Elon Musk sues ChatGPT-maker OpenAI | BBC News

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Elon Musk is suing open AI for breach of contract the billionaire entrepreneur says the US firm is now putting profit before its founding principle of developing AI responsibly Mr musk who helped set up the firm says Microsoft has plowed billions into open Ai and has in effect turned it into a subsidiary the two companies deny the claim but us Regulators are investigating the parameters of Microsoft's investment Mr mus left open AI in 2018 to set up his own rival he has warned before that the UN feted use of generative artificial intelligence could pose an existential threat um Microsoft just bought one of the uh emerging AI companies in France this week they're already under investigation Annabelle uh over uh competition laws do you think um Microsoft is starting to suffocate the space that there is for Innovation certainly I think it's problematic when it comes to artifici artificial intelligence it's an a field where we need as many contenders able to climb the ladder and fewer large organizations which are creating this revolutionary technology but pulling the ladder up behind them you know I think there are serious questions to be asked about Elon musk's motivations about um the world's richest man complaining about profit making over benefit to humanity which some may view as a little selfs serving that said I think that there are very serious questions that we need to ask at the government level across the world about whether AI is going to benefit Humanity or whether it is going to harm Mankind and if we have fears over the latter which certainly some politicians have voiced then how are they going to regulate it because in the UK at least they were very slow to regulate the internet and when they did eventually the on sa bill it was a very far wide reaching piece of legis ation which encompassed arguably far more she to without addressing the fundamental concerns that we have over safety online yeah I was I was about to ask you Ian whether actually maybe it's a better thing that the big companies are in charge of this and controlling the roll out of this extremely powerful technology but Annabelle makes a very good point that the big companies that have had charge of social media meta um uh you know all Twitter you know um Tik Tok these sort of big companies they've not done a very good job of that so so maybe maybe we'd be better going the other way they've done a horrible job of it uh social media has basically regulated itself which meant that it's had no interest in taking responsibility for the well-being of either the people that are on their platforms uh or the political systems that they operate in and democracy and our citizens are worse off as a consequence now when it comes to AI uh certainly the governments are trying to get a move on governance with much greater urgency in part because of the lessons that they are have learned uh from the hands off on social media and companies are trying with various uh degrees of success uh to cooperate with those governments but it's not at all clear uh that it's going to succeed the technology is moving a lot faster than the governments are uh and that means the business models are going to matter a lot more for the governance um I I do worry uh that when we think about the future of AI in 3 or 5 years time it's quite possible that with the amount of Comm compute required and the amount of energy required to run that compute that it's only going to be perhaps a very small number of systemically important companies maybe even working with governments that will be capable of operating at The Cutting Edge that that will require a much more assertive governance if that's where the technology goes just in terms maybe get a quick thought from both of you because we a bit pressed for time but just one um social media post that I saw from Miles Taylor one of our panelists this week he's been talking to Senator Mark Warner Ian and and he said that um they have a dossier in their hands that the Russians are now able to create these Bots and personas on social media using AI in a much more efficient much more dangerous way than they were able to in 2016 2020 the concern was that Senator Warner thinks that just not had a conversation really within Congress about how they going to stop that or how they going to tackle it that's right uh it's going to require a crisis first we already saw you know one deep fake with the robo call pretending to be Biden in the runup to the New Hampshire primary there's going to be a lot more of this and the companies are going to have to respond very very quickly with governments as things start to break that we had that with cyber and entire cyber security industry came up after things started to break that's going to have to happen on AI on about well what about this side because um I know that there is a a sort of intelligence-led approach to it MI5 I think are involved in it do are you convinced by what the government is saying to to protect the upcoming British election I certainly have concerns now the country at the moment is being run by Tech bro rishy sunak who has wanted to try and lead the world on Innova AI regulation he had a hosted a global Summit last Autumn to that effect but there are very serious concerns what really worries me is the pace of change it was 10 years ago that we were worried about the internet and its ability to be weaponized in order to spread disinformation to discredit certain candidates in an election now we have the rise of AI and as Ian says deep fakes which are going to convince members of the public at at a speed that may not be corrected before they go to the poll so certainly that there's a very real concern there and I'm not sure that the government has the tools yet to address it
Channel: BBC News
Views: 201,831
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Keywords: bbc, bbc news, news, world news, breaking news, us news, world, america, usa, usa news, india news
Id: AhXWe4X7-kE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 4sec (364 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 01 2024
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