Image classification + feature extraction with Python and Scikit learn | Computer vision tutorial

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Hey my name is Felipe and welcome to my channel. In this video  we are going to work with image classification   and feature extraction we are going to build  an image classifier which internally   uses feature extraction in order to classify  images this is a very very very advanced computer   vision tutorial and now let's get started and  now let me show you the data we will be using in   today's tutorial today we are going to work with  the same weather dataset we already used in two   of my previous videos in my previous video where  I showed you how to train an image classifier using   yolo v8 and also in my previous video where I  showed you how to train an image classifier using   teachable machine, exactly the same weather dataset  and now let me show you super quickly how this   dataset looks like you can see we have four  different categories and these categories are   cloudy rain shine and sunrise now let me show you  super quickly how each one of these categories   looks like and you can see this is the Cloudy  category now if I show you the rain category you   can see we have many many many pictures of super  super super rainy days and if I show you the shine   category this is how the images look like and  if I show you the sunrise category you can see   we have many many many pictures of sunrises  so this is the data we will be using in this   tutorial and you can see we have two directories  one of them is train and this is where the training   data is located and then we have another directory  which is called val and this is the validation   data now let me show you something else if I go  to my browser this is the GitHub repository we   are going to use as a feature extractor because  remember in this tutorial we are going to work   with image specification but we're also going to  work with feature extraction and this is exactly   how we are going to extract features from more  images this repository is called image to vec   with pytorch and this repository is available  as a python package so this is exactly how we   are going to extract features from our images and  this is the repository we are going to be using in   this tutorial now let's go to pycharm because now  it's time to start working on this tutorial now   it's time to create a new python project so I  go to file new project and I'm going to select   the directory where I want to create this  project which in my case is something like here tutorial okay and I'm going to create this  new project using a virtual environment and python   3.8 I click on create, create from existing sources,  this window, the python project has been created   and now let's install the requirements we need  in order to work on this tutorial so I'm going   to file, settings, then project, python interpreter,  I'm going to click on this plus button and the   first Library we are going to install is this one  right we are going to work with this repository so   we are going to install this python package so we  need to install image to vec slash pytorch so   let's find this Library image to vec and this  is the one we need pytorch okay I'm going to   click here and then install package and that's  pretty much all then we also need to install   two additional libraries one of them is scikit  learn so I'm going to search for scikit learn   this one over here I'm going to press install  package and then I also need to install pillow and that's pretty much all so my python packages  are being installed but in the meanwhile let's   start working in this tutorial let's start working  on all the coding of all of this tutorial so   I'm going to press here on OK and then I am  going to create a new file which is main dot py okay and this is the file we are going  to use in order to train our image classifier in   order to do the feature extraction and also the  image classification so I am going to enlarge it   a little and the first thing I'm going to do is  to write the four steps we will take in order to   complete this process the first one is to prepare  the data we are going to use in order to train   this classifier then we are going to train  the model we are going to train a classifier   then we are going to test the performance of  this classifier and finally we are going to   save the model into our computer right so these  are the four steps of today's tutorial and now   let's get started and the first thing we need to  do is to import from image to vec pytorch import   Image2Vec okay and then we are going  to create image to vec... we are going to create   a new object which will be the feature extractor  we are going to use in order to extract features   from our images and now let's prepare the data  so I am going to define a new variable which is data   directory and this is the directory where my data  is located and my data is located in the current   directory, this is the directory where I have created  this project this is the file in which   we are currently working in and this is where  my data is located it's in a directory which is   called data and within this directory there's  another directory which is called weather dataset so I am going to define the data dir as data  whether dataset... then let's create two additional   variables one of them will be train directory  and this is where my training data is located   which is here... this is something more like this...  os path join data directory and then train okay   and then the validation directory which  is going to be something like this okay and I need to import os otherwise  this is not going to work, so import... os... okay and that's pretty much  all remember within weather dataset we have   two directories one of them is called train and  the other one is called val now let's continue   now let's walk through all the files in these two  directories and this is how we're going to do: for dir in train directory, val directory   for category in os listdir directory right we are  going to iterate in each one of these categories and we are going to Define  another variable we are going   to make another loop which will be for  image path in os path join dir category right so we are iterating  in all the images which are within this   directory right so we are iterating in all  the categories so we are iterating in each   one of these four directories we have over  here and then for each one of these directories   we are going to iterate in all the images you  can see over here right now we are going to   Define another variable which is going to be  image path underscore and this is os path join   dir directory category and then image path okay then we are going to make another import which  is from PIL import image because we are going to   read each one of these images we're going to load  each one of these images like this image dot open   image path underscore and this will be image  okay and now we are going to compute all the   features from this image and this is how we're  going to do we are going to call image to vec   dot get vec and we are going to input the  image and that's it, this is all it takes to   compute all the features from this image and  this is going to be something like features   okay now I am going to create two  lists I'm going to do it over here one of them will be features and the other  one will be labels okay... and this object maybe   it's a better idea to call it something like  image features right something like that   and now we are going to append features dot append  image features right and then labels dot append and the label will be something like the category  right these are our labels... each one of these   directory names is our categories right these  are our four categories so in order to append   the label we need to append the directory name  we need to append this variable over here which   is called category now let's continue now I'm  going to Define another variable which is data   this is going to be a dictionary and I'm going to  do something like this I am going to walk not only   in the directories but I'm also going to Define  another variable which is going to be j dir in enumerate train dir val dir... something like this so now this  is going to take these two values... dir is going   to be train dir in the first iteration  and it's going to be val dir in the second   iteration and j will be 0 in the first iteration  and it will be 1 in the second iteration so by   doing so we can do something like this  now I'm going to say data training data validation data and this will be j equal to features and then   the same but with the labels training labels  validation labels j and this will be labels right remember that in the first iteration dir is  training directory and j will be zero so if   we access the index number 0 from this list we  are going to get training data and then in the   second iteration j will be one so we we are going  to access the second element which is validation   data so we are going to create this key according  to the iteration we are in and the same is going   to happen for the labels right but in order to  be more clear let me show you exactly how this   variable we have over here how this dictionary we  have over here how it looks like so I'm just going   to execute the code as it is and at the end I'm  going to say something like print data dot keys   right let's take a look at this dictionary we  have over here and let's see exactly how it looks   like let's see exactly what are the keys for  this dictionary so I'm just going to press play   okay the execution is now completed and these  are the keys we have saved in this dictionary   training data and training labels validation data  validation labels so I invite you to take a look   at this code I invite you to go through  this code once and again until it's 100% clear for   you exactly what we are doing over here please  notice we are iterating in all the images, in   all the training images and all the validation  images we are opening these images we are   computing the features and then we are saving this  data into these two lists we have over here and   then we are saving these lists in this dictionary  under this very appropriate keys right so please   go through this code once and again until it  is 100% clear for you but for now let's continue   we have saved all of our data into this dictionary  and now it's time to train the model and in order   to train this model let's go to my browser  super quickly because we are going to use   a model, a classifier from scikit learn and let me  show you all the different classifiers we could   use from scikit learn, I also invite you  to take a very close look to this website so   you are more familiar with all the different  classifiers you could use from scikit learn in   this tutorial we are going to use random Forest  classifier we are going to use this classifier   over here but we could also use any other  classifier from here right the only reason   we are going to use a random forest classifier is  because I like it I really like this classifier   I have used it many times in many projects I  think it's very robust it's very easy to use   it's very easy to understand what's going on  I really like this classifier but that's the   only reason why we are going to use a random  forest classifier we could also use any other classifier   from here so let's go back to pycharm and  now I'm going to make another import which is   from sklearn dot ensemble import random  forest classifier and then I am going to take this   value random forest classifier and I'm going to  define a new... another variable which is called model   and model will be RandomForestClassifier right  we are creating a new instance of this classifier   and then in order to train the model the  only thing we need to do is to call   we need to input the training data which is here the training labels which are here and that's it that's all that's all it takes in  order to train this classifier you can see how   simple this is now let's continue now it's time  to test the performance of the image classifier   we have just trained in order to do so I am going  to make another import which is from sklearn   dot matrix import accuracy score and I'm  going to make something like this model.predict validation data sorry data validation data we want to access  our validation data which is saved here   and this will be something like y pred then we are going to call accuracy  score we're going to... we're   going to input y pred and we're also  going to input data validation labels okay so you can see we are computing the  accuracy score with the validation data   which is completely and absolutely unseen  data for our model, for our classifier, you   can see here we are training our classifier  with the training data, the validation data   is completely unseen data, the classifier  has never seen this data before so this   is exactly the type of data we should use  in order to compute the accuracy score in   order to test the performance of our model  so this is going to be something like score and now I am going to print score and then we  are going to save the model but let's take it one   step at a time let's execute this script let's  see if everything is okay, okay   the execution is now completed we didn't have any  error whatsoever and this is the accuracy we got a   94.4 percent accuracy which is a very very very  high level of accuracy now remember I told you   this is exactly the same dataset we used in two  of my previous videos in my previous video where I   showed you how to train an image classifier using  yolo V8 and also my previous video where I showed   you how to train an image classifier using teachable  machine this is exactly the same dataset so I   invite you to take a look at those two videos and  to compare the accuracy we are getting here with   this classifier with the accuracy we got in those  two videos right using yolo V8 and using teachable   machine I invite you to compare this accuracy  with the accuracy we got in those two other   videos that's your homework that's your homework  from today's tutorial and now let's continue so   the only thing we need to do now is to continue  to the next step which is saving the model and   this is how we are going to save the model we are  going to import another library which is pickle and we are going to say something like this with  open the file name will be something like model.p   this will be WB... as f... and we  are going to call pickle.dump   then this will be the object we are  going to save which in our case is model   and then f... and that's pretty much all then I'm  going to close the file and now I'm going to run   this file again okay and now if we go to my file  system you can see that now we will have a file   which is called model.p and this is the model we have  just saved so everything is working just fine and   now let me show you how to take this model how  to load this model to produce inferences with it   right so I'm going back to pycharm and I'm going  to create a new file which is called and this is where we are going to make  our inference so I am going to take a   few lines from here I am going to import this  object and I'm also going to import this other...   this other object from PIL and then this is going  to be a very very similar process I'm going to   create this object over here which is image  to vec this is the object we are going to   use in order to compute our features and then I'm  just going to define an image path which will be   one of my images in the validation data I'm just  going to take a random image something like this cloudy 4.jpg a random image in this directory and  then I am going to do something like image will be... image path and then I am going to compute features  from this image doing something like image to vec   image to vec dot get vec image this will be features okay then I  am going to load the model or maybe   I can load the model over here so I'm  going to say something like with open model.p this will be RB as f... and model  will be pickle dot load f and obviously   we need to import pickle otherwise  this is not going to work   import pickle and that's pretty much all  and now we are going to call model dot   predict and we are going to input the features  and this is how we are going to do it and this   will be something like prediction okay and now  let's print prediction and let's see what happens and this is the result we are getting cloudy  which is exactly this image category remember   we are taking this image from the Cloudy  directory and absolutely all the images in   this directory belong to the cloudy category so  everything seems to be working just fine and this   is going to be all for this video my name is  Felipe I'm a computer vision engineer if you   enjoyed this video I invite you to click  the like button and I also invite you to   subscribe to my channel this is going to be  all for today and see you on my next video
Channel: Computer vision engineer
Views: 3,948
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: oEKg_jiV1Ng
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 0sec (1320 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 28 2023
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