The Rebel and Scout Trooper who were left behind on Endor [Legends]

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News of the Rebel Alliance's  victory over Endor and the   death of Emperor Palpatine spread like fire across the galaxy, sparking widespread   celebrations and fracturing a once indestructible, unified Empire as ambitious Imperials began   carving out its remains for themselves. Despite the historic battle occurring on its very   surface, the forest moon of Endor soon returned to its native inhabitants following the   Rebels' withdrawal, who  believed it no longer served a  strategic purpose for either side and that  all combatants had been accounted for.  Unknown to the Rebels however, there was not only  an entire Imperial unit that still remained on  the moon following their withdrawal, but also  one of their own had been left behind as well.  13 months after the battle, a lone scout trooper  speeding down the forest had his bike’s battery  finally give out. As he inspected his former ride,  a rebel hiding in the trees ambushed the trooper  with his blaster rifle. Acting quickly,  the scout grabbed the rifle and pushed   off his attacker, only to realize the weapon’s   power pack was as dead as his bike’s. The two immediately jumped into a brawl, lasting   for 45 minutes before both men got tired and called a truce. As they recovered, they discussed   the outcome of the battle, both believing their side had won and dismissing each   other’s confidence in their  respective side’s battle plans.  Eventually, the rebel began to leave only to get  attacked by the scout trooper, who believed he  was escaping his custody, only for both  to fall into a trap laid by the Ewoks.  Luckily for the Rebel, this was the same Ewok  tribe that had come across the original strike  team from over a year ago, with them  treating him as a guest as a result,   while the scout trooper was taken as a prisoner.  After the rebel convinced the Ewoks to let go  of him, the scout trooper began to open up,  revealing how his unit was given orders to  standby on the far side of the moon and that they  remained stationed regardless of never  receiving any communications since.  He also revealed to be a clone like the rest of  his men, making him perhaps one of the very last  clones produced by the Empire prior to their  complete shutdown following Kamino’s rebellion.  It’s also possible his unit was the one Palpatine  was referring to as being among his finest  legion guarding the shield generator, seeing  as they were all clones, but because the  commanding Officer in charge of the Imperial  ground forces on Endor was killed so early in the  battle, they likely never received  his order to move in as a result.  Nonetheless, the clone finally abandoned his  post after the rest of his men succumbed to the  wilderness of the moon, coming to question his  own programming of being bred solely for war  and for choosing duty over  the lives of his own brothers. The rebel on the other hand revealed himself to  have been part of the original Alliance strike  team but was separated from the main group after  their initial skirmish between Imperial bike  troopers. Despite both coming to the moon as soldiers,   the paths they took afterwards were in complete contrast. While the clone and his men remained   as soldiers until the very end, committing to their training to the point of still eating   their rations even after they  had long gone stale, the rebel  was able to adjust to his new life in peace,  becoming a carefree hunter and enjoying the gifts  the lush forest moon provided him, including  potent Ewok kush he couldn’t get enough of once  he got a taste of it. The two men eventually got the Ewoks to lead   them to the shield generator, with them finally witnessing that the Empire had indeed lost the   battle. While distressed with this fact, the clone was more concerned over them being stranded on the   moon, desperately searching for anything that could be used   to contact the greater galaxy. They soon came across a semi-operational   AT-ST walker. As the clone began activating the walker, a Gorax from the wilderness stormed the   Ewoks that had escorted them. Although the clone was ready to abandon them, not wishing   to risk using up the remaining power of the walker, the rebel purposely drew the creature’s   attention to their position, forcing the clone to fire the walker’s blasters at it charged them,   killing the beast and saving  the Ewoks as a result.  This set the Clone off, who couldn’t  believe a trained soldier would act   so recklessly, dismissing the rebel’s idealism of   protecting the Ewoks who had helped them. The argument was cut short however, when they   picked up a nearby Imperial signal. Believing it was an outpost, the clone made haste, convincing   the rebel he would be treated well under his protection. But his hope was shattered once more,   as the signal was instead coming from a crashed Star Destroyer.  On top of that, the ship had received orders  for a systemwide evacuation, showing the Clone  that his brother’s sacrifices were for nothing  in the end and that they were abandoned just like  the equipment around them. As the rebel worked to get the communications   online, the Clone reflected on his recent experiences, becoming indifferent upon learning   his new friend had successfully contacted a trade transport to pick them up.  The clone no longer felt he had a place in the  galaxy, at least for someone who only understood  war like he did. Instead, he decided to remain  on Endor, perhaps wishing to find himself and  reconnect to the life around him like his rebel  friend had, to maybe one day return to the wider  galaxy not as a soldier but as something more.  And it seems he ultimately did, with the comic  ending with the clone finally relaxing and smoking  that Ewok kush upon the AT-ST walker, likely  making peace with his past and looking  ahead for a new purpose in his life.
Channel: The Lore Master
Views: 791,330
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: xCFxYc4JhHs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 24sec (324 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 30 2024
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