decision that he proposed well it wasn't a romantic it wasn't a romantic sceptic at all I I'm I think we were in the kitchen and we probably because he's been showing me Indian cooking and how to make chapatis and things like that we probably I think it was had a meal and sat down and and he said do you think you would like to marry me so I said yes I said yes definite great what would you do and if there's a scenario where unfortunately your sponsor doesn't get entry clearance I cannot join you the UK I are you happy to stay in India you do like it a lot here you know his family I like it a lot here and I know his family but you know all my family are in the UK my dog and my house and my home and my two boys so really you know living in India isn't an option for me what what are you going to do because if we refuse entry clearance are you going to stay why are you gonna go back well I just what goes on to it yeah I haven't really I am thought about that to be honest because I thought my general gist I thought because we it's genuine relationship and we love each other and we want to be together that we might be lucky enough to get a visa and that's that's honestly the only answer I can give you thank you thank you thank you very much I'm not going back without doing all right coming up will the newlyweds be able to live happily ever after what you intend to see in during the UK and of these are hopeful invents a new tourist destination fellas what's Birmingham Palace the immigration team in Delhi process up to 1500 visa applications every day officer John Spence is a key member of the team it's his job to investigate whether applications are credible Rao Jen is applying for a two-year working tourist visa he must prove tourism is the main reason for his trip okay how long do you intend to stay in the UK what you intend to see and do in the UK be famous fella Susan will definitely such as Birmingham Palace and Todd Woodbridge okay what's Birmingham Palace so why'd you wish to see it what famous Mr P the romantic matchup so why can you only name you two places that you wish to see in the UK one of which is not the correct name and one of which you can't describe to me what's this officer Spence types up every answer to provide a record of the evidence when I go on holiday I know exactly what I want to see if I came to India I'd say I went to the Taj Mahal I'd say I want to see the golden temple why can't you tell me what you want to see in the UK men will vote Iike mother New Zealand England superior what's up to the other Fame was it okay you've been off in a job doing what moody is in assistant kajabi on on it talking mechanical kniffen air cutter a fork or something officer Spence has heard enough to make a decision I'm not satisfied that you want to enter the UK for a working holiday as you have claimed all that you plan to leave the UK at the end of your stay the only thing you have managed to plan it's a part-time job and that suggests for me that is your intention to stay full-time employment rather than to go to the UK for tourism I mean he has to show you that the primary purpose of his visit is for tourism I'm afraid this chap hasn't done so this chap now knows only two things that tell me about the UK one of which is Birmingham Palace which clearly doesn't exist does his Tower Bridge now I'm not absolutely certain he knows what that is my suspicion frankly is that this chap is gonna go there to the UK to work for two years at a markedly reduced rate than employing the same person in the UK would cost his sponsor no redeeming features at all as far as I can make out that completely straightforward refusal bad news for the would-be tourist but will the newlyweds do any better any tugs oh this is huge for us because I don't want to go back to the UK without to my husband why you used to being with them that's very difficult it's not easy to officer Siddiqui either he consults his boss Alex white difference do you have any concerns about the relationship - well there is a significant age difference and you know it's open to well you know interpretation here but I cannot fund the immigration rules say that there is this is not a genuine marriage and I thought this find the relationship subsists well I can be as satisfied as I can be on paper and from the interview I can't really say what's inside someone's heart I do realize it's a bit of a sensitive area is subject to exploitation that given the information you've given me I think we're gonna have to you should have either okay just to do that I say that I'll go and tell them right now all right thanks I have a seat please please have a seat okay having assessed the application or a fad it we've decided to issue entry clearance and we're going to basically ask just one to undertake a medical check before we issue the visa so that may take a little while and I hope you have a long and fruitful apartment when I have the children please take of my life and a really good start for both of us I hope you happiness loss [Music] so very excited and happy and just so thankful and that they know they believed us and our story is 100% true and now we can do all the things that we plan to do countries we're going to teach just to drive in the UK and study and learn more English you know well it just means everything you know it's our future and I know we'll have a good future together jazmine and his wife are now back in the UK living together in Wales
Channel: UK Border Force
Views: 362,256
Rating: 4.7242665 out of 5
Keywords: Airport, London, Air Control, Heathrow, Police, Force, UK Border Force, Maximum Security, Border, TV, Security Guard, United Kingdom, Reality, Security, Air Traffic Controller, Border Security, Production, Cineflix, England, UK, Investigation, Reality TV, Border Security Force
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 9sec (2649 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 23 2016
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