Train Yolov8 object detection on a custom dataset | Step by step guide | Computer vision tutorial

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hey my name is Felipe and welcome to my channel  in this video we are going to train an object   detector using yolo V8 and I'm going to walk you  step by step through the entire process from how   to collect the data you need in order to train an  object detector how to annotate the data using a   computer vision annotation tool how to structure  the data into the exact format you need in order   to use yolo V8, how to do the training and  I'm going to show you two different ways to   do it; from your local environment and also from  a Google collab and how to test the performance   ofthea model you trained so this is going to be  a super comprehensive step-by-step guide of   everything you need to know in order to train  an object detector using yolo v8 on your own   custom data set so let's get started so let's  start with this tutorial let's start with this   process and the first thing we need to do is to  collect data the data collection is the first step   in this process remember that if you want to train  an object detector or any type of machine learning   model you definitely need data, the algorithm, the specific algorithm you're going to use in this   case yolo V8 is very very important but the data  is as important as the algorithm if you don't have   data you cannot train any machine learning model  that's very important so let me show you the data   I am going to use in this process these are some  images I have   downloaded and which I'm going to use in order  to train this object detector and let me show   you a few of them these are some images of alpacas  this is an alpaca data set I have downloaded for   today's tutorial and you can see these are all  images containing alpacas in different postures   and in different situations right so this is  exactly the data I am going to use in this process   but obviously you could use whatever data set you  want you could use exactly the same data set I am   going to use or you can just collect the data  yourself you could just take your cell phone or   your camera or whatever and you can just take the  pictures the photos the images you are going   to use you can just do your own data collection  or something else you could do is to just use a   a publicly available data set so let  me show you this data set this is the open image   dataset version 7 and this is a dataset which is  publicly available and you can definitely use it   in order to work on today's tutorial in order to  train the object detector we are going to train   on todays tutorial so let me show you how it looks  like if I go to explore and I select detection   uh you can see that I'm going to unselect all  these options you can see that this is a huge   data set containing many many many many many  many many many categories I don't know how   many but they are many this is a huge data set  it contains millions of images, hundreds of   thousands if not millions of annotations thousands  of categories this is a super super huge data set   and you can see that you have many many different  categories now we are looking at trumpet and you   can see these are different images with trumpets  and from each one of these images we have a   bounding box around the trumpet and if I show you  another one for example we also have Beetle and in   this category you can see we have many different  images from many different type of beetles so   this is another example or if I show you this one  which is bottle and we have many different images   containing bottles for example there you can see  many different type of bottles and in all cases we   have a bounding box around the bottle and I could show you I don't know how many examples because   there are many many many different categories  so remember the first step in this process is   the data collection this is the data I am going  to to use in this project which is a dataset   of alpacas and you can use the exact same data  I am using if you want to you can use the same   data set of alpacas or you can just collect your  own data set by using your cell phone your camera   or something like that or you can also download  the images from a publicly available dataset   for example the open images dataset version 7. if you  decide to use open images dataset version 7 let   me show you another category which is alpaca this  is exactly from where I have downloaded all of the   images of alpacas so if in case you decide to use  this publicly available data set I can provide you   with a couple of scripts I have used in order to  download all this data in order to parse through   all the different annotations and to  format this data in the exact format we need   in order to work on today's tutorial so in case  you decide to use open image data set I am going   to give you a couple of scripts which are going to  be super super useful for you so that's that's all   I can say about the data collection remember you  need to collect data if you want to train an object   detector and you have all those different ways  to do it and all these different categories and   all these different options so now let's move on  to the next step and now let's continue with the   data annotation you have collected a lot of images  as I have over here you have a lot of images which   you have collected yourself or maybe you have  downloaded this data from a publicly available   data set and now it's the time to annotate this  data set maybe you were lucky enough when you were   creating the dataset and maybe this data set you  are using is already annotated maybe you already   have all the bounding boxes from all of your  objects from all your categories maybe that's   the case so you don't really need to annotate your  data but in any other case for example if you were   using a custom data set, a dataset you have collected  yourself with your own cell phone your camera and   so on something you have collected in that case  you definitely need to annotate your data so in   order to make this process more comprehensive in  order to show you like the entire process let me   show you as well how to annotate data so we are  going to use this tool which is CVAT this is a   labeling tool I have used it many many times in  many projects I would say it's one of my favorite   tools I have used pretty much absolutely all  the object detection computer vision related   annotation tools I have used maybe I haven't used  them all but I have used many many of them and if   you are familiar with annotation tools you would  know that there are many many of them and none of   them is perfect I will say all of the different  annotation tools have their advantages and their   disadvantages and for some situations you prefer  to use one of them and for other situations it's   better to use another one CVAT has many advantages  and it also has a few disadvantages I'm not saying   it's perfect but nevertheless this is a tool I  have used in many projects and I really really   like it so let me show you how to use it you  have to go to and then you select try   for free there are different pricing options  but if you are going to work on your own or or   in a very small team you  can definitely use the free version so I have   already logged in this is already logged into my  account but if you don't have an account then you   will have to create a new one so you  you're going to see like a sign up page and you   can just create a new account and then you can  just logged in into that account so once you are   logged into this annotation tool you need to  go to projects and then create a new one I'm   going to create a project which is called alpaca  detector because this is the project I am going   to be working in and I'm going to add a label  which in my case is going to be only one label   which is alpaca and then that's pretty much all  submit and open I have created the project it has   one label which is alpaca remember if your project  has many many different labels add all the labels   you need, and then I will go here which is create  a new task I am going to create a new annotation   task and I'm going to call this task something  like alpaca detector annotation task zero zero one   this is from the project alpaca detector and this  will take all the labels from that project now   you need to upload all the images you are going to  annotate so in my case I'm obviously not going to   annotate all the images because you can see these  are too many images and it doesn't make any sense   to annotate all these images in this video These  are 452 images so I'm not going to annotate them   all but I'm going to select a few in order to show  you how exactly this annotation tool works and how   exactly you can use it in your project also in my  case as I have already as I have downloaded these   images from a publicly available data set from  the open images dataset version 7 I already   have the annotations I already have all the  bounding boxes so in my case I don't really need   to annotate this data because I already have the  annotations but I'm going to pretend I don't so   I can just label a few images and I can show you  how it works so now I go back here and I'm just   going to select something like this many images  right yeah I'm just going to select this many   images I'm going to open these images and then  I'm going to click on submit and open right so   this is going to create this task and at the same  time it's going to open this task so we can start   working on our annotation process okay so this is  the task I have just created I'm going to click   here in job number and this and the job number  and this will open all the images and now I'm   going to start annotating all these images so we  are working on an object detection problem so we   are going to annotate bounding boxes we need to  go here and for example if we will be detecting   many different categories we would select what  is the category we are going to label now and and that's   it in my case I'm going to label always the same  category which is alpaca so I don't really need to   do anything here so I'm going to select shape  and let me show you how I do it I'm going to   click in the upper left corner and then in the  bottom right corner so the idea is to enclose the   object and only the object right the idea is to  draw a bonding box around the object you only want to enclose this object  and you can see that we have other animals in the   back right we have other alpacas so I'm just going  to label them too and there is a shortcut which is   pressing the letter N and you can just create  a new bounding box so that's another one this   is another one this is another alpaca and this is  the last one okay that's pretty much all so once   you're ready you can just press Ctrl s that's  going to save the annotations I recommend you   to press Ctrl S as often as possible because it's  always a good practice so now everything is saved   I can just continue to the next image now we are  going to annotate this alpaca and I'm going to do   exactly the same process I can start here obviously  you can just start in whatever corner you want   and I'm going to do something like this okay  this image is completely annotated I'm going to   continue to the next image in this case I am going  to annotate this alpaca too. this is not a real   alpaca but I want my object detector to be able  to detect these type of objects too so I'm going   to annotate it as well this is going to be a very  good exercise because if you want to work   as a machine learning engineer or as a computer  visual engineer annotating data is something   you have to do very often, actually training  machine learning models is something you have to   do very often so usually the data annotation is  done by other people, right, it is done by annotator s  there are different  services you can hire in order to annotate data   but in whatever case whatever service you use  it's always a very good practice to annotate   some of the images yourself right because if  you annotate some of the images yourself   you are going to be more familiar with the data  and you're also going to be more familiar on how   to instruct the annotators on how to annotate this  particular data for example in this case it's not   really challenging we just have to annotate these  two objects but let me show you there will be   other cases because there will be always situations  which are a little confusing in this case it's not   confusing either I have just to I have to label  that object but for example a few images ago   when we were annotating this image if an annotator  is working on this image that person is going   to ask you what do I do here should I annotate  this image or not right if an annotator is working   on this image and the instructions you provide  are not clear enough the person is going   to ask you hey what do I do here should I annotate  this image or not is this an alpaca or not so for   example that situation, another situation will be  what happened here which we had many different   alpacas in the background and some of them for  example this one is a little occluded so there   could be an annotator someone who ask you hey do  you want me to annotate absolutely every single   alpaca or maybe I can just draw a huge bonding box  here in the background and just say everything   in the background is an alpaca it's something that  when an annotator is working on the images they   are going to have many many different questions  regarding how to annotate the data and they are   all perfect questions and very good questions  because this is exactly what's about I mean when   you are annotating data you are defining exactly  what are the objects you are going to detect right   so um what I'm going is that if you annotate some  of the images yourself you are going to be more   familiar on what are all the different situations  and what exactly is going on with your data so you   are more clear in exactly what are the objects  you want to detect right so let's continue this   is only to show a few examples this is another  situation in my case I want to say that both of   them are alpacas so I'm just going to say  something like this but there could be another person   who says no this is only one annotation  is something like this right I'm just going   to draw one bonding box enclosing both of them  something that and it will be a good criteria I   mean it will be a criteria which I guess it would  be fine but uh whatever your criteria would be you need one right you need a criteria so while you  are annotating some of the images is that you   are going to further understand what exactly is  an alpaca what exactly is the object you want to   consider as alpaca so I'm just going to continue  this is another case which may not be clear but   I'm just going to say this is an alpaca this  black one which we can only see this part and   we don't really see the head but I'm going to  say it's an alpaca anyway   this one too this one too this one too also this  is something that always happens to me when I am   working when I am annotating images that I am more  aware of all the diversity of all these images for   example this is a perfect perfect example because  we have an alpaca which is being reflected on a   mirror and it's only like a very small  section of the alpaca it's only like a   very small uh piece of the alpacas face so what  do we do here I am going to annotate this one too   because yeah that's my criteria but another person  could say no this is not the object I want to detect   this is only the object I want to detect and maybe  another person would say no this is not an alpaca   alpacas don't really apply makeup on them this is  not real so I'm not going to annotate this image   you get the idea right there could be many different  situations and the only way you get familiar   with all the different type of situations  is if you annotate some of the images yourself   so now let's continue in my case I'm going  to do something like this   because yeah I would say the most important  object is this one and then other ones are like...   yeah it's not really that important if we detect  them or not okay so let's continue this is very   similar to another image I don't know how many I have  selected but I think we have only a few left I don't know if this type of animals are natural... I'm very surprised about this like   the head right it's like it has a lot of  hair over here and then it's completely   hairless the entire body I mean I don't know I'm  surprised maybe they are made like that or maybe   it's like a natural alpaca who cares who cares...  let's continue so we have let's see how many   we have only a few left so let's continue uh let's  see if we find any other strange situation which   we have to Define if that's an alpaca or not so  I can show you an additional example also when you   are annotating you could Define your bounding box  in many many different ways for example in this   case we could Define it like this we could Define  it like this I mean we could Define it super super   fit to the object something like this super super  fit and we could enclose exactly the object or we   could be a little more relaxed right for example  something like this would be okay too and if we want   to do it like this it will be okay too right you  don't have to be super super super accurate you   could be like a little more relaxed and it's  going to work anyway uh now in this last one and that's pretty much all  and this is the last one okay I'm going to do something like this now I'm  going to take this I think this is also alpaca   but anyway I'm just going to annotate this part  so that's pretty much all, I'm going to save and   those are the few images I have selected in order  to show you how to use this annotation tool so   that's pretty much all for the data annotation and  remember this is also a very important step this   is a very important task in this process because  if we want to train an object detector we need   data and we need annotated data so this is a very  very important part in this process remember this   tools cvat this is only one of the many many  many available image annotation tools, you   can definitely use another one if you want it's  perfectly fine it's not like you have to use this   one, at all, you can use whatever annotation tool  you want but this is a tool I think it's very easy   to use I like the fact it's very easy to use it's  also a web application so you don't really need   to download anything to your computer you can  just go ahead and use it from the web that's also   one of its advantages so yeah so this is a  tool I showed you in this video how to use in order   to train this object detector so this is going  to be all for this step and now let's continue   with the next part in this process and now that  we have collected and annotated all of our data   now it comes the time to format this data to  structure this data into the format we need   in order to train an object detector using yolo V8  when you're working in machine learning and you're   training a machine learning model every single  algorithm you work with it's going to have its own   requirements on how to input the data that's going  to happen with absolutely every single algorithm   you will work with it's going to happen with yolo  with all the different YOLO versions and it's   going to happen with absolutely every single  algorithm you are working with so especially yolov8 needs the data in a very specific format so  I created this step in this process so we can   just take all the data we have generated all the  images and all the annotations and we can convert   all these images into the format we need in order  to input this data into yolo V8 so let me show   you exactly how we are going to do that if you  have annotated data using cvat you have to go to   tasks and then you have to select this option and  it's export task data set it's going to ask you   the export format so you can export this data into  many different formats and you're going to choose   you're going to scroll all the way down and you're  going to choose YOLO 1.1 right then you can also   save the images but in this case it's not really  needed we don't really need the images we already   have the images and you're just going to click ok  now if you wait a few seconds or a few minutes if   you have a very large data set you are going to  download a file like this and if I open this file   you are going to see all these different files  right you can see we have four different files so   actually three files and a directory and if I open  the directory this is what you are going to see   which is many many different file names and if I  go back to the images directory you will see that   all these images file names they all look pretty  much the same right you can see that the file name   the structure for this file name looks pretty  much the same as the one with as the ones we have   just downloaded from cvat so basically the way  it works is that when you are downloading this   data into this format into the YOLO format every  single annotation file is going to be downloaded   with the same name as the image you have annotated  but with a different extension so if you have an   image which was called something.jpg then The  annotation file for that specific image will be   something.txt right so that's the way it works  and if I open this image you are going to see   something like this you're going to see in this  case only one row but let me show you another   one which contains more than one annotation I  remember there were many for example this one   which contains two different rows and each one of  these rows is a different object in my case as I   only have alpacas in this data set each one of  these rows is a different alpaca and this is how   you can make sense of this information the first  character is the class, the class you are detecting   I wanted to enlarge the entire file and  I don't know what I'm doing there okay okay the first number is the class you are  detecting in in my case I only have one so   it's only a zero because it's my only class and  then these four numbers which Define the bounding   box right this is encoded in the YOLO format which  means that the first two numbers are the position   of the center of the bounding box then you have  the width of your bounding box and then the   height of your bounding box, you will notice  these are all float numbers and this basically   means that it's relative to the entire size of  the image so these are the annotations we have   downloaded and this is in the exact same format  we need in order to train this object detector   so remember when I was downloading these  annotations we noticed there were many many many   different options all of these different options  are different formats in which we could save the   annotations and this is very important because you  definitely need to download YOLO because we are   going to work with yolo and everything it's pretty  much ready as we need it in order to input into   yolo V8 right if you select YOLO that's exactly  the same format you need in order to continue with   the next steps and if you have your data into  a different format maybe if you have already   collected and annotate your data and you have your  data in whatever other format please remember you   will need to convert these images or actually to  convert these annotations into the YOLO format   now this is one of the things we need for  the data this is one of the things we need in   order to we need to format in order to structure  the data in a way we can use this object detector   with yolo V8 but another thing we should do is  to create very specific directories containing this   data right we are going to need two directories  one of them should be called images and the other   one should be called labels you definitely need  to input these names you cannot choose whatever   name you want you need to choose these two names  right the images should be located in an directory   called images and the labels should be located in  a directory called labels that's the way yolo V8   works so you need to create these two directories  within your image directory is where you are going   to have your images if I click here you can  see that these are all my images they are all   within the images directory they are all within  the train directory which is within the images   directory this directry is not absolutely needed  right you could perfectly take all your images all   these images and you could just paste all your  images here right in the images directory and   everything will be just fine but if you want you  could do something exactly as I did over here and   you could have an additional directory which is  in between images and your images   and you can call this whatever way you want this  is a very good strategy in case you want to have   for example a train directory containing all the  training images and then another directory which   could be called validation for example and this  is where you are going to have many images in   order to validate your process your training  process your algorithm and you could do the   same with an additional directory which could be  called test for example or you can just use these   directories in order to label the data right  to create different versions of your data which is   another thing which is very commonly done so you  could create many directories for many different   purposes and that will be perfectly fine but you  could also just paste all the images here and   that's also perfectly fine and you can see that  for the labels directory I did exactly the same we   have a directory which is called train and within  this directory is that we have all these different   files and for each one of these files let me  show you like this it's going to be much better for each one of these files for each one of  these txt files we will have an image in the   images directory which is called exactly the  same exactly the same file name but a different   extension right so in this case this one is called  .txt and this one is called .jpg but you can   see that it's exactly exactly the same file name  for example the first image is called oa2ea8f   and so on and that's exactly the same name as  for the first image in the images directory   which is called oa2ea8f and so on so basically for  absolutely every image in your images directory   you need to have an annotations file and a file in  the labels directory which is called exactly the   same exactly the same but with a different extension  if your images are .jpg your annotations files   are .txt so that's another thing which also  defines the structure you'll need for your data   and that's pretty much all so remember you need  to have two directories one of them is called   images, the other one is called labels within the images  directories is where you're going to have all your   images and within your labels directories is where  you will have all your annotations, all your labels   and for absolutely every single image in your  images directory you will need to have a file   in the labels directory which is called exactly  the same but with a different extension if   your images are .jpg your annotation files should  be .txt and the labels should be expressed in   the yolo format which is as many rows as  objects in that image and every single one   of these rows should have the same structure you  are going to have five terms the first one of them   is the class ID in my case I only have one class  ID I'm only detecting alpacas so in my case this   number will always be zero but if you're detecting  more than one class then you will have different   numbers then you have the position the X and Y  position of the center of the bounding box and   then you will have the width and then you will  have the height and everything will be expressed   in relative coordinates so basically this is  the structure you need for your data   and this is what this step is about so that's  pretty much all about converting the data or about   formatting the data and now let's move on to the  training now it's where we are going to take all   this data and we are going to train our object  detector using yolo V8 so now that we have   taken the data into the format we need in order to  train yolo v8 now comes the time for the training   now it comes the time where we are going to take  this custom data set and we are going to train an   object detector using yolo V8 so this is yolo  V8 official repository one of the things   I like the most about YOLO V8 is that in order  to train an object detector we can do it either   with python with only a few python  instructions or we can also use a command line   utility let me see if I find it over here we can  also execute a command like this in our terminal   something that looks like this and that's pretty  much all we need to do in order to train this   object detector that's something I really really  liked that's something I'm definitely going to   use in our projects from now on because I think  it's a very very convenient and a very easy way   to train an object detector or a machine learning  model so this is the first thing we should notice   about yolo V8 there are two different ways  in which we can train an object detector we   can either do it in python as we usually do or  we can run a command in our terminal I'm going   to show you both ways so you're familiar with both  ways and also I mentioned that I am going to show   you the entire process on a local environment in a  python project and I'm also going to show you this   process in a google colab so I I know there are  people who prefer to work in a local environment I   am one of those people and I know that there are  other people who prefer to work on a Google colab   so depending on in which group are you I  am going to show you both ways to do it so you   can just choose the one you like the most so let's  start with it and now let's go to pycharm this is   a pycharm project I created for this training and  this is the file we are going to edit in order to   train the object detector so the first thing I'm  going to do is to just copy a few lines I'm just   going to copy everything and I'm going to remove  everything we don't need copy and paste so we want   to build a new model from scratch so we are going  to keep this sentence and then we are going   to train a model so we are just going to remove  everything but the first sentence and that's all   right these are the two lines we need in order to  train an object detector using yolo V8 now we are   going to do some adjustments, obviously the  first thing we need to do is to import   ultralytics which is a library we need to use in  order to import yolo, in order to train a yolo   V8 model and this is a python Library we need to  install as we usually do we go to our terminal and   we do something like pip install and the library  name in my case nothing is going to happen because   I have already installed this library but please  remember to install it and also please mind that   when you are installing this Library this library  has many many dependencies so you are going to   install many many many many different python  packages so it's going to take a lot of space   so definitely please be ready for that because you  need a lot of available space in order to install   this library and it's also going to take  some time because you are installing many many   many different packages but anyway let's continue  please remember to install this library and these   are the two sentences we need in order to run  this training from a python script   so this sentence we're just going to leave it as  it is this is where we are loading the specific   yolo V8 architecture the specific yolo V8  model we are going to use you can see that   we can choose from any of all of these different  models these are different versions or these are   different sizes for yolo V8 you can see we have  Nano small medium large or extra large we are   using the Nano version which is the smallest one  or is the lightest one, so this is the one we are going   to use, the yolo V8 Nano, the yolo V8 n then about  the training about this other sentence we need to   edit this file right we need a yaml file which  is going to contain all the configuration for our   training so I have created this file and I have  named this file config.yaml I'm not sure if this   is the most appropriate name but anyway this is  the name I have chosen for this file so what I'm   going to do is just edit this parameter and I'm  going to input config.yaml this is where the   config.yaml is located this is where the main.pi  is located, they are in the same directory so if I do   this it's going to work just fine and then let  me show you the structure for this config.yaml   you can see that this is a very very very simple  configuration file we only have a few Keys which   are PATH train val and then names right let's  start with the names let's start with this this   is where you are going to set all your different  classes right you are training an object detector   you are detecting many different categories many  different classes and this is where you are going   to input is where you're going to type all of  those different classes in my case I'm   just detecting alpacas that's the only class  I am detecting so I only have one class, is the   number zero and it's called alpaca but if you are  detecting additional objects please remember to   include all the list of all the objects you are  detecting, then about these three parameters these   three arguments the path is the absolute path to  your directory containing images and annotations   and please remember to include the absolute path.  I ran some issues when I was trying to specify   a relative path relative from this directory from  my current directory where this project is created   to the directory where my data is located when  I was using a relative path I had some issues   and then I noticed that there were other people  having issues as well I noticed that in the GitHub   repository from YOLO V8 I noticed this is in the  the issues section there were other people having   issues when they were specifying a relative path  so the way I fixed it and it's a very good way to   fix it it's a very easy way to fix it it's just  specifying an absolute path remember this should   be an absolute path so this is the path to this  directory to the directory contain the images   and the labels directories so this is this is the  path you need to specify here and then you have to   specify the relative path from this location to  where your images are located like the specific   images are located right in my case they are in  images/train relative to this path if I show you   this location which is my root directory then if  I go to images/train this is where my images are   located right so that's exactly what I need to  specify and then you can see that this is the   train data this is the data the algorithm is going  to use as training data and then we have another   keyword which is val right the validation dataset  in this case we are going to specify the   same data as we used for training and the reason  I'm doing this is because we want to keep things   simple in this tutorial I'm just going to show  you the entire process of how to train an object   detector using yolo V8 on a custom data set  I want to keep things simple so I'm just going   to use the same data so that's pretty much all  for this configuration file now going back to   main that's pretty much all we need in order to  train an object detector using yolo V8   from python that's how simple it is so now I'm  going to execute this file I'm going to change the   number of epochs I'm going to do this for only  one Epoch because the only thing I'm going to   show you for now is how it is executed, I'm going to  show you the entire process and once we notice   how everything is working once we know everything is up and running everything is   working fine we can just continue but let's just  do this process let's just do this training for   only one Epoch so we can continue you can see that  now it's loading the data it has already loaded  the data you can make use of all the different  information of this debugging   information we can see here you can see now  we were loading 452 images and we were able   to load all the images right 452 from 452 and if  I scroll down you can see that we have additional   information additional values which are related  to the training process this is how the training   process is going right we are training this object  detector and this additional information which we   are given through this process so for now the  only thing we have to do is only waiting we   have to wait until this process is completed so  I am going to stop this video now and I'm going   to fast forward this video until the end of this  training and let's see what happens okay so the   training is now completed and you can see that  we have an output which says results saved to   runs/detect/train39 so if I go to that directory  runs/detect and train39 you can see that we have   many many different files and these files are related to how the training process   was done right for example if I show you these  images these are a few batches of images which   were used in order to train this algorithm  you can see the name is train batch0   and train batch1 I think we have a train batch2 so we have a lot of different images of a lot   of different alpacas of different images we used  for training and they were all put together they   were all concatenated into these huge images so  we can see exactly the images which were used for   training and The annotation on top of them right  the bonding boxes on top of them and we also have   similar images but for the validation dataset right remember in this case we are using the same   data as validation as we use for training so it's  exactly the same data it's not different data but   these were the labels in the validation data set  which is the training data set and these were the   predictions on the same images right you can see  that we are not detecting anything we don't have   absolutely any prediction we don't have absolutely  any bounding box this is because we are doing a   very shallow training we are doing a very dummy  training we are training this algorithm only for one epoch  this was only an example to show you the output  how it looks like to show you the entire process   but it is not a real training but nevertheless  these are some files I'm going to   show you better when we are in the next step  for now let me show you how the training is done   from the command line from the terminal using the  command I showed you over here using a command like   this and also let me show you how this training  is done on a Google colab so going to the terminal   if we type something like this yolo detect train  data I have to specify the configuration file   which is config.yaml and then model yolov8n.yaml   and then the number of epochs this   it's exactly the same as we did here exactly the  same is going to produce exactly the same output   I'm just going to change the number of epochs for  one so we make it exactly the same and let's see   what happens you can see that it we have exactly  the same output we have loaded all the images and   now we are starting a new training process and  after this training process we are going to have   a new run which we have already created the new  directory which is train40 and this is where   we are going to save all the information related  to this training process so I'm not going to do   it because it's going to be exactly the same as  as the one we did before but this is exactly how   you should use the command line or how you  can use this utility in order to do this training   from the terminal you can see how simple it is  it's amazing how simple it is it's just amazing   and now let me show you how everything is done  from a Google colab so now let's go back to the   browser so I can show you this notebook I created  in order to train yolo V8 from a Google colab   if you're not familiar with Google collab the way  you can create a new notebook is going to Google   Drive you can click new more and you select  the option Google collaboratory this is going   to create a new google colab notebook and you  can just use that notebook to train this object   detector now let me show you this notebook and  you can see that it contains only one two three   four five cells this is how simple this will  be the first thing you need to do is to upload   the data you are going to use in order to train  this detector it's going to be exactly the same   data as we used before so these are exactly  the same directories the images directory and   the label directory we used before and then  the first thing we need to do is to   execute this cell which mounts Google Drive into  this instance of google collab so the only   thing I'm doing is just I just pressed  enter into this cell and this may take some time   but it's basically the only thing it does is  to connect to Google Drive so we can just access   the data we have in Google Drive so I'm going to  select my account and then allow and that's pretty   much all then it all comes to where you have the  data in your Google drive right in the specific   directory where you have uploaded the data in  my case my data is located in this path right   this is my home in Google Drive and then this  is the relative path to the location of where   I have the data and where I have all the files  related to this project so remember to specify this   root directory as the directory where you have  uploaded your data and that's pretty much all   and then I'm just going to execute this cell  so I save this variable I'm going to execute   this other cell which is pip install ultralytics the  same command I ran from the terminal in my local   environment now I'm going to run it in Google  collab remember you have to start this command by   the exclamation mark which means you are running  a command in the terminal where this process is   being executed or where this notebook is being  launched so remember to include the exclamation   mark everything seems to be okay everything  seems to be ready and now we can continue to   the next cell which is this one you can see that  we have done exactly the same structure we have   input exactly the same lines as in our  local environment if I show you this again you   can see we have imported ultralytics then we have  defined this yolo object and then we have called   model.train and this is exactly the same as we are  doing here obviously we are going to need another   yaml file we are going to need a yaml file in our  Google Drive and this is the file I have specified   which it's like exactly the same  configuration as in the um as in the in the   yaml file I showed you in my local environment is  exactly the same idea so this is exactly what you   should do now you should specify an absolute  path to your Google Drive directory that's the   only difference so that's the only difference  and I see I have a very small mistake because   I see I have data here and here I have just  uploaded images and labels in the directory   but they are not within another rectory which  is called Data so let me do something I'm going   to create a new directory which is called Data  images labels I'm just going to put everything   here right so everything is consistent so now  everything is okay images then train and then the   images are within this directory so everything  is okay now let's go back to the Google collab   every time you make an edit or every time you do  something on Google Drive it's always a good idea to   restart your runtime so that's what I'm going  to do I'm going to execute the commands again   I don't really need to pip install this Library  again because it's already installed into this   environment and then I'm going to execute this  file I think I have to do an additional edit which   is uh this file now it's called google_colab_config.yaml and that's pretty much all I'm just going   to run it for one Epoch so everything is exactly  the same as we did in our local environment and   now let's see what happens so you can see that  we are doing exactly the same process everything   looks pretty much the same as it did before we  are loading the data we are just loading the   models everything it's going fine and  this is going to be pretty much the same process   as before you can see that now it takes  some additional time to load the data because now   you have... you are running this environment you're  running this notebook in a given environment and   you're taking the data from your Google Drive so  it takes some time it's it's a slower process but   it's definitely the same idea so the only thing we  need to do now is just to wait until all this uh   process to be completed and that's pretty much all  I think it doesn't really make any sense to wait   because it's like it's going to be exactly the  same process we did from our local environment   at the end of this execution we are going to have  all the results in a given directory which is the   directory of the notebook which is running this  process so at the end of this process please   remember to execute this command which is going  to take all the files you have defined in this   runs directory which contains all the runs you  have made all the results you have produced and   it's going to take all this directory  into the directory you have chosen for your files   and your data and your google collab and so on  please remember to do this because otherwise   you would not be able to access this data and  this data which contains all the results and   everything you have just trained so this is how  you can train an object detector   using yolo V8 in a Google collab and you can  see that the process is very straightforward and   it's pretty much exactly the same process exactly  the same idea as we did you in our local environment   and that's it so that's how easy it is to train  an object detector using yolo Y8 once you have   done everything we did with the data right once  you have collected the data you have annotated   data you have taken everything into the format  yolo V8 needs in order to train an object   detector once everything is completed then  running this process running this training   is super straightforward so that's going to be  all about this training process and now let's   continue with the testing now let's see how these  models we have trained how they performed right   let's move to the next step and this is the last  step in this process this is where we are going   to take the model we produced in the training  step and we're going to test how it performs   this is the last step in this process this is how  we are going to complete this training of an object   detector using yolo v8, so once we have trained  a model we go to the uh to this directory remember   to the directory I showed you before regarding... the  directory where all the information was saved   where all the information regarding this training  process was saved and obviously I I'm not going to   show you the training we just did because it was  like a very shallow training like a very dummy   training but instead I'm going to show you the  results from another training I did when I Was   preparing this video where I conducted exactly the  same process but the training process was done for   100 epochs so it was like a more deeper training  right so let me show you all the files we have   produced so you know what are all the different  tools you have in order to test the performance of   the model you have trained so basically you have  a confusion Matrix which is going to give you a   lot of information regarding how the different  classes are predicted or how all the different   classes are confused right if you are familiar  with how a confusion Matrix looks like or it   should look like then you will know how to read  this information basically this is going to give   you information regarding how all the different  classes were confused in my case I only have   one class which is alpaca but you can see that  this generates another category which is like   uh the default category which is background and we  have some information here it doesn't really say   much it says how these classes are confused but  given that this is an object detector I think the   most valuable information it's in other metrics in  other outputs so we are not really going to mind   this confusion Matrix then you have some plots  some curves for example this is the F1 confidence   curve we are not going to mind this plot either  remember we are just starting to train an   object detector using yolo V8 the idea for this  tutorial is to make it like a very introductory training   a very introductory process so we are not going to  mind in all these different uh plots we have over   here because it involves a lot of knowledge and  a lot of expertise to extract all the information   from these plots and it's not really the idea for  this tutorial let's do things differently let's   focus on this plot which is also available in  the results which were saved into this directory   and you can see that we have many many many  different plots you can definitely go crazy   analyzing all the information you have here  because you have one two three four five   ten different plots you could knock yourself out  analyzing and just extracting all the information   from all these different plots but again the idea  is to make it a very introductory video and a very   introductory tutorial so long story short I'm  just going to give you one tip of something the   one thing you should focus on these plots for now  if you're going to take something from this video   from how to test the performance of a model  you have just trained using yolo v8 to train an object   detector is this make sure your loss is going  down right you have many plots some of them are   related to the loss function which are this one this  one and this one this is for the training set and   these are related to the validation set make  sure all of your losses are going down right this   is like a very I would say a very simple way to  analyze these functions or to analyze these plots   but that's... I will say that that's more powerful  that it would appear make sure all your losses are   going down because given the loss function we  could have many different situations we could   have a loss function which is going down which  I would say it's a very good situation we could   have a loss function which started to go down and  then just it looks something like a flat line and   if we are in something that looks like a flat line  it means that our training process has stuck so it   could be a good thing because maybe the the  algorithm the machine learning model really   learned everything he had to learn about this  data so maybe a flat line is not really a bad   thing maybe I don't know you you would have to  analyze other stuff or if you look at your loss   function you could also have a situation  where your loss function is going up right   that's the other situation and if you my friend  have a loss function which is going up then you   have a huge problem then something is obviously  not right with your training and that's why I'm   saying that analyzing your loss function what  happens with your loss is going to give you a   lot of information ideally it should go down if  it's going down then everything is going well   most likely, if its something like a flatline  well it could be a good thing or a bad thing I   don't know we could be in different situations  but if it's going up you have done something   super super wrong I don't know what's going on  in your code I don't know what's going on in   your training process but something is obviously  wrong right so that's like a very simple and a   very naive way to analyze all this information  but trust me that's going to give you a lot a   lot of information you know or to start working  on this testing the performance of this model   but I would say that looking at the plots and analyzing  all this information and so on I would say that's   more about research, that's what people  who do research like to do and I'm more like   a freelancer I don't really do research so  I'm going to show you another way to analyze this   performance, the model we have just  trained which from my perspective it's a more...   it makes more sense to analyze it like this and it  involves to see how it performs with real  data right how it performs with data you have  used in order to make your inferences and to   see what happens so the first step in this more  practical more visual evaluation of this model of   how this model performs is looking at these images  and remember that before when we looked at these   images we had this one which was regarding the  labels in the validation set and then this other   one which were the predictions were completely  empty now you can see that the the predictions   we have produced they are not completely empty  and we are detecting the position of our alpacas   super super accurately we have some mistakes  actually for example here we are detecting   a person as an alpaca here we are detecting also  a person as an alpaca and we have some missdetections   for example this should be in alpaca and it's not  being detected so we have some missdetections but you   can see that the the results are pretty much okay  right everything looks pretty much okay the same   about here if we go here we are detecting pretty  much everything we have a Missdetection here we   have an error over here because we are detecting  an alpaca where there is actually nothing so things are   not perfect but everything seems to be pretty much  okay that's the first way in which we are going to   analyze the performance of this model which is  a lot because this is like a very visual way to   see how it performs we are not looking at plots we  are not looking at metrics right we are looking at   real examples and to see how this model performs  on real data maybe I am biased to analyze things   like this because I'm a freelancer and the way it  usually works when you are a freelancer is that   if you are building this model to deliver this  project for a client and you tell your client oh   yeah the model was perfect take a look at all  these plots take a look at all these metrics   everything was just amazing and then your client  tests the model and it doesn't work the client   will not care about all the pretty plots and so  on right so that's why I don't really mind a lot   about these plots maybe I am biased because I am a  freelancer and that's how freelancing works but I   prefer to do like a more visual evaluation  so that's the first step we will do and we   can notice already we are having a better  performance we are having an okay performance   but this data we are currently looking at right  now remember the validation data it was pretty   much the same data we use as training so this  doesn't really say much I'm going to show you   how it performs on data which the algorithm have  never seen with completely and absolutely unseen   data and this is a very good practice if you  want to test the performance of a model, so I have   prepared a few videos so let me show you these  videos they are basically... remember this is   completely unseen data and this is the first video  you can see that this is an alpaca which is just   being an alpaca which is just walking around  it's doing its alpaca stuff it's having an   alpaca everyday life it's just being an alpaca  right it's walking around from one place to   the other doing uh doing nothing no it's doing  its alpaca stuff which is a lot this is one of   the videos I have prepared this is another video  which is also an alpaca doing alpaca related stuff   um so this is another video we are going to  see remember this is completely unseen data and   I also have another video over here so I'm  going to show you how the model performs on these   three videos I have made a script in Python  which loads these videos and just calls the   predict method from yolo v8, we  are loading the model we have trained and we are   applying all the predictions to this model and  we are seeing how it performs on these videos   so this is the first video I showed you and these  are the detections we are getting you can see   we are getting an absolutely perfect detection  remember this is completely unseen data and we are   getting I'm not going to say 100 perfect detection  because we're not but I would say it's pretty good   I will say it's pretty pretty good in order to  start working on this training process uh yeah   I would say it's pretty good so this is one of  the examples then let me show you another example   which is this one and this is the other video  I showed you and you can see that we are also   detecting exactly the position of the alpaca  in some cases the text is going outside of the   frame because we don't really have space but  everything seems to be okay in this video too   so we are taking exactly the position of this uh  alpaca the bonding box in some cases is not really   fit to the alpaca face but yeah but everything  seems to be working fine and then the other video   I showed you you can see in this case the detection  is a little broken we have many missdetections   but now everything is much better and yeah in  this case it's working better too it's working   well I would say in these three examples this one  it's the one that's performing better and then the   other one I really like how it performed too in  this case where the alpaca was like starting its   alpaca Journey... we have like a very  good detection and a very stable detection then it   like breaks a little but nevertheless I would say  it's okay it's also detecting this alpaca over   here so uh I will say it's working pretty much  okay so this is pretty much how we are going to   do the testing in this phase remember that if you  want to test the performance of the model you have   just trained using yellow V8 you will have a lot  of information in this directory which is created   when you are yolo the model at the end of your  training process you will have all of these files   and you will have a lot of information to knock  yourself out to go crazy analyzing all these   different plots and so on or you can just keep it  simple and just take a look at what happened with   the training loss and the validation  loss and so on all the loss functions make sure   they are going down that's the very least thing  you need to make sure of and then you can just   see how it performs with a few images or with  a few videos, take a look how it performs   with unseen data and you can make decisions from  there maybe you can just use the model as it is   or you can just decide to train it again in this  case if I analyze all this information I see that   the loss functions are going down and not  only they are going down but I notice that there   is a lot of space to to improve this training, to  improve the performance because we haven't reached   that moment where everything just appears to be  stuck right like that a flat line we are very far   away from there so that's something I would do  I would do a new deeper training so we can just   continue learning about this process also I w  change the validation data for something that's   completely different from the training  data so we have even more information and that's   pretty much what I would do in order to iterate in  order to make a better model and a more powerful   model so it is going to be all for today my name  is Felipe I'm a computer region engineer if you   enjoyed this video please remember to click the  like button it's going to help me a lot it's going   to help the channel and you know how it is so this  is going to be all for today in this channel I   make tutorials, coding tutorials which are related  to computer vision and machine learning I also   share my experience as a computer vision engineer  I talk about different things related to computer   vision or machine learning so if you're curious  to know more about these topics please consider to   subscribe to my channel this is going to be all  for today and see you on the next video
Channel: Computer vision engineer
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Id: m9fH9OWn8YM
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Length: 64min 48sec (3888 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 30 2023
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