Train Yolov8 object detection custom data in the cloud GPU | AWS project | Computer vision tutorial

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hey my name is Felipe and welcome to my channel in  this video I'm going to show you how to train   an object detector using yolov8 and this exactly the  project in which we will be working today so I'm   going to show you how to do the entire training  process on an EC2 instance in AWS and then once   the training process is completed we are going  to send a notification to our email so this is   going to be an amazing tutorial and now let's get  started, so let's get started with this tutorial   and let me give you more details on exactly what  we are going to be doing today so we are going   to train an object detector using yolov8 and we're  going to do the entire training process here on   an E2 instance but we are also going to create an  S3 bucket and we're also going to create an SNS   topic and the way this project works is that we  are going to download all the data we are going   to use in order to train this model from an S3  bucket then we're going to train the model in   an EC2 then we're going to upload the results from  this training process back to the S3 bucket and   then once the training process is completed we are  going to send a notification to this SNS topic and   then we are going to receive a notification  into our email and then once everything is   completed we are going to shutdown the instance  we launched in order to train this model, we are   going to automatically shutdown this instance  so this is a very very cool project this project   is ideal for beginners and let's get started with  this tutorial and before we continue let me show   you the data we are going to use today, you can see  that all of these images are about cars and this   is the data we are going to use in this project  and this data set comes from one of my previous   courses where I show you the entire process of  how to create a real time automatic number plate   recognition project in that course I created this  dataset in order to train an object detector to   detect cars and also license plates and you  can see that those are exactly the objects we   have in absolutely all of these images we have  cars and in some of these images we also have   license plates so I invite you to check out this  course so you get more familiar with the data we   are going to use in this tutorial and also this  previous course is an amazing way to get more   familiar with how to train an object detector and  also how to work with AWS so definitely check   out this course now let's go back here so this  is the data directory which is called data out   and I have already create this file over here  which is data out . zip, this is a very important   file we're going to use later on now let's get  started with this tutorial let's go to AWS let's   go to my AWS console and now let's get started  so I'm going to show you how to create all the   products we're going to use today and how to do  absolutely everything we need to do in order to   train this object detector so let's get started by  creating an S3 bucket so I'm going to click over   here on S3 and then I'm just going to create  a new backet, the name of this bucket will be   something like train object detector EC2 tutorial  bucket something like that and I'm going to scroll   all the way down and I'm going to click on create  bucket I'm going to select the bucket we have just   created which is this one and now I'm going to  create two directories one of them will be called in... and the other one will be out... within the in directory we are going to put the  data we are going to use in order to train this   object detector so the only thing I'm going to do  is to select the data, to select this file data out zip  and I'm going to drag and drop this file  over here... please mind that this process may take   some time depending on your file size, in my case  this is 11 GB large so this is going to take some   time for sure and now the only thing you need to  do is to wait until this process is completed, okay   we have uploaded the file into the S3 bucket and  now let's continue creating the SNS we are going   to use in order to send a notification once the  training process is completed so let's continue   I'm going to type SNS and I'm going to click here  on simple notification service then I'm going to   click on topics, create topic, I'm going to select  a standard topic this is very important because   we are going to use an email in order to send  this notification and this is the only one we   can use in order to send an email so the name of  this topic will be something like train object   detector EC2 tutorial SNS something like that and  then I'm going to scroll all the way down and I'm   going to click on create topic so the topic has  been created and now let's create a subscription   in order to use this SNS I'm going to select here  on protocol I'm going to select email and then   I'm going to type hello at computer vision school  which is this YouTube channels email okay so this   is where we're going to send a notification  once the training process is completed create   subscription... okay now the subscription has been  created and now let's get back to the SNS topic   and let me show you something you can see it says  pending confirmation because we need to confirm   the new subscription we have created for this SNS  so I'm going to my email and you can see that I   have received this notification this email from  AWS which is a subscription confirmation the only   thing I need to do now is to confirm subscription  and this is going to be pretty much all now this   subscription has been confirmed and if I go  back here and I refresh... you can see now it   says confirmed so everything is okay now when the  training process is completed we're going to send   a message to this SNS and then we are going to  receive the notification in this email okay now   let's continue we have created the S3 bucket  we have uploaded the data into this S3 bucket   and we have also created the SNS we are going  to use in order to send that notification once   the training process is completed the only thing  we need to do now is to create the EC2 instance   and we need to work on this EC2 instance but  before we create the ec2 instance we are going   to create an IAM role because remember we need  to communicate at with S3 an SNS from the ec2   instance so we definitely need to provide this  ec2 instance with the necessary permissions in   order to communicate with S3 and SNS so I'm going  to IAM and I'm going to click here on role I'm   going to click on create role and I'm going  to select the service I'm going to select EC2   then next and I'm going to select these two  policies SNS full access... and s3 full access... okay and I'm going to click on next and the  name will be something like train object detector EC2 tutorial role okay and I'm going  to click on create role... okay the role   has been created and now we can go  to ec2 and we can launch a new ec2   instance so I'm going to... I'm going to type  ec2 and I'm going to click here on ec2... I'm   going to click on launch instance  and the name will be train object detector ec2 tutorial instance something that... this   will be Ubuntu and then I am going to  select this instance type which is p2 large something over here... ok p2 x large then I'm going to scroll  down I'm going to select my key pair remember if   you do not have a key pair this is a time to create  a new key pair but in my case I already have one so   the only thing I'm going to do is to select my  key pair now I'm going to scroll down and this   is very important I'm going to create an EC2 with  60 GB of space right and then something else we   need to do which is very important is to click  here on Advanced details and I'm going to change   this value over here which is shutdown behavior  you can see it says stop I'm going to change   it for terminate right this is very important  because at the end of our training process we   are going to shut down this instance and we are  going to terminate it right that's what we want to   do once the training process is completed once we  have uploaded all the results into the s3 bucket   once we have sent a notification to the SNS we  just created then we want to terminate this ec2   instance so we know for sure that we are not  going to be charged anymore by this instance   right so I'm going to click on launch instance...  the ec2 instance has been created and now the   first thing we need to do is to attach the a role  we created into to this instance so I'm going to   click here on actions then security obviously  I need to select the instance first and then   actions security modify IAM role and I'm going to  select the IAM role we have just created which is   this one train object detector ec2 tutorial role update  IAM role... okay and now it's time to SSH into this ec2   instance so I'm going to copy this value over  here which is the public ipv4 DNS and then the   only thing I'm going to do is to type something  like this which is SSH minus I then the location   of my key pair and then Ubuntu at this value we  have just copied over here I'm going to type   enter... then yes... okay now we are logged into this EC2  instance and the first thing we need to do is to   install the cuda drivers because remember we have  selected a p2 xlarge type of instance and we have   selected this instance type because we want to  we want to use a GPU right we want to make this   training process on a GPU but in order to use  the GPU of this ec2 instance the first thing we   need to do is to install the coda drivers so this  is what we need to do I'm going to follow these   steps I have over here the only thing we need  to do is to type each one of these steps one   at a time we need to execute each one of these  instructions and this going going to take care   of installing all the drivers we need in order to  use cuda so I'm going to copy and paste the first   one then I'm going to continue with this  one... then the next one... this going to take some time   okay I'm going to press enter and that's pretty  much all so the next step in this process is to   execute sudo reboot so this is going to reboot  this ec2 instance and now we need to wait a   couple of minutes in order to get back into the  EC2 instance... okay now I'm going to SSH again into   the EC2 instance and everything should be ready  in order to continue now the next step in this   process will be installing virtualenv we are  going to install all the python packages we   need in order to work on this tutorial but we are  going to install all these packages in a virtual   environment remember it's always a very good  practice to install a a new virtual environment   to create a new virtual environment when you are  working on a python project so we are going   to use virtualenv and if I'm not mistaken  we will need to install virtualenv first   I'm going to type virtualenv enter and we need to  install it first so I'm going to copy and paste   this instruction over here and this is going to take  care of installing virtualenv okay now I'm going to   create a new virtual environment calling virtualenv  venv python python 3 point... only Python 3 okay   and this should be enough in order to create a  new virtual environment so the only thing I'm   going to do now is to activate it source venv bin  activate okay and now we're going to install all   the python packages we need in order to work on  this project which are two ultralytics and boto3,   ultralytics is a very important package we  need in order to work with yoloV8 which is the   object detector we are going to be using today  and then boto3 is also a very important package   and it's actually the python package we are  going to use in order to communicate with S3   and SNS so we definitely need to install boto3,  so I'm going to type pip install boto3   ultralytics and this is going to take care of  installing these two python packages... okay so we   have installed boto3 and ultralytics  and now we need to make sure that ultralytics is   using the GPU actually we need to make sure that  pytorch is using the GPU because ultralytics is   only a very high level framework which under the  hood uses pytorch so we need to make sure that   pytorch is going to use the GPU once we start  this training process remember the whole idea   of using this type of instance, this instance type  is because we want to make this training process   on a GPU so let's do something in order to verify  that pytorch is going to use the GPU I'm going to   follow these instructions which is basically  something like this I'm going to run python   this is going to run run a python environment and  now I'm going to execute these two instructions   the first one is import torch this is going  to import pytorch and then we are going to   verify if pytorch is using the GPU and you can  see we got an error because pytorch by the way   is configured or by the way it has been installed  is not using the GPU so this is something that we   definitely need to solve because otherwise it  doesn't make any sense whatsoever to be using   an instance type with GPU so now this is what we need to  do next I'm going to run an additional command an   additional instruction which is going to install  pytorch but it's going to install a very specific   version of pytorch and this is the one we need  in order to use the GPU long story short the   only thing we need to do now is to execute this  instruction and this is going to solve the issue   we currently have about pytorch is not using the  GPU so the only thing we need to do now is to wait   a couple of minutes and this is going to be all...  okay and now I'm going to do exactly the same I'm   going to type python I'm going to import torch  and then I'm going to run this instruction over here... and you can see that now we get zero  which means that everything is working just   fine and now torch is using the GPU so we are  safe in order to continue I'm going to exit   this environment and that's pretty much all okay I'm  going to clear this window and now we are ready   in order to start working on the main py file we  are going to use in order to take care of the   entire process remember there are many things  we need to do and let's just write the entire   process we are going to follow in this tutorial  so there are five steps we need to take in order   to complete this process the first one will  be downloading the data from the S3 bucket   remember we have uploaded the data here into  to this S3 bucket and the first step we need   in order to train this object detector and in order  to complete this process is to download the data   from S3 okay then the next step will be to train  the model right once the data is in this EC2 the   only thing we need to do is to train the model  using YOLOV8 then the next step in this process   will be taking the results we get from this  training process and uploading these results   back to the same S3 bucket from which we got the  data right so this is going to be the next step   in this process upload results... to S3 okay then  the next step in this process will be sending   the notification to... send notification to... SNS okay  and then the next step will be shutting down this   ec2 instance... something like this okay so you can  see this is is a process which comprises of only   five steps and in only five steps we will have  completed this process we will have trained this   object detector we will have uploaded all the  results into the S3 bucket we are going to send   a notification to SNS and then we're going to  shut down this EC2 instance so let's see how   we can complete each one of these steps so this  is going to be a very long process and the best   way to do it is by doing it one step at a time  so let's get started with the first step in this   process which is downloading the data from  S3 and in order to do so we need to import boto3 and we need to say something like this the  first step will be defining the S3 client we are   going to use in order to communicate with s3  and this going to be boto3 client s3   okay then the next step will be get getting the  data we have uploaded to S3 so S3 client . download file... and we need to input three parameters the  first one will be the bucket name and remember   the bucket name is something like train object  detector ec2 tutorial bucket if I'm not mistaken   it was something like this we can change it later on if I'm mistaken but I think it was something like this, then we need to write the object key we are  going to download from this S3 bucket and the   object key was in and then data out . zip and then we  need to write the filename where we are going to   download this file into this EC2 instance and this  is going to be data out dot zip okay and then once we   have downloaded this file we need to extract all  its content right because remember this is a zip   file so in order to use all the data which is  within this file we need to extract its content   so I'm going to make another import I'm going to  import zip file... and then I'm going to say something   like this, with zip file dot zip file then the  name of this file which is data out dot zip, this is r... and the only thing we need to do is something  like this zip ref extract all... and I'm going to   extract all the content of this file in the  current directory something like this... okay this is going   to be just fine and in order to make sure everything  works as expected let's just execute this file   as it is, let's just execute this part over here  and let's make sure everything works just fine so   I'm going to close the file and I'm going to do  something like this I'm going to clear... and then   python main. py okay I have mistake it seems this  is an uppercase this is zip file with an uppercase   let's see now now I am going to remove the file  we have just downloaded and I'm going to try again... okay the execution is completed and now  if I do ls you can see I have the zip file   we have downloaded from the s3 bucket and I  have also this directory over here which is   the directory we have extracted from the zip file,  if I do ls data out you can see that this is all   the data we are going to use in order to train the  object detector so let's continue with the next   step in this process which is training the model  and in order to train the model we are going to   use ultralytics so I'm going to import ultralytics  remember this was the other python package   we installed in this virtual environment so I'm  going to import... I'm going to import from ultralytics... import yolo... okay and this is how we're going to do... the  first step will be creating a new variable which   is called model and model will be equal to  YOLO and then we are going to say something   like yolov8 nano . pt we are going to retrain  we are going to fine tune a pre-trained model   from YOLO V8 which was trained on the coco dataset  and now the next step will be just calling model .   train we are going to input a config file... config  dot yaml this is a file we have not created yet but   we're going to create it in a couple of minutes  and we are also going to input the number of epochs   which I'm going to set in one so only one epoch  is going to be enough for now in order to test   if everything works fine so I'm going to get back  here and now it's time to create this file which   is config dot yaml and in order to create this file I'm  going to show you a project a GitHub repository I   created for another project which is this one this  is another project where I show you the entire   process of how to train an object detector with  yolov8 this is a super super super comprehensive   tutorial where I show you absolutely every single  detail of how to train a model using YOLO V8 and   in this repository I am going to local env and  I'm going to open this file which is config dot yaml   so I'm going to take this file as a baseline and  and I'm going to make some edits on this file so   I am going to copy over here and then I'm just  going to paste it over here... copy and then paste   okay I pasted it twice so I'm going to open config  yaml again and I'm going to paste it over there   okay so I'm going to make some edits the first  one will be the path the absolute path to the   data and this is going to be something like  home ubuntu and then data out... if I get back here   and I print the current directory the working  directory you can see that this is home ubuntu   and then the data is here in data out so this is  exactly the absolute path to the data to the data   directory then this is the relative path to the  training images so this is perfect as it is then   the relative path to the validation images this is  going to be different I'm going to do images val   and then all the classes we are going to detect  in this dataset we are going to detect exactly   four classes the first one will be license plate  then car then buses and then tracks remember this   is a dataset I created for one of my previous  courses so if you want more details on exactly   how this dataset was created and exactly all the  classes and absolutely all the details about this   dataset I definitely invite you to take a look  at this course but for now let's continue so this   is going to be just fine in order to create the  config dot yaml file and now let's get back here to   and this is going to be pretty much all we  need in order to train this model but before we   execute this file again we are going to do something  which is... I'm going to comment this section over   here because we have already downloaded the  data so if we execute this python file again   we are just going to download the data again  and we're going to uncompress the data again   and it doesn't make any sense because the data  is already downloaded into this ec2 instance   so in order to move one step at a time and in  order to make things incrementally we are just   going to comment this section over here which is  about downloading the data and now we're going to   execute this file again but we are only going to  execute the part of training the model right   this is the only part we are going going to test  now so I'm going to save the changes and the only   thing I'm going to do is to execute python dot...  python okay we have a mistake and I   think I know what's the problem... this should  be data equal to config dot yaml let's see now... okay now everything seems to be working  just fine and the only thing we need to do   now is to wait until this training process  is completed remember we are training for only   one epoch because we want to make sure everything  works fine and the only thing I'm going to do now   is to wait until this training is completed and  then we are going to continue... okay the training   process is now completed everything is just fine  and you can see that we have saved all the results   here in runs detect train so this is what I'm  going to do now I'm going to clear this window   and let me do an ls you can see that this is the  directory we have just created which is runs and   now let's continue with the next step in this  process which is... uploading the results back to the   S3 bucket so this is how we're going to do now we  have created this new directory which is runs and   these are all the results of our training process  and now we're going to do something similar as   we did over here which was uncompressing all the  data we had over here but we are going to do the   opposite right we're going to take this directory,  the directory runs, the directory have created and   we're going to compress this directory we're  going to create a zip file with all the content   from the runs directory so this is how we're  going to do I'm going to say with zip file   dot and a capital F, file, and this is going to be  the name of the file we are going to create will   be this is a W because we're going to create  this file I'm going to make it as zip and then we   are going to iterate in all the directories  and in all the files... doing something like this... os walk and the directory... and then... right we are... we  are walking through all the files in this   directory because we want to create a zip file  with all the content within this directory   so we are going to do something this and then  for file in files... file name will be os path join path   and then file and then the only thing we're  going to do is to call zip write file name okay   and this is pretty much all so the only thing  I'm going to do now is to import os otherwise   this is not going to work and that's pretty  much all okay yeah if I'm not mistaken this   is going to work just fine and I'm going to do  exactly the same as we did over here I'm going   to comment this section regarding the training...  regarding training the model because if we   do not comment this section we are going  to train the model again and we don't want   to train the model again because we have already  trained the model and we already know everything   works well so now let's just execute the file  again so we make sure this part over here works   as expected, I'm going to save the changes and  I'm going to say something like python okay if I do ls you can see we  have created a file which is runs zip okay   and now it's time to upload this file  into the S3 bucket so we are going to   get back here... and the only thing we need  to do is to... call s3 client... upload file... and this is the file we  are going to upload which is   this one runs zip then the bucket name  which is exactly the same bucket as before... something like this... and then we need to specify what's the object  key in which we are going to save this file in   the S3 bucket and remember we created another  directory which is out and this is where we are   going to upload the results and this is going  to be something like out runs dot zip right and   these are the results we are going to save  from this training process and that's pretty   much all now let's execute the file again  we are going to.. we're going to create the   zip again we're going to create the file again  but it doesn't matter we're not going to comment   this section because otherwise it's going to  be very messy let's just execute it as it is   and we're going to create the zip file again  and then we're going to upload it into the   S3 bucket so let's see what happens... S3 client  is not defined obviously because... I am going to... I'm going to comment everything but starting  here right so we can just use the same s3 client... let's see again... okay now I didn't  get any error and now if I get back to my   browser and to my a console and to my S3 bucket  you can see that if I open the out directory   this is the S3 bucket that we created for this  tutorial and and if I open the out directory   you can see that this is the file we have just  uploaded which is runs. zip so everything seems   to be working just fine and now we can just  continue with the next step in this process   which is... sending the notification to SNS so  we are almost there you can see that we're   moving one step at a time we are moving super  slowly we are testing absolutely everything   we do super super super one step at a time  and now the only thing we need to do is to   continue with this process over here which  is sending the notification to SNS so I'm   going to do something similar I'm just going  to comment this section over here so we   can focus on creating and testing the... sending  the notification to SNS and this is how we're   going to do... the first thing we're going to do  is to create a new SNS client and this is boto3 client SNS and that's pretty much all, then we  are going to say something like SNS client dot   publish because we're going to publish a  message and we need to input two arguments one   of them is the arn of the SNS topic we are going  to use in order to publish this message and this   is Target Arn... we are going to set in None for  now and I'm going to change it in a couple of   minutes, and then is the message we are going to  send to this SNS and I'm going to send a very   generic message which is training completed right  because remember the entire idea the whole idea of   sending a notification to this SNS is to let know  the user we have completed the training process   so let's just send a very very generic message  saying training completed and now let's continue   so this is going to be pretty much all in order  to send this notification so the only thing I'm   going to do now is to get the arn from our SNS  topic... so let's get back to my browser and let's   just go to SNS this is the topic we created  and let's just copy and paste this arn over here... okay so this is pretty much  all now I'm going to execute the   file again and now let's see if we  are able to send a notification to SNS... okay we didn't you must specify a  region... I'm going to specify the region   where I created this SNS topic which  is... us east one make sure you select the   region in which you have created your SNS  topic so in my case this is us east one but   just make sure you select the right  region in your case so I'm going to   close it and I'm going to execute it again...  okay it seems this is region name not only region... okay, this should be very quick and now  everything is completed now if I get back to my   email remember we created a new subscription  which was this email over here I'm going to   check if I received a new email and this is the  email I received just now training completed so   everything seems to be working just fine and  you can see that we have almost completed this   process because sending the notification to SNS  was the fourth step in this five steps process so   we are almost there to complete this process  the only thing we need to do now is to shutdown  this instance and this is going to be super  super super useful because this means that once   the training process is completed and we have  uploaded all the results to the s3 bucket and   we have sent the notification to SNS then we do  not need this ec2 instance anymore and then we   are just going to shutdown this instance,  we are going to terminate, it because that way   we are not going to get charged by AWS anymore right,  and the only thing we need to do is to call os system... sudo shutdown... h now okay so this is going  to shut down this ec2 instance and remember   when we were launching in this ec2 instance we  activated a setting which made that once we shutdown   this instance this is going to be terminated  so this is exactly the command we need to execute now, so the training process is completed...  the process the entire process of this tutorial   is completed and now the only thing we need to do  is to test the overall process right so now what   I'm going to do... is to uncomment all these sections  over here here this is so exciting because this is   the last part in this process and this is going  to test the overall project the overall system   so let's see what happens, we have uncommented  absolutely everything and the only thing I'm   going to do now... I'm going to change the number of  epochs because now we're going to make a much more   comprehensive training right now we're going to  train for 20 epochs this is going to be a much better   object detector and this is going to be pretty  much all the only only thing I'm going to do is to remove... the data we downloaded...  and also the data out directory... and also the runs directory and  let's just... let's just remove everything so   we make sure the entire process works as expected okay now I'm going to remove runs zip as well... okay now everything seems to be working  just fine... and this is going to train the object   detector for 20 epochs and then we are going to  upload the results into the S3 bucket and then   we are going to send the notification and then  we're just going to terminate the EC2 instance   so everything seems to be working just fine  but let's make it like this I'm going to make it   in another screen so I'm going to type screen and  the only thing I'm going to do is source venv bin    activate and I'm going to call python okay  so this is going to train an object detector   for 20 epochs, I'm going to detach from this instance,  from this screen, and I'm going to exit and that's   pretty much all now the only thing we need do is  to wait until this process is completed and once   it's completed I'm going to receive a notification  to my email and that's going to be pretty much all   okay so this is the new notification I got when  this training process was completed so everything   seems to be working just fine and if I go to my  s3 bucket you can see that this is the new... the   new file we have created and also if I  go to my EC2 dashboard you can see I have... I no   longer have the EC2 instance we used in this project so  everything is working just fine so this is going   to be all for this tutorial my name is Felipe  I'm a computer vision engineer this is exactly   how you can train an object detector using yolov8  in an EC2 instance and this is exactly how you   can create a system like this, so this is going  to be all for today and see you on my next video
Channel: Computer vision engineer
Views: 1,213
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 2xmpCchQrHQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 17sec (2357 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 17 2023
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