I Broke the Most Insane World Record!!

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Hi I'm Evelyn from Florida please like And subscribe 12 years into their marriage my parents had given up hope of having a kid when suddenly I came along I was their picture-perfect miracle baby with Mom's auburn hair and Dad's green eyes people fond over my looks and my parents marveled over my brains as I crossed Milestones faster than other kids my age except as I was growing older my parents started noticing that I wasn't really like other kids I didn't want to play with them and prefer to be alone I was obsessed with taking apart machines and building Legos and puzzles I couldn't move until I was done with something I'd started well you could try to move me and then live to regret it once when I was five my parents and I flew over to Paris for a holiday on our first night as Mom unpacked my clothes I noticed something was missing wearing my purple socks the ones with the dinosaurs at home I guess but I picked other socks sweetie but they're not the purple ones they want the purple socks with the Dinosaurs I drove my parents bonkers the whole night and the next day why are you looking at this ugly lady I want my purple socks with the Dinosaurs I threw myself on the floor and screamed as everyone in the museum stared at us and my parents carried me out and that evening we took a flight back to Florida and I slept like a baby with my purple socks on my parents thought I'd get better in school but things just got worse I didn't like sharing my things or having anyone touch them and when other kids realized that they only teased me more but once in second grade the teacher announced we were going to the zoo and I lost it it's not on the timetable see where does it say trip to the zoo we're supposed to have a math lesson I'm not going everyone will stay here and we'll study math I refuse to move from my seat as everyone laughed why are you such a big baby go back to kindergarten grow up wear it all but my teacher said I didn't have to go to the zoo and called my parents in later that day they took me to the doctor and after a series of tests I was diagnosed with Asperger's Syndrome what does that mean it means that Evelyn processes information differently than other people and changes are especially hard for her but I can teach her ways to manage her emotions better I wasn't entirely sure what the doctor meant but I knew one thing I wasn't like everybody else and I just didn't fit in once in sixth grade I was having lunch at my usual spot outside when I noticed an older boy bugging this new girl in my class Alyssa it looked like he was stealing her lunch money and I couldn't just sit and watch hello can you stop bothering Alyssa please otherwise I'll have to report you to the principal and you'll get detention oh I'm scared I'm shaking in my boots oh I'm sorry I didn't mean to scare you that much wait is that a mole on your hand uh yeah what's it to you I recently read about moles in a medical journal and you should get that checked out by a doctor let me take a closer look no back off loser please I need to look at it you could be really sick or dying I'm just trying to help let me see it I'm trying to save your life oh my God you're mental the boy ran off looking freaked out and Alyssa was laughing like crazy that was hilarious you're funny what's your name Evelyn and I wasn't trying to be funny well I think you're a hoot Evelyn and thanks for scaring my Idiot Brother off actually I stole his lunch money and he was just trying to get it back let's go get some donuts shall we that's how I made my first friend ever and Alyssa was soon one of the popular kids she was pretty and outgoing and for some reason she'd taken a liking to me and when she invited me over to her birthday slumber party I was over the moon I picked out a model train set for her and I couldn't wait to assemble it sweetie maybe Alyssa will want to eat cake and play games first so you'll have to be patient take a few deep breaths and count down to 10 to calm down okay fine fine I'm just really excited and that's okay but it's Alyssa's party so you have to let things go her way I was able to keep my excitement in check and focus on having fun with Alyssa and the other kids and it felt nice Alyssa was my entry into any kind of Social Circle and even though I knew other people still found me weird she always had my back in ninth grade I got selected for a spot at a science summer camp for young Geniuses I was away learning all sorts of cool new things and came back home a week after school had started I'd missed Alyssa and I was so excited to see her except the next day I couldn't find her anywhere I stopped a girl from class to ask where she was when suddenly I heard Alyssa laugh you dummy you've walked right past me twice I just hadn't recognized her she dyed her hair and was wearing bright red lipstick and her clothes were weird what happened to you you don't look good you know how we've talked about you being too blunt at times you still need to work on that but I have to be honest you don't look like yourself I know you don't like change but it's good sometimes come on I want you to meet some new friends it turned out that two famous boy band singers Jamie and Lyle had joined our school and Alyssa was suddenly BFFs with them and now I had to hang out with these pop stars and all the girls were dying to get close to them Lyle joined the football team and got busy with practice but Alyssa started inviting Jamie everywhere with us and I didn't like it he was always bragging about his tours and his fans and his best seller albums it was so annoying wow that's so cool don't you think so Evelyn not really I think their music kind of sucks well I think your mom's cooking kind of sucks what you've tasted my mom's cooking when uh it was a joke oh Evelyn doesn't get jokes I get jokes that just wasn't a joke the definition of a joke is a funny statement like this joke I made up why is it bad to trust Adams because they make up everything it tickled so hard I nearly fell off my chair and Jamie looked amused funny girl back to me now no one's ever told me they don't like my music especially teenage girls why don't you like it you have a good voice but you don't really talk about real deep stuff it's all about parties and dancing and silly nonsense if I had the power to reach as many people as you do I'd say something more meaningful Jaime looked a bit taken aback but then he smiled thanks for being honest Evelyn it took me some time getting used to Jaime but weirdly enough I did he wasn't as dumb as he sounded in his songs he was even curious about the project I was working on for the National Science Fair which Alyssa hadn't asked about once my dad's a smoker and I hate it so I decided to make this machine which converts the hydrogen cyanide and cigarette smoke to hydrogen sulfide which stinks like really bad farts the smell immediately disappears once the cigarette put out I'll make smaller versions of the machine which you can hide in every room and the smoker can't find them they'll just have to put out their cigarettes to stop the smell I never thought I'd find a girl talking about farts so fascinating that's a clever invention and you're pretty cool Evelyn I couldn't help feeling pleased no one ever called me cool before but Lyle was a pain in the butt whenever he hung out with us he made Robot Impressions while talking to me which he found hilarious and he was so bossy with Jamie and dismissed all his ideas about their songs or videos once when the four of us were getting smoothies Jamie gave Lyle a song he wrote that was different from their usual style Lyle read it crumpled the paper and threw it away save this lame saving the world poetry for your philosophy class Jamie we sell pop music and no one will listen to this trash I hated seeing Jamie look so hurt Jamie I think you should release a solo album you're a much more talented songwriter than Lyle a and even your voice is a hundred times better he's just holding you back excuse me you have no idea what you're talking about so butt out Evelyn I'm sure Jamie doesn't need career advice from you and you are super rude to Lyle Jaime wouldn't look up from the ground and I felt angry Alyssa grabbed my hand and we left when we were far enough she turned to me you don't always have to say exactly what you're thinking what are you trying to do break up their band Jaime and Lyle are famous their music is popular and being friends with them makes us popular also I'm kind of dating Lyle so can't you just be normal for once you always made me feel like I was normal but you've changed now Alyssa well I've always been different and that's okay with me especially if it means I don't have to like stupid pop music just because everyone else does I was so angry I wanted to scream but I took deep breaths and counted to ten by the time I got home I felt a bit better but when Mom mom asked me how my day was I told her everything oh honey I'm so sorry but you guys will make it up I'm sure of it except that we didn't it's stung that neither Jamie and Alyssa tried talking to me and I didn't either I kept myself busy with my project and a month later Jamie and Lyle released their new single it hurt my ears listening to it but all the girls at school went crazy for them and they'd even perform the song in the cafeteria at lunch one afternoon I was putting the finishing touches to my machine in the science lab when I felt tired and took a short nap suddenly I heard something next to my ear and woke up startled knocking my head straight into someone's face ow oh gosh I'm so sorry oh it's just you it's all right then I think you broke my nose why was your nose so close to my head I was just checking if you were alive well I'm alive thank you very much you can leave now my nose is bleeding can you help me here I gave Jamie some issues and held an ice pack on his nose so what do you think of the new song I already told you your music stinks you sound like an auto-tuned robot and your words are still shallow well the whole world disagrees with you we're number one on the charts and we're going on tour in a few months then why do you care what I think I don't know I just care look I'm really sorry that I've been ignoring you because of Lyle but the truth is I've missed you and the things you say matter to me and your eyes are really green up close I had no idea why but my stomach was doing something really weird then why don't you just take my advice and become a solo artist it's not that easy I know I'm more talented but recording songs takes money which Lyle has that's why he makes all the decisions but I have been thinking about quitting the band just then Lyle barged in with Alyssa behind him I knew I'd find you here and I am so sick of you putting stupid ideas in his head Evelyn you don't know anything about the music industry or the real world and suddenly he took a swipe at my model and sent it crashing to the floor no what the heck man are you crazy why don't you just worry about fixing your dumb machine and leave the music to us Wally I felt rage bubbling inside and I just leapt forward and punched Lyle's face then I ran off as fast as I could I cried for hours over my project the science fair was next week my parents were fuming it Lyle and trying to console me when the doorbell rang it was Alyssa and Jaime with my broken machine Evelyn I am so sorry I know Lyle wasn't nice to you and I should have stood up for you earlier I got so caught up with being popular and I've been a horrible friend please forgive me I was just so glad to have her back that I hugged her tight she and Jamie promised to work day and night by my side to help me fix my machine and I felt together we could really do it the next morning my parents and I were called into the principal's office Lyle's parents kicked up a huge fuss and wanted me to apologize which made my parents even matter he broke our daughter's project do you have any idea how important that is she broke our son's face that's the source of his livelihood we want this girl expelled you know who we are right why don't both parties apologize and we end this I can't apologize to Lyle because I'm not sorry at all my entire life people have mocked me one way or the other they think I don't understand their jokes or the looks and Whispers they exchange and I always act like I don't but punching Lyle was the first time I really stood up for for myself and I'm never gonna take that back the principal checked the CCTV footage in the science lab and it was clear that Lyle had wrecked my project first for no reason and he was expelled and a week later Jamie and Alyssa were cheering for me the loudest when I won first prize at the science fair I'm so proud of you Evelyn and you are not kidding about how bad that fart smell is it definitely got my dad to quit smoking that's amazing also I quit the band obviously I can't work with that jerk anymore time to go solo but you'll help me with my songs right of course what are you gonna write about first a girl who's gonna save the world one crazy idea at a time um you're talking about me right foreign
Channel: MSA previously My Story Animated
Views: 10,839,662
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: SEI6L_UghXo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 56sec (836 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 10 2023
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